998 resultados para 250502 Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules


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A model drug release study on the ingress of water and Kokubo simulated body fluid (SBF) into poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (THFMA) and its copolymers with tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate (THFMA) loaded with vitamin B-12 was undertaken over the temperature range 298-318 K. The polymers were studied as cylinders and were loaded with either 5 or 10 wt-% of the drug. The drug release from the polymers was found to follow a Fickian diffusion mechanism in the early stages of the drug release, with higher normalized release rates at higher temperatures and higher drug loadings. The normalized release rates were also found to be higher for the SBF solution than for water. The copolymer composition was found to have a significant effect on the rate of release of the drug, with the rate falling rapidly between HEMA mole fractions of 1.0 and 0.8, but for lower mole fractions of HEMA the normalized release rate decreased more slowly. This behaviour followed the trend found for the changes in the equilibrium penetrant contents for the copolymers.


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It is widely accepted that the global climate is heating up due to human activities, such as burning of fossil fuels. Therefore we find ourselves forced to make decisions on what measures, if any, need to be taken to decrease our warming effect on the planet before any irrevocable damage occurs. Research is being conducted in a variety of fields to better understand all relevant processes governing Earth s climate, and to assess the relative roles of anthropogenic and biogenic emissions into the atmosphere. One of the least well quantified problems is the impact of small aerosol particles (both of anthropogenic and biogenic origin) on climate, through reflecting solar radiation and their ability to act as condensation nuclei for cloud droplets. In this thesis, the compounds driving the biogenic formation of new particles in the atmosphere have been examined through detailed measurements. As directly measuring the composition of these newly formed particles is extremely difficult, the approach was to indirectly study their different characteristics by measuring the hygroscopicity (water uptake) and volatility (evaporation) of particles between 10 and 50 nm. To study the first steps of the formation process in the sub-3 nm range, the nucleation of gaseous precursors to small clusters, the chemical composition of ambient naturally charged ions were measured. The ion measurements were performed with a newly developed mass spectrometer, which was first characterized in the laboratory before being deployed at a boreal forest measurement site. It was also successfully compared to similar, low-resolution instruments. The ambient measurements showed that sulfuric acid clusters dominate the negative ion spectrum during new particle formation events. Sulfuric acid/ammonia clusters were detected in ambient air for the first time in this work. Even though sulfuric acid is believed to be the most important gas phase precursor driving the initial cluster formation, measurements of the hygroscopicity and volatility of growing 10-50 nm particles in Hyytiälä showed an increasing role of organic vapors of a variety of oxidation levels. This work has provided additional insights into the compounds participating both in the initial formation and subsequent growth of atmospheric new aerosol particles. It will hopefully prove an important step in understanding atmospheric gas-to-particle conversion, which, by influencing cloud properties, can have important climate impacts. All available knowledge needs to be constantly updated, summarized, and brought to the attention of our decision-makers. Only by increasing our understanding of all the relevant processes can we build reliable models to predict the long-term effects of decisions made today.


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Ethylene gas is burnt to generate soot which is collected thermophoretically from different locations of the flame. Tribological performance of the collected soot in hexadecane suspension is compared with that of carbon black and diesel soot. The soots are analysed to yield a range of mechanical properties, physical structures and chemistry. The paper correlates these property variations with the corresponding variations in friction and wear when the soot suspended in hexadecane is used to lubricate a steel on steel sliding interaction. The particles are dispersed in hexadecane by a non-ionic surfactant, poly-isobutylene succinimide (PIBS), which is mono-functional with no free amine group. The grafting of the surfactant on the soot particles is found to have a profound effect on the dispersion of the soot, in general, while, between the different soot types, the tribology is differentiated by the physical structure and chemistry.


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Soot generated from the combustion process in diesel engines affect engine tribology. In this paper, two diesel soot samples; from engine exhaust and oil filter are suspended in hexadecane oil and the suspension is used to lubricate a steel ball on steel flat sliding contact at a contact pressure of 1.3 GPa. The friction and wear of the steel flat are recorded. The data are compared with those recorded when the soot is generated by burning ethylene gas. The rationale for the comparatively poor tribology of diesel soot is explored by quantifying the size and shape of primary particles and agglomerates, hardness of single primary soot particles, the crystallinity and surface and near surface chemistry of soot and interparticle adhesion.


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The present study was designed to analyze the effects of the association between cinnamon extract and aerobic exercise on the glycemic control and serum lipid profile of diabetic rats. Fifty Wistar male rats divided into five groups: control (C), sedentary nondiabetic rats; diabetic (D), sedentary diabetic rats; diabetic cinnamon (DC), sedentary diabetic rats that received cinnamon extract; diabetic exercise (DE), sedentary diabetic rats subjected to physical training; and diabetic cinnamon exercise (DCE), diabetic rats that received cinnamon extract and were subjected to physical training. For the induction of diabetes, the rats received alloxan. The cinnamon was administered to once a day for four weeks. The groups performed swimming exercises for one hour each day with lead overloads (3% - 5% of b.w) for five days a week for four weeks. Body weight loss was lower in the DE group compared to the other diabetic groups. The basal serum glucose of all the diabetic groups was higher compared to the control group. Group D had higher serum cholesterol concentrations compared to the DE and DCE groups. The resting blood lactate in group D was higher than the resting blood lactate in the DC and DE groups. Aerobic exercise partially counteracted the diabetic effects on body weight, serum cholesterol and blood lactate concentrations. No additional beneficial effects of cinnamon extract and aerobic exercise were observed on the parameters studied.


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Avaliou-se a composição centesimal e análise físico-química do Lentinus strigosus, um cogumelo comestível de ocorrência na Amazônia brasileira, produzidos em substratos alternativos à base de resíduos madeireiros e agroindustriais. Com este objetivo, determinou-se C, N, pH, sólidos solúveis, atividade de água, proteína, lipídios, fibra total, cinzas, carboidratos e energia. Os substratos foram formulados a partir de serragem de Simarouba amara Aubl. (marupá), Ochroma piramidale Cav. ex. Lam. (pau-de-balsa) e Anacardium giganteum (cajuí); e do estipe de Bactris gasipaes Kunth (pupunheira) e de Saccharum officinarum (cana-de-açúcar). Os resultados demonstraram que: a composição nutricional do L. strigosus variou com o substrato de cultivo; os valores de proteína encontrados nos cogumelos cultivados nos diferentes substratos (18 - 21,5%) variaram de acordo com o substrato, sendo considerados elevados; os sólidos solúveis presentes nos cogumelos podem ter relação com vitaminas hidrossolúveis do complexo B; o L. strigosus pode ser considerado um importante alimento devido suas características nutricionais: alto teor de proteína, carboidratos metabolizáveis e fibras; baixos teores de lipídios e de calorias.


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Physical properties of basalts from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 800 and 801 in the Pigafetta Basin and Site 802 in the East Mariana Basin, including porosity, wet-bulk density, grain density, compressional wave velocity, and thermal conductivity, were measured aboard JOIDES Resolution during Leg 129. The ranges for the properties are large, as typified by the velocity, which varies from 3.46 to 6.59 km/s. Extensively altered basalts immediately above and below a silicified hydrothermal deposit (60-69 m sub-basement depth) at Site 801 display the highest porosity, and lowest bulk density, velocity, and thermal conductivity, whereas the slightly altered rocks from Site 802 and the lowermost part of Site 801 represent the other extreme in physical properties variations. In order to better establish the relationship between physical properties and alteration of the rocks, the compressional wave velocities were compared with results from major and trace elemental analyses and petrographic examination of select samples. For the Leg 129 basalts, velocity displays a generally consistent decrease with increasing K2O, H2O+, loss on ignition, and Rb contents and the value of Fe3+/FeT and decreasing concentrations of SiO2, FeOT, CaO, MgO, and MnO. These trends are consistent with trends documented for the progressive alteration of oceanic crust and indicate that on a laboratory sample scale, basalt alteration is largely responsible for the variation of the physical properties of basalts sampled at Sites 800, 801, and 802.


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The methodological approach a teacher uses in the competence teaching-learning process determines the way students learn. Knowledge can be acquired from a series of perspectives, mainly: “know-what” (concept), where facts and descriptions of (natural or social) phenomena are pursued; “know-how” (procedure), where methods and procedures for their application are described; and “know-why” (competence), where general principles and laws that explain both the facts and their applications are sought. As all the three cases are interconnected, the boundaries between them are not fully clear and their application uses shared elements. In any case, the depth of student’s acquired competences will be directly affected by the teaching-learning perspective, traditionally aiming to a “know-why” approach for full competence acquisition. In this work, we discuss a suitable teaching-learning methodology for evaluating whether a “know-how”, “know-what” or combined approach seems better for enhancing competence learning in students. We exemplify the method using a selection of formative activities from the Physical Chemistry area in the Grades of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.