82 resultados para ögat


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Nitrogen uptake and metabolism are essential to microbial growth. Gat1 belongs to a conserved family of zinc finger containing transcriptional regulators known as GATA-factors. These factors activate the transcription of Nitrogen Catabolite Repression (NCR) sensitive genes when preferred nitrogen sources are absent or limiting. Cryptococcus neoformans GAT1 is an ortholog to the Aspergillus nidulans AreA and Candida albicans GAD genes. In an attempt to define the function of this transcriptional regulator in C. neoformans, we generated null mutants (gat1 Delta) of this gene. The gat 1 mutant exhibited impaired growth on all amino acids tested as sole nitrogen sources, with the exception of arginine and proline. Furthermore, the gat1 mutant did not display resistance to rapamycin, an immunosuppressant drug that transiently mimics a low-quality nitrogen source. Gal is not required for C. neoformans survival during macrophage infection or for virulence in a mouse model of cryptococcosis. Microarray analysis allowed the identification of target genes that are regulated by Gat1 in the presence of proline, a poor and non-repressing nitrogen source. Genes involved in ergosterol biosynthesis, iron uptake, cell wall organization and capsule biosynthesis, in addition to NCR-sensitive genes, are Gat1-regulated in C. neoformans. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this work was to determine how important a word’s setting was for the readability of typography in motion. Facts regarding how reading works and the importance of the words formation for the readability were used to form a computer test. This test was performed by 15 test persons and the results were analyzed. The results show that the serif was easier to read than the sanserif. The words of the serif which were easiest to read were the words with positive tracking and the words with capital letters. Also for the sanserif, these words were the easiest to read.


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Inom ramen för projektet Energi- och miljökompetenscentrum vid Högskolan Dalarna haren kortare förstudie kring tekniken som används av Timber Tower GmbH för högavindkrafttorn i trä gjorts. Huvudsyftet med studien har varit att titta närmare på teknikenoch dess potential för svensk landbaserad vindkraft samt utreda vad detta kan innebära förregionen.Trenden för landbaserad vindkraft i skogsmiljö går mot allt högre torn. Skogsmiljön gör attden marknära turbulensen och vindgradienten blir större än över t.ex. hav vilket gör detmer föredelaktigt att använda högre torn.Tekniken som Timber Tower GmbH använder är att bygga tornet på plats med en koniskhålstomme av plana paneler av korslimmat limträ (som annars främst används vidbyggnation av höga hus med massivträstomme). Tekniken är skyddad av ett flertalpatentansökningar varav minst en är beviljad.Vid en jämförelse mellan trätorn och svetsade ståltorn (som är den dominerandetorntekniken idag) kan det konstateras att trätornstekniken är ekonomiskt intressant.Framförallt blir trätornen mer intressanta i jämförelse med ståltornen vi ökande höjder (>100 m) pga. dess transportfördelar. Vidare bör det nämnas att de torntekniker somanvänds idag vid höjder runt 140 m och högre främst är fackverkstorn i stål ochhybridtorn med en hög bas av förspänd betong och övre delen i stål.Då ett typgodkännande av ett vindkraftverk gäller torn och turbin är det i praktiken alltidturbintillverkaren som prissätter och levererar ett komplett vindkraftverk. Medutgångspunkt i regeringens planeringsram för svensk vindkraftutbyggnad (20 TWh/årlandbaserad vindkraft 2020) kan dock marknadsvärdet för torn uppskattas till 2-3 miljarderkr/år fram till 2020. För trätorn motsvarar detta en årlig potentiell volym på ca 190 000 m3.Slutsatsen i denna korta studie är att det är tekniskt möjligt att designa ett trätorn i rimligadimensioner för en 2-3 MW turbin med navhöjd ca 140 m och att detta sannolikt även ärekonomiskt intressant. Då ett trätorn blir något lättare än motsvarande ståltorn går det åtmindre energi för att göra ett trätorn. Hur mycket mindre är dock osäkert pga. den storaspridningen i siffror för energiåtgång för stålproduktion och i praktiken blir skillnadenäven leverantörsberoende. Eftersom andelen förnyelsebar energi är betydligt större vidtillverkningen av materialet för trätornen kommer trätornet att ge en betydande sänkningpå utsläppt CO2e/kWhel jämfört med motsvarande verk med ståltorn. Ett annat argumentför trätorn är förenklade transporter jämfört med t.ex. svetsade ståltorn eller hybridtornmed prefabricerade betongelement.Om tekniken etableras kan det i förlängningen leda till en regional påverkan i form av ökatlokalt innehåll i vindkraftprojekten t.ex. genom ökade råvaruleveranser (eg. sågat ochtorkat virke), lokal produktion av korslimmat limträ eller exempelvis bildande avspecialiserade montagefirmor. Det största hindret för tekniken just nu är dessmarknadsintroduktion och acceptans samt typgodkännande tillsammans med en för svenskmarknad intressant turbinleverantör. För att få acceptans för tekniken krävs byggande ochutvärdering av minst ett verk med trätorn. En intressant storlek för marknaden är en 2-3MW turbin med navhöjd ca 140 m. Ett sådant verk skulle i så fall få det högstavindkrafttornet i Sverige och sannolikt det högsta vindkrafttornet i trä i världen. Byggandetav ett första verk med trätorn skulle sannolikt även kräva ett behov av stödfinansiering föratt täcka en projektörs ökade risk. Då flera vindkraftetableringar i regionen uppvisar godaproduktionsresultat (med Tavelberget som gott exempel) visar det att regionen ärintressant för introduktion och utvärdering av ny teknologi.


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Para um adequado funcionamento do SNC, são necessárias complexas interações entre os sistemas de neurotransmissão inibitório e excitatório. Desequilíbrios nos sistemas, e/ou na sua interação, podem acarretar comprometimentos neuropsiquiátricos. Várias etapas do desenvolvimento ontogenético cerebral, incluindo proliferação e migração neuronal, crescimento cerebral e mielinização, astrocitogênese e morte celular programada, são alteradas pela desnutrição protéica. Alterações no sistema glutamatérgico decorrentes de desnutrição, padrões de desenvolvimento afetados no sistema GABAérgico como a atividade da glutamato descarboxilase (GAD) e mRNA de subunidades de receptores GABAA , alterações nas reações a fármacos envolvendo o sistema GABAérgico, além de estudos epidemiológicos que apontam para a maior incidência de doenças neuropsiquiátricas em populações desnutridas precocemente e, ainda, os transtornos nas complexas interações entre células neuronais e gliais, que acompanham o desenvolvimento destas patologias, levantam questionamentos sobre as implicações da desnutrição sobre o metabolismo cerebral e parâmetros inibitórios e excitatórios sob condições de excitotoxicidade. Considerando estes aspectos, investigou-se a sensibilidade a drogas convulsivantes agindo sobre os sistemas glutamatérgico (ácido quinolínico) e GABAérgico (picrotoxina), assim como se procurou detectar interferências provocadas pela desnutrição protéica gestacional e pós-natal, e/ou drogas em um dos parâmetros, que, além da biossíntese, liberação, interação com receptores, determina uma neurotransmissão eficiente, qual seja: na inativação dos dois principais neurotransmissores excitatório e inibitório, glutamato e GABA, respectivamente, por meio da captação mediada por transportadores localizados nas membranas neuronais e gliais de córtex e hipocampo de ratos em desenvolvimento, assim como parâmetros ontogenéticos ligados ao transporte de GABA. A sensibilidade à picrotoxina foi avaliada ainda segundo parâmetros metabólicos, envolvendo o metabolismo da glicose e do acetato, procurando detectar interações neurônio-glia na resposta à droga, assim como a ocorrência de peroxidação lipídica, dado o seu envolvimento no processo convulsivante. Considerando que o acetato é metabolizado predominantemente pelos astrócitos, células que têm importante papel no fluxo de substratos energéticos aos neurônios, a sua oxidação foi avaliada em fatias de córtex cerebral de ratos adultos, frente a diferentes concentrações extracelulares de potássio. A desnutrição acarretou menor sensibilidade à ação convulsivante do ácido quinolínico, em ratos de 25 dias de idade, excluindo alterações na captação de glutamato como mecanismo envolvido, uma vez que este parâmetro não foi afetado pela desnutrição e/ou droga. Contrariamente, a desnutrição induziu maior sensibilidade à ação convulsivante da picrotoxina, em ratos de 25 dias, o que pode estar relacionado à maior captação de GABA por fatias de córtex cerebral e hipocampo evidenciadas no grupo desnutrido. A desnutrição alterou o perfil ontogenético da captação de GABA por fatias de córtex cerebral e também o perfil inibitório da β-alanina (inibidor de GAT-3), dando suporte à hipótese de que a maior captação de GABA em ratos desnutridos em desenvolvimento seja devida predominantemente a este transportador. A maior sensibilidade à picrotoxina no grupo desnutrido também foi evidenciada pelo maior estímulo à oxidação da glicose em fatias de córtex cerebral (que também é idade dependente) e peroxidação lipídica. Enquanto em ratos imaturos a administração de uma única dose de picrotoxina mostrou a maior susceptibilidade de ratos desnutridos, no procedimento de “kindling” químico pela picrotoxina em ratos em desenvolvimento, a susceptibilidade mostrou-se sexo e tratamento nutricional dependente. A picrotoxina estimulou a oxidação do acetato a CO2, mas não a da glicose em período precoce pós picrotoxina (24 horas) em fatias de córtex e hipocampo de ratos de 25 dias, indicando o envolvimento astrocitário na resposta ao agente convulsivante, independente do tratamento nutricional. A administração crônica de picrotoxina acarretou estímulo à oxidação da glicose em fatias de córtex de ratos desnutridos, mostrando efeito tempo e tratamento nutricional-dependente sobre o metabolismo da glicose, sem alteração da oxidação do acetato. Altas concentrações de potássio extracelular aumentaram a oxidação do acetato em fatias de córtex cerebral, em função da redução intracelular de sódio em ratos controle e desnutridos adultos; o agravamento do déficit nutricional exacerbou a oxidação do acetato em fatias de cerebelo. A desnutrição pré e pós-natal afeta respostas envolvendo os sistemas GABAérgico e glutamatérgico em situações de excitotoxicidade, provocada por antagonista de receptor GABAA, picrotoxina e por hiperestimulador do sistema glutamatérgico, ácido quinolínico, em ratos em desenvolvimento, assim como parâmetros ontogenéticos ligados ao transporte de GABA. A severidade da restrição nutricional é fator determinante da exacerbação do estímulo à oxidação do acetato. Além do mais, a desnutrição parece afetar a interação neurônio-glia em condições de excitotoxicidade.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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One of the best established properties of the single late type evolved stars is that their rotational velocity and lithium content decrease with effective temperature and age. Nevertheless, the root cause of this property, as well as the link between rotation and lithium abundance and, in particular, the effects of binarity on rotation and lithium content in binary systems with evolved component, are not yet completely established. How does the gravitational tides, in binary systems, affects rotational evolution and lithium dilution? Trying to answer these questions, we have carried out an observational survey, in the lithium region centered at the lithium I line A6707.81A, for a large sample of about 100 binary systems with evolved component along the spectral range F, G and K, with the CES spectrometer mounted at the CAT 1.44 m Telescope of the ESO, La Silla, Chile. By combining the abundances of lithium issued from these observations with rotational velocity and orbital parameters, we have found a number of important results. First of all, we confirm that in this class of binary systems rotation is effectively affected by tidal effects. Binary systems with orbital period lower than about 100 days and circular or nearly circular orbits, present rotational velocity enhanced in relation to the single giant stars and to the binary systems with an orbital period larger than 100 days. This is clearly the result of the synchonization between the rotational and orbital motions due to tidal effects. In addition, we have found that lithium abundances in binary systems with giant components present the same gradual decreasing with effective temperature, observed in the single giants of same luminosity class and spectral types. We have found no lithium-rich binary systems, in contrast with single giants. A remarkable result from the present study is the one showing that synchronized binary systems with giant component retains more of their original lithium than the unsynchronized systems. In fact, we have found a possible "inhibited zone", in which synchronized binary systems with giant component having lithium abundance lower than a threshold level should be unusual. Finally, the present study also shows that the binary systems with giant component presenting the highest lithium contents are those with the highest rotation rates


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There is a known positive effect of nocturnal sleep for brain plasticity and the consolidation of declarative and procedural memories, as well as for the facilitation of insight in problem solving. However, a possible pro-mnemonic effect of daytime naps after learning is yet to be properly characterized. The goal of this project was to evaluate the influence of daytime naps on learning among elementary and middleschool students, measuring the one-day (acute), and semester-long (chronic) effects of post-learning naps on performance. In the Acute Day-Nap condition, the elementary students were exposed to a class and then randomly divided into three groups: Nap (N), Game-based English Class (GBEC) and Traditional English Class (TEC). There were 2 multiple-choice follow-up tests to evaluate students performance in the short and long runs. In the short run, the N group outperformed the other two groups; and such tendency was maintained in the long run. In the chronic condition, the middle-school students were randomly separated into two groups: Nap (N) and Class (C) and were observed during one academic term. The N group had increased school performance in relation to the C group. In the statistical analyses, independent t-tests were applied considering the scores significant when p<0,05, expressed in terms of average ± average standard error. Results can be interpreted as an indication that a single daytime nap opportunity is not enough to ensure learning benefits. Therefore, more research is needed in order to advocate in favor of a daytime nap as a pedagogical means of promoting enhanced school performance


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In this study we histologically and histochemically describe the ventriculus of Dolichoderus bispinosus. The epithelium consists of two basic cell types, highly basophilic generative cells, and digestive cells. The latter present several cytoplasmic vesicles. rich in acidic and neutral polysaccharides, and basic proteins. Also, these. cells exhibit an apocrine secretion pattern. A mass of fibrous material is observed on the surface of the epithelium. Finally, we discuss the results obtained. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The neural retina is a highly complex tissue composed of excitatory and inhibitory neurons and glial cells. Glutamate, the main excitatory neurotransmitter, mediates information transfer from photoreceptors, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells, whereas interneurons, mainly amacrine and horizontal cells, use γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the main inhibitory neurotransmitter. In this review we place an emphasis on glutamate and GABA transporters as highly regulated molecules that play fundamental roles in neurotransmitter clearance, neurotransmitter release, and oxidative stress. We pharmacologically characterized glutamate transporters in chicken retina cells and identified two glutamate transporters: one Na+-dependent transporter and one Na+-independent transporter. The Na+-dependent uptake system presented characteristics related to the high-affinity xAG- system (EAAT1), and the Na+-independent uptake system presented characteristics related to the xCG- system, which highly contributes to glutamate transport in the retina. Glutamate shares the xCG- system with another amino acid, L-cysteine, suggesting the possible involvement of glutathione. Both transporter proteins are present mainly in Müller glial cells. GABA transporters (GATs) mediate high-affinity GABA uptake from the extracellular space and terminate the synaptic action of GABA in the central nervous system. GABA transporters can be modulated by molecules that act on specific sites to promote transporter phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. In addition to a role in the clearance of GABA, GATs may also release GABA through a reverse transport mechanism. In the chicken retina, a GAT-1 blocker, but not GAT2/3 blocker, was shown to inhibit GABA uptake, suggesting that GABA release from retina cells is mainly mediated by a GAT-1-like transporter.


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Strains of Lysobacter enzymogenes, a bacterial species with biocontrol activity, have been detected via 16S rDNA sequences in soil in different parts of the world. In most instances, however, their occurrence could not be confirmed by isolation, presumably because the species occurred in low numbers relative to faster-growing species of Bacillus or Pseudomonas. In this study, we developed DNA-based detection and enrichment culturing methods for Lysobacter spp. and L. enzymogenes specifically. In the DNA-based method, a region of 16S rDNA conserved among Lysobacter spp. (L4: GAG CCG ACG TCG GAT TAG CTA GTT), was used as the forward primer in PCR amplification. When L4 and universal bacterial primer 1525R were used to amplify DNA from various bacterial species, an 1100-bp product was found in Lysobacter spp. exclusively. The enrichment culturing method involved culturing soils for 3 days in a chitin-containing broth amended with antibiotics. Bacterial strains in the enrichment culture were isolated on yeast-cell agar and then identified by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. A strain of L. enzymogenes added to soils was detected at populations as low as 102 and 104 CFU/g soil by PCR amplification and enrichment culturing, respectively. In a survey of 58 soil samples, Lysobacter was detected in 41 samples by PCR and enrichment culture, out of which 6 yielded strains of Lysobacter spp. by enrichment culture. Among isolated strains, all were identified to be L. enzymogenes, with the exception of a strain of L. antibioticus. Although neither method alone is completely effective at detecting L. enzymogenes, they are complementary when used together and may provide new information on the spatial distribution of the species in soil.


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Introduction: Computerizd tomography (CT) is the gold standard for the evaluation of intra- (IAF) and total (TAF) abdominal fat; however, the high cost of the procedure and exposure to radiation limit its routine use. Objective: To develop equations that utilize anthropometric measures for the estimate of IAF and TAF in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Methods: The weight, height, BMI, and abdominal (AC), waist (WC), chest (CC), and neck (NC) circumferences of thirty obese women with PCOS were measured, and their IAF and TAF were analyzed by CT. Results: The anthropometric variables AC, CC, and NC were chosen for the TAF linear regression model because they were better correlated with the fat deposited in this region. The model proposed for TAF (predicted) was: 4.63725 + 0.01483 x AC - 0.00117 x NC - 0.00177 x CC (R-2 = 0.78); and the model proposed for IAF was: IAF (predicted) = 1.88541 + 0.01878 x WC + 0.05687 x NC - 0.01529 x CC (R-2 = 0.51). AC was the only independent predictor of TAF (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The equations proposed showed good correlation with the real value measured by CT, and can be used in clinical practice. (Nutr Hosp. 2012;27:1662-1666) DOI:10.3305/nh.2012.27.5.5933


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Dieses Experiment untersuchte die Effekte der unterschiedlichen Fragen- bzw. Itemtypen (Stimuli), des Wahrheitsgehalts der Antworten und der elektrodermalen Labilität auf die Hautleitfähigkeitsreaktionen (SCR) und die phasische Herzschlagfrequenz (HR) für zwei relativ neue Befragungstechniken der forensischen Psychophysiologie ('Lügendetektion'): Directed Lie Test (DLT) und Guilty Actions Test (GAT).Achtzig Männer begingen einen simulierten Schmuckdiebstahl. Jeweils die Hälfte entwendete entweder einen Ring oder eine Kette. Während dieser Tat wurden jedoch alle Probanden mit den kritischen Details beider Scheinverbrechen konfrontiert. Anschließend absolvierten sie entweder einen DLT oder einen GAT. Die relevanten Stimuli der Tests bezogen sich auf beide Scheinverbrechen und wurden - intraindividuell variiert - wahrheitswidrig und wahrheitsgemäß verneint. Darüber hinaus umfaßte der DLT inhaltlich parallelisierte Paare von Kontrollfragen. Die Probanden wurden instruiert, die jeweiligen Kontrollfragen eines Paars wahrheitswidrig versus wahrheitsgemäß zu verneinen. Die Testverfahren beinhalteten außerdem nicht tatbezogene, irrelevante Stimuli, die wahrheitsgemäß beantwortet wurden. Für beide Befragungstechniken fand man Reaktionsunterschiede zwischen den Stimulustypen, insbesondere stärkere SCR-Magnituden und eine niedrigere HR auf die wahrheitswidrig verneinten relevanten Stimuli. Bei den Kontrollfragen des DLT zeigten sich jedoch keine signifikanten Effekte des Wahrheitsgehalts. Die elektrodermale Labilität hatte keinen bedeutsamen Einfluß auf die Reaktionsunterschiede. Die Ergebnisse wurden vor allem anhand psychophysiologischer Theorien der Aufmerksamkeit, Konflikte und Informationsverarbeitung interpretiert.


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Die inhaltsorientierte und die psychophysiologische Glaubhaftigkeitsbeurteilung wurden einem direkten empirischen Validitätsvergleich unterzogen. Einhundertundzwei Probandinnen nahmen als Täterinnen (Schuldige), Zeuginnen (Unschuldige mit Tatwissen) oder falsche Zeuginnen (Unschuldige ohne Tatwissen) an einer experimentellen Verbrechenssimulation teil. Die Täterinnen stritten anschließend die Täterschaft wahrheitswidrig ab und machten eine wahrheitswidrige 'Zeugenaussage'. Die Zeuginnen stritten die Täterschaft wahrheitsgemäß ab und machten eine wahrheitsgemäße Zeugenaussage. Die falschen Zeuginnen stritten die Täterschaft wahrheitsgemäß ab und machten eine wahrheitswidrige 'Zeugenaussage'. Die Glaubhaftigkeit der vermeintlichen Zeugenaussage wurde jeweils mit Hilfe der Kriterienorientierten Inhaltsanalyse beurteilt. Die Glaubhaftigkeit der Täterschaftsabstreitung beurteilte man jeweils mit dem Guilty Actions Test (GAT), einem speziellen psychophysiologischen Verfahren, das zwischen Schuldigen, Unschuldigen mit Tatwissen und Unschuldigen ohne Tatwissen differenzieren soll. Als Kontrollbedingung wurde zudem eine naive, d.h. rein intuitive Glaubhaftigkeitsbeurteilung vorgenommen. Die diagnostische Differenzierungsfähigkeit der inhaltsorientierten Glaubhaftigkeitsbeurteilung und des GAT war höher als die der naiven Glaubhaftigkeitsbeurteilung. Der GAT differenzierte nur zwischen Personen mit und ohne Tatwissen, nicht jedoch zwischen Schuldigen und Unschuldigen mit Tatwissen. Die Validität des GAT bezüglich der Identifizierung von Personen mit und ohne Tatwissen war höher als die Validität des inhaltsorientierten Ansatzes bezüglich der Identifizierung glaubhafter und unglaubhafter Zeugenaussagen. Die Ergebnisse wurden insbesondere im Hinblick auf methodische Aspekte der vorliegenden Untersuchung diskutiert.