999 resultados para 36-327


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*Table of Contents* Research & farming techniques Nursery rearing of Puntius goniotus: A preliminary trial K.N. Mohnta, J.K. Jena & S.N. Mohanty Artemia enrichment and biomass production for larval finfish and shellfish culture A.S. Ninawe Vembanad Lake: A potential spawner bank of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii on the southwest coast of India Paramaraj Balamurugan, Pitchaimuthu Mariappan & Chellam Balasundaram Seed production of mud crab Scylla serrata at the Rajiv Gandhi Center for Aquaculture, Tamil Nadu, India Mohamed Shaji, Emilia T. Quinitio, Thampi Samraj, S. Kandan, K. Ganesh, Dinesh Kumar, S. Arulraj, S. Pandiarajan, Shajina Ismail and K. Dhandapan. Sustainable aquaculture Fish wastes in urban and suburban markets of Kolkata: Problems and potentials Kausik Mondal, Anilava Kaviraj & P.K. Mukhopadhyay People in aquaculture Peter Edwards writes on rural aquaculture: Farming carps in leased ponds by groups of poor women in Chandpur, Bangladesh Aquatic animal health Lymphocystis disease and diagnostic methods in China Jing Xing, Xiuzhen Sheng & Wenbin Zhan Asia-Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network Mesocosm technology advances grouper culture in northern Australia Elizabeth Cox, Peter Fry & Anjanette Johnston


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Sediment samples were taken from Lake Langans in Sweden and fossilised diatoms analysed. Sample methods and environmental factors are discussed. Species with a characteristic occurrence are described. The article discusses diatom-thanatocoenoses as indicators of environment.


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Observations of individual weight, duration of development and production of different stages of Tropodiaptomus incognitus are presented. The study is based on data gathered from Lake Chad in 1968.


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This study was conducted to look into the relationship between mouth size and the total length of larval fish, and the growth in total length of larval fish in one or within a one-year period. Study material was gathered in the South China Sea, the Bay of Bangkok and the Vietnamese coast. This translation focuses on methods and conclusions of the original (longer) paper.


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Comparative studies of the structure and regeneration of tissues in different vertebrates make it possible to get ideas from the evolution and regeneration potential of tissues. In this study are considered the reactive changes in the liver of larvae of the amphibian Rana temporaria to CC14 of different concentrations. Tadpoles of different sizes and different growth were placed once each day every day in a vessel with a determined solution of CC14 in water. The liver of tadpoles has a distinctive structure. It is distinguished by structure not only from the liver of higher vertebrates, but also from the liver of the adult frogs. The liver of the latter has an insignificant amount of fat and a whole series of other characters not typical of the liver of the tadpole. Placing the tadpoles in a solution of CCl4 with a concentration of 0.1% did not produce in the liver noticeable morphological changes. The author concludes that the absence of degenerative changes in the liver tadpoles, in spite of a high percentage of death of the experimental animals, tells of the well-known resistance of their liver to the influence of CC14.


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Observations are reported on the content of organic matter in the Moscow region in 1941. Some data is given on alkalinity, oxygen content and colourisation of the rivers.


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Idioma del TFG: castellano. Análisis de lo que implica la aplicación de la norma internacional de contabilidad y realizar una breve comparativa con la normativa española, destacar si existen diferentes, y observar y analizar como afecta y se implanta en empresas pertenecientes al IBEX 35, tanto del mismo sector como sectores distintos.


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Objetivo: Analisar, em fetos humanos, o crescimento da área do pênis, da túnica albugínea e das estruturas eréteis (corpos cavernosos e corpo esponjoso), bem como o aparecimento e modificações das principais estruturas que compõem estes tecidos (colágeno, músculo liso e fibra elástica) durante o período fetal (13 a 36 semanas pós-concepção), fornecendo padrões normativos de crescimento. Material e Métodos: Foram utilizados 56 fetos humanos do sexo masculino com idade gestacional compreendida entre 13 e 36 semanas pós-concepção (SPC). Foram utilizadas técnicas histoquímicas, imunohistoquímicas, e análises morfométricas, e analisados os seguintes parâmetros: área total do pênis, área do corpo cavernoso, área do corpo esponjoso e a espessura da túnica albugínea na região dorsal e ventral do corpo cavernoso. No corpo cavernoso e no corpo esponjoso, as fibras musculares, o colágeno e as fibras do sistema elástico, foram identificados e quantificados por percentagem, no programa Image J (NIH, Bethesda, EUA).Resultados: Da 13 à 36 semana pós-concepção, a área do pênis variou de 0,95mm2 a 24,25mm2. No mesmo período a área do corpo cavernoso variou de 0,28mm2 a 9,12mm2 e a área do corpo esponjoso de 0,14mm2 a 3,99mm2. No corpo cavernoso a percentagem de fibras colágenas, fibras musculares e fibras do sistema elástico variaram, respectivamente, de 19,88% a 36,60%, de 4,39 % a 29,76 % e de 1,91% a 8,92%. No corpo esponjoso a percentagem de fibras colágenas, fibras musculares e fibras do sistema elástico variaram, respectivamente de 34,65% a 45,89%, de 0,60% a 11,90% e de 3,22% a 11,93%. A espessura da túnica albugínea variou de 0,029 a 0,296 na região dorsal e de 0,014 a 0,113 na região ventral do corpo cavernoso.Conclusão: Existe correlação fortemente positiva entre o crescimento da área total, da área do corpo cavernoso e da área do corpo esponjoso, com a idade gestacional, assim como existe correlação entre o crescimento dos elementos constituintes do tecido erétil do pênis (colágeno, fibras musculares lisas e fibras elásticas) com a idade gestacional no período fetal estudado. O ritmo de crescimento do pênis é mais intenso no IIo. trimestre gestacional (13 a 24 SPC). O crescimento da espessura da túnica albugínea também foi diretamente proporcional e apresentou correlação fortemente positiva com a idade gestacional, sendo maior na região dorsal em relação à região ventral do corpo cavernoso.


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Information for Supporters of the Charles Darwin Foundation. Membership of the Executive Council.


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Loligo opalescens live less than a year and die after a short spawning period before all oocytes are expended. Potential fecundity (EP), the standing stock of all oocytes just before the onset of spawning, increased with dorsal mantle length (L), where EP = 29.8L. For the average female squid (L of 129 mm), EP was 3844 oocytes. During the spawning period, no oogonia were produced; therefore the standing stock of oocytes declined as they were ovulated. This decline in oocytes was correlated with a decline in mantle condition and an increase in the size of the smallest oocyte in the ovary. Close agreement between the decline in estimated body weight and standing stock of oocytes during the spawning period indicated that maturation and spawning of eggs could largely, if not entirely, be supported by the conversion of energy reserves in tissue. Loligo opalescens, newly recruited to the spawning population, ovulated about 36% of their potential fecundity during their first spawning day and fewer ova were released in subsequent days. Loligo opalescens do not spawn all of their oocytes; a small percentage of the spawning population may live long enough to spawn 78% of their potential fecundity. Loligo opalescens are taken in a spawning grounds fishery off California, where nearly all of the catch are mature spawning adults. Thirty-three percent of the potential fecundity of L. opalescens was deposited before they were taken by the fishery (December 1998−99). This observation led to the development of a management strategy based on monitoring the escapement of eggs from the fishery. The strategy requires estimation of the fecundity realized by the average squid in the population which is a function of egg deposition and mortality rates. A model indicated that the daily total mortality rate on the spawning ground may be about 0.45 and that the average adult may live only 1.67 days after spawning begins. The rate at which eggs escape the fishery was modeled and the sensitivity of changing daily rates of fishing mortality, natural mortality, and egg deposition was examined. A rapid method for monitoring the fecundity of the L. opalescens catch was developed.