991 resultados para 129-800A


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This report presents all the available major and trace elemental analyses and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions of basaltic rocks recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 800, 801, and 802 during Leg 129 (Table 1). Its main purpose is to provide other investigators a complete summary of geochemical data for Leg 129 basement basalts that they can use for later work. Detailed discussions of the data are presented elsewhere in the volume by Floyd and Castillo (Site 801 geochemistry and petrogenesis, dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.779154) Floyd et al. (Sites 800 and 802 geochemistry and petrography, dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.779129), Alt et al. (Site 801 alteration, dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.779207), and Castillo et al. (Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope geochemistry of Leg 129 basalts, dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.779191).


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Interstitial water samples from Leg 129, Sites 800, 801, and 802 in the Pigafetta and Mariana basins (central western Pacific), have been analyzed for major elements, B, Li, Mn, Sr, and 87Sr/86Sr. At all sites waters show enrichment in Ca and Sr and are depleted in Mg, K, Na, SO4, B, alkalinity, and 87Sr compared to seawater. These changes are related to alteration of basaltic material into secondary smectite and zeolite and recrystallization of biogenic carbonate. Water concentration depth profiles are characterized by breaks due to the presence of barriers to diffusion such as chert layers at Sites 800 and 801 and highly cemented volcanic ash at Site 802. In Site 800, below a chert layer, concentration depth profiles are vertical and reflect slight alteration of volcanic matter, either in situ or in the upper basaltic crust. Release of interlayer water from clay minerals is likely to induce observed Cl depletions. At Site 801, two units act as diffusion barrier and isolate the volcaniclastic sediments from ocean and basement. Diagenetic alteration of volcanic matter generates a chemical signature similar to that at Site 800. Just above the basaltic crust, interstitial waters are less evolved and reflect low alteration of the crust, probably because of the presence in the sediments of layers with low diffusivities. At Site 802, in Miocene tuffs, the chemical evolution generated by diagenetic alteration is extreme (Ca = 130 mmol, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7042 at 83 meters below seafloor) and is accompanied by an increase of the Cl content (630 mmol) due to water uptake in secondary hydrous phases. Factors that enhance this evolution are a high sediment accumulation rate, high cementation preventing diffusive exchange and the reactive composition of the sediment (basaltic glass). The chemical variation is estimated to result in the alteration of more than 20% of the volcanic matter in a nearly closed system.


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Hydrogen isotope compositions have been measured on pore waters from sediments of Leg 129 sites in the Pigafetta and East Mariana basins (central western Pacific). Total water (pore + sorbed waters) contents and their dD have been analyzed for three samples that contain smectite but no zeolite so that sorbed water can be attributed to interlayer water. The H budget for pore and total waters implies that interlayer water is 20 per mil to 30 per mil depleted in D compared to pore water. Because the interlayer/total water molar ratio (0.25 to 0.5) in smectitic sediments is very high, interlayer water represents an important reservoir of D-depleted water in sediments. dD depth profiles for pore water at Sites 800 and 801 show breaks related to chert and radiolarite layers and are relatively vertical below. Above these chert units, pore waters are similar to modern seawater but below, they are between -10 per mil and -5.5 per mil. These values could represent little modified pre-Miocene seawater values, which were D-depleted because of the absence of polar caps, and were preserved from diffusive exchange with modern seawater by the relatively impermeable overlying chert layers. At Site 802, dD values of the pore waters show a decrease in the Miocene tuffs from 0 per mil values at the top to -8 per mil at 250 mbsf. Below, dD values are relatively uniform at about -8ë. Miocene tuffs are undergoing low water/rock alteration. A positive covariation of dD and Cl content of pore water in the tuffs suggests that the increase of dD values could result from secondary smectite formation. Low diffusive exchange coupled with D enrichment due to alteration of preglacial waters could explain the observed profile.


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Chlorine isotope ratios were determined for volcanic gas, geothermal well, ash, and lava samples along the Izu-Bonin-Mariana volcanic front, serpentinite clasts and muds from serpentine seamounts (Conical, South Chamorro, Torishima), basalts from the Guguan cross-chain, and sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 800, 801, 802, and 1149. There is no systematic variation in d37Cl values along the volcanic front in either gas or ash samples. In contrast, distinct variations occur across the arc, implying variations in the fluid source at different depths within the subduction zone. Serpentinite clasts and serpentine muds from the seamounts tap a source of ~30 km depth and have d37Cl values of structurally bound chloride of +0.4 per mil +/- 0.4 per mil (n = 24), identical to most seafloor serpentinites, suggesting a serpentinite (chrysotile and/or lizardite to antigorite transition) fluid source. Tapping deeper levels of the subduction zone (~115-130 km depth), volcanic gases and ashes have d37Cl values averaging -1.1 per mil +/- 1.0 per mil (n = 29), precisely overlapping the range measured in sediments from ODP cores (-1.1 per mil +/- +0.7 per mil, n = 11) and limited altered oceanic crust (AOC). Both sediments and AOC are possible Cl sources in the volcanic front. The Guguan cross-chain basalts come from the greatest depths and have an average d37Cl value of +0.2 per mil +/- 0.2 per mil (n = 3), suggesting a second serpentine-derived source, in this case from antigorite breakdown at ~200 km depth.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 recovered chert, porcellanite, and radiolarite from Middle Jurassic to lower Miocene strata from the western Pacific that formed by different processes and within distinct host rocks. These cherts and porcellanites formed by (1) replacement of chalk or limestone, (2) silicification and in-situ silica phase-transformation of bedded clay-bearing biosiliceous deposits, (3) high-temperature silicification adjacent to volcanic flows or sills, and (4) silica phase-transformation of mixed biosiliceous-volcaniclastic sediments. Petrologic and O-isotopic studies highlight the key importance of permeability and time in controlling the formation of dense cherts and porcellanites. The formation of dense, vitreous cherts apparently requires the local addition and concentration of silica. The influence of permeability is shown by two examples, in which: (1) fragments of originally identical radiolarite that were differentially isolated from pore-water circulation by cement-filled fractures were silicified to different degrees, and (2) by the development of secondary porosity during the opal-CT to quartz inversion within conditions of negligible permeability. The importance of time is shown by the presence of quartz chert below, but not above, a Paleogene hiatus at Site 802, indicating that between 30 and 52 m.y. was required for the formation of quartz chert within calcareous-siliceous sediments. The oxygen-isotopic composition for all Leg 129 carbonate- and Fe/Mn-oxide-free whole-rock samples of chert and porcellanite range widely from d18O = 27.8 per mil to 39.8 per mil vs. V-SMOW. Opal-CT samples are consistently richer in 18O (34.1 per mil to 39.3 per mil) than quartz subsamples (27.8 per mil to 35.7 per mil). Using the O-isotopic fractionation expression for quartz-water of Knauth and Epstein (1976) and assuming d18Opore water = -1.0 per mil, model temperatures of formation are 7°-26°C for carbonate-replacement quartz cherts, 22°-25°C for bedded quartz cherts, and 32°-34°C for thermal quartz cherts. Large variations in O-isotopic composition exist at the same burial depth between co-existing silica phases in the same sample and within the same phase in adjacent lithologies. For example, quartz has a wide range of isotopic compositions within a single breccia sample; d18O = 33.4 per mil and 28.0 per mil for early and late stages of fracture-filling cementation, and 31.6 per mil and 30.2 per mil for microcrystalline quartz precipitation within enclosed chert and radiolarite fragments. Similarly, opal-CT d101 spacing varies across lithologic or diagenetic boundaries within single samples. Co-occurring opal-CT and chalcedonic quartz in shallowly buried chert and porcellanite from Sites 800 and 801 have an 8.7 per mil difference in d18O, suggesting that pore waters in the Pigafetta Basin underwent a Tertiary shift to strongly 18O-depleted values due to alteration of underlying Aptian to Albian-Cenomanian volcaniclastic deposits after opal-CT precipitation, but prior to precipitation of microfossil-filling chalcedony.


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Siliceous deposits drilled on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 accumulated within a few degrees of the equator during the Jurassic through early Tertiary, as constrained by paleomagnetic data. During the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, radiolarian ooze, mixed with a minor amount of pelagic clay, was deposited near the equator, and overall accumulation rates were moderate to low. At a smaller scale, in more detail, periods of relatively higher accumulation rates alternated with periods of very low accumulation rates. Higher rates are represented by radiolarite and limestone; lower rates are represented by radiolarian claystone. Our limited data from Leg 129 suggests that accumulation of biogenic deposits was not symmetrical about the equator or consistent over time. In the Jurassic, sedimentation was siliceous; in the Cretaceous there was significant calcareous deposition; in the Tertiary claystone indicates significantly lower accumulation rates at least the northern part of the equatorial zone. Accumulation rates for Leg 129 deposits in the Cretaceous were higher in the southern part of the equatorial zone than in the northern part, and the southern side of this high productivity zone extended to approximately 15°S, while the northern side extended only to about 5°N. Accumulation rates are influenced by relative contributions from various sediment sources. Several elements and element ratios are useful for discriminating sedimentary sources for the equatorial depositional environments. Silica partitioning calculations indicate that silica is dominantly of biogenic origin, with a detrital component in the volcaniclastic turbidite units, and a small hydrothermal component in the basal sediments on spreading ridge basement of Jurassic age at Site 801. Iron in Leg 129 sediments is dominantly of detrital origin, highest in the volcaniclastic units, with a minor hydrothermal component in the basal sediments at Site 801. Manganese concentrations are highest in the units with the lowest accumulation rates. Fe/Mn ratios are >3 in all units, indicating negligible hydrothermal influence. Magnesium and aluminum concentrations are highest in the volcaniclastic units and in the basal sediments at Site 801. Phosphorous is very low in abundance and may be detrital, derived from fish parts. Boron is virtually absent, as is typical of deep-water deposits. Rare earth element concentrations are slightly higher in the volcaniclastic deposits, suggesting a detrital source, and lower in the rest of the lithologic units. Rare earth element abundances are also low relative to "average shale." Rare earth element patterns indicate all samples are light rare earth element enriched. Siliceous deposits in the volcaniclastic units have patterns which lack a cerium anomaly, suggesting some input of rare earth elements from a detrital source; most other units have a distinct negative Ce anomaly similar to seawater, suggesting a seawater source, through adsorption either onto biogenic tests or incorporation into authigenic minerals for Ce in these units. The Al/(Al + Fe + Mn) ratio indicates that there is some detrital component in all the units sampled. This ratio plotted against Fe/Ti shows that all samples plot near the detrital and basalt end-members, except for the basal samples from Site 801, which show a clear trend toward the hydrothermal end-member. The results of these plots and the association of high Fe with high Mg and Al indicate the detrital component is dominantly volcaniclastic, but the presence of potassium in some samples suggests some terrigenous material may also be present, most likely in the form of eolian clay. On Al-Fe-Mn ternary plots, samples from all three sites show a trend from biogenic ooze at the top of the section downhole to oceanic basalt. On Si-Fe-Mn ternary plots, the samples from all three sites fall on a trend between equatorial mid-ocean spreading ridges and north Pacific red clay. Copper-barium ratios show units that have low accumulation rates plot in the authigenic field, and radiolarite and limestone samples that have high accumulation rates fall in the biogenic field.


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Calcareous nannofossils were studied from Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments drilled in the western Pacific during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129. Mesozoic sediments at Sites 800, 801, and 802 are dominated by volcaniclastic turbidites, claystones, porcellanites, and radiolarites. Pelagic limestones are limited to the middle Cretaceous, and a few calcareous claystones were recovered in the Upper Jurassic section at Site 801. We documented the distribution of nannofossils, their total abundance, preservation, and relative species abundance based on semiquantitative and qualitative studies. Preservation of the calcareous nannofloras is poor to moderate, and the total abundance fluctuates from rare to very abundant. Marker species proposed for the middle and Late Cretaceous were recognized, allowing the application of standard nannofossil biozonations. At Site 800 calcareous nannofloras are abundant and moderately preserved in the Aptian-Cenomanian, and nannofossil biostratigraphy constitutes the basic stratigraphic framework for this interval. Radiolarians are the most abundant and persistent group throughout the sequence drilled at Site 801. Long intervals are barren of nannofloras and assemblages are usually characterized by low abundance and poor preservation. Nannofossil biostratigraphy was applied to the upper Aptian-Cenomanian interval and a few marker species were recognized for the late Tithonian. At Site 802 Cretaceous biostratigraphy is mainly based on calcareous nannofossil biozones corroborated by radiolarian and palynomorph events in the late Aptian-Coniacian age interval. A hiatus was indicated between the Santonian and the late Campanian, and another is suspected in the interval between the Cenomanian and the Coniacian.