870 resultados para 1011


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Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsiteltiin viiliä hapanmaitotuotteena, viilin arviointimenetelmiä sekä viilihapatteissa käytettyjen hapatekantojen vaikutuksia maidossa ja niiden vuorovaikutuksia toisiinsa. Lisäksi pohdittiin viilihapatteiden bakteriofaageja, niiden ehkäisyä sekä solunsisäisiä että -ulkoisia faagiresistenssimekanismeja. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin, onko nykyisten tuotantohapatteiden koostaminen yksittäiskannoista mahdollista, sekä koostettiin uusista Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris -kannoista varahapate. Hapatteiden käyttökelpoisuutta tutkittiin rakennemittauksin ja aistinvaraisin menetelmin. Varahapatteen faagikestävyyttä testattiin valmistamalla viiliä ja infektoimalla viilit faaginäytteillä. Hapatekannat viljeltiin fermentorissa, konsentroitiin sentrifugoimalla ja pakastettiin –75 °C:ssa. Hapatteet koostettiin noin 1 päivä ennen viilin valmistusta. Viilit arvioitiin aistinvaraisesti 3–6 hengen ryhmässä ja viileille tehtiin rakennemittaukset (kiinteys, sakeus ja koossapysyvyys) sekä kemialliset analyysit. Aistinvaraisen arvioinnin tulokset käsiteltiin tilastollisesti ja tulosten perusteella tehtiin uudet kantakombinaatiot ja viilit. Tuotantohapatekannoilla valmistetut viilit arvioitiin kolmitestillä (n = 10–11) ja uusilla kannoilla valmistetut viilit arvioitiin profiilitestillä (n = 8). Lisäksi viileille tehtiin rakennemittaukset ja kemialliset analyysit. Varahapatekoosteilla valmistettujen viilien pH laski 4,5:een faagin läsnäollessa 0–10 tunnin viiveellä verrattuna faagivapaisiin viileihin, kun taas tuotantohapatteet eivät hapantuneet faagin läsnäollessa. Aromintuottajat eivät kasvaneet viileissä kunnolla, kun hapate koostettiin yksittäiskannoista. Kolmitestissä ei erotettu nykyisillä tuotantohapatteilla valmistettua viiliä yksittäin koostetusta hapatteesta, eli hapatteita on mahdollista koostaa yksittäiskannoista. Varahapatteilla koostetut viilit poikkesivat profiilitestissä tuotantohapatteella koostetusta viilistä ulkonäkö- ja rakenneominaisuuksiltaan. Makuominaisuuksien suhteen ei viilien välille saatu eroa.


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Ihmisen ruuansulatuskanavan bakteeriston kehitys alkaa syntymästä, jolloin ensimmäiset bakteerit kansoittavat steriilin ruuansulatuskanavan. Bakteeristo kehittyy perimän, ympäristön ja varhaisen ruokavalion vaikutuksesta kohti monimuotoisempaa bakteeripopulaatiota. Aikuisen ruuansulatuskanavan normaalibakteeristo on varsin muuttumaton, mutta siihen vaikuttavat monet tekijät, kuten ikä, terveydentila, ruokavalio ja antibioottien käyttö. Bakteeriston koostumus vaihtelee ruuansulatuskanavan eri osissa ja bakteerimäärä kasvaa kohti paksusuolta, ollen paksusuolessa ja ulosteessa peräti 1010-1012 pmy/ml. Suurin osa ruuansulatuskanavan bakteereista on anaerobeja. Ruuansulatuskanavan bakteeristo vaikuttaa muun muassa suoliston kehittymiseen ja hiilihydraattien ja proteiinien hajotukseen sekä toimii osana immuunipuolustusta. Sulfaattia pelkistävät bakteerit (SRB) ovat monimuotoinen ryhmä pääosin anaerobisia bakteereita, jotka käyttävät aineenvaihdunnassaan elektronin vastaanottajana sulfaattia muuttaen sen lopulta sulfidiksi. SRB:t ovat sopeutuneet useisiin erilaisiin ympäristöihin. Niitä tavataan mm. vesistöjen sedimenteissä sekä ihmisen ruuansulatuskanavassa. Ihmisen ruuansulatuskanavassa on SRB:ta n. 105-108 pmy/g, ja niitä on löydetty erityisesti anaerobisista osista kuten suun ientaskuista ja paksusuolesta. SRB:t voivat olla haitaksi ruuansulatuskanavalle tuottamansa sulfidin vuoksi, joka esiintyy vesiliuoksessa vetysulfidina. Tämän on havaittu olevan toksista suoliston epiteelisoluille. Viimeaikoina on kiinnostuttu sulfaatinpelkistäjien yhteydestä suoliston sairaustiloihin, kuten tulehduksellisiin suolistosairauksiin (IBD). Pro gradu -tutkimukseni tavoitteena oli kehittää PCR-DGGE- ja qPCR-menetelmät ulosteen sulfaattia pelkistävien bakteerien määritykseen. Kohdegeeninä menetelmänkehityksessä käytettiin dsrAB-geeniä, joka koodaa dissimilatorista sulfiitinpelkistysentsyymiä. dsrAB-geeni on sulfaatinpelkistäjille ominainen konservoitunut geenialue, johon perustuvia tutkimuksia ei vielä ole paljon ihmispuolelta. qPCR-menetelmä saatiin optimoitua herkäksi ja spesifiseksi käyttäen dsrA-geenispesifisiä alukkeita, mutta PCR-DGGE-menetelmää ei saatu optimoitua käytössä olleilla alukkeilla, jotka monistivat PCR-DGGE:ssa myös negatiivikontrollikantoja. Tutkittaessa qPCR:lla IBD:tä (Crohn ja ulseratiivinen koliitti) sairastavien lasten ja terveiden kontrollihenkilöiden ulostenäytteistä eristettyä DNA:ta, merkittävää eroa SRB-määrissä ei havaittu eri ryhmien välillä. Crohnin tautia sairastavien aktiivisen vaiheen ja oireettoman vaiheen näytteiden välillä oli kuitenkin tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero (SRB-määrät; oireeton vaihe>oireellinen vaihe) (P <0,05).


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Zinc-10 and 20 wt pct Pb alloys have been rapidly solidified by melt spinning to obtain a very fine scale dispersion of nanometer-sized Pb particles embedded in Zn matrix. The microstructure and crystallography of the Pb particles have been studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Each embedded Pb particle is a single crystal, with a truncated hexagonal biprism shape with the 6/mmm Zn matrix point group symmetry surrounded by and { 0001 á },\text { \text10[`\text1] \text0 },\text and { \text10[`\text1] \text1 }0001 1010 and 1011 facets. The Pb particles solidify with a well-defined orientation relationship with the Zn matrix of ( 0001 )Zn ||(111)Pb\text and\text [ \text11[`\text2] \text0 ]Zn| ||[ 1[`1] 0 ]Pb 0001Zn(111)Pb and 1120Zn110Pb . The melting and solidification behavior of the Pb particle have been studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The Pb particles solidify with an undercooling of approximately 30 K, by heterogeneous nucleation on the {0001} facets of the surrounding Zn matrix, with an apparent contact angle of 23 deg.


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We report on the combined X-ray and radio observations of the type Ic SN 2002ap, using XMM-Newton TOO observation of M 74 and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope ( GMRT). We account for the presence of a nearby source in the pre-supernova Chandra field of view in our measurements of the X-ray flux (0.3-10 KeV) 5.2 days after the explosion. The X-ray spectrum is well fitted by a power law spectrum with photon index alpha = 2.6. Our results suggest that the prompt X-ray emission originates from inverse Compton scattering of photospheric thermal emission by energetic electrons. Radio observations with the GMRT at 610 MHz (8 days after the explosion) and 1420 MHz (70 days after the explosion) are combined with the high frequency VLA observations of SN 2002ap reported by Berger et al. ( 2002), and the early radiospheric properties of SN 2002ap are compared with similar data from two other supernovae. Finally, the GMRT radio map reveals four other X-ray sources in the field of view of M 74 with radio counterparts.


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Thin foils of Cu, Au and Cu + Au alloys embedded in indium sesquioxide were equilibrated with controlled streams of CO-CO2 mixtures. The equilibrium concentrations of indium in the foils were determined by neutron activation analysis. The corresponding chemical potentials of indium were calculated from the standard free energies of formation of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and indium oxide. It was found that the size difference between the solute and the solvent does not make significant contributions to the solute—solute interaction energy in the α-phase. The chemical potential of indium at one at.% concentration is 8.6 Kcals more negative in gold than in copper at 900°K. The variation of this chemical potential with alloy composition in Cu + Au system was in good agreement with Alcock and Richardson's quasichemical equation. The agreement is strengthened by the accurate knowledge of the co-ordination number in these substitutional solid solutions from X-ray diffraction studies.


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The theory, design, and performance of a solid electrolyte twin thermocell for the direct determination of the partial molar entropy of oxygen in a single-phase or multiphase mixture are described. The difference between the Seebeck coefficients of the concentric thermocells is directly related to the difference in the partial molar entropy of oxygen in the electrodes of each thermocell. The measured potentials are sensitive to small deviations from equilibrium at the electrodes. Small electric disturbances caused by simultaneous potential measurements or oxygen fluxes caused by large oxygen potential gradients between the electrodes also disturb the thermoelectric potential. An accuracy of ±0.5 calth K−1 mol−1 has been obtained by this method for the entropies of formation of NiO and NiAl2O4. This “entropy meter” may be used for the measurement of the entropies of formation of simple or complex oxides with significant residual contributions which cannot be detected by heat-capacity measurements.


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Climate change has great significance globally in general and South Asia in particular. Here we have used data from a network of 35 aerosol observatories over the Indian region to generate the first time regional synthesis using primary data and estimate the aerosol trends. On an average, aerosol optical depth (AOD) was found increasing at a rate of 2.3% (of its value in 1985) per year and more rapidly (similar to 4%) during the last decade. If the trends continue so, AOD at several locations would nearly double and approach unity in the next few decades leading to an enhancement in aerosol-induced lower atmospheric warming by a factor of two. However, a regionally averaged scenario can be ascertained only in the coming years, when longer and denser data would become available. The regional and global climate implications of such trends in the forcing elements need to be better assessed using GCMs.


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Even though satellite observations are the most effective means to gather global information in a short span of time, the challenges in this field still remain over continental landmass, despite most of the aerosol sources being land-based. This is a hurdle in global and regional aerosol climate forcing assessment. Retrieval of aerosol properties over land is complicated due to irregular terrain characteristics and the high and largely uncertain surface reflection which acts as `noise' to the much smaller amount of radiation scattered by aerosols, which is the `signal'. In this paper, we describe a satellite sensor the - `Aerosol Satellite (AEROSAT)', which is capable of retrieving aerosols over land with much more accuracy and reduced dependence on models. The sensor, utilizing a set of multi-spectral and multi-angle measurements of polarized components of radiation reflected from the Earth's surface, along with measurements of thermal infrared broadband radiance, results in a large reduction of the `noise' component (compared to the `signal). A conceptual engineering model of AEROSAT has been designed, developed and used to measure the land-surface features in the visible spectral band. Analysing the received signals using a polarization radiative transfer approach, we demonstrate the superiority of this method. It is expected that satellites carrying sensors following the AEROSAT concept would be `self-sufficient', to obtain all the relevant information required for aerosol retrieval from its own measurements.


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It is now well known that there is a strong association of the extremes of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) with the El Nio and southern oscillation (ENSO) and the Equatorial Indian Ocean Oscillation (EQUINOO), later being an east-west oscillation in convection anomaly over the equatorial Indian Ocean. So far, the index used for EQUINOO is EQWIN, which is based on the surface zonal wind over the central equatorial Indian Ocean. Since the most important attribute of EQUINOO is the oscillation in convection/precipitation, we believe that the indices based on convection or precipitation would be more appropriate. Continuous and reliable data on outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), and satellite derived precipitation are now available from 1979 onwards. Hence, in this paper, we introduce new indices for EQUINOO, based on the difference in the anomaly of OLR/precipitation between eastern and western parts of the equatorial Indian Ocean. We show that the strong association of extremes of the Indian summer monsoon with ENSO and EQUINOO is also seen when the new indices are used to represent EQUINOO.


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Isochromatic patterns in the vicinity of frictional contacts furnish vital clues for characterizing friction. Though friction effects are evident in a diametrally loaded circular disk, three-point loading provides better results towards highlighting friction. In this paper, a new method of characterizing friction at loading contacts using photoelastic isochromatics patterns is presented. Location of isotropic points (IPs) formed in three-point and four-point loadings of circular disk is used as a main tool to quantify the friction component using theoretical analysis. Bifurcation of isochromatic fringe loops near the distributed loads is explained by the presence of anti-symmetric Hertzian shear traction in addition to Hertzian normal traction. The classical solution by Flamant for point load at the edge of half plane is used to derive stresses in circular disk for all required loading configurations. A semicircualr ring under three-point loading is examined using photoelasticity to understand the isochromatics pattern theoretically by considering normal and shear traction components at loaded regions.


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Rechargeable batteries have been the torchbearer electrochemical energy storage devices empowering small-scale electronic gadgets to large-scale grid storage. Complementing the lithium-ion technology, sodium-ion batteries have emerged as viable economic alternatives in applications unrestricted by volume/weight. What is the best performance limit for new-age Na-ion batteries? This mission has unravelled suites of oxides and polyanionic positive insertion (cathode) compounds in the quest to realize high energy density. Economically and ecologically, iron-based cathodes are ideal for mass-scale dissemination of sodium batteries. This Perspective captures the progress of Fe-containing earth-abundant sodium battery cathodes with two best examples: (i) an oxide system delivering the highest capacity (similar to 200 mA h/g) and (ii) a polyanionic system showing the highest redox potential (3.8 V). Both develop very high energy density with commercial promise for large-scale applications. Here, the structural and electrochemical properties of these two cathodes are compared and contrasted to describe two alternate strategies to achieve the same goal, i.e., improved energy density in Fe-based sodium battery cathodes.


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(Document pdf contains 193 pages) Executive Summary (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 1. Introduction (pdf, 0.2 Mb) 1.1 Data sharing, international boundaries and large marine ecosystems 2. Objectives (pdf, 0.3 Mb) 3. Background (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 3.1 North Pacific Ecosystem Metadatabase 3.2 First federation effort: NPEM and the Korea Oceanographic Data Center 3.2 Continuing effort: Adding Japan’s Marine Information Research Center 4. Metadata Standards (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 4.1 Directory Interchange Format 4.2 Ecological Metadata Language 4.3 Dublin Core 4.3.1. Elements of DC 4.4 Federal Geographic Data Committee 4.5 The ISO 19115 Metadata Standard 4.6 Metadata stylesheets 4.7 Crosswalks 4.8 Tools for creating metadata 5. Communication Protocols (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 5.1 Z39.50 5.1.1. What does Z39.50 do? 5.1.2. Isite 6. Clearinghouses (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 7. Methodology (pdf, 0.2 Mb) 7.1 FGDC metadata 7.1.1. Main sections 7.1.2. Supporting sections 7.1.3. Metadata validation 7.2 Getting a copy of Isite 7.3 NSDI Clearinghouse 8. Server Configuration and Technical Issues (pdf, 0.4 Mb) 8.1 Hardware recommendations 8.2 Operating system – Red Hat Linux Fedora 8.3 Web services – Apache HTTP Server version 2.2.3 8.4 Create and validate FGDC-compliant Metadata in XML format 8.5 Obtaining, installing and configuring Isite for UNIX/Linux 8.5.1. Download the appropriate Isite software 8.5.2. Untar the file 8.5.3. Name your database 8.5.4. The zserver.ini file 8.5.5. The sapi.ini file 8.5.6. Indexing metadata 8.5.7. Start the Clearinghouse Server process 8.5.8. Testing the zserver installation 8.6 Registering with NSDI Clearinghouse 8.7 Security issues 9. Search Tutorial and Examples (pdf, 1 Mb) 9.1 Legacy NSDI Clearinghouse search interface 9.2 New GeoNetwork search interface 10. Challenges (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 11. Emerging Standards (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 12. Future Activity (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 13. Acknowledgments (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 14. References (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 15. Acronyms (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 16. Appendices 16.1. KODC-NPEM meeting agendas and minutes (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 16.1.1. Seattle meeting agenda, August 22–23, 2005 16.1.2. Seattle meeting minutes, August 22–23, 2005 16.1.3. Busan meeting agenda, October 10–11, 2005 16.1.4. Busan meeting minutes, October 10–11, 2005 16.2. MIRC-NPEM meeting agendas and minutes (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 16.2.1. Seattle Meeting agenda, August 14-15, 2006 16.2.2. Seattle meeting minutes, August 14–15, 2006 16.2.3. Tokyo meeting agenda, October 19–20, 2006 16.2.4. Tokyo, meeting minutes, October 19–20, 2006 16.3. XML stylesheet conversion crosswalks (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 16.3.1. FGDCI to DIF stylesheet converter 16.3.2. DIF to FGDCI stylesheet converter 16.3.3. String-modified stylesheet 16.4. FGDC Metadata Standard (pdf, 0.1 Mb) 16.4.1. Overall structure 16.4.2. Section 1: Identification information 16.4.3. Section 2: Data quality information 16.4.4. Section 3: Spatial data organization information 16.4.5. Section 4: Spatial reference information 16.4.6. Section 5: Entity and attribute information 16.4.7. Section 6: Distribution information 16.4.8. Section 7: Metadata reference information 16.4.9. Sections 8, 9 and 10: Citation information, time period information, and contact information 16.5. Images of the Isite server directory structure and the files contained in each subdirectory after Isite installation (pdf, 0.2 Mb) 16.6 Listing of NPEM’s Isite configuration files (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 16.6.1. zserver.ini 16.6.2. sapi.ini 16.7 Java program to extract records from the NPEM metadatabase and write one XML file for each record (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 16.8 Java program to execute the metadata extraction program (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) A1 Addendum 1: Instructions for Isite for Windows (pdf, 0.6 Mb) A2 Addendum 2: Instructions for Isite for Windows ADHOST (pdf, 0.3 Mb)