1000 resultados para 154-925


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Coarse grained sediment with clasts ranging from small to medium in size. Clast shape ranges from angular to rounded. Rotation structures can commonly be seen throughout this sample. Edge-to-edge grain crushing with a few lineations can also be seen throughout the sample.


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Que el Colegio Mayor puede extender a otros lugares del país el programa de Especialización en Gerencia de Negocios Internacionales,


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En esta investigación se realiza un análisis del tipo de relaciones que se establecen entre la medicina alopática y la medicina indígena yagecera en el escenario urbano de Bogotá. Para ello, toma distancia de los estudios ya realizados sobre este tema en el campo de la antropología a partir de dos aspectos: en primer lugar, busca acercarse a esta relación a partir de las trayectorias profesionales de un conjunto de médicos (tanto indígenas como alopáticos); en segundo lugar, se aproxima a estas relaciones a partir de una enfermedad particular: el cáncer.


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El retiro del servicio de los empleados públicos aparece como una facultad reglada en las normas del empleo público que, cuando se da alguna de las hipótesis legales que lo hacen procedente, facultan al nominador para ejercer sus atribuciones legales, persiguiendo, ante todo, razones del servicio: su mejora, renovación, eficiencia y moralidad, entre otras. A partir del concepto de una buena administración del Estado, establecer la procedencia y elementos estructurales de una política de prevención del daño antijurídico en relación con el retiro del servicio de servidores públicos que, conforme al ordenamiento jurídico gozan de una especial protección constitucional. Conocer el concepto, el alcance, la regulación y desarrollo jurisprudencial de esta trascendental atribución para el servicio público, resulta indispensable para la debida aplicación del derecho, del ejercicio de las atribuciones públicas por parte de la Administración, y para la prevención del daño antijurídico.


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Traumatic tooth injuries involve function and aesthetics and cause damage that range from minimal enamel loss to complex fractures involving the pulp tissue and even loss of the tooth crown. Technical knowledge and clinical experience are essential to establish an accurate diagnosis and provide a rational treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of Restorative Dentistry specialists about the management of crown and crown-root fractures based on treatment plans proposed by these professionals for these cases. A descriptive questionnaire was mailed to 245 Restorative Dentistry specialists with questions referring to their professional profile and the treatment plans they would propose for the management of crown and crow-root fractures resulting from dental trauma. One hundred and fifty-four questionnaires were returned properly filled. The data were subjected to descriptive statistics and the chi-square test was used to determine the frequency and the level of the significance among the variables. The analysis of data showed that in spite of having a specialist title, all interviewees had great difficulty in planning the treatments. As much as 42.8% of the participants were unable to treat all types of dental trauma. Complicated and uncomplicated crown-root fractures posed the greatest difficulties for the dentists to establish adequate treatment plans because these fractures require multidisciplinary knowledge and approach for a correct case planning and prognosis.


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The Samuel Avon Smith Diary is a journal written Samuel Avon Smith who was a Confederate soldier during the American Civil War (Company H, 5th Regiment, SC) and a doctor. The journal was written from ca. 1830-1876 or beyond (some pages have been destroyed). The first part is a reminiscence of his life from 1830 to ca. 1873 and from that point on he gives a monthly account of life in Bullock’s Creek, SC. Subjects covered in the journal are the battles of Manassas and Seven Pines, Confederate Troops at Leesburg, the reorganization of the Confederate Army, the march to Richmond, the conditions of the troops, wounds received at the battle of Seven Pines and his medical treatment at the Confederate hospital in Manchester, Virginia, his education at the Ebenezer Academy and the Medical College of SC in Charleston; his life, practice, and health conditions in Gaston County, NC, Lincoln County, NC, and in Bullock’s Creek, SC; and sentiments towards the reconstruction government and Ku Klux Klan. There is also mention of a conflict between Blacks and Whites in Chester County, SC in 1871.


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AIMS: The experience of using radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for the treatment of arrhythmias in children and adolescents is still limited. This study aimed to review the most recent results of RF ablation in children and adolescents in a highly experienced centre with access to both conventional techniques and non-fluoroscopic electroanatomic mapping (CARTO). METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 154 consecutive patients younger than 19 years treated with RFA during the period 2000-04 were included. Numbers (%) or median (quartiles) are reported. Age was 15 (12-17) years, 70 (45%) were males. Five patients (3%) had congenital heart disease. RFA was successful in 147/154 patients (95%). Arrhythmia recurrence occurred in 11 patients (7%). Procedure time was 55 (35-90) min and fluoroscopy time was 8.8 (4-19) min. Number of RF applications was 4 (2-10) and number of RF applications >20 s was 2 (1-7). One patient (0.7%) had complicating high-grade atrioventricular block. CARTO was used in 18 RF ablation procedures (11%) performed in 15 patients. CONCLUSION: RF ablation can be undertaken in children and adolescents with a high success rate, few recurrences and complications, very short procedure times, and acceptable fluoroscopy times. Non-fluoroscopic electroanatomic mapping is helpful in selected patients.


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Vorbesitzer: Abraham Merzbacher