768 resultados para 15000
The proposed programme of work for the ECLAC system for 2002-2003 was submitted to the member States of the Commission at its Twenty-eighth session. Mexico City, 3-7 April 2000. The electronic version is for information purposes only.
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of lactation phases on the proteinogram of whey protein in Santa Inês ewes. Ewes were accompanied in a semi-intensive system using the same sanitary and nutritional management evaluated at 15, 30, 60 and 90 days postpartum (end of weaning and lactation). Clinical examination of the mammary gland was carried out through and bacteriological culture. The screening of the material resulted in 44 milk samples of healthy glands concurrent negative by CMT and bacteriological culture exam. For obtaining the whey protein renin solution was used. The whey was fractionated into aliquots and kept in the -80C freezer to later separation of protein fractions. For determination of total protein of whey protein was employed the biuret, observing the linearity of the test. Separation of protein fractions was performed, using polyacrylamide gel containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE). Eigth protein were observed including lactoferrin, serum albumin, IgA, IgG (heavy chain IgG (IgG CP), light chain IgG (IgG CL), ß-lactoglobulin, a-lactalbumin and proteins identified as PM 15000 and PM 29000. No significant difference was observed at different stages of lactation in the following protein: IgA (P>0.3895), lactoferrin (P>0.1611), PM 29000 (P>0.4879), α-lactalbumin (P>0.0799) and PM15000 (P>0.4494). In total protein (P<0.0022), albumin protein (P<0.0377) and IgG (P<0.0354) it was observed a significant variation in the first moments of observations, in the ß-lactoglobulin protein (P<0.0005) there was significant variation with reduction of 15 to 30 days postpartum with progressive elevation until the last stage of lactation (90 days postpartum). The SDS-PAGE technique allowed the quantification of eigth whey proteins in health ewes. The protein fractions identified reflect the profile of whey to ovine species, with influence of stages of lactation in albumin, IgG and ß-lactoglobulin.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) is routinely diagnosed with the Agarose Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) technique, which is considered to have low sensitivity. The objective of this study was to standardize testing i-Elisa and Western Blot for early detection of antibodies against CAEV in goats and compare the results obtained in these tests with proof of AGID. For standardization of i-Elisa and WB, different concentrations and dilutions of antigen, sera and conjugate were used. In the i-Elisa, rigid microplate with 96 wells was adopted, and the combination that showed the best result was a concentration of 0.5µg/ well of antigen and dilutions of the serum of 1:100 and conjugate of 1:1500. In the WB nitrocellulose membranes were used, and the dilutions of the serum were defined at 1:50 and conjugate at 1:15000. To evaluate the performance of the techniques, 222 goat serum samples were tested and the data were compared with the AGID. The sensitivity and specificity of Elisa-i/IDGA, WB/AGID and WB/Elisa-i were 70% and 91%, 100% and 72.6%, 84.6% and 76.5%, concomitantly. The Kappa index of these tests was 0.35, 0.2 and 0.36, respectively. The i-Elisa and WB techniques were more sensitive than the AGID and can be used as tools for early diagnosis of CAE.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
New Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) observing modes have extended the Hubble Space Telescope's spectral range to wavelengths between 900-1150 Å. However, the G140L/1280 and the Cycle 19 available G130M central wavelengths (1055 and 1096) that sample below 1150 Å were only available at focus positions which provided low-resolution (R<3,000). For HST Cycle 20, we introduced a new G130M/1222 central wavelength that covers 1065-1365 Å with R>10,000 everywhere, but optimized for 15000 from 1080-1200 Å. This mode places geo-coronal Lyα between the COS FUV detector segments to minimize detector gain sag. Also for Cycle 20, the resolution of the G130M/1055 and 1096 modes will be increased by a factor of 3-4 by optimizing the focus positions for these modes. This will give HST approximately the effective area of FUSE over the FUSE bandpass at 10,000. Here we present the current calibration status of the COS G130M/1055, 1096, and 1222 central wavelength settings at the original and second FUV lifetime positions with an emphasis on observing over the "Lyman UV", or "LUV", 912-1216 Å.
The continuous increase of genome sequencing projects produced a huge amount of data in the last 10 years: currently more than 600 prokaryotic and 80 eukaryotic genomes are fully sequenced and publically available. However the sole sequencing process of a genome is able to determine just raw nucleotide sequences. This is only the first step of the genome annotation process that will deal with the issue of assigning biological information to each sequence. The annotation process is done at each different level of the biological information processing mechanism, from DNA to protein, and cannot be accomplished only by in vitro analysis procedures resulting extremely expensive and time consuming when applied at a this large scale level. Thus, in silico methods need to be used to accomplish the task. The aim of this work was the implementation of predictive computational methods to allow a fast, reliable, and automated annotation of genomes and proteins starting from aminoacidic sequences. The first part of the work was focused on the implementation of a new machine learning based method for the prediction of the subcellular localization of soluble eukaryotic proteins. The method is called BaCelLo, and was developed in 2006. The main peculiarity of the method is to be independent from biases present in the training dataset, which causes the over‐prediction of the most represented examples in all the other available predictors developed so far. This important result was achieved by a modification, made by myself, to the standard Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm with the creation of the so called Balanced SVM. BaCelLo is able to predict the most important subcellular localizations in eukaryotic cells and three, kingdom‐specific, predictors were implemented. In two extensive comparisons, carried out in 2006 and 2008, BaCelLo reported to outperform all the currently available state‐of‐the‐art methods for this prediction task. BaCelLo was subsequently used to completely annotate 5 eukaryotic genomes, by integrating it in a pipeline of predictors developed at the Bologna Biocomputing group by Dr. Pier Luigi Martelli and Dr. Piero Fariselli. An online database, called eSLDB, was developed by integrating, for each aminoacidic sequence extracted from the genome, the predicted subcellular localization merged with experimental and similarity‐based annotations. In the second part of the work a new, machine learning based, method was implemented for the prediction of GPI‐anchored proteins. Basically the method is able to efficiently predict from the raw aminoacidic sequence both the presence of the GPI‐anchor (by means of an SVM), and the position in the sequence of the post‐translational modification event, the so called ω‐site (by means of an Hidden Markov Model (HMM)). The method is called GPIPE and reported to greatly enhance the prediction performances of GPI‐anchored proteins over all the previously developed methods. GPIPE was able to predict up to 88% of the experimentally annotated GPI‐anchored proteins by maintaining a rate of false positive prediction as low as 0.1%. GPIPE was used to completely annotate 81 eukaryotic genomes, and more than 15000 putative GPI‐anchored proteins were predicted, 561 of which are found in H. sapiens. In average 1% of a proteome is predicted as GPI‐anchored. A statistical analysis was performed onto the composition of the regions surrounding the ω‐site that allowed the definition of specific aminoacidic abundances in the different considered regions. Furthermore the hypothesis that compositional biases are present among the four major eukaryotic kingdoms, proposed in literature, was tested and rejected. All the developed predictors and databases are freely available at: BaCelLo http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/bacello eSLDB http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/esldb GPIPE http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/gpipe
[ES] La conmemoración del ccxxv aniversario del nacimiento de Fernando Estévez (1788-1854) en 2013 propició una aproximación diferente a la trayectoria de dicho artista. Este artículo recuerda las actividades organizadas entonces en La Orotava, especialmente una exposición de esculturas y documentos que tuvo varias sedes o lugares de exhibición durante el mes de marzo. Partiendo de obras contempladas entonces, se estudian otras representaciones del Niño Jesús que conservan templos del norte de Tenerife y pueden atribuírsele por cuestiones de estilo. [EN] The commemoration of 225th birth anniversary of Fernando Estévez (1788-1854) in 2013 allowed a new approach to his artistic caree. This paper recalls the activities organised in La Orotava back then, especially an exhibition of sculptures and documents in several spaces during the month of March. Based on the sculptures seen there, we can attribute to him other representations of the Infant Jesus that are preserved in churches in northern Tenerife.
Salt deposits characterize the subsurface of Tuzla (BiH) and made it famous since the ancient times. Archeological discoveries demonstrate the presence of a Neolithic pile-dwelling settlement related to the existence of saltwater springs that contributed to make the most of the area a swampy ground. Since the Roman times, the town is reported as “the City of Salt deposits and Springs”; "tuz" is the Turkish word for salt, as the Ottomans renamed the settlement in the 15th century following their conquest of the medieval Bosnia (Donia and Fine, 1994). Natural brine springs were located everywhere and salt has been evaporated by means of hot charcoals since pre-Roman times. The ancient use of salt was just a small exploitation compared to the massive salt production carried out during the 20th century by means of classical mine methodologies and especially wild brine pumping. In the past salt extraction was practised tapping natural brine springs, while the modern technique consists in about 100 boreholes with pumps tapped to the natural underground brine runs, at an average depth of 400-500 m. The mining operation changed the hydrogeological conditions enabling the downward flow of fresh water causing additional salt dissolution. This process induced severe ground subsidence during the last 60 years reaching up to 10 meters of sinking in the most affected area. Stress and strain of the overlying rocks induced the formation of numerous fractures over a conspicuous area (3 Km2). Consequently serious damages occurred to buildings and infrastructures such as water supply system, sewage networks and power lines. Downtown urban life was compromised by the destruction of more than 2000 buildings that collapsed or needed to be demolished causing the resettlement of about 15000 inhabitants (Tatić, 1979). Recently salt extraction activities have been strongly reduced, but the underground water system is returning to his natural conditions, threatening the flooding of the most collapsed area. During the last 60 years local government developed a monitoring system of the phenomenon, collecting several data about geodetic measurements, amount of brine pumped, piezometry, lithostratigraphy, extension of the salt body and geotechnical parameters. A database was created within a scientific cooperation between the municipality of Tuzla and the city of Rotterdam (D.O.O. Mining Institute Tuzla, 2000). The scientific investigation presented in this dissertation has been financially supported by a cooperation project between the Municipality of Tuzla, The University of Bologna (CIRSA) and the Province of Ravenna. The University of Tuzla (RGGF) gave an important scientific support in particular about the geological and hydrogeological features. Subsidence damage resulting from evaporite dissolution generates substantial losses throughout the world, but the causes are only well understood in a few areas (Gutierrez et al., 2008). The subject of this study is the collapsing phenomenon occurring in Tuzla area with the aim to identify and quantify the several factors involved in the system and their correlations. Tuzla subsidence phenomenon can be defined as geohazard, which represents the consequence of an adverse combination of geological processes and ground conditions precipitated by human activity with the potential to cause harm (Rosenbaum and Culshaw, 2003). Where an hazard induces a risk to a vulnerable element, a risk management process is required. The single factors involved in the subsidence of Tuzla can be considered as hazards. The final objective of this dissertation represents a preliminary risk assessment procedure and guidelines, developed in order to quantify the buildings vulnerability in relation to the overall geohazard that affect the town. The historical available database, never fully processed, have been analyzed by means of geographic information systems and mathematical interpolators (PART I). Modern geomatic applications have been implemented to deeply investigate the most relevant hazards (PART II). In order to monitor and quantify the actual subsidence rates, geodetic GPS technologies have been implemented and 4 survey campaigns have been carried out once a year. Subsidence related fractures system has been identified by means of field surveys and mathematical interpretations of the sinking surface, called curvature analysis. The comparison of mapped and predicted fractures leaded to a better comprehension of the problem. Results confirmed the reliability of fractures identification using curvature analysis applied to sinking data instead of topographic or seismic data. Urban changes evolution has been reconstructed analyzing topographic maps and satellite imageries, identifying the most damaged areas. This part of the investigation was very important for the quantification of buildings vulnerability.
L'obbiettivo di questa tesi era sviluppare un autocarro ad uso desertico progettato per il trasporto sia di personale che di parti di ricambio per oleodotti. Durante tutte le fasi di progettazione dovevo tenere conto delle specifiche di progetto assegnate quali le dimensioni, lunghezza di 7 metri e larghezza di circa 4, la capacità di carico, 15000 kg, una velocità massima raggiungibile su pista asfaltata di 200 km/h, avere la sezione del telaio inferiore a V per ridurre il rischio di insabbiamenti e per permettere di guadare piccoli corsi d'acqua che potrebbe incontrare durante la missione ed infine avere le ruote sterzanti sia all'asse anteriore sia su quello posteriore.
Obiettivo del lavoro è quello di legare tra di loro due aspetti che storicamente sono sempre stati scollegati. Il primo è il lungo dibattito sul tema “oltre il PIL”, che prosegue ininterrottamente da circa mezzo secolo. Il secondo riguarda l’utilizzo dei sistemi di misurazione e valutazione della performance nel settore pubblico italiano. Si illustra l’evoluzione del dibattito sul PIL facendo un excursus storico del pensiero critico che si è sviluppato nel corso di circa cinquanta anni analizzando le ragioni assunte dagli studiosi per confutare l’utilizzo del PIL quale misura universale del benessere. Cogliendo questa suggestione l’Istat, in collaborazione con il CNEL, ha avviato un progetto per individuare nuovi indicatori da affiancare al PIL, in grado di misurare il livello non solo della crescita economica, ma anche del benessere sociale e sostenibile, con l’analisi degli indicatori riferiti a 12 domini di benessere individuati. Al progetto Istat-CNEL si è affiancato il progetto UrBES, promosso dall’Istat e dal Coordinamento dei sindaci metropolitani dell’ANCI, che hanno costituito una rete di città metropolitane per sperimentare la misurazione e il confronto sulla base di indicatori di benessere urbano equo e sostenibile, facendo proprio un progetto del Comune di Bologna e di Laboratorio Urbano (Centro di documentazione, ricerca e proposta sulle città), che ha sottoposto a differenti target un questionario on line, i cui risultati, con riferimento alle risposte fornite alle domande aperte, sono stati elaborati attraverso l’utilizzo di Taltac, un software per l’analisi dei testi, al fine di individuare i “profili” dei rispondenti, associando i risultati dell’elaborazione alle variabili strutturali del questionario. Nell’ultima parte i servizi e progetti erogati dal comune di Bologna sono stati associati alle dimensioni UrBES, per valutare l’impatto delle politiche pubbliche sulla qualità della vita e sul benessere dei cittadini, indicando le criticità legate alla mancanza di dati adeguati.
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) for the treatment of symptomatic severe aortic stenosis has emerged as an effective treatment for high risk patients. In 2002 TAVI was performed for the first time in a human by Alain Cribier, using an antegrade access approach via the femoral vein, crossing the intra-atrial septum after puncture and passing the native aortic valve in the direction of blood flow. This technically demanding approach was subsequently replaced by retrograde transfemoral arterial access. For patients with severe peripheral vascular disease or inadequately sized femoral arteries, the transapical route provides an alternative route with antegrade access to the aortic valve via puncture of the anterolateral wall of the left ventricle. The transsubclavian access approach using most frequently the left subclavian artery and direct transaortic access have been introduced more recently and attest to the versatility of TAVI in terms of access site. This article will focus on the different access site options available to operators, provide a step-by-step guide through the procedure, and a detailed description of the technological evolution of transcatheter heart valve systems.