937 resultados para 2507 Geofísica


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En los análisis sísmicos por reflexión existe una creciente demanda de estimaciones geológicas y geométricas más precisas y sofisticadas. En último término se pretende extraer estimaciones fiables de las secciones de reflexión, estimaciones que afectan a parámetros tales como la velocidad de propagación, densidad y, por supuesto, contenido de hidrocarburos. Ello exige gran precisión en las técnicas de procesado y representación gráfica, pudiendo decirse que los métodos gráficos interactivos son clave en las tendencias futuras de prospección. Un área de investigación actual es el procesado y representación de datos representados por "horizontes". Un horizonte sísmico se define como la superficie que separa dos capas diferentes de roca. Estas interfases están asociadas a reflexiones que se pueden identificar claramente en las secciones sísmicas. Usando una pantalla gráfica adecuada estos horizontes aparecen coloreados en la sección,pudiendo tornarse puntos selectos para definirlas. Si se utilizan secciones concentradas ("stacked") es preciso determinar la posición correcta de las interfases. Es el proceso llamado "emigración". Tradicionalmente se han aplicado fórmulas de representación o transformaciones integrales para realizar este proceso. Sin embargo es suficiente hacer emigrar las curvas seleccionadas (superficies en el caso 3-D) que representan menos del 1% del total de los datos, con lo que el tiempo de CPU se reduce considerablemente. Si se desprecia la información sobre amplitudes, fases y frecuencias la teoría de rayos es el método más rápido y simple para la conversión en profundidad, poniéndose todo el énfasis en el proceso interactivo y en la representación gráfica. Puesto que en estructuras complejas, como las del Mar del Norte o las del Norte de Alemania, las funciones de velocidad nunca se conocen con precisión, es preciso repetir la emigración mediante diferentes velocidades especificadas por el usuario en forma interactiva. En este artículo se presenta la aplicación del procedimiento para horizontes de separación nula (zero-offset sections) y al final se indica la posibilidad de extensión del estudio a casos con separación constante y al análisis de velocidad.


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Este artículo es continuación del publicado en el número 2 de la revista "Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica"(diciembre 1982), sobre los métodos de análisis sísmico por reflexión. Como allí se indicó, con estos métodos se pretende determinar la geometría de los horizontes sísmicos en una determinada sección así como las características físicas de las interfases que separa. En el presente artículo se introducen mejoras en lo que se refiere a tiempo compucional y tipos de campos de velocidades. En este nuevo método propuesto para la resolución del proceso de emigración, mediante un método gráfico interactivo, pueden señalarse como ventjas fundamentales, las siguientes: a) Tiempo de resolución acorde con la complejidad del campo de velocidades, produciéndose economía de dicho tiempo, sobre todo en los casos sencillos; b) El número de elementos de la malla y las dimensiones de los mismos son función de la complejidad del campo de velocidades; c) El estudio en cada elemento se realiza de forma general e independiente. General, en cuanto a que los resultados que se obtienen en cada elemento son valores globales, referidos a la malla y al problema en conjunto, e independiente, puesto que los datos necesarios en cada elemento se obtienen a partir de valores nodales; d) Posibilidad de resolución del problema para un campo de velocidades cualesquiera, y por lo tanto, incluyendo los casos de discontinuidades de velocidad, que se evalúan mediante la ley de Snell; e) Posibilidad de extender el método al caso de tres dimensiones, sin más que elegir como elementos de la malla, tetraedros en vez de triángulos. En conjunto, resulta un método flexible, de fácil utilización e interpretación de resultados.


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The Transbrasiliano Lineament is a major shear zone trending NE-SW, related to the Brasiliano orogeny and evolved through high to low temperature stages. In this study, the structural and geophysical signature of the northern segment of Transbrasiliano Lineament was studied in its northern border, between Ceará and Piauí states, involving the Brasiliano mylonite zone, the Jaibaras Graben and reactivations affecting the sedimentary sequences post-ordovician of Parnaíba Basin. In the literature, is commonly the phanerozoic reactivation of this structure referred, generating several late Brasiliano grabens predating the paleozoic Parnaíba syneclises, like the Jaibaras Graben. Faults that cut the stratigraphic units of the Parnaíba Basin along the entire length of the Transbrasiliano Lineament express its reactivation during younger events. The magnetic anomaly field reduced to the pole map exhibit anomalies NE-trending, interpreted as the signature of the Transbrasiliano Lineament (and Brasiliano structures of the Borborema Province) in its high-temperature expression. The Jaibaras Graben is marked by a straight anomalous track with high magnetic susceptibility (interpreted as a prevalence of ferromagnesian rocks, probably volcanic), apparently without significant continuity in the substrate of Parnaíba Basin. The geometric and kinematic analysis of the structures in the study area, using remote sensing and field data, led to the characterization of four deformation phases brittle the ductilebrittle Dn, D1, D2 and D3. The Dn deformation phase of ediacaran-cambrian age, occurs exclusively in the Jaibaras Graben, with the development of comparatively higher temperature (as regards to younger events) ductile-brittle structures. D1, D2 and D3 deformation phases affect both the Jaibaras Graben as well as the paleozoic sequences of the northeastern edge of Parnaíba Basin, generating structures developed at lower temperatures, basically brittle/cataclastic. The SRTM image analysis allowed mapping different NE, NW and E-W trending lineaments in Parnaíba Basin, whose correlation with mesoscopic structures is discussed in terms of the reactivation of Transbrasiliano Lineament in association with the stages of general Atlantic opening and separation between South America and Africa, or even the distal orogenic events in Paleozoic.


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The objective of this study was to characterize the structural-geophysical expression of the Transbrasiliano Lineament (TBL) in the east-central portion of the Parnaíba Basin. The TBL corresponds to a major Neoproterozoic NE-trending shear zone related to the Brasiliano orogenic cycle, with dextral strike-slip kinematics, underlying (but also laterally exposed in the NE and SW basin edges) the sedimentary section of the Parnaíba Basin. In this study, the interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps is consistent with the TBL kinematics, the signature of the geophysical anomalies corresponding to the high (plastic behaviour) and subsequent declining temperature (ductile to brittle behaviour) stages during Brasiliano and late Brasiliano times. The pattern of residual gravity anomalies is compatible with an S-C dextral pair shaping the geological bodies of an heterogeneous basement, such as slices of gneisses and granulites (positive anomalies), granitic and low-medium grade metasedimentary rocks (negative anomalies). Such anomalies curvilinear trends, ranging from NNE (interpreted as S surfaces) to NE (C surfaces), correspond to flattening surfaces (S), while the NE rectilinear trend must represent a C band. The narrower magnetic anomalies also display NNE to NE (S surfaces) trends and should correspond to similar (although narrower and more discontinuous) sources in the equivalent anomaly patterns. Pre-Silurian pull-apart style grabens may contribute to the NE negative gravimetric anomalies, although this interpretation demands control by seismic data analysis. On the other hand, the curvilinear anomalies associated to contractional trends are incompatible with their interpretation as pre-Silurian graben, in both maps. In the (reduced to the pole) magnetic anomalies map, most of these are again associated to low-temperature shear zones (C planes) and faults, juxtaposing distinct blocks in terms of magnetic properties, or eventually filled with basic bodies. It is also possible that some isolated magnetic anomalies correspond to igneous bodies of late-Brasiliano or Mesozoic age. The basement late discontinuities pattern can be interpreted in analogy to the Riedel fractures model, with steep dipping surfaces and a sub-horizontal movement section. This study also explored 2D gravity modeling controlled by the interpretation of a dip seismic line as regards to the Transbrasiliano Lineament. The rock section equivalent to the Jaibaras Group occupying a graben structure (as identified in the seismic line) corresponds to a discrete negative anomaly superimposed to a gravimetric high, once again indicating a stronger influence of older crystalline basement rocks as gravimetric sources, mainly reflecting the heterogeneities and anisotropies generated at high temperature conditions and their subsequent cooling along the TBL, during the Brasiliano cycle.


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The objective of this study was to characterize the structural-geophysical expression of the Transbrasiliano Lineament (TBL) in the east-central portion of the Parnaíba Basin. The TBL corresponds to a major Neoproterozoic NE-trending shear zone related to the Brasiliano orogenic cycle, with dextral strike-slip kinematics, underlying (but also laterally exposed in the NE and SW basin edges) the sedimentary section of the Parnaíba Basin. In this study, the interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps is consistent with the TBL kinematics, the signature of the geophysical anomalies corresponding to the high (plastic behaviour) and subsequent declining temperature (ductile to brittle behaviour) stages during Brasiliano and late Brasiliano times. The pattern of residual gravity anomalies is compatible with an S-C dextral pair shaping the geological bodies of an heterogeneous basement, such as slices of gneisses and granulites (positive anomalies), granitic and low-medium grade metasedimentary rocks (negative anomalies). Such anomalies curvilinear trends, ranging from NNE (interpreted as S surfaces) to NE (C surfaces), correspond to flattening surfaces (S), while the NE rectilinear trend must represent a C band. The narrower magnetic anomalies also display NNE to NE (S surfaces) trends and should correspond to similar (although narrower and more discontinuous) sources in the equivalent anomaly patterns. Pre-Silurian pull-apart style grabens may contribute to the NE negative gravimetric anomalies, although this interpretation demands control by seismic data analysis. On the other hand, the curvilinear anomalies associated to contractional trends are incompatible with their interpretation as pre-Silurian graben, in both maps. In the (reduced to the pole) magnetic anomalies map, most of these are again associated to low-temperature shear zones (C planes) and faults, juxtaposing distinct blocks in terms of magnetic properties, or eventually filled with basic bodies. It is also possible that some isolated magnetic anomalies correspond to igneous bodies of late-Brasiliano or Mesozoic age. The basement late discontinuities pattern can be interpreted in analogy to the Riedel fractures model, with steep dipping surfaces and a sub-horizontal movement section. This study also explored 2D gravity modeling controlled by the interpretation of a dip seismic line as regards to the Transbrasiliano Lineament. The rock section equivalent to the Jaibaras Group occupying a graben structure (as identified in the seismic line) corresponds to a discrete negative anomaly superimposed to a gravimetric high, once again indicating a stronger influence of older crystalline basement rocks as gravimetric sources, mainly reflecting the heterogeneities and anisotropies generated at high temperature conditions and their subsequent cooling along the TBL, during the Brasiliano cycle.


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No âmbito de um projeto realizado para a Administração Portuária do Porto da Figueira da Foz, foram recolhidos dados geofísicos no offshore da costa da Figueira da Foz, utilizando um sistema combinado de sonar de varrimento lateral e de sísmica de alta resolução com o objetivo de compreender a distribuição de sedimentos ao longo do fundo marinho e assim entender melhor a sua origem. Os dados de varrimento lateral foram processados, analisados e representados em mosaicos recorrendo ao software integrado TRINTON Prespective. Foram colhidas 10 amostras de sedimentos de fundo que foram analisadas do ponto de vista granulométrico e que foram usadas para a calibração dos mosaicos do sonar de varrimento lateral de modo a produzir um mapa semi-quantitativo de classificação dos sedimentos de fundo. Os dados de reflexão sísmica foram processados e analisados através dos softwares SPW e RadExPro. Os mapas de sonar de varrimento lateral produzidos (mosaicos) mostram uma relação entre o tamanho de grão e composição dos depósitos de plataforma interna e os processos geológicos que ocorrem na zona costeira adjacente. Também se verifica uma relação entre a orientação da costa e a sua consequente exposição às ondas incidentes, e como isso afeta e altera a distribuição do tamanho grão. Neste contexto, a interpretação combinada dos mosaicos do sonar de varrimento lateral com os dados de granulometria e a batimetria dos sedimentos permitiram uma cartografia interpretativa detalhada da morfologia do mar, uma melhor compreensão do controlo da linha costeira na propagação das ondas e correntes e, por conseguinte, na transferência de sedimento no litoral. Os dados de sísmica permitem ainda verificar a espessura das várias camadas geológicas em profundidade.


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En este trabajo de investigación se presenta el análisis integral de datos gravimétricos y aeromagnéticos en el área de la Cuenca de La Popa y las estructuras geológicas que la rodean. El análisis fue complementado con un Modelo Digital de Elevaciones (MDE) que, combinado con la revisión de estudios geológicos previos, sirvió para comparar las estructuras en superficie y bloques del basamento en el área de estudio. Se hizo la separación de los bloques tectónicos más importantes, llegando por último al desarrollo de tres modelos geológicos-geofísicos 2D que representan de manera general las características estructurales más importantes del noreste de México.


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Durante 2015 tuvo lugar una exploración geotécnica y geofísica en el desierto de Atacama (Chile) para el diseño de una planta solar fotovoltaica. Los datos de resistividad obtenidos en la Fm. El Batea resultaron extremadamente elevados (107Ω•m), por lo que se llevó a cabo un muestreo de las unidades geológicas presentes para su estudio mineralógico mediante difracción de rayos X (DRX). La composición mineral de la Fm. El Batea muestra una casi total ausencia de humedad y una muy baja porosidad. Estos factores producen que la componente electrolítica en esta formación sea casi despreciable, y su comportamiento eléctrico coincide con la conductividad de sus fases minerales casi en estado puro. Estas características se deben a las extremas condiciones ambientales en el desierto de Atacama. La formación El Batea ha supuesto una barrera a la evapotranspiración, siendo los valores de resistividad de la formación infrayacente prácticamente normales (103-104Ω•m).


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It has been established that mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) reflects the balance between systemic oxygen deliver y and consumption. Literature indicates that it is a valuable clinical indicator and has good prognostic value early in patient course. This article aims to establish the usefulness of SvO2 as a clinical indicator. A secondary aim was to determine whether central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) and SvO2 are interchangeable. Of particular relevance to cardiac nurses is the link between decreased SvO2 and cardiac failure in patients with myocardial infarction, and with decline in myocardial function, clinical shock and arrhythmias. While absolute values ScvO2 and SvO2 are not interchangeable, ScvO2 and SvO2are equivalent in terms of clinical course. Additionally, ScvO2 monitoring is a safer and less costly alternative to SvO2 monitoring. It can be concluded that continuous ScvO2 monitoring should potentially be undertaken in patients at risk of haemodynamic instability.


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Background Despite the commonality of cough and its burden, there are no published data on the relationship between atopy or sex on objectively measured cough frequency or subjective cough scores in children. In 202 children with and without cough, we determined the effect of sex and atopy on validated cough outcome measurements (cough receptor sensitivity [CRS], objective cough counts, and cough scores). We hypothesized that in contrast to adult data, sex does not influence cough outcome measures, and atopy is not a determinant of these cough measurements. Methods We combined data from four previous studies. Atopy (skin prick test), the concentration of capsaicin causing two and five or more coughs (C2 and C5, respectively), objectively measured cough frequency, and cough scores were determined and their relationship explored. The children’s (93 girls, 109 boys) mean age was 10.6 years (SD 2.9), and 56% had atopy. Results In multivariate analysis, CRS was influenced by age (C2 coefficient, 5.9; P = .034; C5 coefficient, 29.1; P = .0001). Atopy and sex did not significantly influence any of the cough outcomes (cough counts, C2, C5, cough score) in control subjects and children with cough. Conclusions Atopy does not influence important cough outcome measures in children with and without chronic cough. However, age, but not sex, influences CRS in children. Unlike adult data, sex does not affect objective counts or cough score in children with and without chronic cough. Studies on cough in children should be age matched, but matching for atopic status and sex is less important.


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The most common causes of urinary tract infections (UTIs) are Gram-negative pathogens such as Escherichia coli; however, Gram-positive organisms including Streptococcus agalactiae, or group B streptococcus (GBS), also cause UTI. In GBS infection, UTI progresses to cystitis once the bacteria colonize bladder, but the host responses triggered in the bladder immediately following infection are largely unknown. Here, we used genome-wide expression profiling to map the bladder transcriptome of GBS UTI in mice infected transurethrally with uropathogenic GBS that was cultured from a 35 year-old women with cystitis. RNA from bladders was applied to Affymetrix Gene-1.0ST microarrays; qRT-PCR was used to analyze selected gene responses identified in array datasets. A surprisingly small significant gene list of 172 genes was identified at 24h; this compared to 2507 genes identified in a side-by-side comparison with uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). No genes exhibited significantly altered expression at 2h in GBS-infected mice according to arrays despite high bladder bacterial loads at this early time point. The absence of a marked early host response to GBS juxtaposed with broad-based bladder responses activated by UPEC at 2h. Bioinformatics analyses including integrative systems-level network mapping revealed multiple activated biological pathways in the GBS cystitis transcriptome that regulate leukocyte activation, inflammation, apoptosis, and cytokine-chemokine biosynthesis. These findings define a novel, minimalistic type of bladder host response triggered by GBS UTI, which comprises collective antimicrobial pathways that differ dramatically from those activated by UPEC. Overall, this study emphasizes the unique nature of bladder immune activation mechanisms triggered by distinct uropathogens.