1000 resultados para 177-1091D
We aimed to explore the effects of (90)Y-DOTATOC and (90)Y-DOTATOC plus (177)Lu-DOTATOC on survival of patients with metastasized gastrinoma. Patients with progressive metastasized gastrinoma were treated with repeated cycles of (90)Y-DOTATOC or with cycles alternating between (90)Y-DOTATOC and (177)Lu-DOTATOC until tumor progression or permanent toxicity. Multivariable Cox regression analyses were used to study predictors of survival. A total of 36 patients were enrolled; 30 patients received (90)Y-DOTATOC (median activity per patient 11.8GBq; range: 6.1-62.2GBq) and 6 patients received (90)Y-DOTATOC plus (177)Lu-DOTATOC (median activity per patient: 14.8GBq; range: 7.4-14.8GBq). Response was found in 26 patients (72.2%), including morphological (n=12, 33.3%), biochemical (n=14, 38.9%) and/or clinical response (n=6, 16.2%). A total of 21 patients (58.3%) experienced hematotoxicity grade 1/2, while 1 patient (2.8%) experienced hematotoxicity grade 3; no grade 4 hematotoxicity occurred. Furthermore, 2 patients (5.6%) developed grade 4 renal toxicity; no grade 5 renal toxicity occurred. Responders had a significantly longer median survival from time of enrollment than non-responders (45.1 months, range: 37.1-53.1 months vs. 12.6 months, range: 11.0-14.2, hazard ratio: 0.12 (0.027-0.52), p=0.005). Additionally, there was a trend towards longer median survival with (90)Y-DOTATOC plus (177)Lu-DOTATOC as compared to (90)Y-DOTATOC alone (60.2 months, range: 19.8-100.6 months vs. 27.0 months, range: 4.0-50.0, hazard ratio: 0.21 (0.01-3.98), p=0.16). Response to (90)Y-DOTATOC and (90)Y-DOTATOC plus (177)Lu-DOTATOC therapy is associated with a longer survival in patients with metastasized gastrinoma. Both treatment regimens are promising tools for management of progressive gastrinoma.
Vorbesitzer: Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main
u.a.: Dissertation Schopenhauers; Über die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom zureichenden Grunde; Analyse über den geistigen Zustand der Studentenschaft in Deutschland; Habilitation Schopenhauers; Doktorprüfung; August Wilhelm Schlegel; Prof. Schweins, Dekan der philosophischen Fakultät Heidelberg; Zahn;
Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main
Johann Albrecht Varrentrapp, Sauerländer, Tod Ernst Schalcks
2 Briefe zwischen der Buchhandlung Peter Naacher und Max Horkheimer, 1966-1968; 1 Brief von E. Nabulon an Max Horkheimer, 1971; 13 Briefe und Beilage zwischen dem Dozenten Georg Nádor und Max Horkheimer, 1964-1967; 4 Briefe zwischen Cornelia Nass und Max Horkheimer sowie der Beilage: Vortrag von Val. Giscard d'Estaing über "die neue Gesellschaft" Brüssel 1970, 1970-1972; 6 Briefe zwischen Else Nassauer und Max Horkheimer, 1967-1973; 3 Briefe zwischen S.Andhil Fineberg und Max Horkheimer, 1967-1969; 1 Brief von Dr. med. Horst Naujoks an Max Horkheimer, 1963; 3 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an die Zeitschrift Nebelspalter, 1964-1969; 7 Briefe zwischen Max Horkheimer und Carl Nedelmann, 1964; 2 Briefe und Beilage zwischen Dr. Renate Neef-Cramer und Max Horkheimer, 1972; 3 Briefe zwischen Walter Neef und Max Horkheimer, 1965; 1 Brief an Dr. Oskar Negt von Max Horkheimer, 1964; 9 Briefe zwischen Dr. Günther Nenning und Max Horkheimer, 1962-1972; 4 Briefe zwischen der Neuen Deutschen Biographie und Max Horkheimer, 1969-1970; 4 Briefe und Beilage zwischen der Wochenschrift Neue Politik und Max Horkheimer, 1971; 6 Briefe zwischen Joachim Günther und Max Horkheimer, 1969-1970; 10 Briefe zwischen der Neuen Rundschau Rudolf Hartung und Max Horkheimer, 1964-1968; 1 Brief an Heinz Friedrich von Max Horkheimer, 1969; 9 Briefe zwischen Dr. Günther Nenning und Max Horkheimer, 1969-1972; 4 Briefe zwischen dem Rektor Günther Neuhardt und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 7 Briefe zwischen Rexa Neumeister und Max Horkheimer, 1967; 28 Briefe und Beilage zwischen dem Professor Ludwig Neundörfer und Max Horkheimer, 1955-1971; 1 Brief an den Professor John J. Neunaier von Max Horkheimer, 1965; 2 Briefe zwischen der Newton Compton Editori und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 3 Briefe zwischen der New York Times und Max Horkheimer, 1959-1960; 4 Briefe und Beilage zwischen Stephen Ney und Max Horkheimer, 1967; 4 Briefe und Beilage zwischen dem Student Claus Niederberger und Max Horkheimer, 1973; 1 Brief an Dr. Friedrich Niewöhner von Max Horkheimer, 1973; 4 Briefe zwischen dem Professor August Nietschke und Max Horkheimer, 1965; 1 Dankesbrief von N.N. an Maidon Horkheimer, 1963; 1 Brief [Hinweis auf eine Krebstherapie] von N.N. an Max Horkheimer; 1 Brief [gegen den Kommunismus] von N.N. an Max Horkheimer, 1955; 1 Brief [Ansichtskarte, Unterzeichnet mit D.C.] von N.N. an Max Horkheimer, 1953; 1 Telegramm [Mitteilung über Schiffverbindung] von N.N. an Max Horkheimer, 1949; 3 Briefe und Beilage zwischen dem Northern Life Insurance Co. Seattle, Wash. und Max Horkheimer, 1951-1953; 4 Briefe und Beilage zwischen den Nürnberger Nachrichten und Max Horkheimer sowie einem Interview mit Max Horkheimer, 1973; 1 Brief von der Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung an Max Horkheimer, 1968;
Vorbesitzer: Bernhard Waldschmidt
Seven sites were drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 177 in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (SO) on a transect over the Antarctic Circumpolar Current from the Subantarctic to the Antarctic Zone. At four sites sediments were recovered with a Pliocene/Pleistocene sediment package of up to 580 m allowing the refinement of previous diatom zonation concepts. Samples were analyzed on stratigraphic distribution and abundance of diatom species. A refined diatom biozonation tied to the geomagnetic polarity record is proposed. For the middle and late Pleistocene two zonations applicable to the northern and southern area of the SO were constructed, considering different latitudinal distributions of biostratigraphic diatom marker species. The southern zonation for the Pleistocene relies on the occurrence of species of the genus Rouxia, R. leventerae and R. constricta n. sp. as well as on a revised last occurrence datum (LOD) of Actinocyclus ingens (0.38 Ma, late marine isotope stage (MIS) 11). The use of these new stratigraphic marker species refines the temporal resolution for biostratigraphic age assignment to up to 0.1 Myr. In particular the LOD of R. leventerae as an indicator for the MIS 6/5 boundary (Termination II) will improve future dating of carbonate-free Antarctic sediments. These new data were obtained from sediments of Sites 1093 and 1094 (Antarctic Zone). The northern zonation for the middle and late Pleistocene time interval is based on the Pleistocene abundance pattern of Hemidiscus karstenii which was already proposed by previous investigations (e.g. Gersonde and Barcena, 1998). One new species (R. constricta) and two new combinations (Fragilariopsis clementia, Fragilariopsis reinholdii) are proposed in this study.