784 resultados para volumetric bone mineral density
The chronic state of hyperglycemia due to diabetes mellitus affects multiples organs impairing life quality. In bone, diabetes alters strength and mineral density and also suppresses the osteoblast activity, leading to an unbalanced bone healing process. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) is suggested as an adjuvant treatment to accelerate bone repair. This study evaluated the effects of HBO in the number of mast cells and in new bone formation at the initial stage of bone repair in normoglycemic and diabetic rats. It was hypothesized that HBO treatment may improve bone repair in diabetic bone. The rats were equally divided in four groups: Control (C); Control + HBO (CH); Diabetes (D) and Diabetes + HBO (DH). Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin (65mg/kg) and femoral bone defects were created thirty days after diabetes induction in all groups. HBO initiated immediately after surgery procedure and was performed daily, for 7 days, in the CH e DH groups. Seven days after surgery, all animals were euthanized. The femur diaphyses were removed, fixated, decalcified and processed for paraffin embedding. The semi-serial histological sections obtained were stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE), Mallory Trichrome and Toluidine Blue. The qualitative analysis was conducted in the histology slides stained with HE, where it was evaluated the morphological aspects of bone repair in the lesion area, observing the presence of clot, inflammatory cells, granulation tissue, type of bone tissue, morphology of bone cells, and thickness and organization of bone trabeculae. In the slides stained with Mallory Trichrome and Toluidine Blue were evaluated the percentage of new bone formation and number of mast cells, respectively. The qualitative analysis showed that the CH group presented a more advanced stage of bone repair compared to the C group, showing thicker trabeculae and greater bone filling of the lesion area. In D and DH group, the lesion area was partially filled with new bone formation tissue and presented thinner trabeculae and fewer areas associated to osteoclasts compared to control group. The histomorphometric analysis showed a significant improvement in new bone formation (p<0.001) comparing CH (38.08 ± 4.05) and C (32.05 ± 5.51); C and D (24.62 ± 2.28 and CH and DH (27.14 ± 4.21) groups. In the normoglycemic rats there was a significant increasing in the number of mast cells (p<0.05) comparing C (8.06 ± 5.15) and CH (21.06 ± 4.91) groups. In conclusion, this study showed that diabetes impaired bone repair and HBO was only able to increase new bone formation and the number of mast cells in the normoglycemic animals.
International audience
Background: Adequate calcium intake may have a crucial role with regards to prevention of many chronic diseases, including hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, different types of cancer, obesity and osteoporosis. In children, sufficient calcium intake is especially important to support the accelerated growth spurt during the preteen and teenage years and to increase bone mineral mass to lay the foundation for older age. Objectives: This study aimed to assess daily calcium intake in school-age children to ensure whether they fulfill the FGP dairy serving recommendations, the recommended levels of daily calcium intake and to assess the relationship between dietary calcium intake and major bone health indicators. Patients and Methods: A total of 501 Iranian school-age children were randomly selected. Calcium intake was assessed using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Bone health indicators were also assessed. Results: Dairy products contributed to 69.3% of the total calcium intake of the children. Daily adequate intake of calcium was achieved by 17.8% of children. Only 29.8% met the Food guide pyramid recommendations for dairy intake. Dietary calcium intake was not significantly correlated with serum calcium and other selected biochemical indicators of bone health. Conclusions: The need for planning appropriate nutrition strategies for overcoming inadequate calcium intake in school age children in the city of Tehran is inevitable.
A review was carried out of the radiographs of twenty-five infants with birth weights under 1000 G, who survived for more than twenty-eight days; eighteen of these had enough suitable films for a survey of the progressive bone changes which occur in these infants, including estimation of humeral cortical cross-sectional area. The incidence of the changes has been assessed and a typical progression of radiographic appearances has been shown, with a suggested system of staging. All infants showed some loss of bone mineral, with frank changes of rickets occurring in forty-four percent. Aetiological factors are mainly concerned with the difficulty of supplying and ensuring absorption of sufficient bone mineral (calcium and phosphate) and vitamin D. Liver immaturity may be another factor. Disease states additional to prematurity accentuate the problem. Rib fractures occurring around 80–90 days post-nataEy commonly draw attention to the bone disorder and are probably the major clinical factor of importance; there is a high incidence of associated lung disease of uncertain pathology. Attention is drawn to possible confusion with other bone disorders in the post-natal period.
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is caused by an autoimmune inflammation of the small bile ducts. It results to destruction of bile ducts, accumulation of the bile in the liver, and cirrhosis. The prevalence and incidence of PBC is increasing in the Western world. The prevalence is highest in the USA (402 per million) and incidence in Scotland (49/million/year). Our aim was to assess the epidemiology of PBC in Finland. Patients for the epidemiological study were searched from the hospital discharge records from year 1988 to 1999.The prevalence rose from 103 to 180/million from 1988 to 1999, an annual increase of 5.1%. The incidence rose from 12 to 17 /million/year, an annual increase of 3.5%. The age at death increased markedly from 65 to 76 years. The risk of liver related deaths diminished over time. The treatment of PBC is based on Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). During 20 years 50% of patients end up with cirrhosis. Our treatment option was to combine budesonide, a potent corticosteroid with a high first pass metabolism in the liver, to UDCA and evaluate the liver effects and systemic effects such as bone mass density (BMD) changes. Our aim was to find out if combination of laboratory tests would serve as a surrogate marker for PBC and help reducing the need for liver biopsy. Non-cirrhotic PBC patients were randomized to receive budesonide 6 mg/day combined to UDCA 15 mg /kg/day or UDCA alone for three years. The combination therapy with UDCA and budesonide was effective: stage improved 22%, fibrosis 25%, and inflammation 32%. In the UDCA group the changes were: 20% deterioriation in stage and 70% in fibrosis, but a 10% improvement in inflammation. BMD in femoral neck decreased by 3.6% in the combination group and by 1.9% in the UDCA group. The reductions in lumbar spine were 2.8% and 0.7%. Pharmacokinetics did not differ between the stages of PBC. HA, PIIINP, bile acids, and AST were significantly different within stages I-III and could differentiate the mild fibrosis (F0F1) from the moderate (F2F3). The combination of these individual markers (PBC-score) further improved the accuracy. The area under the ROC of the PBC score, using a cut of value 66, had a sensitivity of 81.4% and a specificity of 65.2% to classify the stage of PBC. The prevalence of PBC in Finland increases, which results from increasing incidence and improved survival. The combination of budesonide and UDCA improves liver histology compared to UDCA alone in non-cirrhotic stages of PBC. The treatment may reduce BMD. Hyaluronic acid, PIIINP, AST, and bile acids may serve as tools to monitor the treatment response in the early stages of PBC. The budesonide and UDCA combination therapy is an option for those patients who do not receive full response from UDCA and are still at the non-cirrhotic stage of PBC.
Johdanto: Raskaudenaikaisen D-vitamiinin puutoksen on havaittu vaikuttavan negatiivisesti syntyvän lapsen luuston kasvuun. Myös lapsen riittävä D-vitamiinin saanti on merkittävä tekijä lapsen luuston hyvinvoinnissa. Suomalaisten odottavien äitien D-vitamiinin saanti on usein puutteellista, eikä D-vitamiinia muodostu iholla talvikuukausina Suomen pohjoisen sijainnin vuoksi. Suomalaisten raskaana olevien naisten heikko D-vitamiinitilanne saattaa vaikuttaa lasten luuston terveyteen. Tavoitteet: Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia ovatko raskauden aikainen D-vitamiinitilanne, lapsen D-vitamiinitilanne ja D-vitamiinin saanti vuoden iässä yhteydessä luuntiheyden ja -mineraalipitoisuuden muutoksiin lapsen ensimmäisen elinvuoden aikana. Aineisto ja menetelmät: Raskausaikana rekrytoiduista 126 äiti-lapsi-parista vuoden iässä seurantakäynnille saapui 89 (69 %). Lapsilta otettiin verinäyte ja siitä määritettiin D-vitamiinitilannetta kuvaava seerumin 25-hydroksi-D-vitamiinipitoisuus (25(OH)D) immunoentsymometrisellä menetelmällä. Lasten sääriluu tutkittiin pQCT-menetelmällä. Vastaavat tutkimukset oli suoritettu sekä lapsille että äideille synnytyksen jälkeen. Äitien seerumin 25(OH)D-pitoisuus alkuraskauden aikana määritettiin THL:n keräämistä verinäytteistä. Lapsilta kerättiin kolmen vuorokauden ruokapäiväkirja sekä kyselylomake, joiden avulla selvitettiin D-vitamiinin saanti ruokavaliosta, D-vitamiinilisän käyttö ja taustatekijöitä. Äideille suoritettiin lyhyt haastattelu koskien lapsen terveyttä ja kehitystä. Tilastollinen tarkastelu suoritettiin SPSS (versio 16.0) –ohjelmalla. Korrelaatioanalyysilla selvitettiin minkä tekijöiden kanssa 1-vuotiaan luuston laatua kuvaavat muuttujat ja niissä tapahtuneet muutokset korreloivat. Regressioanalyysilla tutkittiin selittääkö raskausajan D-vitamiinitilanne, lapsen D-vitamiinitilanteen muutos tai lapsen D-vitamiinin saanti yhden vuoden iässä luustomuuttujien muutoksia. Monimuuttujamallin avulla tarkasteltiin, onko raskaudenaikainen D-vitamiinitilanne lineaarisesti yhteydessä luumuuttujien arvoihin. Tulokset: Lasten D-vitamiinin saanti ylitti keskimäärin suositukset (KA 12,3 ?g/vrk), mutta 20 %:lla seerumin 25(OH)D-pitoisuus oli riittämätön (< 50 nmol/l). Seurantakäynnin aikaan yhä imetetyillä lapsilla Dvitamiinitilanne oli heikompi kuin ei-imetetyillä (p=0,044). Luun mineraalimäärä (BMC, engl. bone mineral content) oli kasvanut eniten niillä lapsilla, joiden äitien D-vitamiinitilanne oli ollut heikoin raskauden aikana ja vähiten niillä, joilla D-vitamiinitilanne raskausaikana oli ollut riittävä. Tulos ei kuitenkaan yltänyt merkitsevälle tasolle (p=0.069). Muissa luumuuttujissa viitteitä yhteyksistä ei löytynyt. Taustatietoja tarkastellessa havaittiin merkitsevä negatiivinen yhteys raskausajan D-vitamiinitilanteen ja lapsen sairastamien nuhakuumeiden lukumäärän välillä (p=0.044). Johtopäätökset: Lasten D-vitamiinin saanti oli suositusten mukaista, mutta siitä huolimatta osalla lapsista Dvitamiinitilanne ei ollut optimaalinen. Erot BMC:n muutoksessa ryhmien välillä viittaavat saavutuskasvuun eli heikomman D-vitamiinitilanteen vaikutus luustoon kompensoituu BMC:n osalta ensimmäisen elinvuoden aikana. Pitkäkestoisia lisätutkimuksia raskausajan D-vitamiinitilanteen ja lapsen luuston yhteyksistä suuremmilla tutkimusotoksilla tarvitaan.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico (TPNC), na densidade e na altura óssea alveolar, em pacientes com periodontite, utilizando radiografias digitais diretas. Cento e um sítios, em dezenove pacientes (idade média 36 7.3 anos) foram acompanhados no dia 0, e 90 e 180 dias após TPNC. Os índices clínicos de profundidade de bolsa a sondagem (PBS), nível de inserção clínica, sangramento à sondagem e índice de placa foram registrados e radiografias digitais foram feitas. A densidade foi analisada através de regiões ósseas de interesse colocadas sobre a crista óssea alveolar (ROI I) e sobre o osso medular (ROI II). A altura óssea alveolar foi medida através da distância da crista óssea alveolar até a junção cemento esmalte. Os sítios profundos (PBS ≥ 5mm) apresentaram uma melhora clínica significante (p <0.01), acompanhada de um aumento na densidade da ROI I (p <0.01). A ROI II mostrou um aumento na densidade dos sítios com PBS ≤ 3mm em pacientes com periodontite agressiva (p <0.05). No entanto, houve diminuição nos sítios com PBS ≥ 5mm nesses mesmos pacientes (p <0.03). A altura óssea alveolar não sofreu alteração após TPNC. Após o tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico, observou-se que as radiografias obtidas através da técnica digital direta parecem mostrar um aumento na densidade da crista óssea, nos sítios profundos dos pacientes com periodontite. No entanto, a redução da profundidade de bolsa e do ganho no nível de inserção clínica não foi acompanhada por alterações significantes na altura óssea alveolar nestes sítios.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária
Consumption of low-fat milk (LFM) after resistance training has been shown to have positive influences on body composition and training adaptations; however, little research has examined the effects of LFM consumption following endurance training. The purpose of the study was to look at the effects of combining additional servings of LFM following endurance exercise on body composition, bone health, and training adaptations. 40 healthy males were recruited. Individuals were randomized into 4 groups – DEI (750mL LFM immediately post exercise), DEA (750mL LFM 4 hrs prior to or 6 hrs post exercise), CEI (750mL carbohydrate beverage immediately post-exercise), and CEA (750mL carbohydrate beverage immediately post-exercise). Participants took part in a 12-week endurance training intervention (1 h/day, 3 d/wk, ~60% max HR). 22 participants completed the study. Analysis showed significant increases in lean mass, spinal bone mineral content, relative VO2peak, and a decrease in Trap 5β across all groups (p < 0.05).
This study compares associations between demographic profiles, long bone lengths, bone mineral content, and frequencies of stress indicators in the preadult populations of two medieval skeletal assemblages from Denmark. One is from a leprosarium, and thus probably represents a disadvantaged group (Naestved). The other comes from a normal, and in comparison rather privileged, medieval community (AEbelholt). Previous studies of the adult population indicated differences between the two skeletal collections with regard to mortality, dental size, and metabolic and specific infectious disease. The two samples were analyzed against the view known as the "osteological paradox" (Wood et al. [1992] Curr. Anthropol. 33:343-370), according to which skeletons displaying pathological modification are likely to represent the healthier individuals of a population, whereas those without lesions would have died without acquiring modifications as a result of a depressed immune response. Results reveal that older age groups among the preadults from Naestved are shorter and have less bone mineral content than their peers from AEbelholt. On average, the Naestved children have a higher prevalence of stress indicators, and in some cases display skeletal signs of leprosy. This is likely a result of the combination of compromised health and social disadvantage, thus supporting a more traditional interpretation. The study provides insights into the health of children from two different biocultural settings of medieval Danish society and illustrates the importance of comparing samples of single age groups.