826 resultados para weakness of will, strength of will, blame, credit, folk psychology, evaluative judgments
O estudo aborda o tema do financiamento do SUS, procurando fazer uma reconstrução histórica evidenciando os embates intra Poder Executivo, entre as áreas de Saúde e Fazenda e procurando compreender quais foram os fatores que refletiram nas dificuldades de resolução da questão durante todo o período que se seguiu criação do SUS na Constituição Federal de 1988. Para isso, procuramos entender quais foram os constrangimentos e restrições impostas a essa política, especialmente nos governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso e Lula. Procuramos entender em que medida os diferentes contextos sociais, políticos e econômicos desses governos levaram à opção pela não priorização do equacionamento da insuficiência de recursos. Nesse sentido, procuramos compreender se houve um caráter de continuidade entre esses governos. Destacamos todas as dificuldades de caráter financeiro enfrentadas por essa política universal na década de 90 até 2010, a luta pela ampliação de recursos e as soluções que se apresentaram, especialmente a CPMF, Emenda Constitucional n.º 29, bem como sua regulamentação. Ressaltamos também o papel do Executivo e do Legislativo na produção de legislação em saúde, bem como os conflitos entre as áreas de Saúde e Fazenda e o papel dos órgãos de fiscalização e controle (Tribunal de Contas da União e Ministério Público Federal). Como resultados, apresentamos as evidências de que houve continuidade na abordagem do tema do financiamento do SUS nos governos FHC e Lula e de que a agenda que prevaleceu foi a da área econômica. Apesar disso, a área de saúde conseguiu preservar-se como direito social universal e obteve muitos avanços.
Esta pesquisa avaliou o fenômeno assédio moral no Banco Credit S.A., considerando de que maneira esta prática se revela no ambiente de trabalho, seus efeitos físicos e psicológicos e, por fim, a repercussão psicossocial do assédio moral no ambiente organizacional dessa empresa; acrescentando que a nomenclatura dada a este Banco é fictícia, uma vez que não obtivemos autorização formal desta instituição apontada como objeto de estudo da pesquisa. As conclusões são baseadas numa pesquisa etnográfica qualitativa através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com relatos de 10 (dez) respondentes, empregados do Banco Credit S.A., acerca do fenômeno assédio moral. Como forma de validação dos dados captados foi aplicada uma pesquisa etnográfica virtual, de cunho quantitativo a 103 (cento e três) respondentes, todos empregados dessa instituição, através do survey. Por fim, foi realizada uma entrevista com o Presidente do BancáRio - Sindicato dos Bancários do Rio de Janeiro, ator social apto a descrever o fenômeno assédio moral no setor bancário holisticamente, ajuizando assim, as análises relativas ao perfil do Banco Credit S.A., sobretudo àquelas semelhantes ou divergentes do senso comum. Os tópicos da discussão estão circunscritos a partir dos anos 80-90 quando se dá a estabilização da economia brasileira, através da implantação do plano real, no governo FHC. Nesse contexto, o setor bancário passou por um processo de reestruturação produtiva, marcado pelas privatizações e a adoção de novas formas de gestão que resultaram em conflitos no ambiente de trabalho. Essas modificações levaram a uma ruptura nos processos das transaçoes bancárias, reconfigurando o setor, se estabelendo de forma cristalizada admitindo assim, o assédio moral como uma pratica corriqueira e institucionalizada. Esta pesquisa conclui que, diante deste cenário o assédio moral revelou-se um fenômeno corriqueiro que foi incorporado à cultura organizacional desta empresa como mecanismo de punição aos empregados que não atingem as metas estabelecidas. O clima organizacional do Banco Credit S.A. é tenso e propício as práticas de assédio moral; que esse fenômeno reduz a capacidade produtiva do empregado, induzindo ao aumento de custos com improdutividade e baixa eficiência para o próprio banco. O assédio moral, nas relações entre os empregados do banco Credit S.A. se revela mais comumente de forma vertical descendente, sua prática é fortemente percebida pelos empregados desta instituição.
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o impacto da criação de linhas de financiamento ao parque exibidor cinematográfico brasileiro, uma das formas existentes de incentivo governamental ao setor. Os desembolsos avaliados, realizados pelo BNDES com recursos do Procult e do FSA de 2007 a 2012, consistem em crédito de longo prazo para a criação de salas de cinema, com juros abaixo do mercado e estrutura de garantias flexível. A metodologia econométrica utilizada é o controle sintético, tal como formalizada por Abadie et al. (2010). Sob esse método, não foi possível identificar contribuição positiva da política de crédito quando se confronta o desempenho individual dos exibidores beneficiados versus seus respectivos controles sintéticos, medido pela evolução das variáveis número de salas e público. Ademais, testou-se um possível efeito agregado, considerando a evolução do número de ingressos per capita no Brasil, também não sendo possível identificar contribuição positiva da política sobre tal indicador.
Neste trabalho apresentamos um modelo DSGE de pequena escala com economia fechada para estudar os efeitos de um aumento do crédito subsidiado e de uma política fiscal expansionista sobre as decisões de política monetária. O modelo, construído com base na literatura nacional e internacional, é constituído por uma economia fechada, com formação de hábito dos consumidores, firmas atuando em um mercado de competição monopolística (NEISS; NELSON, 2003) e rigidez de preços a la Calvo (CHRISTIANO; EICHENBAUM; EVANS, 2005). O governo é inserido no modelo através da autoridade monetária, que segue a Regra de Taylor definida por Vasconcelos e Divino (2012), e através da autoridade fiscal, que segue uma meta de superávit primário como em Castro et al. (2011). Por fim, o volume de investimento financiado por crédito subsidiado e a taxa deste crédito são definidos exogenamente pela autoridade fiscal, afetando sua restrição orçamentária. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a política fiscal expansionista é mais importante que o aumento do subsídio ao crédito para o aumento da taxa de juros real neutra. Estes efeitos, porém, explicam pouco da variância das variáveis macroeconômicas quando comparados aos choques de demanda e de produtividade. Além disso, o modelo mostra evidências de um caráter inflacionário recente da política monetária no Brasil.
Este trabalho tem como proposta investigar como o preço de terras de uso rural no Brasil é afetado pelos preços e exportações das principais commodities agropecuárias, bem como por variáveis macroeconômicas, como taxa básica de juros, taxa de câmbio, taxa de inflação e disponibilidade de crédito agrícola. Para tal foram consideradas as produções agrícola de algodão, café, cana-de-açúcar (e seus principais produtos açúcar e etanol), milho e soja, a produção pecuária de carne bovina e a produção industrial de celulose de fibra curta com foco em sua principal matéria prima, os plantios reflorestados de eucalipto. Em linha com estudos anteriores, foi encontrada evidência empírica de que o preço da terra possui cointegração com algumas das variáveis agrícolas, pecuárias e florestais citadas, em especial em estados com maior vocação agropecuária e/ou para silvicultura. Quanto às variáveis macroeconômicas, apenas a taxa básica de juros apresentou cointegração com o preço de terras para todos os estados avaliados, taxa de câmbio e disponibilidade de crédito rural não aparecem como variáveis estatisticamente significantes. Conclui-se que, para estados com notável participação na balança comercial brasileira de produtos agrossilvipastoris, é possível obter um modelo de equilibro de longo prazo entre o preço da terra de uso rural e as variáveis destacadas acima, de modo que investidores do setor possam utilizá-lo como ferramenta de projeção no auxílio da tomada de decisão além de avaliar potenciais impactos no valor de seus ativos A inovação do presente estudo está em testar as hipóteses de cointegração para cada um dos estados da federação.
Latin America’s economic performance since the beginning of neo-liberal reforms has been poor; this not only contrasts with its own performance pre-1980, but also with what has happened in Asia since 1980. I shall argue that the weakness of the region’s new paradigm is rooted as much in its intrinsic flaws as in the particular way it has been implemented. Latin America’s economic reforms were undertaken primarily as a result of the perceived economic weaknesses of the region — i.e., there was an attitude of ‘throwing in the towel’ vis-à-vis the previous state-led import substituting industrialisation strategy, because most politicians and economists interpreted the 1982 debt crisis as conclusive evidence that it had led the region into a cul-de-sac. As Hirschman has argued, policymaking has a strong component of ‘path-dependency’; as a result, people often stick with policies after they have achieved their aims, and those policies have become counterproductive. This leads to such frustration and disappointment with existing policies and institutions that is not uncommon to experience a ‘rebound effect’. An extreme example of this phenomenon is post-1982 Latin America, where the core of the discourse of the economic reforms that followed ended up simply emphasising the need to reverse as many aspects of the previous development (and political) strategies as possible. This helps to explain the peculiar set of priorities, the rigidity and the messianic attitude with which the reforms were implemented in Latin America, as well as their poor outcome. Something very different happened in Asia, where economic reforms were often intended (rightly or wrongly) as a more targeted and pragmatic mechanism to overcome specific economic and financial constraints. Instead of implementing reforms as a mechanism to reverse existing industrialisation strategies, in Asia they were put into practice in order to continue and strengthen ambitious processes of industrialisation.
The globalization of markets has confirmed for the processes of change in organizations both in structure and in management. This dynamic was also observed in credit unions because they are financial institutions and are under the rules of the Brazil´s Financial System. Given the context of organizational changes in the financial capital has played the traditional management reform is urgent. In organizations credit unions, given its dual purpose, because in the same organizational environment and capitalism coexist cooperative whose logics are antagonistic, but can live through the balance between instrumental rationality and substantive rationality in credit unions. Based on this concept a new form of management should be thought to be able to accommodate the demand of cooperative, community, government and the market. Hybridization has been observed in management practices` COOPERUFPA into dimensions financial, social and solidarity participation with a trend in paradigmatic form of hybrid management, in that it directly or indirectly affect the management decisions in the credit union. The hybrid management is a trend that has been setting the basis for societal transformation, so that credit unions promote actions of welfare oriented cooperative members and the community around the same time that attend the dynamics of market globalization. These actions, in the context of hybrid management should be implemented by COOPERUFPA from the sociability of the remains and the wide diffusion of solidarity culture between cooperative partnership as a way to recover their participation in trade relations, financial and the social collective developement. For the members of COOPERUFPA financial interest is evidenced in greater relevance for the social interest given its dominant relationship as "mere customer" of the credit union, however, the proactive participation of the life of the cooperative credit union is one of its expectative among of participation of to share power in decisions by general meetings. This passivity`s cooperator of the COOPERUFPA in defending the ideals overshadowed the spread of cooperative principles and values of cooperation among them. Thus his conception for COOPERUFPA in the financial dimension, social and solidarity democracy, performed transversely. The COOPERUFPA for not developing an education policy for the cooperation among its members, contributed to a process of collective alienation of cooperative ideals, since the cooperative do not understand the reality that surrounds them as members of an organization whose mission is to social and financial sustainability of its members
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is defined as "involuntary loss of urine" due to several processes that alter the ability of the bladder to hold urine properly, regarded as a social and hygienic problem that adversely affects quality of life. In postmenopausal women, IU is associated with atrophy and weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. The objective this study was investigate, using the onehour pad test, stress urinary leakage (SUI), evaluate and compare their results in postmenopausal and premenopausal women. The survey was characterized as a cross-sectional study. The study consisted of 60 postmenopausal women were divided into GIU - consisting of 34 volunteers complaining of involuntary loss of urine during stress - and GSIU - consisting of 26 volunteers without complaints of loss of urine during stress, and 15 women, during the premenopausal (GPM), and ovulatory with normal menstrual cycle. All volunteers were evaluated clinically, subjected to one-hour pad test, after the biochemical evaluation of blood and sex hormones. Statistical analysis was performed by descriptive analysis, ANOVA, Turkey´s post-test and Pearson correlation. The results showed that 100% of postmenopausal patients had involuntary loss of urine during one hour pad test (GIU: 4.0 g; GSIU: 4.5 g). GPM remained continent after an hour pad test (GPM: 0.4 g). In addition, Pearson showed a strong correlation between urine loss with time since menopause (r = 0.8, p <0.01) and body mass index - BMI (r = 0.7; p = 0.01). These data suggest that the one-hour pad test is a useful test to assess and quantify urinary leakage, including those volunteers who had no previous complaint of SUI
The purpose of this work is to approach and understand the Social Representations (SR) (MOSCOVICI, 2003) about Physics and Chemistry from people who are major in these courses, as well as their Social Representations about teaching . We took as principle that approaching these representations it would be possible to relate their symbolic contents, in order to show how people who are following the first segments of bachelor degree courses in Physics and Chemistry become teachers, taking into account a psychosocial view. Two source of data was used during this research: Free-association Technique FA (ABRIC, 1994); and Multiple Classification Procedure (MCP) (ROAZZI, 1995). The analytical treatment of the collected data from FA was done according to the proposition of Grize, Vergés and Silem (1987 apud ABRIC, 1994, p. 66). MCP data were analyzed through MSA (Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis) and SSA (Singular Spectrum Analysis) methods associated with the Facet Theory (BILSKY, 2003). The discourses of MCP discussing groups at the moment of explanations were studied by Content Analysis as it was proposed by Bardin (1977) and Franco (2005). Indicative of an approach to the relations with knowledge (CHARLOT, 2000), the connections which aroused from the analyses showed that the group of future majors in Physics thought that this scientific field was based on a rationalist conception, influencing the idealization sense of the phenomena to be explained by Physics. Thus, Physics as school content started to require the student of the fundamental and high school to think abstractly as a cognitive skill of learning. The identifying elements observed in the relations between SR about Physics and Teaching aroused from the antagonism between future majors and their teacher, as well as from the speculation between their fundamental and high school students and themselves, mainly when they had to face the act of teaching due to the obstacles imposed by the own educational system, and by the weakness of the initial preparation. The group of future majors in Chemistry, through its discourses, showed these relations when they conceived empiricist Chemistry and said that teaching was the way of transmission of this knowledge, and didactics of Chemistry teaching was the direction to learning through pedagogic methods in order to lead the students to discoveries. The psychosocial contents which were built and showed from the symbolic relations in the studied SR achieved the relation of identity. This relation revealed identifying elements for these people, resulting from the traffic between their condition as students of Chemistry, and as teachers regarding their work, what placed the current relational contents in the teaching space, named as Knowledge changing and Adaptability . In order to study emerging questions in the discussing environment about formation and teaching professionalization, we focused the psychosocial view on this traffic and managed to observe epistemological practical and pedagogic obstacles that limited a configuration of the teaching work as a professional activity, especially from the particular conditions which led the relations of senses to Physics , Chemistry and Teaching ; and Chemistry and Physics as it was seen in this research. Generally speaking, we noted that these obstacles can denounce such obstacles concerning to the pedagogic doings which mainly impair the learning process of fundamental and high school students
The environment of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is commonly referred to as a place where caring is inextricably linked to high technology. The care in ICU often changes the patient into a taxpayer being left apart from its complexity and sometimes seen through a reductionist perspective. Thus, studies circa the care process are needed oriented from a historical ransom, raising the prospect of a more centralized human care. Hence, this study aimed to analyze the care process in a nursing intensive care unit from the perspective of the professional, family and patients. The study is characterized from a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory methodological approach. The actors were participating nursing professionals, patients and family members of an intensive care unit of Mossoró / RN. Data were collected in the period of May-June 2011, through interviews and observation of activities performed by nursing professionals, and their records in the chart. Data analysis was divided into topics and subtopics representing the phases and shapes that formed the collection. The analysis and discussion of the interviews were based on Bardin's proposal, when we created categories from a process of sorting and grouping criteria adequately defined. The observation of nursing records intended to observe the emphasis which is described in those notes as well as their consistency with practice of FCN and resolution 358/2009. The analysis showed that the nursing staff also performs work focused on mechanized activities and technical-bureaucratic institution that seem to override the needs of patients. In an overview, the care provided by professionals occurs either fragmented or insipient, however there is a service that involves other aspects beyond technical-curative practice, considering that major attention is given to the family and patient, focused on the concern of Nursing guiding their actions in not only the performance of procedures. However, the process of humanizing not always ends with an engagement between professional and patient, which mischaracterizes the true meaning of human care. The records also showed a tendency to focus on caring in a positivist line, where, in most cases, the factors of the disease and the obligation to meet the productivity have overshadowed other relevant aspects to a holistic understanding of caring. Regarding FCN Resolution No. 358/2009, which guides a systematization of nursing care, it is confirmed a technical view, a fragmented and superficial view of the patient, as well as a weakness of care, caused by ignorance and unpreparedness of the entire team. The perspective of caring demonstrates a reality with dialectic between what is proposed in a humane nursing and what happens in this performance space. Besides, it was shown a daily full of important considerations that arise in professional practice, in their views and also those people who were participants in the process
This dissertation presents a cooperative virtual multimedia enviroment for employing on time medical Field, using a TCP/IP computer network. The Virtual Diagnosis Room environment make it possible to perform cooperative tasks using classical image processing. Synchronous and assynchronous text conversation (chat) and content markup, in order to produce remote cooperative diagnosis. The dissertation also describes the tool in detail and its functions, that enables the interaction among users, along with implementation detals, contributions and weakness of this work
The objective of this research was to investigate psychologist‟s practices at the Reference Specialized Center of Social Assistance (CREAS), special social care unit of medium complexity of the Unique System of Social Assistance (SUAS). With the creation of CREAS occurred the reorganization of specialized services and programs which were scattered within the socialassitantial network and began to be part of this center, creating a mosaic of actions directed to people with their rights violated. At the same time, there was a significant arrival of psychologists to the field of Social Assistance and their questioning facing specialized social demands and the (un)definitions of SUAS‟ policy concerning to special social protection. Was aimed in this research to investigate how psychologist‟s practices are developed at CREAS using semi-structured interviews and following the practices developed by three psychologists at a CREAS in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), indicated by the Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (MDS) as one of the national references in 2008. It was highlighted a complex work field, which is delineated between the user´s rights perspective and the maintenance of historical difficulties concerning to the Social Assistance. In which the professional is requested to act toward the fight against rights violation, but does not find a field where is possible inter-sector and articulated work, in addition of being exposed to the precariousness of work and the weakness of employment ties, associated to the lack of formation to work in the area. Accordingly, there is still a range of challenges to psychologists in the building of a profession which confront risk situations and break off rights violation.
This research has aimed to analyze the presence of the Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) at the psychologist s undergraduate education after 2004 s National Curricular Guidelines in Brazil. It has investigated in 43 Brazilian undergraduate courses of Psychology how their Course Pedagogical Projects (CPPs) approach the WOP issues. For that investigation, the CPPs, the subjects programmes related to the WOP and the curriculum grid have been accurately read and analyzed. Categories created by similar studies have also been used. The studied knowledge field has been cited by 41 courses, mainly on the definition of the egress s professional profile, on the expected competences and on the psychologist s formation process lines. Moreover, 28 courses have disposed curricular emphasis on the WOP and 12 have provided professional practices on that Psychology s field. All the courses have displayed, at least, one subject related to the WOP and in 29 cases there have been found between two and six subjects concerned to that field of Psychology, occupying nearby 10% of the whole courses credit hours. It has been verified that the Work and Organizational Psychology is allied to discussions about Quality of Life and Health of the Worker, bonded to work prescriptions at the Personnel Management departments and in other places such as syndicates. Additionally, 37% (147) of the WOP s subjects concerns to the contents of the Work Psychology, 21% (81) relates to the Organizational Psychology, 18% (71) are about Industrial Psychology s topics and 14% (55) debates the field generically. The most often issues are: Recruitment and Selection (25 courses); Training, Development, Learning and Education (24); and Work and Mental Health (24). Those topics have assumed three functions: providing principles for the acting at the WOP field; tutoring psychologists to analyze their own workplaces; and offering a comprehension of the human being mediated by the Work. It has been concluded that the WOP is incorporated on the psychologist s undergraduate education by considering the increasing of its presence and the occurrence of its traditional and emergent topics
This work problematizes the inflections of the offensive of the capital on the work, having as a social-historical context the relation between the productive restructuring and the social reproduction of the working families classes. Part of the presupposition that the reproduction of the capital, to raise deep transformations in the productions, organization of the work and in the social relationships, it also produces determinations in the life and work conditions, in the affectionate relationships and in the family coexistence expressing, so, a subjective way. Thereby, the conditions of reproductions of the work in the scenery aimed by the contemporary capitalism have been demonstrating the crescent impoverishment of the workers, the alimentary insecurity, the shortage of the work, the weakness of the political organization and the regression of the State in the conduction of public policy that characterize the daily violation of human and social rights. In this approach, we seek to contemplate the several configurations of affectionate-sexual coexistence expressed by the family, articulating it to the contemporary work division, pondering about the forms of satisfaction of the needs engendered by the group for preservation of their bonds, in face to the daily adversity which translates to the growing responsibility to assist social d mands and in the impediments to the enrichment of the individuality and human diversity.
This paper aims to describe the familiar cotton culture in the districts of Tangará and Triunfo Potiguar, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It relates specific problems that small cotton agriculturists face in the cotton production and sale as well as their perception in relation to public policies that have been put into practice in these districts. The research revealed soils with potentiality for the cotton culture, but that are not being cultivated for anything else but subsistence, not being able to become productive, specifically through the cotton culture. That activity should be practiced so that it preserves the environment and the familiar farmers themselves, since it was verified they are constant1y exposed to health problems due to insecticides use. In what refers to fomentation policies it was observed that bureaucracy delays the liberation of the money destined to production, seeds delivery and other actions related to production and commercialization. Some procedures such as information and training about productivity development and attention with the environrnent and infrastructure are recommended. The results indicate lack of investments, rural credit and technical help, main1y in Triunfo Potiguar. There is unanimity, from the rural farmers of that district in what refers to the desire of improving the production and remaining in that activity. In this sense, the contribution of this research for the most appropriate culture production can be materialized through the technique of tissue's culture, aimed at obtaining plants that are resistant to diseases. The data indicated that the hormonal supplementations used induced regenerative calluses making in vitro morphogenesis possible in alI tested varieties. The use of the activated coal antioxidant was efficient, reducing oxidation, however not suppressing it. The results lead to an opportunity for the familiar tàrmers from Rio Grande do Norte enlarge the cotton culture, because to obtain plants that are resistant to diseases implies in insecticides reduction, propitiating smaller impact to the atmosphere and less cost