384 resultados para 1211


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The objective of this study is to compare the accuracy of sonographic estimation of fetal weight of macrosomic babies in diabetic vs non-diabetic pregnancies. Ali babies weighing 4000 g or more at birth, and who had ultrasound scans performed within one week of delivery were included in this retrospective study. Pregnancies with diabetes mellitus were compared to those without diabetes mellitus. The mean simple error (actual birthweight - estimated fetal weight); mean standardised absolute error (absolute value of simple error (g)/actual birthweight (kg)); and the percentage of estimated birthweight falling within 15% of the actual birthweight between the two groups were compared. There were 9516 deliveries during the study period. Of this total 1211 (12.7 %) babies weighed 4000 g or more. A total of 56 non-diabetic pregnancies and 19 diabetic pregnancies were compared. The average sonographic estimation of fetal weight in diabetic pregnancies was 8 % less than the actual birthweight, compared to 0.2 % in the non-diabetic group (p < 0.01). The estimated fetal weight was within 15% of the birthweight in 74 % of the diabetic pregnancies, compared to 93 % of the non-diabetic pregnancies (p < 0.05). In the diabetic group, 26.3 % of the birthweights were underestimated by more than 15 %, compared to 5.4 % in the non-diabetic group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the prediction accuracy of fetal weight estimation using standard formulae in macrosomic fetuses is significantly worse in diabetic pregnancies compared to non-diabetic pregnancies. When sonographic fetal weight estimation is used to influence the mode of delivery for diabetic women, a more conservative cut-off needs to be considered.


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Este documento trata de ??tica en el contexto de las sociedades tradicionales, frente al desaf??o del desarrollo econ??mico y social y, sobre todo, de implantaci??n de una gesti??n p??blica moderna; la relevancia de los valores morales y ??ticos en la consolidaci??n de la democracia, de la ciudadan??a y justicia social en las sociedades en desarrollo


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Estudo realizado com benzedeiras de uma área de saúde do município de Vitória - ES, objetivando identificá-las, conhecer suas histórias de vida e o interesse das mesmas em articularem-se com os profissionais das unidades básicas de saúde locais. Por se tratar de uma região marcada pela violência advinda do tráfico de drogas, tornou-se impossível identificar o universo dessas mulheres, face à impossibilidade de acesso a alguns desses bairros; assim posto, nossa amostra ficou limitada a cinco benzedeiras. A coleta de material do estudo se deu através de entrevistas e observações registradas em um diário de campo. O material transcrito e os apontamentos do diário de campo possibilitaram a narrativa de inspiração cartográfica deste estudo. Essas benzedeiras são mulheres entre 64 a 88 anos de idade, residem em locais inóspitos e em moradias humildes. Algumas benzem apenas crianças, outras todos aqueles que as procuram, inclusive para benzimento de seus animais. Nenhuma delas cobra e tão pouco aceita agradecimento pela atenção prestada, pois segundo elas, o agradecimento deve ser dirigido a Deus. São mulheres humildes, todas moradoras antigas da área, ora reconhecidas como importantes pelo dom que têm, ora rechaçadas como demoníacas por grupos religiosos. No tocante a uma aproximação com as equipes locais de saúde, todas as benzedeiras se mostraram avessas à ideia, no entendimento de que tal aproximação significaria uma demanda de benzimentos aumentada e obrigatória, o que contraria a lógica da atenção prestada pelas mesmas, que só benzem de acordo com a conveniência: sentindo-se bem, praticam o benzimento; estando desvitalizadas, evitam benzer. Por se tratar de mulheres idosas, as benzedeiras encontram-se ameaçadas de extinção, visto que aprender o oficio não tem sido objeto de interesse das novas gerações.


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Resumo: A intervenção em crianças disléxicas nem sempre é fácil uma vez que, à partida, serão crianças desmotivadas por insucessos repetidos, complexos de inferioridade, timidez, baixa autoconfiança e auto-estima, com pouca capacidade de atenção e concentração. A família, a escola e a sociedade em geral têm um papel decisivo, não deverão exigir nem impor metas complicadas, adaptando sempre uma postura de compreensão da criança. A criança disléxica aprende num ritmo diferente, como tal, precisa que a escola adeqúe as suas práticas educativas tendo em conta as suas características e especificidades. Pretende-se com este trabalho aprofundar conhecimentos sobre a temática da dislexia e sua aplicação, dentro da sala de aula, na disciplina Educação Visual e Tecnológica, numa turma do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico que inclui uma aluna considerada disléxica. Começámos por caracterizar a turma, a aluna e os contextos envolventes em que as mesmas se inserem, seguidamente fez-se uma intervenção estruturada, a longo e curto prazo, numa dinâmica de planificação, acção e reflexão, numa perspectiva de educação inclusiva, com práticas educativas cooperativas e diferenciadas. Ao longo das sessões de trabalho, a turma teve a oportunidade de se manifestar nas assembleias de turma, na negociação das actividades, de trabalhar em pares, em grande e pequeno grupo, criando desta forma um clima de inter-ajuda e de cooperação na sala de aula, funcionando com as duas professoras da disciplina, partilhando momentos de aprendizagem e socialização de saberes. A aluna considerada disléxica passou a interagir na turma com os colegas, de forma positiva, e estes com ela. As suas dificuldades foram superadas com a ajuda dos colegas, partilhando os seus saberes, dúvidas e experiências. Foi uma experiência positiva para o grupo, para a aluna e para as professoras da turma. Abstract: The intervention in dyslexic children is not always easy from the start, a priori, children will be discouraged by repeated failures, inferiority complexes, shyness, low selfconfidence and self- esteem, with little attention span and concentration. The family, school and society in general have a decisive role, should not require or impose complicated goals, always adapting an attitude of understanding of the child. The dyslexic children learn at a different pace, as such, requires the school to adjust its educational practices in view of their characteristics and specificities. The aim of this work to deepen knowledge on the subject of dyslexia and its application in the classroom, Visual and Technological Education as the subject, in a class of the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education that includes a student considered dyslexic. We have began by characterizing the class, the student and the surrounding contexts in which they are involved, then became a structured intervention in the long and short term, in order of creating a dynamic planning, action and reflection, with a inclusive education perspective, with cooperative practical education and differentiated. During the work seasons, the class had the opportunity to express themselves in class meetings, the negotiation activities, working in pairs, in large and small groups, thus creating a climate of mutual help and cooperation in the classroom, working with two teachers of the subject, sharing moments of learning and socialization of knowledge. The student consider as dyslexic has started to interact in the class with the colleagues in a positive way, and they with her. Their difficulties were overcome with the help of colleagues, sharing their knowledge, doubts and experiences. It was a positive experience for the group, to the student and the teachers of the class.


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Este estudo tem como principal objectivo compreender de que modo os alunos de 1.º ano de escolaridade desenvolvem estratégias de cálculo mental, num contexto de resolução de problemas de adição e subtracção. Para tal, procurou responder-se a três questões: a) Que estratégias de cálculo mental são utilizadas pelos alunos na resolução de problemas de adição e subtracção?; b) De que modo evoluem essas estratégias?; e c) Será que o significado da operação de adição ou subtracção, presente no problema, influencia a estratégia de cálculo mental utilizada na sua resolução? Tendo em conta a problemática do estudo, seguiu-se uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa, tendo sido realizados três estudos de caso. O trabalho de campo deste estudo foi realizado numa turma do 1.º ano do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico, da qual sou professora, tendo sido concluído no início do ano lectivo seguinte, quando os alunos frequentavam o 2.º ano de escolaridade. Os alunos em estudo resolveram três cadeias de problemas, contemplando os diferentes significados das operações de adição e subtracção: as primeiras duas cadeias foram resolvidas a pares, na sala de aula, e a última foi resolvida individualmente, apenas pelos alunos que constituíram os casos e fora da sala de aula. Os registos realizados pelos alunos aquando da resolução dos problemas, juntamente com as gravações áudio, vídeo e as notas de campo, constituíram-se como as principais fontes de recolha de dados. Os dados permitem afirmar que as estratégias de cálculo usadas pelos alunos evoluíram de estratégias elementares baseadas em contagem e na utilização de factos numéricos, para estratégias de cálculo mental complexas, aditivas ou subtractivas das categorias 1010 e N10. Foi possível identificar uma preferência por estratégias aditivas do tipo 1010 na resolução dos problemas de adição e, na resolução dos problemas de subtracção, as estratégias utilizadas pelos alunos variaram com o significado presente em cada problema: foram usadas estratégias subtractivas do tipo 1010 em problemas com o significado de retirar e, na resolução dos problemas com os significados de comparar e completar, de um modo geral, os alunos utilizaram estratégias aditivas do tipo A10, pertencente à categoria N10. Os dados apontam também para uma possível influência do ambiente de aprendizagem na utilização de estratégias de cálculo mental mais eficientes, particularmente a nível da estratégia aditiva do tipo 1010. Os dados permitem ainda concluir que alunos do 1.º ano são capazes de desenvolver e utilizar estratégias de cálculo mental, referidas na literatura a que tive acesso (por exemplo, Beishuizen, 1993; 2001; Buys, 2001; Cooper, Heirdsfield & Irons, 1995; Thompson & Smith, 1999), associadas a alunos mais velhos. Deste modo, os resultados deste estudo salientam a necessidade de, em ambientes de aprendizagem enriquecedores, o professor promover o desenvolvimento de estratégias complexas de cálculo mental, evoluindo para além das estratégias de cálculo elementares, habitualmente associadas aos alunos mais novos.


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Given an hyperspectral image, the determination of the number of endmembers and the subspace where they live without any prior knowledge is crucial to the success of hyperspectral image analysis. This paper introduces a new minimum mean squared error based approach to infer the signal subspace in hyperspectral imagery. The method, termed hyperspectral signal identification by minimum error (HySime), is eigendecomposition based and it does not depend on any tuning parameters. It first estimates the signal and noise correlation matrices and then selects the subset of eigenvalues that best represents the signal subspace in the least squared error sense. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated using simulated data based on U.S.G.S. laboratory spectra and real hyperspectral data collected by the AVIRIS sensor over Cuprite, Nevada.


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This paper introduces a new method to blindly unmix hyperspectral data, termed dependent component analysis (DECA). This method decomposes a hyperspectral images into a collection of reflectance (or radiance) spectra of the materials present in the scene (endmember signatures) and the corresponding abundance fractions at each pixel. DECA assumes that each pixel is a linear mixture of the endmembers signatures weighted by the correspondent abundance fractions. These abudances are modeled as mixtures of Dirichlet densities, thus enforcing the constraints on abundance fractions imposed by the acquisition process, namely non-negativity and constant sum. The mixing matrix is inferred by a generalized expectation-maximization (GEM) type algorithm. This method overcomes the limitations of unmixing methods based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and on geometrical based approaches. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated using simulated data based on U.S.G.S. laboratory spectra and real hyperspectral data collected by the AVIRIS sensor over Cuprite, Nevada.


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Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) consist of a group of pathologies that affect the masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joints (TMJ), and/or related structures. String instrumentalists, like many orchestra musicians, can spend hours with head postures that may influence the biomechanical behavior of the TMJ and the muscles of the craniocervicomandibular complex (CCMC). The adoption of abnormal postures acquired during performance by musicians can lead to muscular hyperactivity of the head and cervical muscles, with the possible appearance of TMD. Medical infrared thermography is a non-invasive procedure that can monitor the changes in the superficial tissue related to blood circulation and may serve as a complement to the clinical examination. The objective of this study was to use infrared thermography to evaluate, in one subject, the cutaneous thermal changes adjacent to the CCMC that occur before, during, and after playing a string instrument.


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We report the case of a 10-year-old girl with two episodes of light-headedness and chest pain during exercise. She had an unremarkable clinical record, physical examination, ECG, and echocardiogram. Noninvasive ischemia tests were positive, but coronary angiography was normal. Exercise stress echocardiogram revealed an exercise-induced intra-left-ventricular obstruction with a peak gradient of 78 mmHg and replicated her symptoms. After starting beta-blocker therapy her clinical status improved and no residual obstruction was detected. The authors review this unsuspected clinical condition, seldom reported in the adult population and, to our knowledge, never before in a child.


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This paper presents the proposal of a three phase current source shunt active power filter (CS-SAPF) with photovoltaic grid interface. The proposed system combines the compensation of reactive power and harmonics with the injection of energy from a solar photovoltaic array into the electrical power grid. The proposed equipment presents the advantage of giving good use to the current source inverter, even when the solar photovoltaic array is not producing energy. The paper describes the control system of the CS SAPF, the energy injection control strategy, and the current harmonics and power factor compensation strategy. Simulation results to assess the performance of the proposed system are also presented.


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This paper attempts to provide an explanation of why reductionistic approaches are not adequate to tackle the urban sustainability issue in a consistent way. Concepts such as urban environmental carrying capacity and ecological footprint are discussed. Multicriteria evaluation is proposed as a general multidimensional framework for the assessment of urban sustainability. This paper deals with the following main topics: 1) definition of the concept of urban sustainability 2) discussion of relevant sustainability indicators 3) multicriteria evaluation as a framework for the assessment of urban sustainability 4) an illustrative example.


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Abstract In species with social hierarchies, the death of dominant individuals typically upheaves the social hierarchy and provides an opportunity for subordinate individuals to become reproductives. Such a phenomenon occurs in the monogyne form of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, where colonies typically contain a single wingless reproductive queen, thousands of workers and hundreds of winged nonreproductive virgin queens. Upon the death of the mother queen, many virgin queens shed their wings and initiate reproductive development instead of departing on a mating flight. Workers progressively execute almost all of them over the following weeks. To identify the molecular changes that occur in virgin queens as they perceive the loss of their mother queen and begin to compete for reproductive dominance, we collected virgin queens before the loss of their mother queen, 6 h after orphaning and 24 h after orphaning. Their RNA was extracted and hybridized against microarrays to examine the expression levels of approximately 10 000 genes. We identified 297 genes that were consistently differentially expressed after orphaning. These include genes that are putatively involved in the signalling and onset of reproductive development, as well as genes underlying major physiological changes in the young queens.


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Lymphocytes regulate their responsiveness to IL-2 through the transcriptional control of the IL-2R alpha gene, which encodes a component of the high affinity IL-2 receptor. In the mouse IL-2R alpha gene this control is exerted via two regulatable elements, a promoter proximal region, and an IL-2-responsive enhancer (IL-2rE) 1.3 kb upstream. In vitro and in vivo functional analysis of the IL-2rE in the rodent thymic lymphoma-derived, CD4- CD8- cell line PC60 demonstrated that three separate elements, sites I, II, and III, were necessary for IL-2 responsiveness; these three sites demonstrate functional cooperation. Site III contains a consensus binding motif for members of the Ets family of transcription factors. Here we demonstrate that Elf-1, an Ets-like protein, binds to site III and participates in IL-2 responsiveness. In vitro site III forms a complex with a protein constitutively present in nuclear extracts from PC60 cells as well as from normal CD4- CD8- thymocytes. We have identified this molecule as Elf-1 according to a number of criteria. The complex possesses an identical electrophoretic mobility to that formed by recombinant Elf-1 protein and is super-shifted by anti-Elf-1 antibodies. Biotinylated IL-2rE probes precipitate Elf-1 from PC60 extracts provided site III is intact and both recombinant and PC60-derived proteins bind with the same relative affinities to different mutants of site III. In addition, by introducing mutations into the core of the site III Ets-like motif and comparing the corresponding effects on the in vitro binding of Elf-1 and the in vivo IL-2rE activity, we provide strong evidence that Elf-1 is directly involved in IL-2 responsiveness. The nature of the functional cooperativity observed between Elf-1 and the factors binding sites I and II remains unresolved; experiments presented here however suggest that this effect may not require direct interactions between the proteins binding these three elements.


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Els objectius principals del treball que es volen assolir són analitzar la problemàtica a nivell bioètic plantejada per les malalties hereditàries i l'observació de les conseqüències ètico morals de les innovacions tecnològiques en matèria genètica. Altres objectius són el coneixement del vocabulari bioètic i analitzar la influència del pensament filosòfic en l'activitat científica.