990 resultados para welfare sector


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This paper explores the integration process that firms follow to implementSupply Chain Management (SCM) and the main barriers and benefits relatedto this strategy. This study has been inspired in the SCM literature,especially in the logistics integration model by Stevens [1]. Due to theexploratory nature of this paper and the need to obtain an in depthknowledge of the SCM development in the Spanish grocery sector, we used thecase study methodology. A multiple case study analysis based on interviewswith leading manufacturers and retailers was conducted.The results of this analysis suggest that firms seem to follow the integration process proposed by Stevens, integrating internally first, andthen, extending this integration to other supply chain members. The casesalso show that Spanish manufacturers, in general, seem to have a higherlevel of SCM development than Spanish retailers. Regarding the benefitsthat SCM can bring, most of the companies identify the general objectivesof cost and stock reductions and service improvements. However, withrespect to the barriers found in its implementation, retailers andmanufacturers are not coincident: manufacturers seem to see more barrierswith respect to aspects related to the other party, such as distrust and alack of culture of sharing information, while retailers find as mainbarriers the need of a know-how , the company culture and the historyand habits.


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Considerando que as práticas de responsabilidade social poderão constituir a base essencial para o desenvolvimento equilibrado e duradouro do turismo, e desconhecendo a existência de outros trabalhos nesta área referente ao sector do turismo em Cabo Verde, mais concretamente sobre os hotéis da ilha do Sal, pretende-se com o presente estudo demonstrar como é que as acções de responsabilidade social praticadas pelos hotéis da ilha do Sal podem garantir para a sustentabilidade do turismo e consequente obtenção de vantagens competitivas. Com base numa análise bibliográfica ou documental sobre o tema, formulou-se uma pesquisa empírica exploratória que, por meio de um inquérito por questionário permitiu uma integração com a realidade dos hotéis em relação as acções de responsabilidade social, através de uma interpretação quali-quantitativa. A responsabilidade social é um tema que abrange várias dimensões dos stakeholders. Neste trabalho, em particular priorizou-se o meio ambiente, cliente/hóspede, comunidade, e o Governo. Através dos resultados inferiu-se que a maioria dos inquiridos está mais preocupados com o cumprimento das leis que regulamentam as actividades turísticas e que o conceito da prática de responsabilidade social é percebido de forma superficial. Os dados revelaram ainda que as acções sociais praticadas pelos hotéis da ilha do Sal são acções pontuais, que não garantem a sustentabilidade do turismo porque estão mais direcionadas para actos de benevolências filantrópicas. O que significa que há um vasto campo a ser trabalhado no sentido de fomentar um turismo sustentável com comportamento socialmente responsável. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho poderão servir para o despertar de uma maior reflexão para a questão de responsabilidade social no sector do turismo em Cabo Verde como forma de fomentar a competitividade dos destinos turísticos do país.


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Actualmente as empresas precisam adoptar as melhores praticas de gestão para se sobreviverem neste mercado competitivo e com tendencias em aumentar a competitividade cada vez mais, uma vez que estamos num mercado globalizado. Devido a esses acontecimentos é que o presente trabalho teve como objectivo maior conhecer a importância do marketing no sector bancário. A metodologia utilizada para a concretização desta pesquisa, no que se refere aos objectivos traçados foi a metodologia exploratóoria, onde consegui–se retratar os aspectos teóricos sobre o marketing, o marketing bancário, fazer um breve apanhado do sector e também realizou – se um estudo de caso na Caixa Económica de Cabo Verde - CECV. A fim de responder o problema da pesquisa optou – se pela utilização de duas técnicas de recolha de dados, nomeadamente, realização de uma entrevista com o coordenador de marketing da empresa em estudo e análise documental da mesma e conseguentemente foram analisados e interpretados as informações obtidas. Ficou provado que a empresa utiliza uma filosofia de marketing interno, assim como também se provou que realmente investir em marketing reflete de uma forma positiva evolução da quota do mercado da empresa. De uma forma geral o resultado obtido foi favorável (o que se esperava), constatando que na verdade o marketing é de grande importância na gestão da empresa estudada, pois contribui para o alcance dos seus objectivos.


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Welfare is a rather vague term whose meaning depends on ideology, values andjudgments. Material resources are just means to enhance people s well-being, butgrowth of the Gross Domestic Production is still the standard measure of thesuccess of a society. Fortunately, recent advances in measuring social performanceinclude health, education and other social outcomes. Because what we measureaffects what we do it is hoped that social policies will change. The movementHealth in all policies and its associated Health Impact Assessment methodologywill contribute to it. The task consists of designing transversal policies thatconsider health and other welfare goals, the short term and long-term implicationsand intergenerational redistributions of resources. As long as marginalproductivity on health outside the healthcare system is higher than inside it,efficiency needs cross-sectoral policies. And fairness needs them even more,because in order to reduce social inequalities in health, a wide social and politicalresponse is needed.Unless we reduce the well-documented inefficiencies in our current health caresystems the welfare states will fail to consolidate and the overall economic wellbeingcould be in serious trouble. In this article we sketched some policy solutionssuch as pricing according to net benefits of innovation and public encouragementof radical innovation besides the small type incremental and market-ledinnovation. We proposed an independent agency, the National Institute forWelfare Enhancement to guarantee long term fair and efficient social policies inwhich health plays a central role.


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Cost systems have been shown to have developed considerably in recent years andactivity-based costing (ABC) has been shown to be a contribution to cost management,particularly in service businesses. The public sector is composed to a very great extentof service functions, yet considerably less has been reported of the use of ABC tosupport cost management in this sector.In Spain, cost systems are essential for city councils as they are obliged to calculate thecost of the services subject to taxation (eg. waste collection, etc). City councils musthave a cost system in place to calculate the cost of services, as they are legally requirednot to profit , from these services.This paper examines the development of systems to support cost management in theSpanish Public Sector. Through semi-structured interviews with 28 subjects within oneCity Council it contains a case study of cost management. The paper contains extractsfrom interviews and a number of factors are identified which contribute to thesuccessful development of the cost management system.Following the case study a number of other City Councils were identified where activity-based techniques had either failed or stalled. Based on the factors identified inthe single case study a further enquiry is reported. The paper includes a summary usingstatistical analysis which draws attention to change management, funding and politicalincentives as factors which had an influence on system success or failure.


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We address the question of whether growth and welfare can be higher in crisis prone economies. First, we show that there is a robust empirical link between per-capita GDP growth and negative skewness of credit growth across countries with active financial markets. That is, countries that have experienced occasional crises have grown on average faster than countries with smooth credit conditions. We then present a two-sector endogenous growth model in which financial crises can occur, and analyze the relationship between financial fragility and growth. The underlying credit market imperfections generateborrowing constraints, bottlenecks and low growth. We show that under certain conditions endogenous real exchange rate risk arises and firms find it optimal to take on credit risk in the form of currency mismatch. Along such a risky path average growth is higher, but self-fulfilling crises occur occasionally. Furthermore, we establish conditions under which the adoption of credit risk is welfare improving and brings the allocation nearer to the Pareto optimal level. The design of the model is motivated by several features of recent crises: credit risk in the form of foreign currency denominated debt; costly crises that generate firesales and widespread bankruptcies; and asymmetric sectorial responses, wherethe nontradables sector falls more than the tradables sector in the wake of crises.


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We study the effects of German unification in a model with capital accumulation, skill differences and a welfare state. We argue that this event is similar to a mass migration of low-skilled agents holding no capital into a foreign country. Absent a welfare state, we observe an investment boom, depressed output and employment conditions. Capital owners and high-skilled agents are willing to give up to 4% of per-capita consumption to favor unification. When a welfare state exists the investment boom disappears and the recession is prolonged. Now, with unification, capital owners and high-skilled agents lose 4% of per-capita consumption.


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Competitividad comparada del sector granívoro español en el marco de la Unión Europea. Referencia específica a Cataluña.El sector granívoro, y especialmente el porcino, ha sido un recurso de intensificación en regiones con escasez de SAU y que poseen suelos pobres para el cultivo. Cataluña ha sido la región española cuyas explotaciones más han recurrido a este tipo de intensificación.El presente artículo constituye un estudio sobre la competitividad de las explotaciones granívoras españolas y catalanas en el marco de las regiones de la UE, para lo cual se han utilizado datos de RICA.A fin de obtener una caracterización completa de la situación de las explotaciones granívoras se ha utilizado un conjunto amplio de variables, cuyas características se han resumido en unos pocosfactores. Utilizando estos factores como criterio de clasificación seha aplicado un análisis de "cluster" a las explotaciones granívoras de las regiones de la UE de las cuales RICA ofrecía datos.El resultado de la investigación permite concluir que las explotaciones granívoras españolas tienen características estructurales y económicas atrasadas respecto de las regiones avanzadas de la UE. Estas explotaciones españolas han asumido poco riesgo empresarial para modernizarse y conseguir un tamaño de explotación competitivo. En consecuencia consiguen escasos beneficios económicos.


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Este trabajo analiza el papel de la competencia en la gestión pública, para lo cual toma como referencia la organización burocrática basada en centros de gasto que no cobran por sus servicios y suelen ser demasiado grandes e ineficientes. Para introducir competencia, se da libertad de elección a usuarios y productores, a la vez que se les responsabiliza de los costes que ocasionan sus decisiones. Se genera así un provechoso control mutuo entre usuarios y proveedores, que hace menos necesario el control jerárquico, de tipo vertical. Sin embargo, la eventual presencia de monopolios y asimetrías informativas puede ocasionar graves distorsiones y suele exigir una regulación activa, que es costosa y provoca búsqueda de rentas. Para corroborar la relevancia de este equilibrio de costes y beneficios, el trabajo analiza doce servicios públicos en los sectores de la sanidad, la educación y la justicia. Se constata la presencia de dificultades asociadas a monopolios, asimetrías informativas y búsqueda de rentas y se argumenta que, como consecuencia, se tienden a adoptar soluciones de naturaleza intermedia. Coherentemente con este argumento, se observa que en los servicios analizados o bien se emplean incentivos de baja intensidad o se restringen los derechos de decisión, de modo que no se aplican todos los elementos propios de la competencia pero tampoco se prescinde de ellos por completo. Por la moderación de los incentivos que genera, este uso incompleto de la competencia permite, además, que se puedan regular las actividades correspondientes mediante las fórmulas típicas de la Administración Pública, basadas en la reglamentación de decisiones recurrentes y la colegiación y supervisión jerárquica de un número pequeño de decisiones no regladas.


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O presente trabalho intitulado “Branqueamento de Capitais e Financiamento do Terrorismo: Controlo e Prevenção”, enquadra-se no âmbito de licenciatura em Contabilidade e Administração, ramo Auditoria, com o objectivo de aferir o estado de desenvolvimento do sector bancário Cabo-Verdiano, em termos de controlo e prevenção do branqueamento de capitais e financiamento do terrorismo (BC/FT), nomeadamente perceber qual o nível de preparação existente, para fazer face às 40 recomendações do GAFI e outras organizações e identificar o progresso feito no sector desde 2009 nesta temática, nomeadamente após a entrada em vigor da Lei n.º 38/VII/2009, de 27 de Abril. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho científico integra-se num quadro metodológico em que se incidiu sobre a abordagem quantitativa e exploratória, aplicando o inquérito por questionário. Com este trabalho de pesquisa, conclui-se que em Cabo Verde, no sector bancário, vem se fazendo, nos últimos quatro anos, progressos substanciais em alguns dos aspectos em análise no âmbito do controlo e prevenção de branqueamento de capitais e do combate ao financiamento do terrorismo. This current work entitled "Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism: Prevention and Control", has been written in the context of a degree in Accounting and Management, Audit Branch, in order to assess the state of development of the banking sector of Cape Verde in the control and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF), including to notice what level of preparation existing, to meet the FATF 40 Recommendations and other organizations and identify the progress made in the sector since 2009 in this theme, especially after the entry into force of Law no. 38/VII/2009 , April 27 th . The development of this scientific work is part of a methodological framework that is focused on exploratory and quantitative approach, using the questionnaire survey. With this research, it is concluded that in Cape Verde, in the banking sector has been doing for the past four years, substantial progress in some of the aspects analyzed under control and prevention of money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism.


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The organisation of inpatient care provision has undergone significant reform in many southern European countries. Overall across Europe, public management is moving towards the introduction of more flexibility and autonomy . In this setting, the promotion of the further decentralisation of health care provision stands out as a key salient policy option in all countries that have hitherto had a traditionally centralised structure. Yet, the success of the underlying incentives that decentralised structures create relies on the institutional design at the organisational level, especially in respect of achieving efficiency and promoting policy innovation without harming the essential principle of equal access for equal need that grounds National Health Systems (NHS). This paper explores some of the specific organisational developments of decentralisation structures drawing from the Spanish experience, and particularly those in the Catalonia. This experience provides some evidence of the extent to which organisation decentralisation structures that expand levels of autonomy and flexibility lead to organisational innovation while promoting activity and efficiency. In addition to this pure managerial decentralisation process, Spain is of particular interest as a result of the specific regional NHS decentralisation that started in the early 1980 s and was completed in 2002 when all seventeen autonomous communities that make up the country had responsibility for health care services.Already there is some evidence to suggest that this process of decentralisation has been accompanied by a degree of policy innovation and informal regional cooperation. Indeed, the Spanish experience is relevant because both institutional changes took place, namely managerial decentralisation leading to higher flexibility and autonomy- alongside an increasing political decentralisation at the regional level. The coincidence of both processes could potentially explain why some organisation and policy innovation resulting from policy experimentation at the regional level might be an additional featureto take into account when examining the benefits of decentralisation.