997 resultados para 2-DIMENSIONAL HOLE GASES


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The effects of temperature on lung and blood gases were measured in the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus). Arterial blood and lung gas samples were obtained from chronically cannulated animals at 15, 25, and 35 degrees C. As expected for reptiles, arterial pH fell with increased temperature (0.018 U degrees C-1 between 15 and 25 degrees C and 0.011 U degrees C-1 between 25 and 35 degrees C) while lung gas PCO2 rose from 5.8 mmHg at 15 degrees C to 13.2 mmHg at 35 degrees C. Concurrently, lung gas PO2 declined from 132 mmHg at 15 degrees C to 120 mmHg at 35 degrees C, and arterial PO2 increased from 33 to 76 mmHg in that temperature range. Arterial haemoglobin O-2 saturation rose from 0.53 at 15 degrees C to 0.83 at 25 degrees C but became slightly reduced (0.77) with a further elevation of temperature to 35 degrees C. Arterial haemoglobin concentration increased from 1.96 to 2.53 mM between 15 and 35 degrees C, consistent with higher demands on oxygen delivery to tissues at elevated temperatures. Moreover, the substantial increase of haemoglobin O-2 saturation between 15 and 25 degrees C conforms to the idea that reduction of the central vascular right-to-left shunt (pulmonary bypass of systemic venous return) is associated with high metabolic demands. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We show how discrete squeezed states in an N-2-dimensional phase space can be properly constructed out of the finite-dimensional context. Such discrete extensions are then applied to the framework of quantum tomography and quantum information theory with the aim of establishing an initial study on the interference effects between discrete variables in a finite phase space. Moreover, the interpretation of the squeezing effects is seen to be direct in the present approach, and has some potential applications in different branches of physics.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objetivou-se, na condução deste trabalho, a avaliação das silagens de capim-elefante aditivadas com tortas de nabo forrageiro, pinhão manso e tremoço pela técnica de produção de gás. O experimento foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Nutrição Animal do Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura da Universidade de São Paulo (LANA/CENA/USP). Como doadores de líquido de rúmen, foram utilizados 2 ovinos da raça Santa Inês, machos, adultos, castrados e providos de cânula ruminal permanente. A alimentação dos animais doadores foi constituída de forragem de gramínea cultivada e uma suplementação, ao final do dia, com feno de Tifton, concentrado comercial e sal mineral à vontade. Os substratos foram secos a 60ºC, moídos em moinho do tipo Willey, provido de peneira com perfurações de 2 mm. Os gases produzidos durante os diferentes períodos de fermentação (0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 e 96 h) foram medidos com um transducer - medidor de pressão.O experimento foi instalado segundo um delineamento de blocos ao acaso em que os tratamentos foram arranjados em um esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo. Os maiores valores de produção de gás observados para os tratamentos em que adicionou-se torta de tremoço quando comparados com as outras tortas, decorreu do fato da torta de tremoço apresentar menor teor de fibras, propiciando assim, uma maior fermentação ruminal e, consequentemente, maior produção de gás em relação a outros alimentos com maior proporção de carboidratos estruturais (parede celular).As taxas de degradação da fração solúvel da matéria seca foi menor para NF 8% e PM 11% em relação às outras silagens estudadas. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas para as TNF, TPM e TT, nos diferentes níveis, em relação ao volume de gases em 96 h de incubação (P<0,05). As silagens contendo torta de tremoço apresentaram maior produção de gases quando comparadas Às outras tortas. em todos os tratamentos, exceto naqueles em que adicionou-se TT, houve diminuição (P<0,05) nos valores médios de degradabilidade da matéria seca às 96 horas, à medida que aumentou-se o nível de inclusão das tortas. As silagens de capim-elefante adicionadas de tortas de nabo forrageiro ou tremoço, nos diferentes níveis, apresentaram maiores taxas de degradação e maiores produções de gases que as adicionadas de torta de pinhão manso.


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We consider the Lorenz system ẋ = σ(y - x), ẏ = rx - y - xz and ż = -bz + xy; and the Rössler system ẋ = -(y + z), ẏ = x + ay and ż = b - cz + xz. Here, we study the Hopf bifurcation which takes place at q± = (±√br - b,±√br - b, r - 1), in the Lorenz case, and at s± = (c+√c2-4ab/2, -c+√c2-4ab/2a, c±√c2-4ab/2a) in the Rössler case. As usual this Hopf bifurcation is in the sense that an one-parameter family in ε of limit cycles bifurcates from the singular point when ε = 0. Moreover, we can determine the kind of stability of these limit cycles. In fact, for both systems we can prove that all the bifurcated limit cycles in a neighborhood of the singular point are either a local attractor, or a local repeller, or they have two invariant manifolds, one stable and the other unstable, which locally are formed by two 2-dimensional cylinders. These results are proved using averaging theory. The method of studying the Hopf bifurcation using the averaging theory is relatively general and can be applied to other 3- or n-dimensional differential systems.


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Objectives-The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between placental volumes, placental vascularity, and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.Methods A prospective case-control study was conducted between April 2011 and July 2012. Placental volumes and vascularity were evaluated by 3-dimensional sonographic, 3-dimensional power Doppler histographic, and 2-dimensional color Doppler studies. Pregnant women were classified as normotensive or hypertensive and stratified by the nature of their hypertensive disorders. The following variables were evaluated: observed-to-expected placental volume ratio, placental volume-to-estimated fetal weight ratio, placental vascular indices, and pulsatility indices of the right and left uterine and umbilical arteries.Results Sixty-six healthy pregnant women and 62 pregnant women with hypertensive disorders were evaluated (matched by maternal age, gestational age at sonography, and parity). Placental volumes were not reduced in pregnancy in women with hypertensive disorders (P > .05). Conversely, reduced placental vascularization indices (vascularization index and vascularization-flow index) were observed in pregnancies complicated by hypertensive disorders (P < .01; P < .01), especially in patients with superimposed preeclampsia (P = .04; P = .02). A weak correlation was observed between placental volumes, placental vascular indices, and Doppler studies of the uterine and umbilical arteries.Conclusions Pregnancies complicated by hypertensive disorders are associated with reduced placental vascularity but not with reduced placental volumes. These findings are independent of changes in uterine artery Doppler studies. Future studies of the prediction of preeclampsia may focus on placental vascularity in combination with results of Doppler studies of the uterine arteries.


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We investigate the interface dynamics of the two-dimensional stochastic Ising model in an external field under helicoidal boundary conditions. At sufficiently low temperatures and fields, the dynamics of the interface is described by an exactly solvable high-spin asymmetric quantum Hamiltonian that is the infinitesimal generator of the zero range process. Generally, the critical dynamics of the interface fluctuations is in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of critical behavior. We remark that a whole family of RSOS interface models similar to the Ising interface model investigated here can be described by exactly solvable restricted high-spin quantum XXZ-type Hamiltonians. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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5 We employ the circular-polarization-resolved magnetophotoluminescence technique to probe the spin character of electron and hole states in a GaAs/AlGaAs strongly coupled double-quantum-well system. The photoluminescence (PL) intensities of the lines associated with symmetric and antisymmetric electron states present clear out-of-phase oscillations between integer values of the filling factor. and are caused by magnetic-field-induced changes in the population of occupied Landau levels near to the Fermi level of the system. Moreover, the degree of circular polarization of these emissions also exhibits the oscillatory behavior with increasing magnetic field. Both quantum oscillations observed in the PL intensities and in the degree of polarizations may be understood in terms of a simple single-particle approach model. The k . p method was used to calculate the photoluminescence peak energies and the degree of circular polarizations in the double-quantum-well structure as a function of the magnetic field. These calculations prove that the character of valence band states plays an important role in the determination of the degree of circular polarization and, thus, resulting in a magnetic-field-induced change of the polarization sign.


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Three-dimensional (3D) models of teeth and soft and hard tissues are tessellated surfaces used for diagnosis, treatment planning, appliance fabrication, outcome evaluation, and research. In scientific publications or communications with colleagues, these 3D data are often reduced to 2-dimensional pictures or need special software for visualization. The portable document format (PDF) offers a simple way to interactively display 3D surface data without additional software other than a recent version of Adobe Reader (Adobe, San Jose, Calif). The purposes of this article were to give an example of how 3D data and their analyses can be interactively displayed in 3 dimensions in electronic publications, and to show how they can be exported from any software for diagnostic reports and communications among colleagues.


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BACKGROUND: Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a heritable disorder of connective tissue, affecting principally skeletal, ocular, and cardiovascular systems. The most life-threatening manifestations are aortic aneurysm and dissection. We investigated changes in the proteome of aortic media in patients with and without MFS to gain insight into molecular mechanisms leading to aortic dilatation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Aortic samples were collected from 46 patients. Twenty-two patients suffered from MFS, 9 patients had bicuspid aortic valve, and 15 patients without connective tissue disorder served as controls. Aortic media was isolated and its proteome was analyzed in 12 patients with the use of 2-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. We found higher amounts of filamin A C-terminal fragment, calponin 1, vinculin, microfibril-associated glycoprotein 4, and myosin-10 heavy chain in aortic media of MFS aneurysm samples than in controls. Regulation of filamin A C-terminal fragmentation was validated in all patient samples by immunoblotting. Cleavage of filamin A and the calpain substrate spectrin was increased in the MFS and bicuspid aortic valve groups. Extent of cleavage correlated positively with calpain 2 expression and negatively with the expression of its endogenous inhibitor calpastatin. CONCLUSIONS: Our observation demonstrates for the first time upregulation of the C-terminal fragment of filamin A in dilated aortic media of MFS and bicuspid aortic valve patients. In addition, our results present evidence that the cleavage of filamin A is highly likely the result of the protease calpain. Increased calpain activity might explain, at least in part, histological alterations in dilated aorta.


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When considering NLO corrections to thermal particle production in the “relativistic” regime, in which the invariant mass squared of the produced particle is K2 ~ (πT)2, then the production rate can be expressed as a sum of a few universal “master” spectral functions. Taking the most complicated 2-loop master as an example, a general strategy for obtaining a convergent 2-dimensional integral representation is suggested. The analysis applies both to bosonic and fermionic statistics, and shows that for this master the non-relativistic approximation is only accurate for K2 ~(8πT)2, whereas the zero-momentum approximation works surprisingly well. Once the simpler masters have been similarly resolved, NLO results for quantities such as the right-handed neutrino production rate from a Standard Model plasma or the dilepton production rate from a QCD plasma can be assembled for K2 ~ (πT)2.