982 resultados para 3.500.073
本文利用顺磁稀土离子的诱导化学位移变化的性质,研究了多官能团配体谷胱甘肽(GSH)与稀土的配位作用.在水溶液中GSH通过分子两端的羧基负离子与稀土形成遥爪配位结构.谷氨酸端和甘氨酸端羧基与Eu~(3+)的配位稳定常数分别为12.5±0.1L/mol和100.0±0.5L/mol.从~(13)C化学位移的pH变化曲线求得谷氨酸端和甘氨酸端羧基解离的pK_a值分别为2.20±0.02和3.50±0.04.对Dy~(3+)、Ho~(3+)、Er~(3+)、Tm~(3+)和 Yb~(3+)作用下,GSH的~(13)C位移数据分析表明,配体与这些离子形成同构的配合物,分子两端羧基均可能以双齿形式与稀土配位.
本文利用美国国家环境预测中心和国家大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR—National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research)的位势高度、气温、风速等大气资料、欧洲中期天气预报中心 (ECMWF—European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts—ERA-40)的雪深资料、美国国家海洋大气管理局(NOAA—National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)的海表温度(SST)资料、美国Scripps海洋研究所的上层海洋热含量资料等,采取相关分析、合成分析、经验正交函数分析、小波分析和小波交叉谱分析等统计分析方法,系统深入地讨论了西太平洋—印度洋—青藏高原气候系统在南海夏季风爆发过程中的作用。得到的主要结论如下: 1. 西太平洋和印度洋在南海夏季风爆发过程中起着关键作用 利用1951-1998年多种大气海洋资料,分析研究结果表明,西太平洋(暖池热含量)、印度洋(纬向风)在南海夏季风爆发中起关键的调控作用:以1970年为界,1970年之前,印度洋起主要作用,1970年之后西太平洋起主要作用,这主要是1970前后北极涛动有明显跃变的原因,这种跃变决定了印度洋在南海夏季风爆发中是否起决定作用(西风异常或东风异常),进而,决定了有利于或不利于南海夏季风的爆发。 1970年之前,北极涛动指数为负值,海陆温差(海上气温减大陆气温)是负值,大陆气温偏高,印度洋气温相对偏低,印度洋出现西风异常,有利于南海夏季风早爆发。在此期间,与印度洋SST密切相关的南印度洋偶极子的变化也与南海夏季风的爆发紧密相联。当南印度洋为正偶极子(西南印度洋SST为正异常,印度洋其他区域的SST为负异常)时,北印度洋为西风异常,南海夏季风爆发偏早;南印度洋为负偶极子(西南印度洋SST为负异常,印度洋其他地区的SST为正异常)时,北印度洋为东风异常,南海夏季风爆发偏晚。 1970年之后,北极涛动指数为正值,海陆气温差为正值,印度洋的状态不利于南海季风爆发;在这种情况下,西太平洋暖池的热含量则成为控制南海夏季风爆发的主要原因:暖池变暖的年份,即 La Niña 年,南海夏季风爆发早(强),反之,当暖池变冷的年份,即El Niño年,南海季风爆发晚(弱),即,南海夏季风爆发的早(强)晚(弱)与ENSO事件密切相关。 2.青藏高原春季积雪对南海夏季风爆发有重要的影响 1958-2003年青藏高原3月积雪厚度与南海夏季风爆发时间存在着很好的正相关。青藏高原3月积雪厚度偏厚时,其500毫巴以上的气温偏低,上层海陆之间的气温差是正值,南亚高压向西北方向的移动速度变慢,上层东风偏弱,西太平洋地区的上层辐散和下层辐合变弱,西太平洋暖池热含量偏少,南海夏季风爆发偏晚(弱)。同时,下层850毫巴东印度洋异常大气是东风和跨赤道反气旋对,南海被东风异常所控制,这种大气环流形势不利于南海夏季风的爆发;青藏高原3月积雪厚度偏薄时,其500毫巴以上的气温偏高,上层海陆之间的气温差是负值,上层南亚高压在南亚地区建立较早,上层东风偏强,西太平洋地区的上层辐散和下层辐合偏强,西太平洋暖池热含量偏多,南海夏季风爆发偏早(强)。同时,下层850毫巴东印度洋低层大气是西风异常和跨赤道气旋对,南海被西南风异常所控制,有利于南海夏季风的爆发。 研究结果还表明,青藏高原春季的积雪与厄尔尼诺事件存在着密切的关系。在厄尔尼诺鼎盛期的冬季,各种条件都有利于青藏高原的降雪,从而,来年春天的积雪则变厚,不利于南海季风的爆发。 3. 南海夏季风爆发的预测 1970年之后,西太平洋暖池的热含量与南海夏季风的爆发早晚有非常好的负相关。据此,我们可以通过西太平洋暖池热含量的变化来预测南海夏季风的爆发。通过暖池区海洋上层400米热含量的分析研究,我们找到了西太平洋暖池热含量变化的代表站点(以3N,138E为中心的1°×1°范围),其热含量变化能很好代表整个西太平洋暖池热含量的变化(相关系数大于0.85)。在此基础上,文章用1993-2007年热带大气海洋浮标列阵(TAO-Tropical Atmosphere Ocean-array)中最靠近该站点的浮标(2N, 137E)资料验证了上述选择站点的代表性和相应的预测能力。1993-2004年TAO浮标(2N, 137E)3月上层400米和500米海洋热含量与南海夏季风爆发时间的相关系数分别是-0.75,-0.73,置信度均超过99%;用1993-2007年4月份TAO浮标(2N, 137E)上层400米和500米海洋热含量与南海夏季风爆发时间作相关则相关系数均为-0.83,置信度超过99%。因此,我们可以通过3月或者4月份该TAO浮标(2N, 137E)的热含量来预测当年南海夏季风爆发的早(强)晚(弱)。 总之,南海夏季风爆发以1970年为界存在明显的年代际变化,1970年之前,主要受印度洋控制,1970年之后,南海夏季风爆发主要受控于太平洋(西太平洋暖池),这种变化是由北极涛动年代际变化引起的,。青藏高原春季积雪也对南海夏季风有重要影响,但主要受ENSO控制。因此,我们认为西太平洋—印度洋—青藏高原气候系统在南海夏季风爆发中起着重要的调控作用:西太平洋的作用当属第一位,印度洋的作用居第二,青藏高原的作用最弱。
以馆养北太平洋宽吻海豚为研究对象,在海豚馆和水族馆等场所开展了大量的现场实验和行为学研究;通过出海考察、“调查卡”统计、整理历史资料等方式,总结了中国海洋哺乳动物的资源现状,并对我国典型海域中的海洋哺乳动物标本通过目前较为先进的中子活化(INAA)等技术进行了一系列的分析研究。主要结果如下: 1通过对海豚馆的先后10头海豚进行的长达5年的现场实验,首次提出并建立了适合海豚生长的水质标准体系,其中,盐度范围是29-32,PH值范围是7.8-8.2,氯浓度范围是0.3—1.5mg/L,溶解氧范围为5.0—8.8×10~(-6),大肠菌群不超过200MPN等等,这为国内各地海兽馆中的海兽饲养提供了参照标准,为我国海兽饲养业的发展提供了可靠的基础资料。2 通过对海豚的每一批饵料鱼体营养成分的测定分析(粗蛋白、粗脂肪、灰分、水分和总细菌数),进而通过对海豚的食性、日食量及食前反应、食后反应等方面的研究,发现了海豚的季节性饮食喜好规律,即海豚在冬天喜欢采食鲐鱼等高能量型鱼类,在夏天喜1欢采食带鱼等低能量型鱼类,首次建立了海豚的饵料投喂、营养补充物质的适量添加及定期进行驱虫、接种疫苗和体格检查等科学饲养管理方法体系。3通过对北太平洋宽吻海豚进行的500余头次的生理指标的测定(直接获得有关数据9000多个),在国内首次建立了多头宽吻海豚的生理指标档案和数据库,主要包括血常规指标、血液生化指标、体温、呼吸频率等45个指标。4在宽吻海豚生理指标档案和数据库基础上,运用了适当的计算方法,结合相应的生理学意义,统计归纳出了宽吻海豚各生理指标的正常阈值和范围,如白细胞的正常阈值为3.797×10~9个/L-11.56×10~9个/L等等,此生理指标阈值范围体系是准确了解海豚机体的生理状况、疾病诊断及治疗的关键依据。5 发现了海豚各生理指标间的相关关系及生理指标与海豚疾病诊断间的关系规律,基本形成了宽吻海豚常见疾病的诊断和防治方法体系,如海豚血液指标中的K~+值降低,白蛋白与球蛋白比值 (A/G)下降,表明海豚机体脱水,电解质代谢紊乱;海豚血液中 的谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶大幅升高,中性粒细胞值上升,胆红素值升高,表明海豚的肝脏功能异常等等。其中,治愈铜绿假单孢菌感染经查新属国际领先水平。6 总结了中国海洋哺乳动物的资源现状,并通过中子活化技术、等离子体耦合原子发射谱技术和原子发射谱技术,对日本下关海豚、秦皇岛海豚、莱州湾海豚和秦皇岛江豚的肌肉、肝脏、肾脏、心脏和肺等样品进行了多元素的测定分析,测出了其中的27种元素的含量,初步建立了中国海洋哺乳动物环境标本库。7 通过对所测海洋哺乳动物器官样品中的元素含量的比较,发现海洋哺乳动物的不同器官富集元素的能力明显不同,各器官的富集能力基本是肝脏 > 肾脏 > 心脏 > 肺 > 肌肉,海兽肌肉不适合作为环境标本库的样品,而肝脏和肾脏较为适合作为海洋哺乳动物环境标本库的样品。8 所测海兽器官样品中的大多元素的含量值与阿拉斯加环境标本库的结果相似,只有Zn、Cu、Pb和Hg的含量远远高于阿拉斯加环境标本库的结果,而与中国人体肝脏的相应元素的含量基本相似。日本下关海豚肝脏中的Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Pb、V和Zn元素的含量高于秦皇岛海豚和莱州湾海豚肝脏中对应元素的含量,而秦皇岛海豚肝脏中的As、Cu、和Ni的含量又高于莱州湾海豚肝脏中的相应元素的含量。
根据笔者实测的青海高原高寒地区300余种植物稳定性碳同位素比值(δ13C)以及参阅已经发表过的国内外不同地区的C4植物名录,整理出青海高原高寒地区3 500余种植物中的C4植物.得出青海高原高寒地区共有9科32属的52种植物属于C4植物,禾本科(Gramineae)18属24种,藜科(Chenopodiaceae)9属20种,苋科(Amaranthaceae)1属4种,菊科(Compositae)2属3种,大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)、蒺藜科(Zygophyllaceae)、旋花科(Convolvulaceae)、景天科(Crassulaceae)、眼子菜科(Potamogetonaceae)各1属1种.同时归纳了52种C4植物的生活型以及地理分布区.
South China Sea is located in the convergence of Eurasian plate, the Pacific Ocean plate and Indian Ocean-Australia plate. The total area is about 3,500,000 km2, the geologic structure is complicated, and the structure line cut off reciprocal is the marginal sea taking form by that the seafloor spreads during the middle Oligocene. South China Sea continental margin have developed more than 10 large oil-gas bearing basins and a number of medium-small sized basins. These basins contain abundant mineral resources such as oil & gas. The marginal deepwater area in the north part of South China Sea has become our country’s strategic energy prospecting frontier. The deepwater area of Zhujiangkou and Qiongdongnan basins is the research target in this thesis. The thesis studied deep structure and the earth dynamics of the north part of South China Sea margin, and these researches provide scientific basis for oil-gas resources strategic investigation and valuation in deepwater sea area of north part slope of South China Sea. In order to develop the research of rebuilding velocities and density architecture of earth shell in region of interest, in marginal deepwater area in the north part of South China, we adopted 14 long-cable seismic reflection profile data of 3556.41 kilometers in total, the gravity measurement data along profiles (3851.44 kilometers in total), the magnetic observation along profiles (3838.4 kilometers in total) and depth measurement along profile, the logging data of 11 wells in project, the interpreted fault parameter and preexisting geologic and geophysical research achievement. This thesis has carried out concretely studying research as follows: 1. Overlay-velocity data sampling and analysis, interval velocity calculation, time-depth conversion, model building of earth shell velocity and layering character of earth shell are studied on 14 deep sections. Velocity structure in region of interest has revealed: Changchang is the sag with thinnest crust in Qiongdongnan basin; the sedimentary thickness lowers gradually from north to south, and the thickness change from west to east is milder. The sags’ sedimentary velocities in Qiongdongnan basin have obvious demarcation. The velocity of the 8000 meters sedimentary rocks is 4700 m/s in Shunde sag and Baiyun sag, and is the lowest; at that depth, the velocity very different in Liwan sag and Baiyun sag, which is about 800m/s. 2. Extracting gravity data and building of initial crust density model along the section; With Bouguer gravity anomaly data as constraint, revising density distributes of initial model, and building the crust density model. 3. With crust velocity and density as constraint, correcting the effect of thermobaric field and constructing constitution structure of rock in region of interest. By this research, we known that rocks in Zhujiangkou upper crustal layer are chiefly granite-gneiss, quartzite, granodiorite and basalt, however, rocks in Qiongdongnan basin upper earth shell are chiefly composed of granite-gneiss, quartzite, granodiorite, diorite and basalt. 4. Synthetically crust velocity and density structure, gaining expanding factor on crust and entire crust along section. The result is indicated: the expanding factor in every sag rises from northwest to southeast, which have reflected thinning characteristic of crust from continent to ocean. Intra-crustal deformation degree in Changchang and Ledong-Lingshui sag is bigger than that in Songnan-Baodao sag. Entire crust extension factor in Changchang and Songnan-Baodao sag is greater than that in Ledong-Lingshui sag, which can make an explanation of frequently event and longer heating process in middle-east of Qiongdongnan basin. 5. Synthesize multidisciplinary information to discuss the earth dynamics significance of discordogenic seismic profile in deepwater area of Zhujiangkou and Qiongdongnan basins.
The Multifactor Leadership theory developed by Bass (1985) has become the new paradigm of leadership research. The empirical results of the effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership in the literature, however, are not consentient. Researchers in China found the different structure of transformational leadership, but have not developed the transactional leadership. This study attempts to investigate three key questions in the unique Chinese socio-economic context: 1) what is the structure of transactional leadership in China? 2) What are the differences between western countries and China? And 3) what is the relationship between the transformational and transactional leadership mechanism? This study examines data collected from 3,500 participants, using Explored Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmed Factor Analysis (CFA), Hierarchical Regression Analyses, partial correlations and other statistics methods. The major finings are listed as follows: Firstly, inductive methods was used to explore the structure of transactional leadership and the result show that transactional leadership is a four dimensions structure which includes contingent reward, contingent punishment , process control and anticipated investment. Reliability analysis, item analysis, EFA and CFA show the reliability and validity of the transactional leadership questionnaire we designed is good enough, the design of the item is effectively and properly. Contrast to other researches, anticipated investment emphasis on the leader’s recessive investment for subordinate, and this kind of transaction is quite special under the Chinese culture. While the content of the contingent reward with the contingent punishment is wider than the contingent reward in the western country, and the process control is wider than the management by exception and including goal setting and the management during the process. Secondly, hierarchical regression analyses showed that transformational and transactional leadership were significant positively related with in-role performance, extra-role performance, satisfaction and leadership effectiveness while negatively related to intention to leave. The effects of transactional and transformational leadership are different. Transactional leadership could significantly predict intention to leave controlling for transformational leadership, while transformational leadership could significantly predict in-role performance, extra-role performance, satisfaction and leadership effectiveness controlling for transactional leadership. Thirdly, the income level and the rank of subordinates are the moderators between the transformational, transactional leadership and leadership effectiveness. The leadership effectiveness of transactional leadership would decrease as the rank of subordinates increased, while the leadership effectiveness of transformational leadership would increase as the rank of subordinates increased. Transactional leadership is positively related to the effectiveness when the level of the subordinate income is low, but negatively related to the effectiveness when the level of the subordinate income is high. However the income level of the subordinate could not influence the leadership effectiveness of transformational leadership.
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Prahistorii
OBJECTIVES: Two factors have been considered important contributors to tooth wear: dietary abrasives in plant foods themselves and mineral particles adhering to ingested food. Each factor limits the functional life of teeth. Cross-population studies of wear rates in a single species living in different habitats may point to the relative contributions of each factor. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We examine macroscopic dental wear in populations of Alouatta palliata (Gray, 1849) from Costa Rica (115 specimens), Panama (19), and Nicaragua (56). The sites differ in mean annual precipitation, with the Panamanian sites receiving more than twice the precipitation of those in Costa Rica or Nicaragua (∼3,500 mm vs. ∼1,500 mm). Additionally, many of the Nicaraguan specimens were collected downwind of active plinian volcanoes. Molar wear is expressed as the ratio of exposed dentin area to tooth area; premolar wear was scored using a ranking system. RESULTS: Despite substantial variation in environmental variables and the added presence of ash in some environments, molar wear rates do not differ significantly among the populations. Premolar wear, however, is greater in individuals collected downwind from active volcanoes compared with those living in environments that did not experience ash-fall. DISCUSSION: Volcanic ash seems to be an important contributor to anterior tooth wear but less so in molar wear. That wear is not found uniformly across the tooth row may be related to malformation in the premolars due to fluorosis. A surge of fluoride accompanying the volcanic ash may differentially affect the premolars as the molars fully mineralize early in the life of Alouatta.
The Continuous Plankton Recorder has been deployed on a seasonal basis in the north Pacific since 2000, accumulating a database of abundance measurements for over 290 planktonic taxa in over 3,500 processed samples. There is an additional archive of over 10,000 samples available for further analyses. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council financial support has contributed to about half of this tally, through four projects funded since 2002. Time series of zooplankton variables for sub-regions of the survey area are presented together with abstracts of eight papers published using data from these projects. The time series covers a period when the dominant climate signal in the north Pacific, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), switched with unusual frequency between warm/positive states (pre-1999 and 2003-2006) and cool/negative states (1999-2002 and 2007). The CPR data suggest that cool negative years show higher biomass on the shelf and lower biomass in the open ocean, while the reverse is true in warm (PDO positive) years with lower shelf biomass (except 2005) and higher oceanic biomass. In addition, there was a delay in plankton increase on the Alaskan shelf in the colder spring of 2007, compared to the warmer springs of the preceding years. In warm years, smaller species of copepods which lack lipid reserves are also more common. Availability of the zooplankton prey to higher trophic levels (including those that society values highly) is therefore dependent on the timing of increase and peak abundance, ease of capture and nutritional value. Previously published studies using these data highlight the wide-ranging applicability of CPR data and include collaborative studies on; phenology in the key copepod species Neocalanus plumchrus, descriptions of distributions of decapod larvae and euphausiid species, the effects of hydrographic features such as mesoscale eddies and the North Pacific Current on plankton populations and a molecularbased investigation of macro-scale population structure in N. cristatus. The future funding situation is uncertain but the value of the data and studies so far accumulated is considerable and sets a strong foundation for further studies on plankton dynamics and interactions with higher trophic levels in the northern Gulf of Alaska.
This article reports on the development and systematic evaluation of an innovative early years programme aimed at encouraging young children to respect differences within a deeply-divided society that is emerging out of a prolonged period of violent conflict. The programme, the Media Initiative for Children – Northern Ireland, has been the product of a partnership between an US-based organisation (the Peace Initiatives Institute) and NIPPA – The Early Years Organisation and has been supported by academic research and the efforts of a range of voluntary and statutory organisations. It has attempted to encourage young children to value diversity and be more inclusive of those who are different to themselves through the use of short cartoons designed for and broadcast on television as well as specially-prepared curricular materials for use in pre-school settings. To date the programme has been delivered through 200 settings to approximately 3,500 pre-school children across Northern Ireland. This article describes how the programme was developed and implemented as well as the rigorous approach taken to evaluating its effects on young children’s attitudes and awareness. Key lessons from this are identified and discussed in relation to future work in this area.
White dwarfs are the remnant cores of stars that initially had masses of less than 8 solar masses. They cool gradually over billions of years, and have been suggested(1,2) to make up much of the 'dark matter' in the halo of the Milky way. But extremely cool white dwarfs have proved difficult to detect, owing to both their faintness and their anticipated similarity in colour to other classes of dwarf stars. Recent improved models(3-5) indicate that white dwarfs are much more blue than previously supposed, suggesting that the earlier searches may have been looking for the wrong kinds of objects. Here we report an infrared spectrum of an extremely cool white dwarf that is consistent with the new models. We determine the star's temperature to be 3,500 +/- 200 K, making it the coolest known white dwarf. The kinematics of this star indicate that it is in the halo of the Milky Way, and the density of such objects implied by the serendipitous discovery of this star is consistent with white dwarfs dominating the dark matter in the halo.
Climate change, whether gradual or sudden, has frequently been invoked as a causal factor to explain many aspects of cultural change during the prehistoric and early historic periods. Critiquing such theories has often proven difficult, not least because of the imprecise dating of many aspects of the palaeoclimate or archaeological records and the difficulties of merging the two strands of research. Here we consider one example of the archaeological record – peatland site construction in Ireland – which has previously been interpreted in terms of social response to climate change and examine whether close scrutiny of the archaeological and palaeoenvironmental records uphold the climatically deterministic hypotheses. We evaluate evidence for phasing in the temporal distribution of trackways and related sites in Irish peatlands, of which more than 3,500 examples have been recorded, through the examination of ~350 dendrochronological and 14C dates from these structures. The role of climate change in influencing when such sites were constructed is assessed by comparing visually and statistically the frequency of sites over the last 4,500 years with well-dated, multi-proxy climate reconstructions from Irish peatlands. We demonstrate that national patterns of “peatland activity” exist that indicate that the construction of sites in bogs was neither a constant nor random phenomenon. Phases of activity (i.e. periods in which the number of structures increased), as well as the ‘lulls’ that separate them, show no consistent correlation with periods of wetter or drier conditions on the bogs, suggesting that the impetus for the start or cessation of such activity was not climatically-determined. We propose that trigger(s) for peatland site construction in Ireland must instead also be sought within the wider, contemporary social background. Perhaps not surprisingly, a comparison with archaeological and palynological evidence shows that peatland activity tends to occur at times of more expansive settlement and land-use, suggesting that the bogs were used when the landscape was being more widely occupied. Interestingly, the lulls in peatland site construction coincide with transitional points between nominal archaeological phases, typically defined on the basis of their material culture, implying that there may indeed have been a cultural discontinuity at these times. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ultraviolet B (UVB) light is known to be immunosuppressive, but, probably because of a small UVC component in the emission spectra of some of the UVB lamps used, reports vary on effective dose levels. To prevent potentially lethal graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, alloreactive donor T-cell activity must be suppressed. In this study, a narrow wavelength UVB lamp (TL01, 312 nm peak emission) was used to determine what doses of UVB were required to abolish rat lymphocyte proliferation while simultaneously preserving rat bone marrow progenitor cell and primitive hematopoietic stem cell viability. Lymphocyte proliferation, as measured by 3H-Thymidine incorporation, in response to lectin stimulation was abolished below detection at doses greater than 3,500 J/m2. When T-cell clonogenicity was measured in a limiting dilution assay, a small fraction (0.6%) was maintained at doses up to 4,000 J/m2. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) activity was reduced after treatment with 4,000 J/m2, but a significant level of cytotoxicity was still maintained. Natural killer cell cytolytic activity was not affected by doses up to 4,000 J/m2. At 4,000 J+m2 there was a 10% survival of colony-forming units-granulocyte-macrophage; a 1% and 4% survival of day-8 and day-12 colony-forming units-spleen, respectively; and 11% survival of marrow repopulating ability cells. Up to 25% of late cobblestone area forming cells (4 to 5 weeks), reflecting the more immature hematopoietic stem cells, were preserved in bone marrow treated with 4,000 J/m2, indicating that early stem cells are less sensitive to UVB damage than are more committed progenitor cells. Thus, a potential therapeutic window was established at approximately 4,000 J/m2 using this light source, whereby the potentially GVHD-inducing T cells were suppressed, but a sufficient proportion of the cells responsible for engraftment was maintained.
Breve recuento de observaciones efectuadas e impresiones registradas durante un estudio de reconocimiento de la actividad pesquera en la Región del Norte del Perú, hecho durante la primera quincena de abril de 1962. El viaje se efectuó en camioneta, duró trece días y fueron cubiertos cerca de 3,500 kilómetros desde Lima hasta la frontera con el Ecuador. En total, se visitaron 17 comunidades pesqueras y 4 ciudades y centros de comercio de pescado desde el norte de Chimbote
Nationwide surveys on radiation dose to the population from medical radiology are recommended in order to follow the trends in population exposure and ensure radiation protection. The last survey in Switzerland was conducted in 1998, and the annual effective dose from medical radiology was estimated to be 1 mSv y(-1) per capita. The purpose of this work was to follow the trends in diagnostic radiology between 1998 and 2008 in Switzerland and determine the contribution of different modalities and types of examinations to the collective effective dose from medical x-rays. For this reason, an online database (www.raddose.ch) was developed. All healthcare providers who hold a license to run an x-ray unit in the country were invited to participate in the survey. More than 225 examinations, covering eight radiological modalities, were included in the survey. The average effective dose for each examination was reassessed. Data from about 3,500 users were collected (42% response rate). The survey showed that the annual effective dose was 1.2 mSv/capita in 2008. The most frequent examinations are conventional and dental radiographies (88%). The contribution of computed tomography was only 6% in terms of examination frequency but 68% in terms of effective dose. The comparison with other countries showed that the effective dose per capita in Switzerland was in the same range as in other countries with similar healthcare systems, although the annual number of examinations performed in Switzerland was higher.