984 resultados para 149-900


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What was it like to be a teenager in medieval England? Despite the fact that medieval society often singled young apprentices and workers out for comment, their study has been largely neglected in medieval archaeology. The skeletal remains of 4940 adolescents (6.6-25 years) from 151 sites in medieval England was compiled from a combination of primary data collection and secondary data from published and unpublished skeletal reports and on-line databases. The aim was to explore whether apprentices could be identified in the archaeological record and if so, at what age they started work and what impact occupation had on their health. The data were divided into urban and rural groups, dating from before and after the Black Death of AD 1348-9, and before the Industrial Revolution. A shift in the demographic pattern of urban and rural adolescents was identified after the Black Death, with a greater number of young females residing in the urban contexts after 14 years. The average age of males increased from 12 years to 14 years after the plague years, contrary to what we might expect from the documentary sources. There were higher rates of spinal and joint disease in the urban adolescents and their injuries were more widespread than their rural counterparts. Domestic service was the potential cause of the greater strain on the knees and backs of the urban females, with interpersonal violence evident in the young urban males. Overall, it was the urban females that carried the burden of respiratory and infectious diseases suggesting they may have been the most vulnerable group. This study has demonstrated the value of adolescent skeletal remains in revealing information about their health and working life, before and after the Black Death.


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The action of a synthetic antimicrobial peptide analog of Plantaricin 149 (Pln149a) against Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its interaction with biomembrane model systems were investigated. Pln149a was shown to inhibit S. cerevisiae growth by more than 80% in YPD medium, causing morphological changes in the yeast wall and remaining active and resistant to the yeast proteases even after 24 h of incubation. Different membrane model systems and carbohydrates were employed to better describe the Pln149a interaction with cellular components using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopies, adsorption kinetics and surface elasticity in Langmuir monolayers. These assays showed that Pln149a does not interact with either mono/polysaccharides or zwitterionic LUVs, but is strongly adsorbed to and incorporated into negatively charged surfaces, causing a conformational change in its secondary structure from random-coil to helix upon adsorption. From the concurrent analysis of Pln149a adsorption kinetics and dilatational surface elasticity data, we determined that 2.5 mu M is the critical concentration at which Pln149a will disrupt a negative DPPG monolayer. Furthermore, Pln149a exhibited a carpet-like mechanism of action, in which the peptide initially binds to the membrane, covering its surface and acquiring a helical structure that remains associated to the negatively charged phospholipids. After this electrostatic interaction, another peptide region causes a strain in the membrane, promoting its disruption. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, utilizando-se 712 pintos de corte para avaliar o efeito do balanço eletrolítico (Na+K-Cl) em rações pré-iniciais (1-7 dias) de frangos de corte. As rações à base de milho e farelo de soja, com 21,5 % de proteína e 2.900 kcal EM/kg, foram oferecidas à vontade. No experimento I, o nível de K foi fixado e os níveis de Na e Cl foram manipulados, em 4 tratamentos com 8 repetições de 16 aves cada. No experimento II, níveis mais elevados de Na e K foram usados, com 4 tratamentos e 5 repetições de 10 aves cada. em ambos os experimentos, os balanços eletrolíticos foram de 40; 140; 240 e 340 mEq/kg de ração. O balanço eletrolítico causou um efeito quadrático no ganho de peso e na conversão alimentar e um aumento linear no consumo de alimento quando o balanço eletrolítico foi aumentado pela suplementação de Na, indicando que esse íon estimula o consumo de alimento das aves nesse período. Porém, o consumo de alimento foi máximo em 202 mEq/kg, quando os níveis de K e Na foram simultaneamente aumentados na dieta, indicando que o limite superior de consumo de alimento é deprimido em função do K em excesso. O balanço eletrolítico ideal foi entre 246 e 277 mEq/kg obtidos pela manipulação dos níveis de Na e Cl.


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In this work Ba0.99Eu0.01MoO4 (BEMO) powders were prepared by the first time by the Complex Polymerization Method. The structural and optical properties of the BEMO powders were characterized by Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman Spectra, High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy (HR-SEM) and Photoluminescent Measurements. XRD show a crystalline scheelite-type phase after the heat treatment at temperatures greater than 400 degrees C. The ionic radius of Eu3+ (0.109 nm) is lower than the Ba2+ (0.149 nm) one. This difference is responsible for the decrease in the lattice parameters of the BEMO compared to the pure BaMoO4 matrix. This little difference in the lattice parameters show that Eu3+ is expected to occupy the Ba2+ site at different temperatures, stayed the tetragonal (S-4) symmetry characteristic of scheelite-type crystalline structures of BaMoO4. The emission spectra of the samples, when excited at 394 nm, presented the D-5(1)-> F-7(0, 1 and 2) and D-5(0)-> F-7(0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) Eu3+ transitions at 523, 533, 554, 578, 589, 614, 652 and 699 nm, respectively. The emission spectra of the powders heat-treated at 800 and 900 degrees C showed a marked increase in its intensities compared to the materials heat-treated from 400 to 700 C. The decay times for the sample were evaluated and all of them presented the average value of 0.61 ms. Eu3+ luminescence decay time follows one exponential curve indicating the presence of only one type of Eu3+ symmetry site.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The George C. Martin Papers includes Civil War correspondence between George Canning Martin and his wife, Sarah Jane, from May 1862 to August 1864. Subjects include camp life, the progress of the war in North Carolina and Virginia, and the physical and mental condition of the Confederate soldiers (such as ill health, poor food, and depression). Also included are tax receipts, pension records, newspapers clippings (1863), a commonplace book belonging to Robert Smith, and a memoir (author unknown).


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La città ready-made. Partecipazione, relazione e azione nel ‘900 è un percorso storico-critico che si snoda lungo tutto il ‘900 alla ricerca degli episodi in cui è possibile riscontrare la partecipazione nelle pratiche estetiche di diverse generazioni di artisti; per imbastire un racconto puntuale e sistematico, inoltre, si è ricorsi ad una metafora genetica che ha riscontrato una fase — corrispondente alla prima metà del secolo — in cui il cromosoma responsabile di tale afflato partecipativo è risultato recessivo e un’altra — corrispondente stavolta alla seconda metà, più o meno dagli anni ’60 ai ’90 — in cui si è potuto registrare, altresì, una dominanza. Ad influire su questi fenomeni e sul loro svolgimento nei decenni, i protagonisti assoluti di questa trattazione: la Città e il Pubblico che, di volta in volta, facendo sentire la loro presenza o facendola venir meno, hanno dettato l’agenda della socio-relazionalità nel ‘900. Si è, inoltre, provveduto a rileggere alcuni episodi estetici al fine di evidenziarne un andamento ciclico e di ripetizione: mentre nella prima metà della ricerca si è scovato il seme della socio-relazionalità nelle visite e nelle derive di dadaisti e situazionisti, nella seconda ci si è concentrati sull’ampia produzione dei collettivi artistici di New York negli anni ’70. A dimostrazione di come la relazionalità non sia un fenomeno esclusivamente legato alla pratica dell’arte degli anni ’90, ma che, con le opportune distinzioni generazionali, è possibile riscontrarne le tracce in tutta la contemporaneità.