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The research presented here employs solid-state actuators for flow separation delay or for forced attachment of separated flow seen in airfoils at low Reynolds numbers. To reduce separation, periodic excitation to the flow around the leading edge of the airfoil is induced by Macro-Fiber Composite actuated clamped-free unimorph benders. An electromechanical model of the unimorph is briefly presented and parametric study is conducted to aid the design of a unimorph to output high deformation at a desired frequency. The optimum frequency and amplitude for lift improvement at post-stall angles are identified experimentally. Along with aerodynamic force and structural displacement measurements, helium bubble flow visualization is used to verify existing separated flow, and the attached flow induced by flow control. The lift enhancement induced by several flow control techniques is compared. A symmetric and non-uniform (3D) flow excitation results in the maximum lift enhancement at post-stall region at the lowest power consumption level. A maximum lift coefficient increase of 27.5% (in the post-stall region) is achieved at 125 Hz periodic excitation, with the 3D symmetric actuation mode at 5 m/s and the reduced frequency of 3.78. C(l,max) is increased 7.6% from the baseline.


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Unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) and micro air vehicles (MAVs) constitute unique application platforms for vibration-based energy harvesting. Generating usable electrical energy during their mission has the important practical value of providing an additional energy source to run small electronic components. Electrical energy can be harvested from aeroelastic vibrations of lifting surfaces of UAVs and MAVs as they tend to have relatively flexible wings compared to their larger counterparts. In this work, an electromechanically coupled finite element model is combined with an unsteady aerodynamic model to develop a piezoaeroelastic model for airflow excitation of cantilevered plates representing wing-like structures. The electrical power output and the displacement of the wing tip are investigated for several airflow speeds and two different electrode configurations (continuous and segmented). Cancelation of electrical output occurs for typical coupled bending-torsion aeroelastic modes of a cantilevered generator wing when continuous electrodes are used. Torsional motions of the coupled modes become relatively significant when segmented electrodes are used, improving the broadband performance and altering the flutter speed. Although the focus is placed on the electrical power that can be harvested for a given airflow speed, shunt damping effect of piezoelectric power generation is also investigated for both electrode configurations.


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The construction, operation and demolition of buildings represent one of the most damaging human activities in the global environment nowadays and water use and conservation is one of the most representative environmental loads to be considered. Brazil, unlike some other countries, has not yet implemented its own body building environmental assessment. The development of an environmental assessment system requires the identification of the most important topics to be considered in each theme for each country or region, due to local environmental agenda. This article presents a summary of the main topics concerning water conservation considered in some international environmental building assessment systems and presents a proposal of topics to take into account in a Brazilian assessment system. Practical application: The civil construction industry is not only one of the biggest sectors in the economy but is also one of the greatest polluters. Along with standardisation, it is also necessary to establish measures to attract significantly higher levels in different topics related to sustainable construction. New mechanisms that allow users to recognise the difference between buildings with different sustainable performance levels need to be developed. This article will be used as a base for the development of a Brazilian system of assessment and rating for building environmental performance and sustainability in terms of water use and conservation.


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The performance assessment as to water consumption in WC cisterns has contributed to the development of flushing system technologies, which allow smaller flushing volumes. The purpose of this work is to assess the performance of the the low water consumption requirement of WC cisterns with dual flushing system (6/3L), when compared to 6L flushing volume WC cisterns in multifamily buildings. The research methodology consisted of a case study in a multifamily residential building with submetering system, by monitoring the total water consumption and the two flushing systems using water meters installed in WC cisterns. By means of a mathematical model, a comparison of the design flowrate in the main branch was carried out considering the two types of WC cisterns. The results indicated that the water consumption in the 6L WC cistern was 20% in relation to the total domestic consumption, whereas the water consumption observed in the dual-flush WC cistern (6/3L) was 16%. The dual flushing system (6/3L) presented about 18% consumption reduction impact as compared to the 6 L system. The design flowrate values in the main branch, obtained by the mathematical model, were 0.35 L/s for systems with 6 L WC cistern and 0.34 L/s with dual-flush WC cistern (6/3 L), that is, a reduction of similar to 3%. Practical application: The knowledge of the performance in field of dual-flush WC cistern contributes to industry to improve this system and to users to aid their choice of technologies aimed at water conservation, and so assisting to the development of sustainable buildings.


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This paper presents both the theoretical and the experimental approaches of the development of a mathematical model to be used in multi-variable control system designs of an active suspension for a sport utility vehicle (SUV), in this case a light pickup truck. A complete seven-degree-of-freedom model is successfully quickly identified, with very satisfactory results in simulations and in real experiments conducted with the pickup truth. The novelty of the proposed methodology is the use of commercial software in the early stages of the identification to speed up the process and to minimize the need for a large number of costly experiments. The paper also presents major contributions to the identification of uncertainties in vehicle suspension models and in the development of identification methods using the sequential quadratic programming, where an innovation regarding the calculation of the objective function is proposed and implemented. Results from simulations of and practical experiments with the real SUV are presented, analysed, and compared, showing the potential of the method.


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Sensors and actuators based on piezoelectric plates have shown increasing demand in the field of smart structures, including the development of actuators for cooling and fluid-pumping applications and transducers for novel energy-harvesting devices. This project involves the development of a topology optimization formulation for dynamic design of piezoelectric laminated plates aiming at piezoelectric sensors, actuators and energy-harvesting applications. It distributes piezoelectric material over a metallic plate in order to achieve a desired dynamic behavior with specified resonance frequencies, modes, and enhanced electromechanical coupling factor (EMCC). The finite element employs a piezoelectric plate based on the MITC formulation, which is reliable, efficient and avoids the shear locking problem. The topology optimization formulation is based on the PEMAP-P model combined with the RAMP model, where the design variables are the pseudo-densities that describe the amount of piezoelectric material at each finite element and its polarization sign. The design problem formulated aims at designing simultaneously an eigenshape, i.e., maximizing and minimizing vibration amplitudes at certain points of the structure in a given eigenmode, while tuning the eigenvalue to a desired value and also maximizing its EMCC, so that the energy conversion is maximized for that mode. The optimization problem is solved by using sequential linear programming. Through this formulation, a design with enhancing energy conversion in the low-frequency spectrum is obtained, by minimizing a set of first eigenvalues, enhancing their corresponding eigenshapes while maximizing their EMCCs, which can be considered an approach to the design of energy-harvesting devices. The implementation of the topology optimization algorithm and some results are presented to illustrate the method.


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Piezoactuators consist of compliant mechanisms actuated by two or more piezoceramic devices. During the assembling process, such flexible structures are usually bonded to the piezoceramics. The thin bonding layer(s) between the compliant mechanism and the piezoceramic may induce undesirable behavior, including unusual interfacial nonlinearities. This constitutes a drawback of piezoelectric actuators and, in some applications, such as those associated to vibration control and structural health monitoring (e. g., aircraft industry), their use may become either unfeasible or at least limited. A possible solution to this standing problem can be achieved through the functionally graded material concept and consists of developing `integral piezoactuators`, that is those with no bonding layer(s) and whose performance can be improved by tailoring their structural topology and material gradation. Thus, a topology optimization formulation is developed, which allows simultaneous distribution of void and functionally graded piezoelectric materials (including both piezo and non-piezoelectric materials) in the design domain in order to achieve certain specified actuation movements. Two concurrent design problems are considered, that is the optimum design of the piezoceramic property gradation, and the design of the functionally graded structural topology. Two-dimensional piezoactuator designs are investigated because the applications of interest consist of planar devices. Moreover, material gradation is considered in only one direction in order to account for manufacturability issues. To broaden the range of such devices in the field of smart structures, the design of integral Moonie-type functionally graded piezoactuators is provided according to specified performance requirements.


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Flow pumps are important tools in several engineering areas, such as in the fields of bioengineering and thermal management solutions for electronic devices. Nowadays, many of the new flow pump principles are based on the use of piezoelectric actuators, which present some advantages such as miniaturization potential and lower noise generation. In previous work, authors presented a study of a novel pump configuration based on placing an oscillating bimorph piezoelectric actuator in water to generate flow. It was concluded that this oscillatory behavior (such as fish swimming) yields vortex interaction, generating flow rate due to the action and reaction principle. Thus, following this idea the objective of this work is to explore this oscillatory principle by studying the interaction among generated vortex from two bimorph piezoelectric actuators oscillating inside the same pump channel, which is similar to the interaction of vortex generated by frontal fish and posterior ones when they swim together in a group formation. It is shown that parallel-series configurations of bimorph piezoelectric actuators inside the same pump channel provide higher flow rates and pressure for liquid pumping than simple parallel-series arrangements of corresponding single piezoelectric pumps, respectively. The scope of this work includes structural simulations of bimorph piezoelectric actuators, fluid flow simulations, and prototype construction for result validation.


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The paper presents the development of a mechanical actuator using a shape memory alloy with a cooling system based on the thermoelectric effect (Seebeck-Peltier effect). Such a method has the advantage of reduced weight and requires a simpler control strategy as compared to other forced cooling systems. A complete mathematical model of the actuator was derived, and an experimental prototype was implemented. Several experiments are used to validate the model and to identify all parameters. A robust and nonlinear controller, based on sliding-mode theory, was derived and implemented. Experiments were used to evaluate the actuator closed-loop performance, stability, and robustness properties. The results showed that the proposed cooling system and controller are able to improve the dynamic response of the actuator. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work explores the design of piezoelectric transducers based on functional material gradation, here named functionally graded piezoelectric transducer (FGPT). Depending on the applications, FGPTs must achieve several goals, which are essentially related to the transducer resonance frequency, vibration modes, and excitation strength at specific resonance frequencies. Several approaches can be used to achieve these goals; however, this work focuses on finding the optimal material gradation of FGPTs by means of topology optimization. Three objective functions are proposed: (i) to obtain the FGPT optimal material gradation for maximizing specified resonance frequencies; (ii) to design piezoelectric resonators, thus, the optimal material gradation is found for achieving desirable eigenvalues and eigenmodes; and (iii) to find the optimal material distribution of FGPTs, which maximizes specified excitation strength. To track the desirable vibration mode, a mode-tracking method utilizing the `modal assurance criterion` is applied. The continuous change of piezoelectric, dielectric, and elastic properties is achieved by using the graded finite element concept. The optimization algorithm is constructed based on sequential linear programming, and the concept of continuum approximation of material distribution. To illustrate the method, 2D FGPTs are designed for each objective function. In addition, the FGPT performance is compared with the non-FGPT one.


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This article presents a systematic and logical study of the topology optimized design, microfabrication, and static/dynamic performance characterization of an electro-thermo-mechanical microgripper. The microgripper is designed using a topology optimization algorithm based on a spatial filtering technique and considering different penalization coefficients for different material properties during the optimization cycle. The microgripper design has a symmetric monolithic 2D structure which consists of a complex combination of rigid links integrating both the actuating and gripping mechanisms. The numerical simulation is performed by studying the effects of convective heat transfer, thermal boundary conditions at the fixed anchors, and microgripper performance considering temperature-dependent and independent material properties. The microgripper is fabricated from a 25 mm thick nickel foil using laser microfabrication technology and its static/dynamic performance is experimentally evaluated. The static and dynamic electro-mechanical characteristics are analyzed as step response functions with respect to tweezing/actuating displacements, applied current/power, and actual electric resistance. A microgripper prototype having overall dimensions of 1mm (L) X 2.5mm (W) is able to deliver the maximum tweezing and actuating displacements of 25.5 mm and 33.2 mm along X and Y axes, respectively, under an applied power of 2.32 W. Experimental performance is compared with finite element modeling simulation results.


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Higher order (2,4) FDTD schemes used for numerical solutions of Maxwell`s equations are focused on diminishing the truncation errors caused by the Taylor series expansion of the spatial derivatives. These schemes use a larger computational stencil, which generally makes use of the two constant coefficients, C-1 and C-2, for the four-point central-difference operators. In this paper we propose a novel way to diminish these truncation errors, in order to obtain more accurate numerical solutions of Maxwell`s equations. For such purpose, we present a method to individually optimize the pair of coefficients, C-1 and C-2, based on any desired grid size resolution and size of time step. Particularly, we are interested in using coarser grid discretizations to be able to simulate electrically large domains. The results of our optimization algorithm show a significant reduction in dispersion error and numerical anisotropy for all modeled grid size resolutions. Numerical simulations of free-space propagation verifies the very promising theoretical results. The model is also shown to perform well in more complex, realistic scenarios.


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This paper considers two aspects of the nonlinear H(infinity) control problem: the use of weighting functions for performance and robustness improvement, as in the linear case, and the development of a successive Galerkin approximation method for the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equation that arises in the output-feedback case. Design of nonlinear H(infinity) controllers obtained by the well-established Taylor approximation and by the proposed Galerkin approximation method applied to a magnetic levitation system are presented for comparison purposes.


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The use of the Boltzmann transform function, lambda(theta), to solve the Richards equation when the diffusivity, D, is a function of only soil water content,., is now commonplace in the literature. Nevertheless, a new analytic solution of the Boltzmann transform lambda(h) as a function of matric potential for horizontal water infiltration into a sand was derived without invoking the concept or use of D(theta). The derivation assumes that a similarity exists between the soil water retention function and the Boltzmann transform lambda(theta). The solution successfully described soil water content profiles experimentally measured for different infiltration times into a homogeneous sand and agrees with those presented by Philip in 1955 and 1957. The applicability of this solution for all soils remains open, but it is anticipated to hold for soils whose air-filled pore-size distribution before wetting is sufficiently narrow to yield a sharp increase of water content at the wetting front during infiltration. It also improves and provides a versatile alternative to the well-known analysis pioneered by Green and Ampt in 1911.


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When wandering around a city such as Sao Paulo, we are surrounded by letters, numbers and symbols. These elements form part of an environment full of signs in many shapes and sizes that compete for our attention. Our perception of these elements contributes towards our spatial guidance and sense of place. The idea of `reading` the city, or urban environment, was introduced by Kevin Lynch, for whom reading the urban structure follows on from recognizing or identifying its numerous visual elements, not necessarily verbal ones. Beginning with a brief bibliographic review of perception theories, this article combines concepts from environmental psychology with concerns brought up by the fields of information design and epigraphy studies, setting out the basis of a methodological proposal for the study of typography and lettering in the urban environment.