1000 resultados para Índice de acidez
Ps-graduao em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
The aims of this study were to evaluate the potential of the oil extracted from tilapia residues filleting for biodiesel production, select the one that presents the greatest potential for this purpose and characterize the obtained biodiesel to be neutralized or refined and analyzed according to their physicochemical and yield characteristics. For this, the crude heads, carcasses and offal which have undergone physical and chemical analysis and yield were extracted. For this, the crude oil was extracted from the heads, carcasses and guts, which have passed through physicochemical and yield analysis.For the statistical analysis, a completely randomized design was used with 3 treatments (head, carcass and viscera) and 5 replications.It was observed significant differences in the oils (P <0.05) being the viscera oil the one that showed higher yield although it presented the worst values for all evaluated indices. For this reason this oil was selected for further studies. In this new stage of the study the treatments were: neutralized crude oil and viscera refined oil with different volumes of NaOH 16%.It was adopted a completely randomized design, with a 2x3 factorial (types of oil x soda volumes) with 3 replications. The analyzed variables were acid value, saponification index, peroxide value and iodine value. It was also evaluated the performance of all the obtained biodiesel. It can be concluded that: among the filleting residues oil of tilapias, the one which is more suitable for biodiesel production, due to its high yield, was the viscera oil. The use of all stages of refining is indispensable, once the obtained index and the yield were greater in the biodiesel refined oil; the produced biodiesel from tilapias viscera oil meets the ANP standards and, therefore, it is adequate for use.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
O presente trabalho visa investigar o Processo de Craqueamento Termocataltico do leo de Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.), leo de palma (Elaeis guineensis) e sabo de leo de buriti, considerando a transformao dos leos vegetais e sabes via craqueamento termocataltico em biocombustveis, utilizando-se Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> (Carbonato de Sdio), CaCO<sub>3</sub> (Carbonato de Clcio),CaO (xido de clcio) e Zelitas cidas (HZSM-5) como catalisadores,as temperaturas de 420, 450 e 480 C.O fruto de Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) foi coletado e extrado leo da polpa, em seguida este leo foi caracterizado em relao Índice de Acidez, Índice de saponificao, Viscosidade Cinemtica, Densidade , Índice de Refrao e anlise de CHN.Para testes preliminares foi utilizado o leo de palma refinado e neutralizado portanto eles no foram caracterizados.O sabo de buriti foi preparado em laboratrio com hidrxido de potssio e hidrxido de sdio e armazenados para pirlise trmica.Os catalisadores tambm foram caracterizados com relao ao infravermelho,Ressonncia Magntica Nuclear de <sup>29</sup>Si e <sup>27</sup>Al, difrao de raio X ,anlise trmica, anlise qumica e TPD de Amnia .No processo de craqueamento termocataltico os produtos lquidos produzidos foram analisados quanto aos parmetros: rendimento, ndice de acidez, espectro de infravermelho, espectro de RMN e anlise de CHN em seguida foram caracterizados com relao densidade e viscosidade cinemtica. No entanto, com relao ao ndice de acidez dos produtos lquidos, somente os catalisadores bsicos produziram craqueados com valores aceitveis para utilizao como combustvel. A partir dos resultados verificou-se a eficincia dos catalisadores no qual o catalisador carbonato de sdio forneceu produtos de baixa acidez e com boas caractersticas para uso como combustvel.
Neste trabalho foi estudado o processo de craqueamento termocataltico do leo de fritura nas escalas de bancada e piloto, variando-se o percentual do catalisador carbonato de sdio de 5 e 10% m/m em relao a matria prima utilizada e temperatura de 440 C. O objetivo foi obter misturas de hidrocarbonetos ricas na frao diesel. O leo de fritura neutralizado e seco foi caracterizado em relao ao Índice de Acidez, Índice de saponificao, Viscosidade Cinemtica, Densidade e Índice de Refrao. Aps o craqueamento, o produto lquido obtido foi purificado por decantao da fase aquosa e filtrao simples em escala de bancada. Esse produto foi fracionado por destilao fracionada e os condensados foram coletados em um funil de decantao de acordo a faixa de destilao da gasolina (40C-175C), querosene (175C-235C), diesel leve (235C-305C) e diesel pesado (305C-400 C). Foi realizada a caracterizao tanto fsico qumica quanto da composio dos produtos lquidos e suas respectivas fraes. Tambm foi realizada a evoluo do processo de craqueamento em escala piloto, acompanhando o comportamento das caractersticas fsico qumicas e de composio do produto formado no decorrer do processo de craqueamento. Os resultados mostraram que o catalisador carbonato de sdio forneceu produtos de baixa acidez e com boas caractersticas para uso como combustvel. A variao do percentual de catalisador influencia significamente as propriedades fsico qumicas e composio tanto do produto quanto de suas fraes. Verificou-se, ainda, que o craqueamento termocataltico do leo de fritura propicia a formao de hidrocarbonetos ricos na frao do diesel (19,16% diesel leve e 41,18% diesel pesado para o teste com 10% de Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> e de 13,53% leve e 52,73% diesel pesado para o teste com 5% de Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> ). Os intervalos de tempos finais do craqueamento geram um combustvel com baixo teor de acidez e com propriedades fsico qumicas em conformidade a norma especificada para o diesel mineral.
Neste trabalho foi estudado o processo de destilao do produto lquido orgnico, obtido no craqueamento cataltico do leo de palma (Elaeis guineensis, Jacq) bruto em escala piloto, empregando os catalisadores carbonato de sdio (Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>) e a lama vermelha, variando o percentual de catalisador em 10% m/m e 15% m/m em relao matria prima utilizada, sendo fixada uma temperatura operacional de 450C, visando obter fraes de biocombustveis (bio-gasolina, bio-querosene e bio-leo) semelhantes aos combustveis derivados do petrleo. Os catalisadores foram submetidos a um pr-tratamento de desidratao durante 2 horas em uma estufa 300C, posteriormente foram realizadas as anlises de DRX, IR e TG. Quanto matria prima, foram realizadas anlises fsico-qumicas, visando caracterizao do leo de palma. Os produtos lquidos orgnicos (PLOs) obtidos foram submetidos a operaes unitrias de separao, decantao e filtrao simples em escala de bancada, para posteriormente serem realizadas anlises fsico-qumicas e composicionais. Os PLOs foram destilados em uma coluna Vigreux de seis (06) estgios, e as fraes condensadas foram coletadas de acordo com as faixas de destilao da gasolina (60C - 190C), querosene (190C - 235C) e diesel (235C - 370C), para posteriormente serem caracterizadas. Verificou-se uma melhor eficincia para o catalisador carbonato de sdio a 15% m/m quanto a reduo do ndice de acidez, cerca de 1,7 mgKOH/g, assim como uma converso mssica de 97% do leo em PLO, notou-se tambm que, ao aumentar a quantidade de catalisador, isto favoreceu a obteno de um produto final com uma melhor qualidade. A lama vermelha por outro lado, apresentou rendimentos de at 64% m/m e produtos com baixa acidez cerca de 62,90 mgKOH/g, comparando este resultado com dados encontrados na literatura. A partir dos resultados finais, verificou-se a eficincia dos catalisadores, no qual o catalisador carbonato de sdio forneceu produtos com baixa acidez e com boas caractersticas para uso como combustvel.
Ps-graduao em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Ps-graduao em Qumica - IQ
Ps-graduao em Medicina Veterinria - FMVZ
Qualidade do leo bruto de gros de crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst) sob diferentes mtodos de secagem
The Culture of crambe became promising since its grains presents high oil content. The methods of drying may influence the quality of crude oil extracted from the beans, depending on the way it is managed. This study goal was to evaluate the influence of different drying methods on the quality of the crude oil extracted from crambe grain. The experimental design was completely randomized with five treatments (drying with heated air, natural air, yard, shade, and at the field), and with four tests for each. In order to check the quality of the grains, we performed an analysis of fat acidity, and to evaluate the crude oil quality, we conducted analysis of iodine value, acid value, water content, density at 20C, and a kinematic viscosity at 40. After obtaining the data, the results were submitted to analysis of variance. When significant means were detected, they were compared by t-test (p 0.05). The method of drying with heated air provided a lower rate of fatty acid in grains. The drying methods evaluated did not compromise the quality of the oil extracted from the crambe grain.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
El ajo es una especie cultivada por sus propiedades teraputicas, su significancia religiosa, su sabor y aroma. Por su alto aporte de flavonoides, compuestos polifenlicos y organoazufrados (OSCs) se encuentra entre los alimentos considerados saludables. Entre los efectos biolgicos que posee se incluyen propiedades antimicrobianas, antidiabticas, antimutagnicas y anticancergenas. En la actualidad, existen en el mercado subproductos denominados aceites saborizados con ajo que de acuerdo a la legislacin nacional vigente se comercializan bajo la denominacin de aderezos sin ninguna diferenciacin en cuanto al proceso de saborizacin empleado. Establecer el proceso de saborizacin utilizado resulta de importancia ya que de ello dependen tanto el perfil de compuestos bioactivos como las potenciales propiedades biolgicas que estos ejerzan. Por otro lado, los aceites saborizados con ajo pueden ser empleados como medio para coccin mediante fritura. Numerosas variables se encuentran implicadas en este proceso culinario, existiendo condiciones de fritura ptimas para cada tipo de producto. De lo anteriormente expuesto surge el inters en caracterizar aceites saborizados con ajo en funcin de indicadores de calidad bromatolgica, color y perfil cuali-cuantitativo de OSCs y en determinar posibles modificaciones durante su empleo como medio para la coccin mediante fritura. Para ello se adquirieron en el comercio local aceites saborizados con ajo en aceites vegetales de girasol, canola y oliva. Paralelamente, se obtuvieron aceites saborizados con ajo a escala de laboratorio utilizando dos mtodos diferentes de saborizacin. Estos consistieron, por un lado en la adicin de aceite destilado de ajo y por otro en la maceracin de dientes de ajo fresco picado en un aceite vegetal. Posteriormente tanto los aceites comercializados como los obtenidos a escala de laboratorio, se sometieron a diferentes temperaturas de fritura (180 C, 220 C y 300 C) durante 3 minutos. La calidad bromatolgica se evalu a travs de las determinaciones de ndice de perxidos (IP) e ndice de acidez (IA), el color a travs del Sistema CIELAB y el perfil de OSCs mediante cromatografa gaseosa y cromatografa lquida. A partir de los indicadores de calidad bromatolgica evaluados fue posible determinar el estado oxidativo de los aceites saborizados con ajo evaluados. El color estuvo determinado por las caractersticas y la presencia de pigmentos propios de cada aceite vegetal. Se evidenciaron diferencias tanto cuali- como cuantitativas en el perfil de OSCs, estableciendo que la metodologa de HPLC es la ms idnea para la deteccin de dichos compuestos. Se diferenciaron a los aceites saborizados con ajo bajo estudio en aceites de ajo macerado cuando contenan alicina, ajoeno y vinilditiinas y en aceites destilados de ajo por la presencia de sulfuros y polisulfuros. Al ser sometidos a condiciones de coccin mediante fritura, se observaron modificaciones en los indicadores de calidad bromatolgica, color y perfil de OSCs. Estas modificaciones implicaron cambios en el IP, IA y color. En todos los casos las modificaciones observadas fueron dependientes del aceite vegetal evaluado. Respecto del perfil y concentracin de OSCs, tambin se denotaron modificaciones, evidencindose cierta inestabilidad de algunos compuestos. Otro aspecto importante a destacar es que an a la temperatura ms alta de fritura ensayada, los aceites saborizados con ajo an contuvieron compuestos organoazufrados que evidencian importantes propiedades benficas para la salud.
With the increasing environmental awareness, maximizing biodegradability and minimizing ecotoxicity is the main driving force for new technological developments. Thus, can be developed new biodegradable lubricants for use in environmentally sensitive areas. The aim of this study was to obtain new bio-lubricants from passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener) and moringa (Moringa oleifera Lamarck) epoxidized oils and develop a new additive package using experimental design for their use as a hydraulic fluid. In the first stage of this work was performed the optimization of the epoxidation process of the oils using fractional experimental design 24-1 , varying the temperature, reaction time, ratio of formic acid and hydrogen peroxide. In the second step was investigated the selectivity, thermodynamics and kinetics of the reaction for obtaining the two epoxides at 30, 50 and 70 C. The result of the experimental design confirmed that the epoxidation of passion fruit oil requires 2 hours of reaction, 50 C and a ratio H2O2/C=C/HCOOH (1:1:1). For moringa oil were required 2 hours reaction, 50 C and a ratio of H2O2/C=C/HCOOH (1:1:1.5). The results of the final conversions were equal to 83.09% ( 0.3) for passion fruit oil epoxide and 91.02 (0,4) for moringa oil epoxide. Following was made the 23 factorial design to evaluate which are the best concentrations of corrosion inhibitor and anti-wear (IC), antioxidant (BHA) and extreme pressure (EP) additives. The bio-lubricants obtained in this step were characterized according to DIN 51524 (Part 2 HLP) and DIN 51517 (Part 3 CLP) standards. The epoxidation process of the oils was able to improve the oxidative stability and reduce the total acid number, when compared to the in natura oils. Moreover, the epoxidized oils best solubilized additives, resulting in increased performance as a lubricant. In terms of physicochemical performance, the best lubricant fluid was the epoxidized moringa oil with additives (EMO-ADI), followed by the epoxidized passion fruit oil with additives (EPF-ADI) and, finally, the passion fruit in natura oil without additives (PFO). Lastly, was made the investigation of the tribological behavior under conditions of boundary lubrication for these lubricants. The tribological performance of the developed lubricants was analyzed on a HFRR equipment (High Frequency Reciprocating Rig) and the coefficient of friction, which occurs during the contact and the formation of the lubricating film, was measured. The wear was evaluated through optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the addition of extreme pressure (EP) and anti-wear and corrosion inhibitor (CI) additives significantly improve the tribological properties of the fluids. In all assays, was formed a lubricating film that is responsible for reducing the coefficient of metal-to-metal wear. It was observed that the addition of EP and IC additives in the in natura vegetable oils of passion fruit and moringa did not favor a significant reduction in wear. The bio-lubricants developed from passion fruit and moringa oils modified via epoxidation presented satisfactory tribological properties and shown to be potential lubricants for replacement of commercial mineral-based fluids.
Vegetable oils are characterized as important raw materials in the supplying of natural substances of interest pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industry. Sunflower oil stands out for its important composition present in unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid (C18:1) and linoleic (C18:2), responsible for many health benefits. The main objective of this study is obtain enriched fractions in unsaturated compounds from refined sunflower oil. The oil used in this study was characterized by the determination of some properties, like iodine number, acid number and viscosity. A transesterification was done to transform the triglycerides into their corresponding methyl esters of fatty acids. These was submitted the molecular distillation process, for present as an efficient alternative to separation and purification of these substances, using high vacuum and low temperatures. Of the esters fractions that was obtained, were analyzed by gas chromatography. The experimental design technique was used to evaluate the influence of the temperature variation of evaporation and condensation system on the percentage obtained residue. The evaporator temperature proved to be the most influential variable on the studied response. The optimized conditions for the answer was studied at 100 C for evaporator temperature and 10 C for the condenser temperature. The graph of "split ratio" showed that for the lowest flow feed (1 mL/min) and higher evaporator temperature (110 C) was obtained in the largest fraction of distillate. It also used the study of the influence of evaporator temperature on the concentration of unsaturated compounds. The best operating conditions for temperature was 90 C reached 82.21 % of unsaturated compounds. Elimination curves of the unsaturated compounds present in the distillate stream were obtained. The simulation results of the molecular distillation process of sunflower oil showed the concentration profiles for three different feed flow rates. The speed, temperature and thickness profiles of the liquid film were obtained. The speed of the film increases as the fluid flows through the walls of the evaporator, reaching a maximum on length of 0.075 m. The film thickness decreases on the route, since many compounds are volatilized. The result of the temperature profile had to be consistent with the literature reproduced, being constant after reaching the maximum operating temperature in the length of 0.15 m. This study allowed characterizing and focusing, through experimental analysis, unsaturated compounds and observing the sunflower oils behavior through process simulation.
Vegetable oils are characterized as important raw materials in the supplying of natural substances of interest pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industry. Sunflower oil stands out for its important composition present in unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid (C18:1) and linoleic (C18:2), responsible for many health benefits. The main objective of this study is obtain enriched fractions in unsaturated compounds from refined sunflower oil. The oil used in this study was characterized by the determination of some properties, like iodine number, acid number and viscosity. A transesterification was done to transform the triglycerides into their corresponding methyl esters of fatty acids. These was submitted the molecular distillation process, for present as an efficient alternative to separation and purification of these substances, using high vacuum and low temperatures. Of the esters fractions that was obtained, were analyzed by gas chromatography. The experimental design technique was used to evaluate the influence of the temperature variation of evaporation and condensation system on the percentage obtained residue. The evaporator temperature proved to be the most influential variable on the studied response. The optimized conditions for the answer was studied at 100 C for evaporator temperature and 10 C for the condenser temperature. The graph of "split ratio" showed that for the lowest flow feed (1 mL/min) and higher evaporator temperature (110 C) was obtained in the largest fraction of distillate. It also used the study of the influence of evaporator temperature on the concentration of unsaturated compounds. The best operating conditions for temperature was 90 C reached 82.21 % of unsaturated compounds. Elimination curves of the unsaturated compounds present in the distillate stream were obtained. The simulation results of the molecular distillation process of sunflower oil showed the concentration profiles for three different feed flow rates. The speed, temperature and thickness profiles of the liquid film were obtained. The speed of the film increases as the fluid flows through the walls of the evaporator, reaching a maximum on length of 0.075 m. The film thickness decreases on the route, since many compounds are volatilized. The result of the temperature profile had to be consistent with the literature reproduced, being constant after reaching the maximum operating temperature in the length of 0.15 m. This study allowed characterizing and focusing, through experimental analysis, unsaturated compounds and observing the sunflower oils behavior through process simulation.