495 resultados para érosion de berge
A mesocosm experiment was conducted to quantify the relationships between the presence and body size of two burrowing heart urchins (Brissopsis lyrifera and Echinocardium cordatum) and rates of sediment nutrient flux. Furthermore, the impact of seawater acidification on these relationships was determined during this 40-day exposure experiment. Using carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, seawater was acidified to pHNBS 7.6, 7.2 or 6.8. Control treatments were maintained in natural seawater (pH8.0). Under normocapnic conditions, burrowing urchins were seen to reduce the sediment uptake of nitrite or nitrate whilst enhancing the release of silicate and phosphate. In acidified (hypercapnic) treatments, the biological control of biogeochemical cycles by urchins was significantly affected, probably through the combined impacts of high CO2 on nitrifying bacteria, benthic algae and urchin behaviour. This study highlights the importance of considering biological interactions when predicting the consequences of seawater acidification on ecosystem function.
We present descriptions of a new order (Ranunculo cortusifolii-Geranietalia reuteri and of a new alliance (Stachyo lusitanicae-Cheirolophion sempervirentis) for the herbaceous fringe communities of Macaronesia and of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, respectively. A new alliance, the Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (mesophilous post-cultural grasslands), was introduced for the Peninsular Italy. We further validate and typify the Armerietalia rumelicae (perennial grasslands supported by nutrient-poor on siliceous bedrocks at altitudes characterized by the submediterranean climate of central-southern Balkan Peninsula), the Securigero-Dasypyrion villosae (lawn and fallow-land tall-grass annual vegetation of Italy), and the Cirsio vallis-demoni-Nardion (acidophilous grasslands on siliceous substrates of the Southern Italy). Nomenclatural issues (validity, legitimacy, synonymy, formal corrections) have been discussed and clarified for the following names: Brachypodio-Brometalia, Bromo pannonici-Festucion csikhegyensis, Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae, Heleochloion, Hieracio-Plantaginion radicatae, Nardetea strictae, Nardetalia strictae, Nardo-Callunetea, Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Oligo-Bromion, Paspalo-Heleochloetalia, Plantagini-Corynephorion and Scorzoneret alia villosae.
Metabolic disruptions that occur widely in cancers offer an attractive focus for generalized treatment strategies. The hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP) senses metabolic status and produces an essential substrate for O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine transferase (OGT), which glycosylates and thereby modulates the function of its target proteins. Here, we report that the HBP is activated in prostate cancer cells and that OGT is a central regulator of c-Myc stability in this setting. HBP genes were overexpressed in human prostate cancers and androgen regulated in cultured human cancer cell lines. Immunohistochemical analysis of human specimens (n = 1987) established that OGT is upregulated at the protein level and that its expression correlates with high Gleason score, pT and pN stages, and biochemical recurrence. RNA interference-mediated siliencing or pharmacologic inhibition of OGT was sufficient to decrease prostate cancer cell growth. Microarray profiling showed that the principal effects of OGT inhibition in prostate cancer cells were related to cell-cycle progression and DNA replication. In particular, c-MYC was identified as a candidate upstream regulator of OGT target genes and OGT inhibition elicited a dose-dependent decrease in the levels of c-MYC protein but not c-MYC mRNA in cell lines. Supporting this relationship, expression of c-MYC and OGT was tightly correlated in human prostate cancer samples (n = 1306). Our findings identify HBP as a modulator of prostate cancer growth and c-MYC as a key target of OGT function in prostate cancer cells.
L’agrobiodiversité est le résultat de la domestication, de l’amélioration des caractères génétiques, de la conservation et de l’échange des semences par les agriculteurs depuis la première révolution agricole, il y a près de 10 000 ans. Toutefois, cette diversification agricole s’amenuise, s’érode. Cette érosion touche désormais les espèces végétales majeures. Plusieurs variétés de plantes cultivées sont abandonnées au profit de variétés artificialisées et uniformisées. Suivant une logique plus économique, les ressources génétiques végétales ou phytogénétiques, d’abord qualifiées de patrimoine commun de l’humanité, deviennent rapidement des biens prisés par l’industrie biotechnologique confortant les pays riches en biodiversité, mais économiquement faibles, à subordonner cette richesse au principe de la souveraineté permanente sur les ressources naturelles. Ce principe à la base du droit international a permis aux États hôtes de contrôler l’accès aux ressources biologiques sur leur territoire, mettant ainsi fin au pillage de celles-ci, mais également au libre accès pour tous à la ressource. À l’évidence, la nature hybride des ressources phytogénétiques enclenche un processus complexe d’exclusivismes et de prérogatives. D’une part, ces ressources composent la base de notre alimentation et à ce titre elles intéressent l’humanité entière, d’autre part, elles sont la matière première utilisée par les oligopoles semenciers, une double vocation qui suscite un partage antagonique à plusieurs égards. Cette thèse analyse les perspectives offertes par le droit international public afin de réconcilier ces positions au bénéfice de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale durable, et s’interroge sur le meilleur cadre juridique que le droit international puisse attribuer aux ressources phytogénétiques afin d’améliorer la circulation et la disponibilité des denrées agricoles et alimentaires. À cet effet, l’entrée en vigueur du Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture va créer une sorte de système compromissoire conciliant dans un même souffle, l’intérêt général et l’appropriation privative au profit de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale durable : le Système multilatéral d’accès et de partage des avantages. Un dispositif ad hoc exceptionnel qui facilite l’accès à une partie négociée de ces ressources ainsi que le partage juste et équitable des avantages qui découlent de leur utilisation entre tous les usagers. Le Système multilatéral est la clé de voûte du Traité. Par le truchement de ce système, le Traité matérialise un ordre juridique raffiné et complexe qui opère une récursivité des ressources phytogénétiques vers le domaine public international, et par incidence, invite à considérer ces ressources comme des biens communs libres d’accès pour la recherche, l’amélioration et le réensemencement. Outre cette requalification, ce système ouvrira la voie à une nouvelle forme de gestion fiduciaire octroyant des droits et impliquant des responsabilités à l’égard d’un groupe d’usagers particuliers.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The SBP values to be achieved by antihypertensive therapy in order to maximize reduction of cardiovascular outcomes are unknown; neither is it clear whether in patients with a previous cardiovascular event, the optimal values are lower than in the low-to-moderate risk hypertensive patients, or a more cautious blood pressure (BP) reduction should be obtained. Because of the uncertainty whether 'the lower the better' or the 'J-curve' hypothesis is correct, the European Society of Hypertension and the Chinese Hypertension League have promoted a randomized trial comparing antihypertensive treatment strategies aiming at three different SBP targets in hypertensive patients with a recent stroke or transient ischaemic attack. As the optimal level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) level is also unknown in these patients, LDL-C-lowering has been included in the design. PROTOCOL DESIGN: The European Society of Hypertension-Chinese Hypertension League Stroke in Hypertension Optimal Treatment trial is a prospective multinational, randomized trial with a 3 × 2 factorial design comparing: three different SBP targets (1, <145-135; 2, <135-125; 3, <125 mmHg); two different LDL-C targets (target A, 2.8-1.8; target B, <1.8 mmol/l). The trial is to be conducted on 7500 patients aged at least 65 years (2500 in Europe, 5000 in China) with hypertension and a stroke or transient ischaemic attack 1-6 months before randomization. Antihypertensive and statin treatments will be initiated or modified using suitable registered agents chosen by the investigators, in order to maintain patients within the randomized SBP and LDL-C windows. All patients will be followed up every 3 months for BP and every 6 months for LDL-C. Ambulatory BP will be measured yearly. OUTCOMES: Primary outcome is time to stroke (fatal and non-fatal). Important secondary outcomes are: time to first major cardiovascular event; cognitive decline (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) and dementia. All major outcomes will be adjudicated by committees blind to randomized allocation. A Data and Safety Monitoring Board has open access to data and can recommend trial interruption for safety. SAMPLE SIZE CALCULATION: It has been calculated that 925 patients would reach the primary outcome after a mean 4-year follow-up, and this should provide at least 80% power to detect a 25% stroke difference between SBP targets and a 20% difference between LDL-C targets.
1928/08 (A62,N8,T95).
1922/06/15 (A56,T89,N12)-1922/06/30.
1921/06/01 (A55,T88,N11)-1921/06/14.
1925/08/01 (A59,T92,N15).
1868/01 (A3)-1868/06.
1928/09 (A62,N9,T95).
1900/07 (A34,NOUV SER,T50)-1900/12.