869 resultados para united arab emirates
Cette recherche examine la traduction et la réception en France, en Grande Bretagne et aux États-Unis de la littérature contemporaine d’expression arabe écrite par des femmes, afin de répondre à deux questions principales: comment les écrivaines provenant de pays arabes perdent-elles leur agentivité dans les processus de traduction et de réception? Et comment la traduction et la réception de leurs textes contribuent-elles à la construction d’une altérité arabe? Pour y répondre, l’auteure examine trois romans présentant des traits thématiques et formels très différents, à savoir Fawḍā al-Ḥawāss (1997) par Ahlem Mosteghanemi, Innahā Lundun Yā ‘Azīzī (2001) par Hanan al-Shaykh et Banāt al-Riyāḍ (2005) par Rajaa Alsanea. L’analyse, basée sur le modèle à trois dimensions de Norman Fairclough, vise à découvrir comment les écrivaines expriment leur agentivité à travers l’écriture, et quelles images elles projettent d’elles-mêmes et plus généralement des femmes dans leurs sociétés respectives. L’auteure se penche ensuite sur les traductions anglaise et française de chaque roman. Elle examine les déplacements qui s’opèrent principalement sur le plan de la texture et le plan pragma-sémiotique, et interroge en quoi ces déplacements ébranlent l’autorité des écrivaines. Enfin, une étude de la réception de ces traductions en France, en Grande Bretagne et aux États-Unis vient enrichir l’analyse textuelle. À cette étape, les critiques éditoriales et universitaires ainsi que les choix éditoriaux relatifs au paratexte sont scrutés de façon à mettre en lumière les processus décisionnels, les discours et les tropes sous-tendant la mise en marché et la consommation de ces traductions. L’analyse des originaux révèle tout d’abord qu’à travers leurs textes, les auteures sont des agentes actives de changement social. Elles s’insurgent, chacune à sa manière, contre les discours hégémoniques tant locaux qu’occidentaux, et (ré-)imaginent leurs sociétés et leurs nations. Ce faisant, elles se créent leur propre espace discursif dans la sphère publique. Toutefois, la thèse montre que dans la plupart des traductions, les discours dissidents sont neutralisés, l’agentivité et la subjectivité des écrivaines minées au profit d’un discours dominant orientaliste. Ce même discours semble sous-tendre la réception des romans en traduction. Dans ce discours réifiant, l’expression de la différence culturelle est inextricablement imbriquée dans l’expression de la différence sexuelle: la « femme arabe » est la victime d’une religion islamique et d’une culture arabe essentiellement misogynes et arriérées. L’étude suggère, cependant, que ce sont moins les interventions des traductrices que les décisions des éditeurs, le travail de médiation opéré par les critiques, et l’intérêt (ou le désintérêt) des universitaires qui influencent le plus la manière dont ces romans sont mis en marché et reçus dans les nouveaux contextes. L’auteure conclut par rappeler l’importance d’une éthique de la traduction qui transcende toute approche binaire et se fonde sur une lecture éthique des textes qui fait ressortir le lien entre la poétique et la politique. Enfin, elle propose une lecture basée sur la reconnaissance du caractère situé du texte traduit comme du sujet lisant/traduisant.
In drawing a conclusion for this study, care must be taken in generalizing findings since the population of students and teachers investigated were limited to certain levels in the different schools and countries. This study recognized some complexity of the factors underlying the status of school gardening instruction and activities in Germany, Nigeria and the U.S. as inadequate time for decision-making in the process of gardening, motivation of teachers and students. This was seen as the major impediments that influenced the status of gardening in the three countries. However, these factors were considered to have affected students’ mode of participation in the school gardening projects. This research finding suggests that the promotion and encouragement of students in gardening activities will promote vegetable production and increasing the numbers of practical farmers. Gardening has the potential to create opportunities for learning in an environment where children are able to experience nature first hand and to use the shared experience for communication (Bowker & Tearle, 2007). Therefore, the need for students to be encouraged to participate in gardening programs as the benefit will not only reduce the rate of obesity currently spreading among youths, but will contribute to the improve knowledge on science subjects. To build a network between community, parents and schools, a parent’s community approach should be used as the curriculum. The community approach will tighten the link between schools; community members, parents, teachers and students. This will help facilitate a better gardening projects implementation. Through a close collaboration, teachers and students will be able to identify issues affecting communities and undertake action learning in collaboration with community organizations to assess community needs and plan the implementation strategies as parents are part of the community. The sense of efficacy is a central factor in motivational and learning processes that govern educational improvement, standard and performance on complex tasks of both teachers and students. Dedication and willingness are the major stimulator and achievement of a project. Through a stimulator and provision of incentives and facilities, schools can achieve the best in project development. Teachers and principals should be aware that students are the lever for achieving the set goals in schools. Failure to understand what students need will result in achieving zero result. Therefore, it is advised that schools focus more on how to lure students to work through proper collaboration with the parents and community members. Principals and teachers should identify areas where students need to be corrected, helping them to correct the problem will enable them be committed in the schools’ programs.
El cuaderno de campo est?? pensado para ser utilizado en el propio monte. Cada alumno debe disponer de un cuaderno. Las actividades propuestas son para desarrollar en el aula antes y despu??s de la salida. Aparecen tambi??n actividades para el itinerario. La duraci??n de la salida es de un d??a. Los contenidos son: historia geol??gica, geomorfolog??a, vegetaci??n, fauna, f??siles, rese??a hist??rica y situaci??n ecol??gica. Adem??s incluye un plano de ruta, un gui??n de campo, actividades y fichas de campo.
Se recogen los contenidos de un ciclo de conferencias en torno a tres personajes nacidos en la regi??n de Murcia, recordados por su val??a y significaci??n cultural. Ibn Arab??, m??stico suf??, nacido en Murcia en 1165; Carmen Conde, escritora, poeta y primera mujer acad??mica de la Real Academia de la Lengua y Vicente Medina, nacido en 1866, creador de la poes??a naturalista rural con obras como 'Cansera' o 'Aires Murcianos' .
This working paper was originally printed in the Working Paper Series of the MIT International Motor Vehicle Program
In January 1983 a group of US government, industry and university information specialists gathered at MIT to take stock of efforts to monitor, acquire, assess, and disseminate Japanese scientific and technical information (JSTI). It was agreed that these efforts were uncoordinated and poorly conceived, and that a clearer understanding of Japanese technical information systems and a clearer sense of its importance to end users was necessary. That meeting led to formal technology assessments, Congressinal hearings, and legislation; it also helped stimulate several private initiatives in JSTI provision. Four years later there exist better coordinated and better conceived JSTI programs in both the public and private sectors, but there remains much room for improvement. This paper will recount their development and assess future directions.
En 1974, España como potencia administradora del Sahara Occidental, decide retirarse de este territorio bajo la resolución 1514 de Naciones Unidas, dejando como administrador a Marruecos con el fin de que llevara a cabo el derecho de autodeterminación a través de un referendo. Actualmente y después de treinta años, este referendo no se ha llevado a cabo siendo Sahara Occidental la última colonia en África. Durante este tiempo, Marruecos ocupó militarmente gran parte del Sahara Occidental reclamándolo como parte de su territorio, hecho que no es aceptado por la población saharaui ni por el Frente Polisario (movimiento independentista del Sahara Occidental), quienes reclaman la independencia total del territorio. De esta manera, la constitución de la República Árabe Saharaui Democrática como Estado en 1976 logró el reconocimiento de varios Estados y organizaciones internacionales como la Unión Africana, hecho que hizo que Marruecos sea el único país africano que no pertenezca a esta organización. Así mismo, su ausencia dentro de la organización trajo para Marruecos implicaciones políticas en tres importantes temas: la Nueva Alianza para el Desarrollo NEPAD, el Sistema Africano de Derechos Humanos y de los Pueblos y la participación de la Unión del Magreb Árabe como Comunidad Económica Regional CER.
Las relaciones políticas entre Sudán y Chad en el período 2005-2009 se vieron afectadas por el conflicto armado de Darfur, que trajo consigo consecuencias graves para ambos países. La configuración étnica similar, los antecedentes históricos que muestran fuertes vínculos entre Sudán y Chad y las continuas acusaciones entre Omar Al-Bashir e Idriss Déby, hicieron que las tensiones entre los dos gobiernos llamaran la atención de la comunidad internacional y causara preocupación por una posible desestabilización de la región de África Central.
Este trabajo busca reflejar la influencia de la búsqueda de soberanía Palestina sobre las posiciones de la Liga de Estados Árabes en la Organización de las Naciones Unidas. Se hace énfasis en el análisis de este apoyo colectivo árabe a la causa palestina bajo el neorrealismo, los lineamientos teóricos propuestos por Kenneth Waltz.
The implementation of anti-drug policies that focus on illicit crops in the Andean countries faces many significant obstacles, one of which is the cultural clash it generates between the main stakeholders. On the one hand one finds the governments and agencies that attempt to implement crop substitution and eradication policies and on the other the peasant and natives communities that have traditionally grown and used coca or those peasants who have found in coca an instrument of power and political leverage that they never had before. The confrontation about coca eradication, alternative development and other anti-drug policies in coca growing areas transcends drug related issues and is part of a wider and deeper confrontation that reflects the long-term unsolved conflicts of the Andean societies. All Andean countries have stratified and fragmented societies in which peasants and Indians have been excluded from power. In Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru most peasants belong to native communities many of which have remained segregated from “white” society. The mixing of the races (mestizaje) in Colombia occurred early during the Conquest and Colony. Those of Indian descent became subservient to the Spanish and Creoles. The society that evolved was (and still is) highly hierarchical, authoritarian, and has subjacent racist values. The resulting political system has been exclusionary of large portions of the population. Among Indian communities coca has been used for millennia and its use has become an identity symbol of their resistance against what may be looked at as foreign invasion. “The Andean Indian chews coca because that way he affirms his identity as son and owner of the land that yesterday the Spaniard took away and today the landowner keeps away from him. To chew coca is to be Indian...and to quietly and obstinately challenge the contemporary lords that descend from the old encomenderos and the older conquistadors” (Vidart, 1991: 61, author’s translation). In Andean literature on illegal drugs as well as in seminars, colloquia and other meetings where drug policies are debated, complaints are frequently expressed about the treatment of coca in the same category as cocaine, heroin, morphine amphetamines and other “hard” drugs. The complainants assert that “coca is not cocaine” and that it is unfair to classify coca, a nature given plant which has been used for millennia in the Andes without significant negative effects on users, in the same category as man made psychotropic drugs. They also argue that coca has manifold social and religious meanings in indigenous cultures, that coca is sacred and that the requirement of the1961 Single Convention demanding that Bolivia and Peru completely eradicate coca within 25 years is limiting Indigenous communities in their freedom to practice their religions. In most debates about drug interdiction, the views of those who oppose that approach are not accepted as legitimate. Indeed, “prohibitionists” demonize drugs and those who oppose drug policies in Latin America frequently demonize the United States as the imperialist power that imposes them. This dual polarization is a main obstacle to establish a meaningful policy debate aimed at broadening the policy consensus necessary for successful policy implementation. This essay surveys the status of coca in the United Nations Conventions, explains why it is confusing, and how a few changes would eliminate some of the sources of conflict and help organize and control licit coca markets in the Andes. The current disorganized and weakly controlled legal coca market in Peru has been analyzed to demonstrate its deficiencies and to illustrate possible improvements in international drug control policies.
Vignettes and self-reported work disability in the United States: Correction of report heterogeneity
Subjective measures of health tend to suffer from bias given by reporting heterogeneity. however, some methodologies are used to correct the bias in order to compare self-assessed health for respondents with different sociodemographic characteristics. One of the methods to correct this is the hierarchical ordered probit (hopit), which includes rates of vignettes -hypothetical individuals with a fixed health state- and where two assumptions have to be fulfilled, vignette equivalence and response consistency. this methodology is used for the self-reported work disability for a sample of the united states for 2011. The results show that even though sociodemographic variables influence rating scales, adjusting for this does not change their effect on work disability, which is only influenced by income. the inclusion of variables related with ethnicity or place of birth does not influence the true work disability. however, when only one of them is excluded, it becomes significant and affects the true level of work disability as well as income.
El proceso de integración en Unión Europea se caracteriza por la incorporación de los asuntos de seguridad exterior y defensa, tras el Tratado de Lisboa se enmarcaron en la PCSD. Dicha política por un proceso de integración progresiva, Spillover, ha tenido periodos de reactivación y de letargos.
Esta Monografía se centra en mostrar cómo el intento por conservar la identidad colectiva de la Liga de los Estados Árabes impide ceder ante el deseo de Somalilandia de ser reconocida como Estado independiente.