995 resultados para 260205 Explosion Seismology


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We present a simple quantum mechanical model to describe Coulomb explosion of H-2(+) and D-2(+) by short, intense infrared laser pulses. The model is based on the length gauge version of the molecular strong-field approximation and is valid when the process of dissociation prior to ionization is negligible. The results are compared with recent experimental data for the proton kinetic energy spectrum [Th. Ergler , Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 093001 (2005); D. S. Murphy , J. Phys. B 40, S359 (2007)]. Using a Franck-Condon distribution over initial vibrational states, the theory reproduces the overall shape of the spectrum with only a small overestimation of slow protons. The agreement between theory and experiment can be made perfect by using a non-Frank-Condon initial distribution characteristic for H-2(+) (D-2(+)) targets produced by strong-field ionization of H-2 (D-2). For comparison, we also present results obtained by two different tunneling models for this process.


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Rates of rapair of pBR 322 plasmid DNA radicals by thiols of varying net charge (Z) at pH 7 and physiological ionic strength were measured using the oxygen explosion technique. The extent of conversion of supercoiled to relaxed circular plasmid was measured by HPLC as a function of the time of oxygen exposure before or after irradiation, the time-courses being fitted by a pseudo-first-order kinetic expression with k1 = k2[RSH]. Values of k2 (M-1 S-1) were: 2.1 x 10(5) (GSH, Z = -1), 1.4 x 10(6) (2-mercaptoethanol, Z = 0), 1.2 x 10(7) (cysteamine, Z = +1), 6.6 x 10(7) (WR-1065 or N-(2-mercaptoethyl)-1,3-diamino?? propane, Z = +2). The approximately 6-fold increase in rate with each unit increase in Z is attributed to concentration of cationic thiols near DNA as a consequence of counter-ion condensation and reduced levels of anionic thiols near DNA owing to co-ion depletion. The results are quantitatively consistent with chemical repair as a significant mechanism for radioprotection of cells by neutral and cationic thiols under aerobic conditions, but indicate that repair by GSH will compete effectively with oxygen only at low oxygen tension.


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Using imaging from the Pan-STARRS1 survey, we identify a precursor outburst at epochs 287 and 170 days prior to the reported explosion of the purported Type IIn supernova (SN) 2011ht. In the Pan-STARRS data, a source coincident with SN 2011ht is detected exclusively in the \zps\ and \yps-bands. An absolute magnitude of M$_z\simeq$-11.8 suggests that this was an outburst of the progenitor star. Unfiltered, archival Catalina Real Time Transient survey images also reveal a coincident source from at least 258 to 138 days before the main event. We suggest that the outburst is likely to be an intrinsically red eruption, although we cannot conclusively exclude a series of erratic outbursts which were observed only in the redder bands by chance. This is only the fourth detection of an outburst prior to a claimed SN, and lends credence to the possibility that many more interacting transients have pre-explosion outbursts, which have been missed by current surveys.


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We present a Monte Carlo radiative transfer technique for calculating synthetic spectropolarimetry for multidimensional supernova explosion models. The approach utilizes 'virtual-packets' that are generated during the propagation of the Monte Carlo quanta and used to compute synthetic observables for specific observer orientations. Compared to extracting synthetic observables by direct binning of emergent Monte Carlo quanta, this virtual-packet approach leads to a substantial reduction in the Monte Carlo noise. This is not only vital for calculating synthetic spectropolarimetry (since the degree of polarization is typically very small) but also useful for calculations of light curves and spectra. We first validate our approach via application of an idealized test code to simple geometries. We then describe its implementation in the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code ARTIS and present test calculations for simple models for Type Ia supernovae. Specifically, we use the well-known one-dimensional W7 model to verify that our scheme can accurately recover zero polarization from a spherical model, and to demonstrate the reduction in Monte Carlo noise compared to a simple packet-binning approach. To investigate the impact of aspherical ejecta on the polarization spectra, we then use ARTIS to calculate synthetic observables for prolate and oblate ellipsoidal models with Type Ia supernova compositions.


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Sunspots on the surface of the Sun are the observational signatures of intense manifestations of tightly packed magnetic field lines, with near-vertical field strengths exceeding 6,000 G in extreme cases1. It is well accepted that both the plasma density and the magnitude of the magnetic field strength decrease rapidly away from the solar surface, making high-cadence coronal measurements through traditional Zeeman and Hanle effects difficult as the observational signatures are fraught with low-amplitude signals that can become swamped with instrumental noise2, 3. Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) techniques have previously been applied to coronal structures, with single and spatially isolated magnetic field strengths estimated as 9–55 G (refs 4,5,6,7). A drawback with previous MHD approaches is that they rely on particular wave modes alongside the detectability of harmonic overtones. Here we show, for the first time, how omnipresent magneto-acoustic waves, originating from within the underlying sunspot and propagating radially outwards, allow the spatial variation of the local coronal magnetic field to be mapped with high precision. We find coronal magnetic field strengths of 32 ± 5 G above the sunspot, which decrease rapidly to values of approximately 1 G over a lateral distance of 7,000 km, consistent with previous isolated and unresolved estimations. Our results demonstrate a new, powerful technique that harnesses the omnipresent nature of sunspot oscillations to provide magnetic field mapping capabilities close to a magnetic source in the solar corona.


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We estimated the detonation depth and net explosive weight for a very shallow underwater explosion using cutoff frequencies and spectral analysis. With detonation depth and a bubble pulse the net explosive weight for a shallow underwater explosion could simply be determined. The ray trace modeling confirms the detonation depth as a source of the hydroacoustic wave propagation in a shallow channel. We found cutoff frequencies of the reflection off the ocean bottom to be 8.5 Hz, 25 Hz, and 43 Hz while the cutoff frequency of the reflection off the free surface to be 45 Hz including 1.01 Hz for the bubble pulse, and also found the cutoff frequency of surface reflection to well fit the ray-trace modeling. We also attempted to corroborate our findings using a 3D bubble shape modeling and boundary element method. Our findings led us to the net explosive weight of the underwater explosion offshore of Baengnyeong-do for the ROKS Cheonan sinking to be approximately 136 kg TNT at a depth of about 8 m within an ocean depth of around 44 m. © 2015 Elsevier B.V.


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This essay reviews the decision-making process that led to India exploding a nuclear device in May, 1974. An examination of the Analytic, Cybernetic and Cognitive Theories of decision, will enable a greater understanding of the events that led up to the 1974 test. While each theory is seen to be only partially useful, it is only by synthesising the three theories that a comprehensive account of the 1974 test can be given. To achieve this analysis, literature on decision-making in national security issues is reviewed, as well as the domestic and international environment in which involved decisionmakers operated. Finally, the rationale for the test in 1974 is examined. The conclusion revealed is that the explosion of a nuclear device by India in 1974 was primarily related to improving Indian international prestige among Third World countries and uniting a rapidly disintegrating Indian societal consensus. In themselves, individual decision-making theories were found to be of little use, but a combination of the various elements allowed a greater comprehension of the events leading up to the test than might otherwise have been the case.


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Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.


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Self-consistent-field calculations for the total potential energy of highly ionized N_2 molecules are presented. We compare these calculations to the experimentally observed energy released in the Coulomb explosion of ionized N_2 molecules created after collision with fast heavy ions. The most important electronic states of the fragment ions are determined.