999 resultados para 124-777


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Murine sarcoma viruses constitute a class of replication-defective retroviruses. Cellular transformation may be induced by these viruses in vitro; whereas, fibrosarcomas may result in animals infected with them in vivo (Tooze, 1973; Bishop, 1978). Hybridization studies suggest that murine sarcoma viruses arose by recombination between nondefective murine leukemia virus sequences and certain cellular sequences present in uninfected mouse cells (Hu et al., 1977). A specific gene product, however, has not been implicated in murine sarcoma virus transformation.^ One line of murine sarcoma virus-producing cells, Mo-MuSV-clone 124, (Ball et al., 1973), was studied biochemically because it mainly produces the sarcoma virus as a pseudotype packaged with helper murine leukemia virus proteins. The sarcoma viral RNA was translated in a sophisticated cell-free protein synthesizing system (Murphy and Arlinghaus, 1978). The translation products were analyzed by a number of techniques, including electrophoresis in denaturing gels of SDS polyacrylamide, immunoprecipitation, and peptide mapping. The major products of the total RNA purified from the virus preparation were shown to have molecular weights of about 63,000 (P63('gag)), 42,000 (P42), 40,000 (P40), 38,000 (P38), and 23,000 (P23). The size class of mRNA coding for each of the cell-free products was estimated using a poly(A) selection technique and sucrose gradient fractionation. These analyses were used to localize the coding information related to each of the in vitro synthesized cell-free products within the sarcoma virus genome.^ The major findings of these studies were: (1) the 5' half of the sarcoma viral RNA codes for the 63,000 dalton polypeptide and 42,000 - 38,000 dalton polypeptides derived from the "gag" gene; and (2) the 3' half of the sarcoma viral RNA codes for a 38,000 dalton polypeptide and possibly derived from the cellular acquired sequences. ^


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Vorbesitzer: Eljāqīm Carmoly; Abraham Merzbacher


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Vorbesitzer: Johann Hieronymus Zum Jungen;


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Vorbesitzer: Inzelerius (Bischof von Budva und Weihbischof von Würzburg) ; Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main


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u.a.: Beschreibung der schwierigen Lebenssituation in Paris; Reisen nach Belgien sowie Köln und Frankfurt;


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Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main


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abgedruckt in: Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch 60 (1979), S 212


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Verhandlungen wegen Lieferungen von Beiträgen zur Frankfurter Latern


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1 Brief von Alexander Mitscherlich an Georg August Zinn (Ministerpräsident), 1961; 9 Briefe zwischen Prof. Tobias Brocher und Max Horkheimer; beteiligt: Alexander Mitscherlich, 1964-1968;


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"Treatise on Antisemitism", Unterlagen zur Buchveröffentlichung, 1945-1946; "Tentative Outline of Contens", a) Typoskript, 6 Blatt; b) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; c) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; "Section 2: Modern European Antisemitism". Typoskript, 5 Blatt; "Section 4: Political Antisemitism in America". Typoskript, 5 Blatt; "Section 5: Religious and Social Ideologies". Typoskript, 7 Blatt; "The Nature of Anti-Semitism. Psychologocal Topics to be Surveyed", a) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; b) Typoskript, 2 Blatt; "Proposed Project for a Treatise on Antisemitism" und "Tentative Outline of Contents". Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 8 Blatt; "Notes on the Content for Sections on American Antisemitism for the proposed book". Typoskript, 9 Blatt; Über den Aufbau des Buchs, eigenhändige Notiz von Max Horkheimer, 1 Blatt; Löwenthal, Leo: "Memorandum to Max Horkheimer, re: books", 25.11.1946. Typoskript, 6 Blatt; Memoranden über Besprechungen betreffend "Traetise", 28.05-10.10.1945, Typoskript, 6 Blatt; Jaeger, Werner: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift an Gordon W. Allport, Cambridge, Mass., 21.06.1945, 1 Blatt; Statements for AJC on account 'Treatise', Juli 1945 - Mai 1947, 19 Blatt; Unterlagen zur deutschen Ausgabe der "Studies in Prejudice", 1950-1952; "German Version of the Series 'Studies in Prejudice'". Typoskript, 3 Blatt; "Bericht über den Plan zur Herstellung einer deutschen Fassung der Studies in Prejudice". Typoskript, 4 Blatt; Memoranden zur Arbeit an der deutschen Ausgabe, 15.01.1951- 05.12.1952, Typoskript, 7 Blatt; Record of Meeting Commentary and Institute of Social Research", 29.05.1946; Diskussionsteilnehmer: Cohen, Elliot; Glazer, Nathan; Greenberg, Clement; Warshow, Robert; Löwenthal, Leo; Massing, Paul; Pollock, Friedrich; Weil, Felix; Gurland, A.R.L.; Jahoda, Marie; Löwe, Adolf; Typoskript, 19 Blatt; "Some Notes to the 'tentative draft discussed with R.'", Datierung unklar, um 1943? Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; "Re: Antisemitism in occupied Europe", Datierung unklar, etwa 1945-1948?; Typsokript, 3 Blatt; "Studies Undertaken in the Project on Political Antisemitism", Tabellarische Aufzählung, Datierung unklar, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; Institut of Social Research: "Instructions", Anweisungen für Interviewer, Fragebogen, Datierung unklar, Entwurf, Typoskript, 4 Blatt; Über Forschungsunternehmungen zu ethischen Vorurteilesstrukturen in den USA zwischen 1928 und 1939, Datierung unklar, Typoskript, 2 Blatt; Institut of Social Research: "Section I: Protestantism and Antisemitism. Section II: Report on the General Body of Protestant Antisemitic Feeling", Datierung unklar, Typoskript, 29 Blatt; Horkheimer, Max: "Re: Anti-Semitism- Spearhead of Nazism", Datierung unklar, Typoskript, 6 Blatt; Adorno, Theodor W.: "Re: Questionaire on Anti-Semitism", Datierung unklar. Typoskript, 5 Blatt; Adorno, Theodor W.: "Outline of a socio-psychological study", Datierung unklar. Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; "Sample: Responsiveness of Types of Anti-Semites to Anti-Semitic Propaganda", 2 handschriftliche Tabellen-Schemata, Datierung unklar, 2 Blatt;


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Die Foliierung geht nur bis Bl. 504; zusätzlich gibt es das Blatt 502a.


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