937 resultados para 270103 Protein Targeting and Signal Transduction


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A pathological feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an area-specific neuronal loss that may be caused by excitotoxicity-related synaptic dysfunction. Relative expression levels of synaptopbysin, dynamin I, complexins I and II, N-cadherin, and alpha CaMKII were analysed in human brain tissue from AD cases and controls in hippocampus, and inferior temporal and occipital cortices. Synaptophysin and dynamin I are presynaptic terminal proteins not specific to any neurotransmitter system whereas complexin II, N-cadherin, and alpha CaMKII are specific for excitatory synapses. Complexin I is a presynaptic protein localised to inhibitory synapses. There were no significant differences in synaptophysin, dynamin I, N-cadherin, or alpha CaMKII protein levels between AD cases and controls. The complexin proteins were both markedly lower in AD cases than in controls (P < 0.01). Cases were also categorised by APOE genotype. Averaged across areas there was a 36% lowering of presynaptic proteins in AD cases carrying at least one epsilon 4 allele compared with in AD cases lacking the epsilon 4 allele. We infer that synaptic protein level is not indicative of neuronal loss, but the synaptic dysfunction may result from the marked relative loss of the complexins in AD, and lower levels of presynaptic proteins in AD cases with the APOE epsilon 4 allele. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Scorpion toxins are important physiological probes for characterizing ion channels. Molecular databases have limited functional annotation of scorpion toxins. Their function can be inferred by searching for conserved motifs in sequence signature databases that are derived statistically but are not necessarily biologically relevant. Mutation studies provide biological information on residues and positions important for structure-function relationship but are not normally used for extraction of binding motifs. 3D structure analyses also aid in the extraction of peptide motifs in which non-contiguous residues are clustered spatially. Here we present new, functionally relevant peptide motifs for ion channels, derived from the analyses of scorpion toxin native and mutant peptides. Copyright (c) 2006 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Golgi membranes and Golgi-derived vesicles are associated with multiple cytoskeletal proteins and motors, the diversity and distribution of which have not yet been defined. Carrier vesicles were separated from Golgi membranes, using an in vitro budding assay, and different populations of vesicles were separated using sucrose density gradients. Three main populations of vesicles labeled with beta-COP, gamma-adaptin, or p200/myosin II were separated and analyzed for the presence of actin/actin-binding proteins, beta-Actin was bound to Golgi cisternae and to all populations of newly budded vesicles. Centractin was selectively associated with vesicles co-distributing with beta-COP-vesicles, while p200/myosin II (non-muscle myosin IIA) and non-muscle myosin IIB were found on different vesicle populations. Isoforms of the Tm5 tropomyosins were found on selected Golgi-derived vesicles, while other Tm isoforms did not colocalize with Tm5 indicating the association of specialized actin filaments with Golgi-derived vesicles. Golgi-derived vesicles were shown to bind to F-actin polymerized from cytosol with Jasplakinolide. Thus, newly budded, coated vesicles derived from Golgi membranes can bind to actin and are customized for differential interactions with microfilaments by the presence of selective arrays of actin-binding proteins.


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Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are activated by several stimuli and transduce the signal inside cells, generating diverse responses including cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and apoptosis. Each MAPK cascade comprises a series of molecules, and regulation takes place at different levels. They communicate with each other and with additional pathways, creating a signaling network that is important for cell fate determination. In this review, we focus on ERK, JNK, p38 and ERK5, the major MAPKs, and their interactions with PI3K-Akt, TGFβ/Smad and Wnt/β-catenin pathways. More importantly, we describe how MAPKs regulate cell proliferation and differentiation in the rapidly renewing epithelia that lines the gastrointestinal tract and, finally, we highlight the recent findings on nutritional aspects that affect MAPK transduction cascades.


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W5.43(194), a conserved tryptophan residue among G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and cannabinoid receptors (CB), was examined in the present report for its significance in CB2 receptor ligand binding and adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity. Computer modeling postulates that this site in CB2 may be involved in the affinity of WIN55212-2 and SR144528 through aromatic contacts. In the present study, we reported that a CB2 receptor mutant, W5.43(194)Y, which had a tyrosine (Y) substitution for tryptophan (W), retained the binding affinity for CB agonist CP55940, but reduced binding affinity for CB2 agonist WIN55212-2 and inverse agonist SR144528 by 8-fold and 5-fold, respectively; the CB2 W5.43(194)F and W5.43(194)A mutations significantly affect the binding activities of CP55940, WIN55212-2 and SR144528. Furthermore, we found that agonist-mediated inhibition of the forskolin-induced cAMP production was dramatically diminished in the CB2 mutant W5.43(194)Y, whereas W5.43(194)F and W5.43(194)A mutants resulted in complete elimination of downstream signaling, suggesting that W5.43(194) was essential for the full activation of CB2. These results indicate that both aromatic interaction and hydrogen bonding are involved in ligand binding for the residue W5.43(194), and the mutations of this tryptophan site may affect the conformation of the ligand binding pocket and therefore control the active conformation of the wild type CB2 receptor. W5.43(194)Y/F/A mutations also displayed noticeable enhancement of the constitutive activation probably attributed to the receptor conformational changes resulted from the mutations.


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The C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) plays a crucial role in facilitating the entry of macrophage-tropic strains of the HIV-1 into cells, but the mechanism of this phenomenon is completely unknown. To explore the role of CCR5-derived signal transduction in viral entry, we introduced mutations into two cytoplasmic domains of CCR5 involved in receptor-mediated function. Truncation of the terminal carboxyl-tail to eight amino acids or mutation of the highly conserved aspartate-arginine-tyrosine, or DRY, sequence in the second cytoplasmic loop of CCR5 effectively blocked chemokine-dependent activation of classic second messengers, intracellular calcium fluxes, and the cellular response of chemotaxis. In contrast, none of the mutations altered the ability of CCR5 to act as an HIV-1 coreceptor. We conclude that the initiation of signal transduction, the prototypic function of G protein coupled receptors, is not required for CCR5 to act as a coreceptor for HIV-1 entry into cells.


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Adrenomedullin is a vascular tissue peptide and a member of the calcitonin family of peptides, which includes calcitonin calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) and amylin. Its many biological actions are mediated via CGRP type 1 (CGRP(1)) receptors and by specific adrenomedullin receptors. Although the pharmacology of these receptors is distinct, they are both represented in molecular terms by the type II family G-protein-coupled receptor, calcitonin-receptor-like receptor (CRLR). The specificity here is defined by co-expression of receptor-activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs). CGRP(1) receptors are represented by CRLR and RAMP1, and specific adrenomedullin receptors by CRLR and RAMP2 or 3. Here we discuss how CRLR/RAMP2 relates to adrenomedullin binding, pharmacology and pathophysiology, and how chemical cross-linking of receptor-ligand complexes in tissue relates to that in CRLR/RAMP2-expressing cells. CRLR, like other type II family G-protein-coupled receptors, signals via G(s) and adenylate cyclase activation. We demonstrated that adrenomedullin signalling in cell lines expressing specific adrenomedullin receptors followed this expected pattern.


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We describe the application of alchemical free energy methods and coarse-grained models to study two key problems: (i) co-translational protein targeting and insertion to direct membrane proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum for proper localization and folding, (ii) lithium dendrite formation during recharging of lithium metal batteries. We show that conformational changes in the signal recognition particle, a central component of the protein targeting machinery, confer additional specificity during the the recognition of signal sequences. We then develop a three-dimensional coarse-grained model to study the long-timescale dynamics of membrane protein integration at the translocon and a framework for the calculation of binding free energies between the ribosome and translocon. Finally, we develop a coarse-grained model to capture the dynamics of lithium deposition and dissolution at the electrode interface with time-dependent voltages to show that pulse plating and reverse pulse plating methods can mitigate dendrite growth.


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This review will focus on the role of sphingosine and its phosphorylated derivative sphingosine-1-phosphate (SPP) in cell growth regulation and signal transduction. We will show that many of the effects attributed to sphingosine in quiescent Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts are mediated via its conversion to SPP. We propose that SPP has appropriate properties to function as an intracellular second messenger based on the following: it elicits diverse cellular responses; it is rapidly produced from sphingosine by a specific kinase and rapidly degraded by a specific lyase; its concentration is low in quiescent cells but increases rapidly and transiently in response to the growth factors, fetal calf serum (FCS) and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF); it releases Ca2+ from internal sources in an InsP3-independent manner; and finally, it may link sphingolipid signaling pathways to cellular ras-mediated signaling pathways by elevating phosphatidic acid levels. The effects of this novel second messenger on growth, differentiation and invasion of human breast cancer cells will be discussed. © 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers.