990 resultados para 104-644A


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Continuous sediment sections spanning the last 2.8 Ma have been studied using stable isotope stratigraphy and sedimentological methods. By using paleomagnetic reversals as a chronostratigraphic tool, climatic and paleoceanographic changes have been placed in a time framework. The results show that the major expansion of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet to the coastal areas occurred in the late Neogene period at about 2.8 Ma. Relatively high-amplitude glacials appeared until about 2 Ma. The period between 2.8 and 1.2 Ma was marked by cold surface water conditions with only weak influx of temperate Atlantic water as compared with late Quaternary interglacials. During this period, climatic variations were smaller in amplitude than in the late Quaternary. The Norwegian Sea was a sink of deep water throughout the studied period but deep water ventilation was reduced and calcite dissolution was high compared with the Holocene. Deep water formed by other processes than today. Between 2 and 1.2 Ma, glaciations in Scandinavia were relatively small. A transition toward larger glacials took place during the period 1.2 to 0.6 Ma, corresponding with warmer interglacials and increasing influx of temperate surface water during interglacials. A strong thermal gradient was present between the Norwegian Sea and the northeastern Atlantic during the Matuyama (2.5-0.7 Ma). This is interpreted as a sign of a more zonal and less meridional climatic system over the region as compared with the present situation. The transition towards more meridionality took place over several hundred thousand yr. Only during the last 0.6 Ma has the oceanographic and climatic system of the Norwegian Sea varied in the manner described from previous studies of the late Quaternary.


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The Cenozoic sediments sampled in ODP Leg 104 on the Vøring Plateau show a distinct variability of the total organic carbon content (TOC) and the accumulation rates of TOC. Based on the geochemical and organic-petrographic characterization of the sedimentary organic matter (OM), the allochthonous and autochthonous proportion of the OM could be quantified. The results clearly demonstrate that high TOC percentages and TOC accumulation rates in Cenozoic sediment sections display a generally high input of allochthonous organic matter. Oxidized and partly well-rounded organic particles built up the main portion of OM within the Miocene, TOC-rich sediments. The most probable source of this oxidized OM are reworked sediments from the Scandinavian shelf. Changes in the input of these organic particles are to some degree correlative with sea-level changes. The Cenozoic accumulation of autochthonous OM is low and does not reveal a clear variation during the Miocene and early Pliocene. In spite of a high accumulation rate of biogenic opal during the Early Miocene, the accumulation rate of autochthonous TOC is low. The autochthonous particle assemblage is dominated by relatively inert OM, like dinoflagellate cysts. This points to an intensive biological and/or early diagenetic degradation of the marine OM under well oxidized bottom water conditions during the last 23 Myr. Nevertheless, a continuation of marine OM degradation during later stages of diagenesis cannot be excluded. A prominent dominance of allochthonous OM over autochthonous is documented with the beginning of the Pliocene. At 2.45 Ma the episodic occurrence of ice-rafted, thermally mature OM reflects the onset of the glacial erosion of Mesozoic, coal and black shale bearing sediments on the Scandinavian and Barents Sea shelves. The first occurrence of these, in view of the actual burial depth, thermally overmature OM particles is, therefore, a marker for the beginning of the strong Scandinavian glaciation and the advance of the glacial front toward the shelves.


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Results of a detailed paleomagnetic study on largely undisturbed sedimentary sequences recovered in the Voring Plateau region of the Norwegian Sea during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 104 are presented. At each drill site an essentially continuous downhole magnetic reversal pattern could be defined to depths between 200 and 300 m below seafloor allowing correlations with a calibrated geomagnetic time scale and establishing almost complete magnetostratigraphic records for the core material analyzed. A composite section of the drill holes represents the first high-quality chronostratigraphic framework from the lower Miocene through Holocene obtained in the Norwegian Sea. It should provide a basis for first-order correlations with calcareous and siliceous microfossil events and contribute to a further elaboration of the regional paleoceanographic history. A series of major hiatuses in the upper and middle Miocene accounts for about 4 million yr of missing stratigraphic record.


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Molecular and isotope compositions of headspace and total (free + sorbed) hydrocarbon gases from drilled cores of the three ODP Leg 104 Sites 642, 643, and 644 of the Voring Plateau are used to characterize the origin and distribution of these gases in Holocene to Eocene sediments. Only minor amounts of methane were found in the headspace (0.1 to < 0.001 vol%). Although methane through propane are present in all of the total gas samples, different origins account for the concentration and composition variations found. Site 643 at the foot of the outer Voring Plateau represents a geological setting with poor hydrocarbon generating potential, (sediments with low TOC and maturity overlying oceanic basement). Correspondingly, the total gas concentrations are low, typical for background gases (yield C1 - 4 = 31 to 232 ppb, C1/C2+ = 0.6 to 4; delta13C(CH4) -22 per mil to -42 per mil) probably of a diagenetic origin. Holocene to Eocene sediments, which overlie volcanic units, were drilled on the outer Vdring Plateau, at Holes 642B and D. Similar to Site 643, these sediments possess a poor hydrocarbon generating potential. The total gas character (yield C1 - 4 = 20 to 410 ppb; C1/C2+ = 1.7 to 13.3; delta13C(CH4) ca. -23 per mil to -40 per mil) again indicates a diagenetic origin, perhaps with the addition of some biogenic gas. The higher geothermal gradient and the underlying volcanics do not appear to have any influence on the gas geochemistry. The free gas (Vacutainer TM) in the sediments at Site 644 are dominated by biogenic gas (C1/C2+ > 104; delta13C(CH4) -77 per mil). Indications, in the total gas, of hydrocarbons with a thermogenic signature (yield C1 - 4 = 121 to 769 ppb, C1/ C2+ = 3 to 8; delta13C(CH4) = -39 per mil to -71 per mil), could not be unequivocally confirmed as such. Alternatively, these gases may represent mixtures of diagenetic and biogenic gases.


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The Leg 104 organic geochemistry program consisted of monitoring (a) hydrocarbon gases, (b) organic and inorganic carbon, and (c) parameters resulting from Rock-Eval pyrolysis at three sites on the Voring Plateau. The results amplify some of those obtained earlier on Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 38. In a regional sense there is an inverse correlation between amounts of hydrocarbon gas and organic carbon. For example, significant concentrations of methane are present only at Site 644 in the inner part of the plateau where organic carbon contents are always less than 1%; in contrast, at Site 642 on the outer plateau, methane concentrations are very low (ppm range) whereas amounts of organic carbon approach 2%. Only at Site 644 are the environmental conditions such that methanogenesis is an active diagenetic process. Because of the importance of routine gas analyses to the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), a procedure was devised to improve the use of Vacutainers for collection of gas samples. Comparison of methods for determining organic carbon showed that at Sites 643 and 644 Rock-Eval TOC could be used as a measure of organic carbon, but not at Site 642. Although no liquid or solid hydrocarbons were encountered at any of the sites, a catalog of potential organic geochemical contaminants was developed in anticipation of such a discovery.


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Ostracodes are less common than might be normally expected at Sites 642, 643, and 644, perhaps pointing to the fact that the marine habitat below the overlying Pleistocene ice covers was a severe environment. This explanation, however, would not apply to the Pliocene and Miocene deposits from which ostracodes are just as poorly represented. In the latter case the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge might still have acted as a submerged barrier that did not allow an open ocean circulation of bottom waters. Thus the barrier presumably prevented an exchange of cold subarctic bottom water with that of the open Atlantic and therefore benthic deep-sea migration from the south was impeded. Some Quaternary species are, for the first time, recorded to extend to the Pliocene and/or Miocene.