994 resultados para 199-1219A


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The global warming trend of the latest Oligocene was interrupted by several cooling events associated with Antarctic glaciations. These cooling events affected surface water productivity and plankton assemblages. Well-preserved radiolarians were obtained from upper Oligocene to lower Miocene sediments at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 199 Sites 1218 and 1219 in the equatorial Pacific, and 110 radiolarian species were identified. Four episodes of significant radiolarian faunal changes were identified: middle late Oligocene (27.5 to 27.3 Ma), latest Oligocene (24.4 Ma), earliest Miocene (23.3 Ma), and middle early Miocene (21.6 Ma). These four episodes approximately coincide with increases and decreases of biogenic silica accumulation rates and increases in delta18O values coded as "Oi" and "Mi" events. These data indicate that Antarctic glaciations were associated with change of siliceous sedimentation patterns and faunal changes in the equatorial Pacific. Radiolarian fauna was divided into three assemblages based on variations in radiolarian productivity, species richness and the composition of dominant species: a late Oligocene assemblage (27.6 to 24.4 Ma), a transitional assemblage (24.4 to 23.3 Ma) and an early Miocene assemblage (23.3 to 21.2 Ma). The late Oligocene assemblage is characterized by relatively high productivity, low species richness and four dominant species of Tholospyris anthophora, Stichocorys subligata, Lophocyrtis nomas and Lithelius spp. The transitional assemblage represents relatively low values of productivity and species richness, and consists of three dominant species of T. anthophora, S. subligata and L. nomas. The characteristics of the early Miocene assemblage are relatively low productivity, but high species richness. The two dominant species present in this assemblage are T. anthophora and Cyrtocapsella tetrapera. The most significant faunal turnover of radiolarians is marked at the boundary between the transitional/early Miocene assemblages.


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High resolution records (ca. 100 kyr) of Os isotope composition (187Os/188Os) in bulk sediments from two tropical Pacific sites (ODP Sites 1218 and 1219) capture the complete Late Eocene 187Os/188Os excursion and confirm that the Late Eocene 187Os/ 188Os minimum, earlier reported by Ravizza and Peucker-Ehrenbrink (2003, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00137-7), is a global feature. Using the astronomically tuned age models available for these sites, it is suggested that the Late Eocene 187Os/188Os minimum can be placed at 34.5 +/- 0.1 Ma in the marine records. In addition, two other distinct features of the 187Os/188Os excursion that are correlatable among sections are proposed as chemostratigraphic markers which can serve as age control points with a precision of ca. +/-0.1 Myr. We propose a speculative hypothesis that higher cosmic dust flux in the Late Eocene may have contributed to global cooling and Early Oligocene glaciation (Oi-1) by supplying bio-essential trace elements to the oceans and thereby resulting in higher ocean productivity, enhanced burial of organic carbon and draw down of atmospheric CO2. To determine if the hypothesis that enhanced cosmic dust flux in the Late Eocene was a cause for the 187Os/188Os excursion can be tested by using the paired bulk sediment and leachate Os isotope composition; 187Os/188Os were also measured in sediment leachates. Results of analyses of leachates are inconsistent between the south Atlantic and the Pacific sites, and therefore do not yield a robust test of this hypothesis. Comparison of 187Os/188Os records with high resolution benthic foraminiferal delta18O records across the Eocene-Oligocene transition suggests that 187Os flux to the oceans decreased during cooling and ice growth leading to the Oi-1 glaciation, whereas subsequent decay of ice-sheets and deglacial weathering drove seawater 187Os/188Os to higher values. Although the precise timing and magnitude of these changes in weathering fluxes and their effects on the marine 187Os/188Os records are obscured by recovery from the Late Eocene 187Os/188Os excursion, evidence of the global influence of glaciation on supply of Os to the ocean is robust as it has now been documented in both Pacific and Atlantic records.


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Multiple lines of evidence have shown that the isotopic composition and concentration of calcium in seawater have changed over the past 28 million years. A high-resolution, continuous seawater calcium isotope ratio curve from marine (pelagic) barite reveals distinct features in the evolution of the seawater calcium isotopic ratio suggesting changes in seawater calcium concentrations. The most pronounced increase in the d44/40Ca value of seawater (of 0.3 per mil) occurred over roughly 4 million years following a period of low values around 13 million years ago. The major change in marine calcium corresponds to a climatic transition and global change in the carbon cycle and suggests a reorganization of the global biogeochemical system.


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We investigated Oligocene and early Miocene benthic foraminiferal faunas (> 105 µm in size) from Ocean Drilling Program (Leg 199) Site 1218 (4826 m water depth and ~3300 to ~4000 m paleo-water depth) and Site 1219 (5063 m water depth and ~4200 to ~4400 m paleo-water depth) to understand the response of abyssal benthic foraminifera to mid-Oligocene glacial events in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Two principal factor assemblages were recognized. The Factor 1 assemblage (common Nuttallides umbonifer) is related to either an influx of the Southern Component Water (SCW), possibly carbonate undersaturated, or a decrease in seasonality of the food supply from the surface ocean. The Factor 2 assemblage is characterized by typical deep-sea taxa living under variable trophic conditions, possibly with a seasonal component in food supply. The occurrence of abyssal benthic foraminifera faunas during the mid-Oligocene depends on either the effect of SCW or the seasonality of food resources. The Factor 1 assemblage was most common near 76Ol-C11r, 73Ol-C10rn and 67Ol-C9n (ca. 30.2, 29.1 and 26.8 Ma respectively by Pälike et al. (2006, doi:10.1126/science.1133822)). This indicates that the effect of SCW increased or the seasonal input of food from the surface ocean to benthic environments was weakened close to these glacial events. In contrast, the huge export flux of small biogenic carbonate particles close to these glacial events might be responsible for carbonate-rich sediments buffering carbonate undersaturation. Changes in deep-water masses or the periodicity of food supply from the surface ocean and variation in surface carbonate production affected by orbital forcing had an impact on the mid-Oligocene faunas of abyssal benthic foraminifera around the intervals of glacial events in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean. The Factor 1 assemblage decreased sharply at ? 30 Ma (29.8 Ma by Pälike et al. (2006), 30.0 Ma by CK95) and returned to dominance after ? 29 Ma (28.6 Ma by Pälike et al. (2006), 28.8 Ma by CK95). It is likely that the effect of SCW (possibly carbonate undersaturated) has intensified since the late Oligocene. The faunal transition of benthic foraminifera in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean at ~29 Ma might be attributable to the influence of Northern Component Water (NCW) input to the Southern Ocean and the subsequent formation of SCW at about that time.


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Começa na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) o debate das emendas populares e cada uma delas será defendida por representantes da sociedade. O primeiro debate das emendas populares será sobre os seguintes temas: direitos da mulher, saúde da mulher, família, direitos da família, aposentadoria da mulher. No projeto do Relator Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) a mulher perdeu o direito a uma aposentadoria especial e só vai se aposentar após 35 anos de contribuição. A Deputada Beth Azize (PSB-AM) convoca as mulheres para defender a aposentadoria após 25 anos de serviço. A Bancada Nordestina volta a reunir-se e decide ampliar o movimento unindo-se com constituintes do Norte e do Centro-Oeste, em defesa de uma reforma tributária mais justa que beneficie as regiões mais pobres e subdesenvolvidas. O Deputado José Luiz Maia(PDS-PI) considera que é necessário que o bolo tributário seja dividido equitativamente e que o orçamento seja aplicado regionalmente. O Deputado Átila Lira (PFL-PI) afirma que a regionalização dos investimentos diminuirá as diferenças. O Deputado Ubiratan Aguiar (PMDB-CE) diz que basta de discriminação contra o Nordeste. Definidos os pontos pendentes do substitutivo: na reforma agrária a imissão de posse será depois de 90 dias da desapropriação, a anistia será parcial e o sistema de governo será o parlamentarismo. O Senador Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PMDB-SP) explica como será o parlamentarismo previsto no substitutivo. O Deputado Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) entrega o projeto ao Presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) Ulysses Guimarães (PMDB-SP). O Deputado Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) informa sobre o mandato do Presidente Sarney e sobre a implementação do parlamentarismo. Opinião dos constituintes sobre o sistema de governo. O Deputado Francisco Carneiro (PMDB-DF) considera que o melhor sistema de governo é o presidencialismo, com um presidente forte, um Poder Legislativo na plenitude de suas prerrogativas e um Poder Judiciário autônomo. O Deputado Francisco Coelho (PFL-MA) sugere a instituição do parlamentarismo por etapas. O Deputado Michel Temer (PMDB-SP) informa que o parlamentarismo é um regime muito grandioso que não deve ser desmerecido sem uma consulta popular. O Senador José Fogaça (PMDB-RS) informa que o parlamento não pode oferecer ao povo brasileiro o dilema de escolher entre o ruim, que é o presidencialismo, e o desconhecido, que é o parlamentarismo.


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11 fotografías a color.


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This latest edition of J. S. Bach’s B-minor Mass, by Ulrich Leisinger, described by the publisher as a ‘hybrid edition’, aptly addresses the needs of present-day performers and at the same time fulfils the scholarly expectations of new critical editions to conform to the current study environment


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Revisar los antecedentes que ha tenido el reciclaje, sus inicios y marco legal. Estudiar el marco político-administrativo que condiciona el uso del profesorado con título de reciclaje. Realizar una panorámica sobre la demanda actual y previsiones de demanda a corto, medio y largo plazo, del sistema escolar en relación a la formación en lengua catalana y su cultura. Revisar los cursos de reciclaje en otras comunidades que comparten la lengua con nosotros para así poder tener una visión de conjunto que nos permitirá establecer las oportunas comparaciones de cara a futuras mejoras del sistema. Analizar con profundidad cómo ha sido el reciclaje hasta hoy, cómo se ha desarrollado, qué críticas y sugerencias ha generado. Analizar los efectos del reciclaje sobre la comunidad escolar, qué opiniones ha merecido en los diversos estamentos educativos. Dar una visión clara de cómo ha de ser el reciclaje en el futuro. La muestra estudia tres colectivos diferentes : profesores que han realizado o realizan el reciclaje general con el primer nivel finalizado, profesores que han realizado o realizan el reciclaje específico para profesores de enseñanza media realizado en los mismos centros, y finalmente profesorado responsable de impartir los cursos. Las personas encargadas del diseño y posterior redacción del documento están vinculadas con la enseñanza y con el reciclaje. Estas personas decidieron cuáles debían de ser las principales líneas de actuación : una encuesta para los profesores de EGB que habían finalizado el reciclaje una parte dedicada a los que habían acabado el nivel elemental y otra parte que lo habían finalizado todo, una encuesta dirigida a los profesores de enseñanzas medias con las mismas características que el anterior, una encuesta para todos los profesores que daban clase de reciclaje y de todas las islas y poblaciones, y por último dos sesiones de debate con expertos en enseñanza y en reciclaje. Los principales instrumentos fueron encuestas. Los expedientes estaban clasificados en dos grupos : por una parte se encontraban los correspondientes a los profesores que habían completado los dos niveles y por otra parte el resto de expedientes. Este grupo incluía tanto los que ya habían completado el nivel I como los que solamente estaban matriculados. Este hecho determinó que fuese necesario realizar una preestimación del número de profesores que ya tenían el nivel I, esto se realizó seleccionando una muestra aleatoria de los 3100 expedientes y verificando sobre esta muestra el porcentaje de expedientes con el nivel I finalizado. El siguiente paso fue determinar el número de elementos de la muestra. Esta muestra se repartió proporcionalmente entre profesores con los dos niveles y profesores con sólo el primer nivel. El proceso de selección de los individuos de la muestra dentro de cada uno de los dos grupos se realizó de forma sistemática. El reciclaje se ha de mantener pero no de la forma en que está ahora, se ha de adaptar a las nuevas directrices de la Ley de educación. Otro resultado importante es que se ha de acabar con la dicotomía de dos reciclajes, uno para profesores de EGB y otro para profesores de EEMM. Solo ha de haber un reciclaje para todos. Otra idea es que el reciclaje se habría de adaptar a la realidad escolar y legislativa, una manera de hacerlo sería que la Escuela de Magisterio incluya el reciclaje completo en su Plan de Estudios, esto llevaría a la extinción del reciclaje en un futuro. El reciclaje necesita una reestructuración y una adaptación a los nuevos caminos que toma la enseñanza. Basta observar las directrices de las nuevas Educación primaria y Educación Secundaria para darnos cuenta que ofrecemos un plan de estudios, unos programas, una organización, en definitiva, que no satisface ni a alumnos ni a profesores.