948 resultados para 1984: Hot Dogs and Croissants


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The tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus is a very common parasite of dogs worldwide. Dogs seem unable to acquire resistance against this tick species, whereas guinea pigs demonstrate a very strong resistance following primary infestation. We studied the inflammatory reaction at the R. sanguineus tick feeding site on dogs and guinea pigs during primary and tertiary infestations at different time intervals after attachment. Biopsies were collected after 4, 24, 48 and 96 hours. Changes that were found in all experimental groups included a cone of cement around the mouthparts of the tick, epidermal hyperplasia, edema and inflammatory cell infiltration in the dermis directly underneath the tick attachment site. Dogs reacted to ticks mainly with neutrophils, particularly after repeated exposure. Mast cells and mononuclear leukocytes were also present. Guinea pigs reacted to R. sanguineus mainly with mononuclear cells, eosinophils and basophils. These cells were particularly numerous after repeated exposure to R. sanguineus. Our results suggest that basophils and eosinophils are involved in resistance of guinea pigs to R. sanguineus and that neutrophils in dogs have little effect against this tick species.


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The dog is considered to be the natural host of Rhipicephalus sanguineus and is unable to develop appreciable resistance even after repeated feedings. The guinea pig develops strong resistance after one infestation with adult ticks. Antibody (IgG) titres against tick salivary gland antigens (SGAs) and blood leukocyte numbers in dogs and guinea pigs undergoing experimental R. sanguineus tick infestations were measured to detect a possible correlation with susceptibility or resistance of hosts. Since infested dogs develop an immediate hypersensitivity reaction to R. sanguineus antigens, total and anti-R. sanguineus SGA IgE levels were also measured in this host species. IgG and IgE antibody levels were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) along three consecutive infestations of both hosts. Most dogs and guinea pigs displayed low IgG levels against R. sanguineus SGAs, though marked differences in individual response were observed. Although dog's total serum IgE levels increased significantly after infestations, no change in the amount of anti-salivary gland IgE was detected. Total and differential blood cell counts were determined in dogs and guinea pigs during primary and secondary infestation. In dogs, a tertiary infestation and a subsequent higher infestation level were also evaluated. Infested dogs did not display any alteration in blood leukocyte counts throughout the experiment. Guinea pigs, on the other hand, developed a significant basophilia during primary infestation which increased further during secondary infestation. These data reveal similarities and differences in the reactions of resistant and non-resistant hosts to ticks. They contribute for the understanding of such host-parasite relationships and will hopefully aid in the development of immune control of ticks. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wood gasification technologies to convert the biomass into fuel gas stand out. on the other hand, producing electrical energy from stationary engine is widely spread, and its application in rural communities where the electrical network doesn't exist is very required. The recovery of exhaust gases (engine) is a possibility that makes the system attractive when compared with the same components used to obtain individual heat such as electric power. This paper presents an energetic alternative to adapt a fixed bed gasifier with a compact cogeneration system in order to cover electrical and thermal demands in a rural area and showing an energy solution for small social communities using renewable fuels. Therefore, an energetic and economical analysis from a cogeneration system producing electric energy, hot and cold water, using wooden gas as fuel from a small-sized gasifier was calculated. The energy balance that includes the energy efficiency (electric generation as well as hot and cold water system; performance coefficient and the heat exchanger, among other items), was calculated. Considering the annual interest rates and the amortization periods, the costs of production of electrical energy, hot and cold water were calculated, taking into account the investment, the operation and the maintenance cost of the equipments. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dogs and cats are the animals that owners most frequently seek assistance for potential poisonings, and these species are frequently involved with toxicoses due to ingestion of poisonous food. Feeding human foodstuff to pets may prove itself dangerous for their health, similarly to what is observed in Allium species toxicosis. Allium species toxicosis is reported worldwide in several animal species, and the toxic principles present in them causes the transformation of hemoglobin into methemoglobin, consequently resulting in hemolytic anemia with Heinz body formation. The aim of this review is to analyze the clinicopathologic aspects and therapeutic approach of this serious toxicosis of dogs and cats in order to give knowledge to veterinarians about Allium species toxicosis, and subsequently allow them to correctly diagnose this disease when facing it; and to educate pet owners to not feed their animals with Alliumcontaing food in order to better control this particular life-threatening toxicosis.


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In order to determine the prevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies, 2000 serum samples from female dairy cattle belonging to 50 farms in the southwest of Mato Grosso state were analyzed by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT >= 64). Serum samples from 61 dogs (IFAT >= 40) and 116 humans (IFAT = 40), all from the same farm, were also tested. Among these samples, 1420 (71.0%) cattle, 54 (88.5%) dogs, and 113 (97.4%) humans were seropositive for the infection. No significant differences (P >= 0.05) were observed for risk factors associated with the occurrence of toxoplasmosis in humans due to contaminated sources such as fresh milk, cheese/sausage, and contact with felines or other animals. The presence of felines can indicate the likelihood of a contaminated environment, posing a risk to the human population and other animals. The work presented herein is the first report to evaluate the seroprevalence of T gondii in bovines from the Southwest region of the Mato Grosso state, Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Tick-bite naive guinea pigs were inoculated three times with Rhipicephalus sanguineus gut or salivary gland extracts and saponin as adjuvant. Dogs were inoculated three times with gut extract only as this fraction induced a more efficient resistance in guinea pigs (lower tick recovery and lower engorged female weights). Freund's adjuvant and saponin were used as adjuvants for the immunisation of dogs. Freund's adjuvant was used to enhance cellular immunity. The highest level of resistance in dogs was induced by the immunisation with gut extract and Freund's adjuvant. Many female ticks from dogs immunised this way engorged fully but died prior to oviposition. Resistant guinea pigs and dogs seemed to trigger different immune mechanisms against R. sanguineus ticks as damage to parasites also differed. A major role for cellular immunity in the resistance of dogs against R. sanguineus ticks is suggested. Resistance mechanisms against R. sanguineus ticks is discussed.


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The cutaneous hypersensitivity induced by Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick extract in dogs (natural host) and guinea-pigs (laboratory host) was evaluated. The left ear of infested and control (tick-bite naive) dogs and guinea-pigs was injected intradermally with an extract from unfed adult ticks and the right ear with phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Ear thickness variations were then measured after 10 min and 1, 2, 6, 18, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h post-injection. Results were expressed as percentual changes in the ear thickness in relation to pre-inoculation values. The final variation in ear thickness induced by the extract was given by subtracting, in each animal, the right ear percentual increase from that of the left ear. Guinea-pigs were tested at two different times following infestation and with two different doses of extract. Infested guinea-pigs from the three experiments developed an immediate (within the first 2 h post-inoculation) and a strong delayed reaction (24 h) to the extract. Dogs, unlike guinea-pigs, developed only a strong immediate reaction whereby an 80% increase in ear thickness was observed. Control animals, with the exception of one dog, did not develop any significant reaction to the extract. Only mild reactions were induced by PBS in the right ear of all animals. The correlation between the absence of a strong delayed type reaction to tick extract and the lack of resistance of the natural host to R. sanguineus tick is discussed. © 1995 Chapman & Hall.


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It was aimed to extend the postharvest conservation of 'Tommy Atkins' mango fruits harvested in break maturity stage. Fruits were submitted at the following treatments: hot water treatment (55°C for 5 minutes) and benomyl 1,000 mg.L-1; irradiation with 0,8 or 1,0 kGy; irradiation associated at carnaúba wax; and control. The fruits were stored at 10°C and 85 - 90%RH during 21 days, and then removed to ambient temperature (25,7±0,7°C and 87,1±2,2%RH). Through the storage time, the evolution of fresh weight, color, rottenness, total soluble solids (TSS), total titratable acidity (TTA), and TSS/TTA ratio were measured. 'Tommy Atkins' mango fruits can have shelf life notably increased, when they were submitted to hot water treatment (55°C for 5 minutes) or γ radiation (0,8 and 1,0 kGy), associated with carnaúba wax application, before cold storage. These treatments increased the fruit resistance at refrigerated storage, and improved shelflife after transferring to ambient temperature.


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In this work it was developed a procedure for the determination of vanadium in urine samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry using successive injections for preconcentration into a preheated graphite tube. Three 60 μL volumes were sequentially injected into the atomizer preheated to a temperature of 110°C. Drying and pyrolysis steps were carried out after each injection. A chemical modifier, barium difluoride (100 mg L-1), and a surfactant, Triton X-100 (0.3% v v-1), were added to the urine sample. When injecting into a hot graphite tube, the sample flow-rate was 0.5 μL s-1. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.54 and 1.82 without preconcentration, and 0.11 and 0.37 μg L-1 with preconcentration, respectively. The accuracy of the procedure was evaluated by an addition-recovery experiment employing urine samples. Recoveries varied from 96.0 to 103% for additions ranging from 0.8 to 3.5 μg L-1 V. The developed procedure allows the determination of vanadium in urine without any sample pretreatment and with minimal dilution of the sample.


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This study investigated the effect of assisted nutritional support on the outcome and time of hospitalization (TH) of dogs and cats. The study compared two groups of 400 hospitalized animals. The animals in group 1 did not receive assisted nutritional support because they were hospitalized before the clinical nutrition service was implemented; animals in group 2 were nutritionally managed. Animals in group 1 received a low-cost diet with no consumption control. Group 2 animals had their maintenance energy requirement (MER) calculated, received a high-protein and high-energy super-premium diet, had their caloric intake (CI) monitored, and received enteral and parenteral nutritional support when necessary. The statistical analysis of the results included the standard T test (group 1 versus group 2) and chisquare and Spearman's correlation to evaluate group 2 (CI and outcome, body condition score (BCS) and outcome, BCS and CI). For group 2, favorable outcome (FO), defined as the percent responding to therapy and dis-charged from the hospital, was 83%, and the TH was 8.59 days. These values were lower (P < .001) for group 1 (63.2% FO and TH of 5.7 days). For group 2, 65.5% of the animals received voluntary consumption (93.1% outcome), 14.5% received enterai support (67.9% FO), 6.5% received parenteral support (68% FO), and 6.17% did not eat (38.5% FO), demonstrating an association between the type of nutritional support and outcome (P < .01). Group 2 animals that received 0% to 33% of their MER had 62.9% FO, and those receiving more than 67% had 94.3% FO, which shows that lower mortality rates are associated with higher CI (P < .001). TH was higher for animals with higher CI (P < .001). The BCS did not correlate with Cl (P > .05) but did correlate with outcome (P < .01). FO was 68.7% for animals with low BCS, 85.7% for animals with ideal BCS, and 86.6% for overweight animals. Nutritional support could allow for longer therapies, thus increasing the TH and FO rate.


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Purpose: Interposition of a jejunal tube between the common bile duct and duodenum. Methods: Five adult mongrel dogs of both sexes, weighing on average 22.3 kg (18 to 26.5 kg), were used. Obstructive jaundice was induced by ligation of the distal common bile duct. After one week, a 2.5-cm long jejunal tube was fabricated from a segment of the loop removed 15 cm from the Treitz angle and interposed between the common bile duct and duodenum. Results: The animals presented good clinical evolution and no complications were observed. After 6 weeks, complete integration was noted between the bile duct mucosa, tube and duodenum and a significant reduction in total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase was observed when compared to the values obtained one week after ligation of the common bile duct. Conclusion: The jejunal tube interposed between the dilated bile duct and duodenum showed good anatomic integration and reduced total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase levels in the animals studied.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)