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The influence matrix is used in ordinary least-squares applications for monitoring statistical multiple-regression analyses. Concepts related to the influence matrix provide diagnostics on the influence of individual data on the analysis - the analysis change that would occur by leaving one observation out, and the effective information content (degrees of freedom for signal) in any sub-set of the analysed data. In this paper, the corresponding concepts have been derived in the context of linear statistical data assimilation in numerical weather prediction. An approximate method to compute the diagonal elements of the influence matrix (the self-sensitivities) has been developed for a large-dimension variational data assimilation system (the four-dimensional variational system of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). Results show that, in the boreal spring 2003 operational system, 15% of the global influence is due to the assimilated observations in any one analysis, and the complementary 85% is the influence of the prior (background) information, a short-range forecast containing information from earlier assimilated observations. About 25% of the observational information is currently provided by surface-based observing systems, and 75% by satellite systems. Low-influence data points usually occur in data-rich areas, while high-influence data points are in data-sparse areas or in dynamically active regions. Background-error correlations also play an important role: high correlation diminishes the observation influence and amplifies the importance of the surrounding real and pseudo observations (prior information in observation space). Incorrect specifications of background and observation-error covariance matrices can be identified, interpreted and better understood by the use of influence-matrix diagnostics for the variety of observation types and observed variables used in the data assimilation system. Copyright © 2004 Royal Meteorological Society


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate, through fluorescence analysis, the effect that different interimplant distances, after prosthetic restoration, will have on bone remodeling in submerged and nonsubmerged implants restored with a ""platform switch."" Materials and Methods: Fifty-six Ankylos implants were placed 1.5 mm subcrestally in seven dogs. The implants were placed so that two fixed prostheses, with three interimplant contacts separated by 1-mm, 2-mm, and 3-mm distances, could be fabricated for each side of the mandible. The sides and the positions of the groups were selected randomly. To better evaluate bone remodeling, calcein green was injected 3 days before placement of the prostheses at 12 weeks postimplantation. At 3 days before sacrifice (8 weeks postloading), alizarin red was injected. The amounts of remodeled bone within the different interimplant areas were compared statistically before and after loading in submerged and nonsubmerged implants. Results: Statistically significant differences existed in the percentage of remodeled bone seen in the different regions. Mean percentages of remodeled bone in the submerged and nonsubmerged groups, respectively, were as follows: for the 1-mm distance, 23.0% +/- 0.05% and 23.1% +/- 0.03% preloading and 27.0% +/- 0.03% and 25.2% +/- 0.04% postloading, for the 2-mm distance, 18.2% +/- 0.05% and 18.1% +/- 0.04% preloading and 21.3% +/- 0.07% and 19.9% +/- 0.03% postloading, for the 3-mm distance, 18.3% +/- 0.03% and 18.3% +/- 0.03% preloading and 18.8% +/- 0.04% and 19.8% +/- 0.04% postloading, for distal-extension regions, 16.6% +/- 0.02% and 17.4% +/- 0.04% preloading and 17.0% +/- 0.04% and 18.4% +/- 0.04% postloading. Conclusions: Based upon this animal study, loading increases bone formation for submerged or nonsubmerged implants, and the interimplant distance of 1 mm appears to result in more pronounced bone remodeling than the 2-mm or 3-mm distances in implants with a ""platform switch."" INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009;24:257-266


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Hopeless retained primary teeth without permanent successors represent a restorative challenge for clinicians, along with esthetic and functional problems for patients. While various treatment approaches for congenitally missing teeth have been proposed, the replacement of a missing tooth with a dental implant offers specific advantages, such as preservation of the alveolar crest and elimination of the need to restore the adjacent teeth, over other options for tooth replacement. The aim of this article was to illustrate the surgical and prosthetic treatment with implants of a patient with primary teeth without permanent successors. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009;24:151-154


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate, through histomorphometric analysis, the effect that different loading times would have on the bone response around implants. Materials and Methods: Three Replace Select implants were placed on each side of the mandible in eight dogs (n = 48 implants). One pair of implants was selected for an immediate loading protocol (IL). After 7 days, the second pair of implants received prostheses for an early loading protocol (EL). Fourteen days after implant placement, the third pair of implants received prostheses for advanced early loading (AEL). Following 12 weeks of prosthetics, counted following the positioning of the metallic crowns for the AEL group, the animals were sacrificed and the specimens were prepared for histomorphometric analysis. The differences between loading time in the following parameters were evaluated through analysis of variance: bone-to-implant contact, bone density, and crestal bone loss. Results: The mean percentage of bone-to-implant contact for IL was 77.9% +/- 1.71%, for EL it was 79.25% +/- 2.11%, and for AEL it was 79.42% +/- 1.49%. The mean percentage of bone density for IL was 69.97% +/- 3.81%, for EL it was 69.23% +/- 5.68%, and for AEL it was 69.19% +/- 2.90%. Mean crestal bone loss was 1.57 +/- 0.22 mm for IL, 1.23 +/- 0.19 mm for EL, and 1.17 +/- 0.32 mm for AEL. There was no statistical difference for any of the parameters evaluated (P > .05). Conclusion: Different early loading times did not seem to significantly affect the bone response around dental implants. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2010;25:473-481


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Immediate loading of dental implants shortens the treatment time and makes it possible to give the patient an esthetic appearance throughout the treatment period. Placement of dental implants requires precise planning that accounts for anatomic limitations and restorative goals. Diagnosis can be made with the assistance of computerized tomographic scanning, but transfer of planning to the surgical field is limited. Recently, novel CAD/CAM techniques such as stereolithographic rapid prototyping have been developed to build surgical guides in an attempt to improve precision of implant placement. The aim of this case report was to show a modified surgical template used throughout implant placement as an alternative to a conventional surgical guide.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bone healing kinetics around commercially pure titanium implants following inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) lateralization in a rabbit model. Materials and Methods: Inferior alveolar nerve lateralization was performed in 16 adult female rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). During the nerve lateralization procedure, 1 implant was placed through the mandibular canal, and the IAN was replaced in direct contact with the implant. During the 8-week healing period, various bone labels were administered for fluorescent microscopy analysis. The animals were euthanized by anesthesia overdose, and the mandibular blocks were exposed by sharp dissection. Nondecalcified samples were prepared for optical light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) evaluation. Results: SEM evaluation showed bone modeling/remodeling between the IAN and implant surface. Fluorochrome area fraction labeling at different times during the healing period showed that bone apposition mainly occurred during the first 2 weeks after implantation. Conclusions: The results obtained showed that bone healing/deposition occurred between the alveolar nerves in contact with a commercially pure titanium implant. No interaction between the nerve and the implant was detected after the 8-week healing period. Appositional bone healing occurred around the nerve bundle structure, restoring the mandibular canal integrity and morphology.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a influência do tratamento superficial, através da técnica de nitretação a plasma, no processo de fresamento com fresas de aço rápido AISI M2. Foram investigados os efeitos deste tratamento superficial no processo de corte, variando-se a forma de refrigeração/lubrificação das fresas com fluído de corte convencional (emulsão) em abundância, com minimização e sem fluído (lubrificação a seco). Na nitretação, a composição da mistura de gases utilizada nos experimentos foi de 5% N2 e 95% H2 em volume, a uma pressão de tratamento de 5 mbar (3,8 Torr). A temperatura utilizada foi de 440oC, durante um tempo de tratamento de 30 minutos, resultando em uma camada nitretada com uma zona de difusão com aproximadamente 8µm de profundidade. As ferramentas empregadas no processo de fresamento foram investigadas através de medição de forças de usinagem, medições de desgaste na superfície de incidência (flanco) e na superfície de saída (face), sendo as camadas nitretadas caracterizadas por metalografia óptica e microdureza. Foi observado um desempenho superior das fresas nitretadas apenas para as condições de corte a seco.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar se a relação entre a taxa de câmbio spot e o fluxo de ordens deriva do fato do fluxo agregar informações a respeito dos fundamentos econômicos dispersos na economia. Para efetuar este teste foi utilizada uma base de dados que engloba todas as transações dos segmentos comercial e financeiro no mercado cambial primário brasileiro entre janeiro de 1999 e maio de 2008. Mostramos que o fluxo de ordens foi razoavelmente capaz de explicar variações nas expectativas de inflação, relação que não se manteve robusta para escolha de outros fundamentos, como PIB e Produção Industrial.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the influence of estrogen deficiency on autogenous bone block grafts in aged variectomized rats. Materials and Methods: Fifty 12-month-old female Wistar rats were used in the study. They were divided into 2 groups, an ovariectomized group and a sham-operated group. After 30 days the animals received autogenous block bone grafts on the angle of the mandible, harvested from the calvaria. The animals were euthanized at 7, 14, or 28 days postoperatively. Results: Histologic analysis showed that at 7 days postsurgery, the interface between graft and recipient site in the sham-operated group appeared filled by a granulation tissue with angiogenic activity, whereas the ovariectomized group still exhibited a blood clot and a granulation tissue in organization. on the 14th postoperative day, the interface in the shamoperated group was partially filled by newly formed bone establishing a union between the graft and the recipient site. The interface in the ovariectomized group was typically filled by granulation tissue with discrete osteogenic activity in most specimens. on the 28th postoperative day, the graft in the sham-operated group appeared histologically integrated to the mandible. However, the interface in the ovariectomized group appeared partially filled by newly formed bone, with areas of interposed connective tissue. The statistical analysis revealed that bone neoformation was significantly greater in the sham-operated group (57.41% at 14 days and 68.35 at 28 days) in comparison with the ovariectomized group (40.82% at 14 days and 53.09 at 28 days) at the 5% level. Conclusion: The estrogen depletion caused by the ovariectomy hindered the healing process of autogenous block bone grafts placed in the mandibles of aged rats.


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Purpose: The vertical location of the implant-abutment connection influences the subsequent reaction of the peri-implant bone. It is not known, however, whether any additional influence is exerted by different microgap configurations. Therefore, the radiographic bone reactions of two different implant systems were monitored for 6 months. Materials and Methods: In eight mongrel dogs, two implants with an internal Morse-taper connection (INT group) were placed on one side of the mandible; the contralateral side received two implants with an external-hex connection (EXT group). on each side, one implant was aligned at the bone level (equicrestal) and the second implant was placed 1.5 mm subcrestal. Healing abutments were placed 3 months after submerged healing, and the implants were maintained for another 3 months without prosthetic loading. At implant placement and after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 months, standardized radiographs were obtained, and peri-implant bone levels were measured with regard to microgap location and evaluated statistically. Results: All implants osseointegrated clinically and radiographically. The overall mean bone loss was 0.68 +/- 0.59 mm in the equicrestal INT group, 1.32 +/- 0.49 mm in the equicrestal EXT group, 0.76 +/- 0.49 mm in the subcrestal INT group, and 1.88 +/- 0.81 mm in the subcrestal EXT group. The differences between the INT and EXT groups were statistically significant (paired t tests). The first significant differences between the internal and external groups were seen at month 1 in the subcrestal groups and at 3 months in the equicrestal groups. Bone loss was most pronounced in the subcrestal EXT group. Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, different microgap configurations can cause different amounts of bone loss, even before prosthetic loading. Subcrestal placement of a butt-joint microgap design may lead to more pronounced radiographic bone loss. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2011;26:941-946


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The purpose of this study was to histologically analyze the influence of bioactive glass and/or acellular dermal matrix on bone healing in surgically created defects in the tibiae of 64 rats (Rattus norvegicus, albinus, Wistar). Materials and Methods: A 4-mm X 3-mm unicortical defect was created on the anterolateral surface of the tibia. Animals were divided into 4 groups: C, control; BG, the defect was filled with bioactive glass; ADM, the defect was covered with acellular dermal matrix; and BG/ADM, the defect was filled with bioactive glass and covered with acellular dermal matrix. Animals were sacrificed at 10 or 30 days postoperatively, and the specimens were removed for histologic processing. The formation of new bone in the cortical area of the defect was evaluated histomorphometrically. Results: At 10 and 30 days postoperatively, groups C (39.65% +/- 5.63% / 63.34% +/- 5.22%) and ADM (38.12% +/- 5.53 / 58.96% +/- 7.05%) presented a larger amount of bone formation compared to the other groups (P<.05). In the same periods, groups BG (13.10% +/- 6.29% / 29.5% +/- 5.56%) and BG/ADM (20.72% +/- 8.31% / 24.19% +/- 6.69%) exhibited statistically similar new bone formation. However, unlike the other groups, group BG/ADM did not present a significant increase in bone formation between the 2 time points. Conclusion: Based on these results, it can be concluded that all of the materials used in this study delayed bone healing in non-critical-size defects. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2008;23:811-817


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Purpose: It is unknown whether different micro gap configurations can cause different pen-implant bone reactions. Therefore, this study sought to compare the peri-implant bone morphologies of two implant systems with different implant-abutment connections. Materials and Methods: Three months after mandibular tooth extractions in six mongrel dogs, two oxidized screw implants with an external-hex connection were inserted (hexed group) on one side, whereas on the contralateral side two grit-blasted screw implants with an internal Morse-taper connection (Morse group) were placed. on each side, one implant was inserted level with the bone (equicrestal) and the second implant was inserted 1.5 mm below the bony crest (subcrestal). Healing abutments were inserted immediately after implant placement. Three months later, the peri-implant bone levels, the first bone-to-implant contact points, and the width and steepness of the peri-implant bone defects were evaluated histometrically. Results: All 24 implants osseointegrated clinically and histologically. No statistically significant differences between the hexed group and Morse group were detected for either the vertical position for peri-implant bone levels (Morse equicrestal -0.16 mm, hexed equicrestal -0.22 mm, Morse subcrestal 1.50 mm, hexed subcrestal 0.94 mm) or for the first bone-to-implant contact points (Morse equicrestal -2.08 mm, hexed equicrestal -0.98 mm, Morse subcrestal -1.26 mm, hexed subcrestal -0.76 mm). For the parameters width (Morse equicrestal -0.15 mm, hexed equicrestal -0.59 mm, Morse subcrestal 0.28 mm, hexed subcrestal -0.70 mm) and steepness (Morse equicrestal 25.27 degree, hexed equicrestal 57.21 degree, Morse subcrestal 15.35 degree, hexed subcrestal 37.97 degree) of the pen-implant defect, highly significant differences were noted between the Morse group and the hexed group. Conclusion: Within the limits of this experiment, it can be concluded that different microgap configurations influence the size and shape of the peri-implant bone defect in nonsubmerged implants placed both at the crest and subcrestally. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2010;25:540-547


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Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the influence of implants with or without threads representation on the outcome of a two-dimensional finite element (FE) analysis. Materials and Methods: Two-dimensional FE models that reproduced a frontal section of edentulous mandibular posterior bone were constructed using a standard crown/implant/screw system representation. To evaluate the effect of implant threads, two models were created: a model in which the implant threads were accurately simulated (precise model) and a model in which implants with a smooth surface (press-fit implant) were used (simplified model). An evaluation was performed on ANSYS software, in which a load of 133 N was applied at a 30-degree angulation and 2 mm off-axis from the long axis of the implant on the models, The Von Mises stresses were measured. Results: The precise model (1.45 MPa) showed higher maximum stress values than the simplified model (1.2 MPa). Whereas in the cortical bone, the stress values differed by about 36% (292.95 MPa for the precise model and 401.14 MPa for the simplified model), in trabecular bone (19.35 MPa and 20.35 MPa, respectively), the stress distribution and stress values were similar. Stress concentrations occurred around the implant neck and the implant apex. Conclusions: Considering implant and cortical bone analysis, remarkable differences in stress values were found between the models. Although the models showed different absolute stress values, the stress distribution was similar. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009;24:1040-1044