984 resultados para 126-787
O objetivo do experimento foi testar a eficácia de diferentes diluidores, a base de Ringer-Lactato, Leite Desnatado, TRIS (hidroxi-methil-amino-methan) e Lactose/TRIS, na criopreservação de sêmen bubalino. Foram utilizados três machos bubalinos da raça Murrah em plena atividade sexual. O sêmen foi colhido por vagina artificial totalizando 71 ejaculados. Após a colheita, cada amostra foi submetida às análises qualitativas e quantitativas do sêmen. Os ejaculados foram fracionados e diluídos nos quatro diluidores. O sêmen diluído foi envasado em palhetas de 0,25ml e submetidos a um tempo de equilíbrio de até quatro horas a 5ºC, com posterior congelação em nitrogênio líquido. As amostras identificadas foram descongeladas em banho maria à temperatura de 40°C por 30 segundos e seqüencialmente avaliadas quanto a motilidade, vigor, lesão de acrossoma, e percentual de patologias espermáticas. As amostras também foram submetidas ao teste de termo-resistência, permanecendo incubadas à temperatura de 40°C durante 30 segundos, 3-5 minutos, 30 minutos, 1 hora, 2 horas e 3 horas, onde foram avaliadas quanto a motilidade e o vigor espermático. As características físicoquímicas, após análise do sêmen in natura, encontraram-se dentro dos valores preconizados para a espécie bubalina e satisfatórios para o processo de congelação. Após descongelação do sêmen, observou redução numérica estatística (p<0,05) na motilidade espermática, sendo que no sêmen in natura se observou 86,67±6,17% reduzindo para 70±6,92% em TRIS, 67,4±8,01% em Ringer/lactato, 67,09±9,03% em Lactose/TRIS e 59,7±9,05% em leite desnatado e ao comparar entre os quatro tratamentos apenas o Leite desnatado mostrou diferença estatística significativa (p<0,05). Após descongelação, o vigor espermático também diminuiu estatisticamente (p<0,05) nos quatro tratamentos (3,50±0,53 TRIS; 3,38±0,49 Ringer-lactato; 3,3±0,46 Lactose/TRIS e 3,25±0,44 Leite desnatado) versus (4±0,39 sêmen in natura) e ao comparar entre os tratamento, apenas entre Leite desnatado e TRIS se observou diferença estatística (p<0,05). Quanto aos defeitos maiores (4,15±1,9% sêmen in natura; 10,51±4,4% TRIS; 11,94±4,2% Ringer-Lactato; 11,88±4,8% Lactose/TRIS; 12,01±5% Leite desnatado), menores (3,81±1,2% sêmen in natura; 4,67±1,1% TRIS; 4,98±1,7% Ringer-Lactato; 4,93±2,0% Lactose/TRIS; 4,93±2,0% Leite desnatado) e totais (7,91±2,1% sêmen in natura; 15,18±4,7% TRIS; 16,92±4,8% Ringer-Lactato; 16,82±5,6% Lactose/TRIS; 17,11±5,6% Leite desnatado), após descongelação houve aumento significativo dos defeitos nos quatro tratamentos (p<0,05), e entre eles não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas entre si (p>0,05). Na fase pós-TTR, após 3 horas de incubação, a motilidade progressiva (TRIS 21,13±7,5%; Ringer-Lactato 20,78±7,4%; Lactose/TRIS 20,25±5,3%; Leite desnatado 20,12±6,6%) e vigor espermático (TRIS 2,04±0,5; Ringer-Lactato 2,07±0,5; Lactose/TRIS 2,02±0,4; Leite desnatado 2,00±0,5) não apresentaram diferença estatística entre os tratamentos (p<0,05). Quanto a intergridade do acrossoma, após a descongelação (Sêmen in natura 97,85±0,6%; TRIS 91,65±4,3%; Ringer-Lactato 90,46±4,8%; Lactose/TRIS 89,76±5,4%; Leite desnatado 90,56±5,6%), houve diminuição estatística (p<0,05) e quando se comparou tal parâmetro entre os tratamentos não foi observado diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os tratamento (p>0,05). Diante dos resultados observados é possível concluir que a congelação de sêmen de búfalo com os diluidores TRIS (Trishydroxy- methyl-amino-methan), Ringer-Lactato, Lactose/TRIS, e Leite desnatado mostraram satisfatória função de crioproteção na viabilidade espermática do sêmen nas diferentes etapas da criopreservação.
The World War I Photograph Collection consists of copies of photographs of World War I Battle scenes taken by Rock Hill resident Captain Charles S. Caldwell, a captain in the U.S. Army medical corps, who served in Belgium and France from August, 1918, to July, 1919.
DA SILVA, N. D. JR, T. FERNANDES, U. P. R. SOCI, A. W. A. MONTEIRO, M. I. PHILLIPS, and E. M. DE OLIVEIRA. Swimming Training in Rats Increases Cardiac MicroRNA-126 Expression and Angiogenesis. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 1453-1462, 2012. Purpose: MicroRNA (miRNA)-126 is angiogenic and has two validated targets: Sprouty-related protein 1 (Spred-1) and phosphoinositol-3 kinase regulatory subunit 2 (PI3KR2), negative regulators of angiogenesis by VEGF pathway inhibition. We investigated the role of swimming training on cardiac miRNA-126 expression related to angiogenesis. Methods: Female Wistar rats were assigned to three groups: sedentary (S), training 1 (T1, moderate volume), and training 2 (T2, high volume). T1 consisted of 60 min.d(-1) of swimming, five times per week for 10 wk with 5% body overload. T2 consisted of the same protocol of T1 until the eighth week; in the ninth week, rats trained for two times a day, and in the 10th week, rats trained for three times a day. MiRNA and PI3KR2 gene expression analysis was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction in heart muscle. We assessed markers of training, the cardiac capillary-fiber ratio, cardiac protein expression of VEGF, Spred-1, Raf-1/ERK 1/2, and PI3K/Akt/eNOS. Results: The cardiac capillary-fiber ratio increased in T1 (58%) and T2 (101%) compared with S. VEGF protein expression was increased 42% in T1 and 108% in T2. Cardiac miRNA-126 expression increased 26% (T1) and 42% (T2) compared with S, correlated with angiogenesis. The miRNA-126 target Spred-1 protein level decreased 41% (T1) and 39% (T2), which consequently favored an increase in angiogenic signaling pathway Raf-1/ERK 1/2. On the other hand, the gene expression of PI3KR2, the other miRNA-126 target, was reduced 39% (T1) and 78% (T2), and there was an increase in protein expression of components of the PI3K/Akt/eNOS signaling pathway in the trained groups. Conclusions: This study showed that aerobic training promotes an increase in the expression of miRNA-126 and that this may be related to exercise-induced cardiac angiogenesis, by indirect regulation of the VEGF pathway and direct regulation of its targets that converged in an increase in angiogenic pathways, such as MAPK and PI3K/Akt/eNOS.
Aerobic exercise training (ET) lowers hypertension and improves patient outcomes in cardiovascular disease. The mechanisms of these effects are largely unknown. We hypothesized that ET modulates microRNAs (miRNAs) involved in vascularization. miRNA-16 regulates the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2. miRNA-21 targets Bcl-2. miRNA-126 functions by repressing regulators of the vascular endothelial growth factor pathway. We investigated whether miRNA-16, -21 and -126 are modulated in hypertension and by ET. Twelve-week-old male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs; n=14) and Wistar Kyoto (WKY; n=14) rats were assigned to 4 groups: SHRs, trained SHRs (SHR-T), Wistar Kyoto rats, and trained Wistar Kyoto rats. ET consisted of 10 weeks of swimming. ET reduced blood pressure and heart rate in SHR-Ts. ET repaired the slow-to-fast fiber type transition in soleus muscle and the capillary rarefaction in SHR-Ts. Soleus miRNA-16 and -21 levels increased in SHRs paralleled with a decrease of 48% and 25% in vascular endothelial growth factor and Bcl-2 protein levels, respectively. Hypertension increased Bad and decreased Bcl-x and endothelial NO synthase levels and lowered p-Bad(ser112): Bad ratio. ET in SHR-Ts reduced miRNA-16 and -21 levels and elevated vascular endothelial growth factor and Bcl-2 levels. ET restored soleus endothelial NO synthase levels plus proapoptotic and antiapoptotic mediators in SHR-Ts, indicating that the balance between angiogenic and apoptotic factors may prevent microvascular abnormalities in hypertension. miRNA-126 levels were reduced in SHRs with an increase of 51% in phosphoinositol-3 kinase regulatory subunit 2 expression but normalized in SHR-Ts. Our data show that ET promoted peripheral revascularization in hypertension, which could be associated with regulation of select miRNAs, suggesting a mechanism for its potential therapeutic application in vascular diseases. (Hypertension. 2012;59[part 2]:513-520.). Online Data Supplement
We carry out lattice simulations of a cosmological electroweak phase transition for a Higgs mass mh 126 GeV. The analysis is based on a dimensionally reduced effective theory for an MSSM-like scenario including a relatively light coloured SU(2)-singlet scalar, referred to as a right-handed stop. The non-perturbative transition is stronger than in 2-loop perturbation theory, and may offer a window for electroweak baryogenesis. The main remaining uncertainties concern the physical value of the right-handed stop mass which according to our analysis could be as high as mR 155 GeV; a more precise effective theory derivation and vacuum renormalization than available at present are needed for confirming this value.
We study the strength of the electroweak phase transition in models with two light Higgs doublets and a light SU(3)c triplet by means of lattice simulations in a dimensionally reduced effective theory. In the parameter region considered the transition on the lattice is significantly stronger than indicated by a 2-loop perturbative analysis. Within some ultraviolet uncertainties, the finding applies to MSSM with a Higgs mass mh ≈ 126 GeV and shows that the parameter region useful for electroweak baryogenesis is enlarged. In particular (even though only dedicated analyses can quantify the issue), the tension between LHC constraints after the 7 TeV and 8 TeV runs and frameworks where the electroweak phase transition is driven by light stops, seems to be relaxed.