606 resultados para 1091
Some statistical procedures already available in literature are employed in developing the water quality index, WQI. The nature of complexity and interdependency that occur in physical and chemical processes of water could be easier explained if statistical approaches were applied to water quality indexing. The most popular statistical method used in developing WQI is the principal component analysis (PCA). In literature, the WQI development based on the classical PCA mostly used water quality data that have been transformed and normalized. Outliers may be considered in or eliminated from the analysis. However, the classical mean and sample covariance matrix used in classical PCA methodology is not reliable if the outliers exist in the data. Since the presence of outliers may affect the computation of the principal component, robust principal component analysis, RPCA should be used. Focusing in Langat River, the RPCA-WQI was introduced for the first time in this study to re-calculate the DOE-WQI. Results show that the RPCA-WQI is capable to capture similar distribution in the existing DOE-WQI.
Mr= 363.17, orthorhombic, P21212 ~, a= 5.251(4), b=14.962(5), c=19.112(5)A, U= 1501.41/k 3, Z=4, Dx=1.61Mgm -3, /t(CuKa)= 3.02 mm -1, 2(Cu Ka)= 1.5418/~, final R = 7.0% for 1091 reflections with Fo> 2e(Fo). The glycosidic torsion angle ZCN is 13"1 (12) °. The ribose has a C (3')-exo,C (4)-endo twist geometry. The dioxolane ring assumes an envelope conformation with 0(3') displaced by 0.453 (10)/k from the plane of the other four atoms. The conformation about the C(4')-C(5') bond is gauche-gauche. The structure is stabilized by two hydrogen bonds between screw-axis-related molecules. The crystal packing and the conformation of the molecule are very similar to those found in the structure of 2',3'-O-isopropylideneuridine which lacks the Br atom at the 5-position.
A 5' Taq nuclease assay specific for Avibacterium paragallinarum was designed and optimized for use in diagnosing infectious coryza. The region chosen for assay design was one of known specificity for Av. paragallinarum. The assay detected Av. paragallinarum reference strains representing the three Page and the eight Kume serovars, and field isolates from diverse geographical locations. No cross-reactions were observed with other Avibacterium species, with other bacteria taxonomically related to Av. paragallinarum nor with bacteria and viruses likely to be present in swabs collected from suspected infectious coryza cases. The detection limit for the assay was 6 to 60 colony-forming units per reaction. Twenty-two out of 53 swabs collected from sick birds reacted in the 5' Taq nuclease assay, whereas Av. paragallinarum was not isolated from any of the swabs. All of the 22 swabs yielded other bacteria in culture. The presence of Av. paragallinarum in the swabs was also demonstrated by sequencing, thereby confirming the ability of the assay to detect Av. paragallinarum in the presence of other bacteria. The ability to quantify bacterial load in the swabs using the 5' Taq nuclease assay was demonstrated.
In my thesis I have been studying the effects of population fragmentation and extinction-recolonization dynamics on genetic and evolutionary processes in the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia). By conducting crosses within and among newly-colonized populations and using several fitness measures, I found a strong decrease in fitness following colonization by a few related individuals, and a strong negative relationship between parental relatedness and offspring fitness. Thereafter, I was interested in determining the number and relatedness of individuals colonizing new populations, which I did using a set of microsatellites I had previously developed for this species. Additionally, I am interested in the evolution of key life-history traits. By following the lifetime reproductive success of males emerging at different times in a semi-natural setup, I demonstrated that protandry is adaptive in males, and I was able to rule out, for M. cinxia, alternative incidental hypotheses evoked to explain the evolution of protandry in insects. Finally, in work I did together with Prof. Hanna Kokko, I am proposing bet-hedging as a new mechanism that could explain the evolution of polyandry in M. cinxia.
A structure-based approach has been adopted to develop 2'substituted analogs of triclosan. The Cl at position 2' in ring B of triclosan was chemically substituted with other functional groups like NH2, NO2 and their inhibitory potencies against PfENR were determined. The binding energies of the 2' substituted analogs of triclosan for enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (ENR) of Plasmodium falciparum were determined using Autodock. Based on the autodock results, we synthesized the potential compounds. The IC50 and inhibition constant (K-i) of 2' substituted analogs of triclosan were determined against purified PfENR. Among them, two compounds,2-(2'-Amino-4'-chloro-phenoxy)-5-chloro-phenol (compound 4) and 5-chloro-2-(4'-chloro-2'-nitro-phenoxy)-phenol) (compound 5) exhibited good potencies. Compound 4 followed uncompetitive inhibition kinetics with crotonoyl CoA and competitive with NADH. It was shown to have an IC50 of 110 nM; inhibition constant was 104 nM with the substrate and 61 nM with the cofactor. IC50 Of compound 5 was determined to be 229 nM. Compounds 4 and 5 showed significant inhibition of the parasite growth in P. falciparum culture. (C) 2009 IUBMB IUBMB Life, 61(11):1083-1091, 2009.
Impacts of climate change on hydrology are assessed by downscaling large scale general circulation model (GCM) outputs of climate variables to local scale hydrologic variables. This modelling approach is characterized by uncertainties resulting from the use of different models, different scenarios, etc. Modelling uncertainty in climate change impact assessment includes assigning weights to GCMs and scenarios, based on their performances, and providing weighted mean projection for the future. This projection is further used for water resources planning and adaptation to combat the adverse impacts of climate change. The present article summarizes the recent published work of the authors on uncertainty modelling and development of adaptation strategies to climate change for the Mahanadi river in India.
Työssä tutkitaan yhtäältä saksankielisen elokuvan Muiden elämä ( Das Leben der Anderen ) kolmen suomenkielisen tekstitysversion tekstityksen muotoseikkoja, kuten välimerkkien käyttöä, repliikki- ja rivijakoa, ja toisaalta tekstityksen sisältöseikkoja, joita tarkastellaan tekstityksessä käytettävien käännösstrategioiden avulla. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, ovatko tekstityksissä käytetyt muotoseikat konventioiden mukaisia ja minkälaisia käännösstrategioita tekstityksissä on käytetty sekä johtaako tietyn käännösstrategian käyttö merkityksen muutoksiin ja kaventumisiin tekstityksessä. Tutkielman aineistona on elokuva Muiden elämä ja sen kolme suomenkielistä tekstitystä: elokuvateattereissa esitetty versio, DVD-tekstitys ja televisiossa esitetty versio. Hypoteesina oli, että kaikkien versioiden muotoseikat ovat konventioiden mukaisia ja että versioilla on eroavuuksia ruututekstien määrässä ja repliikkijaossa. Lisäksi oletettiin, että tietyn käännösstrategian käytön ja merkityksen muutoksien välillä on yhteys, niin että merkityksen muutoksia esiintyy eniten silloin, kun kaikkea sanottua ei voida kääntää. Tutkielman teoriataustassa esitellään aluksi lyhyesti av-kääntämisen muita lajeja, kuten ns. dubbausta eli jälkiäänitystä, selostusta ja voice-overia, jonka jälkeen syvennytään tekstityksen teoriaan, tekstityksen muotoseikkoihin ja konventioihin sekä tekstityksen käännösstrategioihin. Tekstityksen sisältöseikkojen analyysin viitekehyksenä ovat Henrik Gottliebin (1994, 1997) kymmenen käännösstrategiaa: lisäys (engl. expansion), para-fraasi (paraphrase), suora käännös (transfer), imitaatio (imitation), transkriptio (transcription), siirtäminen (dislocation), tiivistäminen (condensation), lyhentäminen (decimation), poisjättäminen (deletion) ja resignaatio (resignation). Tutkielmassa analysoitiin kaikkien tekstitysversioiden muotoseikat. Tekstityksen sisältöseikkojen tutkimuksessa jokainen dialogin lause tai sivulause analysoitiin omana verbaalisena segmenttinään. Yhteensä analysoitiin 1311 verbaalista segmenttiä ja tutkittiin, mitä käännösstrategiaa missäkin tekstitysversiossa oli missäkin osakäännöksessä käytetty, sekä tarkasteltiin, muuttuuko repliikissä merkitys alkutekstiin verrattuna. Strategiat kuvataan ja niiden käyttöä valaistaan esimerkkien avulla. Tulokset ovat hypoteesia tukevia: Tutkielmassa havaittiin, että kaikkien tekstitysversioiden muotoseikat ovat suurimmalta osin konventioiden mukaisia. Eroja oli havaittavissa tavuviivan, pilkun ja kursiivin käytössä. Versiot eroavat myös ruututekstien määrässä: elokuvaversiossa on eniten ruututekstejä (1091), vaikka siinä on vähiten sanoja (3968); DVD-tekstityksessä on 876 ruututekstiä ja 4278 sanaa ja TV-tekstityksessä on 983 ruututekstiä ja 5293 sanaa. Eroavaisuudet selittyvät sillä, että elokuvatekstityksen ruututekstit ovat lyhyempiä ja nopeammin ilmestyviä kuin DVD- tai TV-tekstitysten. Tutkittu DVD-tekstitys on elokuvatekstityksen muokkaus, mistä johtuu sen vähäinen sana- ja ruututekstimäärä. Tutkielmassa havaittiin myös, että kaikissa versioissa yleisimmin käytetty käännösstrategia oli suora käännös, mutta TV-tekstityksessä sitä oli käytetty yli 50 %:ssa kaikista osakäännöksistä ja DVD- ja elokuvaversiossa yli 35 %:ssa, eli TV-tekstityksessä sitä oli käytetty huomattavasti enemmän kuin muissa versioissa. Lyhentämistä ja poisjättämistä oli DVD- ja elokuvatekstityksessä käytetty enemmän kuin TV-tekstityksessä. Nämäkin erot selit-tynevät elokuvatekstityksen pienemmällä tilalla ja tämän tekstityksen muokkaamisesta DVD-tekstitykseksi. Merkityksen muutoksia ja kaventumisia esiintyi eniten strategioiden poisjättäminen ja lyhentäminen yhteydessä, muiden strategioiden yhteydessä merkityksen muutoksia ja kaventumisia esiintyi vain marginaalisesti. Tulokset tukevat hypoteesia siitä, että merkitys muuttuu ja kaventuu eniten silloin, kun kaikkea sanottua ei voida kääntää.
Thermal expansion of irradiated nylon-6 has been studied in the temperature range 10 to 340 K using a three-terminal capacitance bridge technique. Irradiation is carried out using cobalt-60 gamma-rays up to 500 Mrad dosage. Radiation enhances chain scission over crosslinking. alpha increases from 0 to 250 Mrad between 10 to 340 K and not much variation is observed between 250 to 500 Mrad for samples from 10 to 250 K.
Violin strings are relatively short and stiff and are well modeled by Timoshenko beam theory. We use the static part of the homogeneous differential equation of violin strings to obtain new shape functions for the finite element analysis of rotating Timoshenko beams. For deriving the shape functions, the rotating beam is considered as a sequence of violin strings. The violin string shape functions depend on rotation speed and element position along the beam length and account for centrifugal stiffening effects as well as rotary inertia and shear deformation on dynamic characteristics of rotating Timoshenko beams. Numerical results show that the violin string basis functions perform much better than the conventional polynomials at high rotation speeds and are thus useful for turbo machine applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Literature of the ancient Chola Dynasty (A.D. 9th-11th centuries) of South India and recent archaeological excavations allude to a sea flood that crippled the ancient port at Kaveripattinam, a trading hub for Southeast Asia, and probably affected the entire South Indian coast, analogous to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami impact. We present sedimentary evidence from an archaeological site to validate the textual references to this early medieval event. A sandy layer showing bed forms representing high-energy conditions, possibly generated by a seaborne wave, was identified at the Kaveripattinam coast of Tamil Nadu, South India. Its sedimentary characteristics include hummocky cross-stratification, convolute lamination with heavy minerals, rip-up clasts, an erosional contact with the underlying mud bed, and a landward thinning geometry. Admixed with 1000-year-old Chola period artifacts, it provided an optically stimulated luminescence age of 1091 perpendicular to 66 yr and a thermoluminescence age of 993 perpendicular to 73 yr for the embedded pottery sherds. The dates of these proxies converge around 1000 yr B. P., correlative of an ancient tsunami reported from elsewhere along the Indian Ocean coasts. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We characterise higher order Riesz transforms on the Heisenberg group and also show that they satisfy dimension-free bounds under some assumptions on the multipliers. Using transference theorems, we deduce boundedness theorems for Riesz transforms on the reduced Heisenberg group and hence also for the Riesz transforms associated to multiple Hermite and Laguerre expansions.
This paper deals with a combined forming and fracture limit diagram and void coalescence analysis for the aluminum alloy Al 1145 alloy sheets of 1.8 mm thickness, annealed at four different temperatures, namely 200, 250, 300, and 350 A degrees C. At different annealing temperatures these sheets were examined for their effects on microstructure, tensile properties, formability, void coalescence, and texture. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images taken from the fractured surfaces were examined. The tensile properties and formability of sheet metals were correlated with fractography features and void analysis. The variation of formability parameters, normal anisotropy of sheet metals, and void coalescence parameters were compared with texture analysis.