533 resultados para 231Pa xs


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Actinium is one of the rarest naturally occurring elements on earth. We measured its longest-lived isotope 227Ac (half-life 21.77 yr) for the first time in the water column of the Southeast Pacific, the Central Arctic, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and the Weddell Gyre (WG). Besides the profile in the Southeast Pacific, which confirms earlier findings about the role of diapycnal mixing for 227Ac distribution, we found three other different types of vertical profiles. These profiles point to a prominent role of advection for 227Ac distribution, especially in the Southern Ocean. Depending on the type of profile found, 227Ac is proposed as a tracer for different oceanographic questions. In the Southern Ocean, up to 4.93±0.32 dpm/m**3 227Ac is found close to the sea floor, which is the highest concentration ever observed in the ocean. Close to the sea surface in the WG, 0.46±0.05 dpm/m**3 227Acex (227Ac in excess of its progenitor 231Pa) is detected. We use 227Acex there to determine the upwelling velocity in the Eastern WG to be about 55 m/yr. In the ACC, Upper and Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW and LCDW) are found to differ clearly in their 227Acex activity. High 227Acex activities are therefore a promising tracer for recent inputs of LCDW to the sea surface, which may help to understand the role of deep upwelling for iron inputs into Antarctic surface waters. The expected release of 227Ac is compared with 228Ra to make sure that the large near-surface excess in the water column of the Southern Ocean is not due to lateral inputs by isopycnal mixing. Data from the Central Arctic and from a transect across the ACC confirm that 228Ra and 227Acex differ strongly in their sources. The first measurements of 227Ac on suspended matter (less than 1.7% of total 227Ac close to the sea floor) indicate that the particle reactivity of 227Ac is negligible in the open ocean, in agreement with earlier findings [Y. Nozaki, Nature 310 (1984) 486-488]. Despite the extremely low concentrations of 227Ac, new measurement techniques [W.S. Moore, R. Arnold, J. Geophys. Res. 101 (1996) 1321-1329] point to a comfortable and comparably simple determination of 227Ac in the future. Finally, 227Acex may become a widely used deep-sea specific tracer.


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The strength and geometry of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is tightly coupled to climate on glacial-interglacial and millennial timescales, but has proved difficult to reconstruct, particularly for the Last Glacial Maximum. Today, the return flow from the northern North Atlantic to lower latitudes associated with the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation reaches down to approximately 4,000 m. In contrast, during the Last Glacial Maximum this return flow is thought to have occurred primarily at shallower depths. Measurements of sedimentary 231Pa/230Th have been used to reconstruct the strength of circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean, but the effects of biogenic silica on 231Pa/230Th-based estimates remain controversial. Here we use measurements of 231Pa/230Th ratios and biogenic silica in Holocene-aged Atlantic sediments and simulations with a two-dimensional scavenging model to demonstrate that the geometry and strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation are the primary controls of 231Pa/230Th ratios in modern Atlantic sediments. For the glacial maximum, a simulation of Atlantic overturning with a shallow, but vigorous circulation and bulk water transport at around 2,000 m depth best matched observed glacial Atlantic 231Pa/230Th values. We estimate that the transport of intermediate water during the Last Glacial Maximum was at least as strong as deep water transport today.


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High-resolution records of the natural radionuclide 230Th were measured in sediments from the eastern Atlantic sector of the Antarctic circumpolar current to obtain a detailed reconstruction of the sedimentation history of this key area for global climate change during the late Quaternary. High-resolution dating rests on the assumption that the 230Thex flux to the sediments is constant. Short periods of drastically increased sediment accumulation rates (up to a factor of 8) were determined in the sediments of the Antarctic zone during the climate optima at the beginning of the Holocene and the isotope stage 5e. By comparing expected and measured accumulation rate of 230Thex, lateral sediment redistribution was quantified and vertical particle rain rates originating from the surface water above were calculated. We show that lateral contributions locally were up to 6.5 times higher than the vertical particle rain rates. At other locations only 15% of the expected vertical particle rain rate were deposited.


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High resolution 230Thex and 10Be and biogenic barium profiles were measured at three sediment gravity cores (length 605-850 cm) from the Weddell Sea continental margin. Applying the 230Thex dating method, average sedimentation rates of 3 cm/kyr for the two cores from the South Orkney Slope and of 2.4 cm/kyr for the core from the eastern Weddell Sea were determined and compared to delta18O and lithostratigraphic results. Strong variations in the radionuclide concentrations in the sediments resembling the glacial/interglacial pattern of the delta18O stratigraphy and the 10Be stratigraphy of high northern latitudes were used for establishing a chronostratigraphy. Biogenic Ba shows a pattern similar to the radionuclide profiles, suggesting that both records were influenced by increased paleoproductivity at the beginning of the interglacials. However, 230Thex0 fluxes (0 stands for initial) exceeding production by up to a factor of 4 suggest that sediment redistribution processes, linked to variations in bottom water current velocity, played the major role in controlling the radionuclide and biogenic barium deposition during isotope stages 5e and 1. The correction for sediment focusing makes the 'true' vertical paleoproductivity rates, deduced from the fluxes of proxy tracers like biogenic barium, much lower than previously estimated. Very low 230Thex0 concentrations and fluxes during isotope stage 6 were probably caused by rapid deposition of older, resedimented material, delivered to the Weddell Sea continental slopes by the grounded ice shelves and contemporaneous erosion of particles originating from the water column.


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The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays an important role in the Northern Hemisphere climate system. Significant interest went into the question of how excessive freshwater input through melting of continental ice can affect its overturning vigor and, hence, heat supply, to higher northern latitudes. Such forcing can be tested by investigating its behavior during extreme iceberg discharge events into the open North Atlantic during the last glacial period, the so-called Heinrich events (HE). Here we present neodymium (Nd) isotope compositions of past seawater, a sensitive chemical water mass tag, extracted from sediments of Ocean Drilling Program Site 1063 in the western North Atlantic (Bermuda Rise), covering the period surrounding HE 2, the Last Glacial Maximum, and the early deglaciation. These data are compared with a record of the kinematic circulation tracer (231Pa/230Th)xs extracted from the same sediment core. Both tracers indicate significant circulation changes preceding intense ice rafting during HE 2 by almost 2 kyr. Moreover, the Nd isotope record suggests the presence of deeply ventilating North Atlantic Deep Water early during Marine Isotope Stage 2 until it was replaced by Southern Source Water at ~27 ka. The early switch to high (Pa/Th)xs and radiogenic epsilon-Nd in relation to intensified ice rafting during HE 2 suggests that ice rafting into the open North Atlantic during major HE 2 was preceded by an early change of the AMOC. This opens the possibility that variations in AMOC contributed to or even triggered the ice sheet instability rather than merely responding to it.


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In this thesis it is shown that the cosmogenic radionuclide 10Be proved to be a sensitive stratigraphic tool for sediment cores from the Arctic Ocean with low or negligible content of biogenic carbonate, impeding a reliable 0180 stratigraphy. 10Be enables a stratigraphy of Arctic sediments comparable to the d18O stratigraphy Imbrie et al. [1984] in that high concentration of 10Be are related to interglacial stages in contrast to lower values during glacial periods. To use the °Be profile as dating tool it is necessary to investigate the sources and sinks as well as the pathways of this radiotracer. 10Be is produced in the upper atmosphere and transfered to the earth's surface by dry and wet deposition. Besides the atmospheric component there is an important input of 10Be with the rivers to the Arctic Ocean. I determined depositional 10Be fluxes in the shelf area of the Laptev Sea, which is characterized by a huge input of river water, the continental slope of the Laptev Sea, the central Arctic Ocean and the Norwegian- and Greenland Sea. The depositional 10Be fluxes of (20 ± 5) x 10**6 atoms/cm**2/a in the shelf area of the Laptev Sea are by two orders of magnitude higher than the recent atmospheric input (0.2 - 0.5) x 10**6 atoms/cm**2/a in Greenland. while the fluxes in the central Arctic Ocean are in the same range. Further I developed a model to reconstruct the pathways of radionuclides 230Th, 231Pa and 10Be in high northern latitudes. The modelling results were compared with the measured concentrations in the water column and the recent depositional fluxes. These results show that the recent pathways of these nuclides can be rebuild by this model. Thus we can apply this model to earlier oxygen isotope stages to find out which predominate conditions lead to the determined depositional fluxes.


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This paper aims to examine how Australian boarding supervisors (particularly non-teachers) are defined in regards to employment. The practices of Queensland’s School X (real name withheld) are used as an example of the difficult issues involved – although whether this case study is repeated elsewhere in the industry would take further research. The paper illustrates that the employment of boarding supervisors is dealt with at a basic level by a modern award, however its provisions do not represent what occurs in practice. If there is no enterprise bargain which improves upon the award, two possible explanations are put forward to explain the difference between award conditions and practice. The first is that the contract between boarding supervisors may not be one of employment. Relevant case law regarding whether a person is an employee or independent contractor is examined, and when applied to a typical boarding situation, it is concluded that any contract should be one of employment. The second explanation is that there is no legal contract at all between boarding supervisors and a school. Drawing on School X’s example where supervisors were classed as ‘volunteers’, the paper examines what the legal effect of that term might be. It could be seen to be a denial of an intention to create legal relations, a critical element in contract formation. Again, important cases are analysed on the topic of intention, and applied to a boarding context. It is argued that given the objective circumstances of a typical agreement, there is an intention to create legal relations. In particular, a little known Queensland case involving the non-employment status of boarding supervisors, which may be the cause of the confusion, is critically examined to determine its usefulness in answering the issue. Finally, the implications of not classifying boarding supervisors as employees are briefly discussed.


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The present work demonstrates a systematic approach for the synthesis of pure kesterite-phase Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) nanocrystals with a uniform size distribution by a one-step, thioglycolic acid (TGA)-assisted hydrothermal route. The formation mechanism and the role of TGA in the formation of CZTS compound were thoroughly studied. It has been found that TGA interacted with Cu2+ to form Cu+ at the initial reaction stage and controlled the crystal-growth of CZTS nanocrystals during the hydrothermal reaction. The consequence of the reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+ led to the formation Cu2−xS nuclei, which acted as the crystal framework for the formation of CZTS compound. CZTS was formed by the diffusion of Zn2+ and Sn4+ cations to the lattice of Cu2−xS during the hydrothermal reaction. The as-synthesized CZTS nanocrystals exhibited strong light absorption over the range of wavelength beyond 1000 nm. The band gap of the material was determined to be 1.51 eV, which is optimal for application in photoelectric energy conversion device.


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The applicability of a formalism involving an exponential function of composition x1 in interpreting the thermodynamic properties of alloys has been studied. The excess integral and partial molar free energies of mixing are expressed as: $$\begin{gathered} \Delta F^{xs} = a_o x_1 (1 - x_1 )e^{bx_1 } \hfill \\ RTln\gamma _1 = a_o (1 - x_1 )^2 (1 + bx_1 )e^{bx_1 } \hfill \\ RTln\gamma _2 = a_o x_1^2 (1 - b + bx_1 )e^{bx_1 } \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ The equations are used in interpreting experimental data for several relatively weakly interacting binary systems. For the purpose of comparison, activity coefficients obtained by the subregular model and Krupkowski’s formalism have also been computed. The present equations may be considered to be convenient in describing the thermodynamic behavior of metallic solutions.


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It has been an outstanding problem that a semiconducting host in the bulk form can be doped to a large extent, while the same host in the nanocrystal form is found to resist any appreciable level of doping rather stubbornly, this problem being more acute in the wurtzite form compared to the zinc blende one. In contrast, our results based on the lattice parameter tuning in a ZnxCd1−xS alloy nanocrystal system achieves 7.5% Mn2+ doping in a wurtzite nanocrystal, such a concentration being substantially higher compared to earlier reports even for nanocrystal hosts with the “favorable” zinc-blende structure. These results prove a consequence of local strains due to a size mismatch between the dopant and the host that can be avoided by optimizing the composition of the alloyed host. Additionally, the present approach opens up a new route to dope such nanocrystals to a macroscopic extent as required for many applications. Photophysical studies show that the quantum efficiency per Mn2+ ion decreases exponentially with the average number of Mn2+ ions per nanocrystal; en route, a high quantum efficiency of 25% is achieved for a range of compositions.


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When the male is the heterogametic sex (XX♀-XY♂ or XX♀-XO♂), as inDrosophila, orthopteran insects, mammals andCaenorhabditis elegans, X-linked genes are subject to dosage compensation: the single X in the male is functionally equivalent to the two Xs in the female. However, when the female is heterogametic (ZZ♂-ZW♀), as in birds, butterflies and moths, Z-linked genes are apparently not dosage-compensated. This difference between X-linked and Z-linked genes raises fundamental questions about the role of dosage compensation. It is argued that (i) genes which require dosage compensation are primarily those that control morphogenesis and the prospective body plan; (ii) the products of these genes are required in disomic doses especially during oogenesis and early embryonic development; (iii) heterogametic females synthesize and store during oogenesis itself morphogenetically essential gene products - including those encoded by Z-linked genes — in large quantities; (iv) the abundance of these gene products in the egg and their persistence relatively late into embryogenesis enables heterogametic females to overcome the monosomic state of the Z chromosome in ZW embryos. Female heterogamety is predominant in birds, reptiles and amphibians, all of which have megalecithal eggs containing several thousand times more maternal RNA and other maternal messages than eggs of mammals,Caenorhabditis elegans, orDrosophila. This increase in egg size, yolk content and, concomitantly, the size of the maternal legacy to the embryo, may have facilitated female heterogamety and the absence of dosage compensation.


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The optimum values of the solution parameters of a multiparameter integral free-energy function have been determined using experimental data from the Ga-Sb system. The equation is represented as DELTAG(xs) = x(1 - x)[(1 - x)(a1 + a2T + a3T ln T) + x(a4 + a5T + a6T ln T) + x(1 - x)(a7 + a8T + a9xT)].The integral and the corresponding partial form of the free energy function have been found to be of use when interpreting the high temperature thermodynamic data, atomic interactions and phase equilibria in the Ga-Sb system.