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Is surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism easier when methylene blue (MB) is given preoperatively? This retrospective study compares the durations of interventions for primary hyperparathyroidism carried out after i.v. MB administration to those when no MB was given. Over a period of 20 years (June 1976 to December 1996), 175 consecutive patients (56 men and 119 women, with ages ranging from 16 to 92, mean 59.6) were operated upon for primary hyperparathyrodism; 55 were operated before February 1986--the period when BM was introduced routinely, and 120 after. Thirty-two other patients were excluded from the study: 14 had had a previous cervicotomy and 18 another procedure in addition to the parathyroidectomy (usually on the thyroid gland), two conditions which prolonged the time devoted to parathyroid identification and excision. Preoperative calcemia averaged 2.97 mmol/L (2.34 to 4.59) and mean preoperative PTH was equal to 2.6 times the upper normal limit (0.5 to 24.1). Both groups were similar for as age, sex, preoperative calcium and PTH, and histologies. Methylene blue was administered intravenously (5 mg/kg diluted in 500 cc of 5% glucose) over a period of time of one hour starting two hours prior to surgery. All 175 procedures were performed by two surgeons and duration of surgery was recorded from the anesthesiologist's notes. There were 149 adenomas (85%), 24 hyperplasias (14%), a combination of both in two, and unspecified in two others. Except for a case of acute lower back pain synchronous to the injection of the dye (which was immediately stopped), MB was well tolerated. Mean duration for the 55 interventions performed without MB was 68 minutes (35 to 140, median 60), compared to 49 minutes for the 120 procedures carried out after MB had been given (20 to 155, median 45). Differences in operative, times were highly significant (p < 10(-6) and represented a gain of time of 27%. Surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism was significantly shorter when it was preceded by the administration of MB, a dye which facilitates the identification of pathologic parathyroid gland(s).


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Several diseases can be prevented either by primary prevention, such as immunisation or behavioural counselling, or secondary prevention such as screening. The new clinical recommendations include screening of abdominal aortic aneurysm among male smokers and ex-smokers aged between 65 and 75 years and the extension of breast cancer screening by mammography for women aged between 40 and 49 years, as well as screening for diabetes among patients with hypertension or dyslipidemia.


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From a technical standpoint the most widely used tests for serology include the ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay), the IFA (indirect fluorescence assay), and the immunoblot. ELISA tests are widely used as screening assays since they harbor a high sensitivity. The main pitfall of serologies is the frequency of cross-reactions, especially between the different helminths. This is why positive results should be confirmed by a second test method with a higher specificity. Results need also to be put in the perspective of the patient history, clinical signs and laboratory findings. Serological tests are most appropriate when the parasite cannot be documented by direct examination (by eye or under the microscope) and during the pre-patent period. Serologies for parasites are also useful when an unexplained eosinophilia is present.


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INTRODUCTION : Le syndrome antiphospholipide primaire est caractérisé par des thromboses, des avortements a répétition associés à une thrombocytopénie, un PTT prolongé et la présence d'anticorps antiphospholipides, en I'absence d'autres maladies de type immunologique, comme le lupus érythémateux dissémine. PRESENTATION DE CAS: Une fillette de 7 ans s'est présentée avec des douleurs intenses, persistant pendant plusieurs heures, aux extrémités des membres, suite a I'exposition à un temps caniculaire. II n'y avait aucune évidence de photosensibilité. C'est une fillette en bonne santé habituelle et aucun autre signe ou symptôme ne semblait suggérer une maladie auto-immune ou infectieuse. Le status clinique était parfaitement normal exception faite des nécroses aux extrémités des orteils et des doigts. Les paramétrés paracliniques ne montraient pas de signes inflammatoires, pas d'anémie, pas de leucocytose et les plaquettes étaient dans la norme. Nous avons exclu la présence d'anticorps antinucléaire et anti-DNA, ainsi que la présence de cryo-et pyroglobulines. Les test de la crase ont montre un PTT prolongé et des anticorps antiphospholipides spécifiques de la P2-glycoprotéine I, mais aucune autre anomalie susceptible de favoriser des thromboses. Le diagnostic de syndrome antiphospholipide primaire a été pose sur la base des épisodes de thromboses des extrémités, associes a un PTT prolonge et à la présence d'anticorps antiphospholipides. Le risque pour I'enfant de présenter un nouvel épisode thrombotique étant élevé, nous avons propose une anticoagulation par dicoumarine. CONCLUSION: La présentation de ce cas de syndrome antiphospholipide primaire est atypique. Ce syndrome est rare chez I'enfant, mais iI est responsable d'un tiers des thromboses pédiatriques. La rareté de ce syndrome est due au fait que I'enfant n'a pas d'autres facteurs thrombogènes par opposition a I'adulte. La raison pour laquelle I'exposition à la chaleur est Ie facteur déclenchant chez cette patiente reste inexpliquée. Ce cas démontre la nécessité de contrôler les anticorps antiphospholipides chez tous les patients pédiatriques présentant des thromboses.


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Primary hyperaldosteronism is one of the most frequent causes of secondary hypertension. Cardiovascular morbimortality is higher than in essential hypertonic and justifies diagnostic and specific treatment of this pathology. Therapeutic choice depends of health and desire of the patient. It is either medical with mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, or surgical through adrenalectomy. In this case, a pre-surgery exam including a radiologic examination and a venous adrenal catheterism has to be done. Surgery allows a normalisation of kaliema and a blood pressure decrease in 50 to 88% of the patients. Beyond them, 30% are able to stop entirely their medication. Both therapeutic choices decrease cardiovascular risks equally if blood pressure is controlled.