599 resultados para ubiquitin


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Purpose of review: Although cachexia has a major effect on both the morbidity and mortality of cancer patients, information on the mechanisms responsible for this condition is limited. This review summarizes recent data in this area. Recent findings: Cachexia is defined as loss of muscle, with or without fat, frequently associated with anorexia, inflammation and insulin resistance. Loss of adipose mass is due to an increased lipolysis through an increased expression of hormone-sensitive lipase. Adipose tissue does not contribute to the inflammatory response. There is an increased phosphorylation of both protein kinase R (PKR) and eukaryotic initiation factor 2 on the α-subunit in skeletal muscle of cachectic cancer patients, which would lead to muscle atrophy through a depression in protein synthesis and an increase in degradation. Mice lacking the ubiquitin ligase MuRF1 are less susceptible to muscle wasting under amino acid deprivation. Expression of MuRF1 and atrogin-1 is increased by oxidative stress, whereas nitric oxide may protect against muscle atrophy. Levels of interleukin (IL)-6 correlate with cachexia and death due to an increase in tumour burden. Ghrelin analogues and melanocortin receptor antagonists increase food intake and may have a role in the treatment of cachexia. Summary: These findings provide impetus for the development of new therapeutic agents. © 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health


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In many vertebrate and invertebrate species mediators of innate immunity include antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) such as peptide fragments of histones and other proteins with previously ascribed different functions. Shark AMPs have not been described and this research examines the antibacterial activity of nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) peripheral blood leukocyte lysates. Screening of lysates prepared by homogenizing unstimulated peripheral blood leukocytes identified muramidase (lysozyme-like) and non-muramidase antibacterial activity. Lysates were tested for lysozyme using the lysoplate assays, and antibacterial (AB) activity was assayed for by a microdilution growth assay that was developed using Planococcus citreus as the target bacterium. Fractionation of crude lysates by ion exchange and affinity chromatography was followed by a combination of SDS-PAGE with LC/MS-MS and/or N-terminal sequence analysis of low molecular weight protein bands (<20 kDa). This yielded several peptides with amino acid sequence similarity to lysozyme, ubiquitin, hemoglobin, human histones H2A, H2B and H4 and to antibacterial histone fragments of the catfish and the Asian toad. Not all peptide sequences corresponded to peptides potentially antibacterial. The correlation of a specific protein band in active lysate fractions was accomplished by employing the acid-urea gel overlay assays in which AB activity was seen as zones of growth inhibition on a lawn of P. citreus at a position corresponding to that of the putative AB protein band. This study is the first to describe putative AMPs in the shark and their potential role in innate immunity.^


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In cultured cancer cells the E3 ubiquitin ligase Rad18 activates Trans-Lesion Synthesis (TLS) and the Fanconi Anemia (FA) pathway. However, physiological roles of Rad18 in DNA damage tolerance and carcinogenesis are unknown and were investigated here. Primary hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC) co-expressed RAD18 and FANCD2 proteins, potentially consistent with a role for Rad18 in FA pathway function during hematopoiesis. However, hematopoietic defects typically associated with fanc-deficiency (decreased HSPC numbers, reduced engraftment potential of HSPC, and Mitomycin C (MMC) -sensitive hematopoiesis), were absent in Rad18(-/-) mice. Moreover, primary Rad18(-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) retained robust Fancd2 mono-ubiquitination following MMC treatment. Therefore, Rad18 is dispensable for FA pathway activation in untransformed cells and the Rad18 and FA pathways are separable in hematopoietic cells. In contrast with responses to crosslinking agents, Rad18(-/-) HSPC were sensitive to in vivo treatment with the myelosuppressive agent 7,12 Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). Rad18-deficient fibroblasts aberrantly accumulated DNA damage markers after DMBA treatment. Moreover, in vivo DMBA treatment led to increased incidence of B cell malignancy in Rad18(-/-) mice. These results identify novel hematopoietic functions for Rad18 and provide the first demonstration that Rad18 confers DNA damage tolerance and tumor-suppression in a physiological setting.


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Detection of external irritants by head nociceptor neurons has deep evolutionary roots. Irritant-induced aversive behavior is a popular pain model in laboratory animals. It is used widely in the formalin model, where formaldehyde is injected into the rodent paw, eliciting quantifiable nocifensive behavior that has a direct, tissue-injury-evoked phase, and a subsequent tonic phase caused by neural maladaptation. The formalin model has elucidated many antipain compounds and pain-modulating signaling pathways. We have adopted this model to trigeminally innervated territories in mice. In addition, we examined the involvement of TRPV4 channels in formalin-evoked trigeminal pain behavior because TRPV4 is abundantly expressed in trigeminal ganglion (TG) sensory neurons, and because we have recently defined TRPV4's role in response to airborne irritants and in a model for temporomandibular joint pain. We found TRPV4 to be important for trigeminal nocifensive behavior evoked by formalin whisker pad injections. This conclusion is supported by studies with Trpv4(-/-) mice and TRPV4-specific antagonists. Our results imply TRPV4 in MEK-ERK activation in TG sensory neurons. Furthermore, cellular studies in primary TG neurons and in heterologous TRPV4-expressing cells suggest that TRPV4 can be activated directly by formalin to gate Ca(2+). Using TRPA1-blocker and Trpa1(-/-) mice, we found that both TRP channels co-contribute to the formalin trigeminal pain response. These results imply TRPV4 as an important signaling molecule in irritation-evoked trigeminal pain. TRPV4-antagonistic therapies can therefore be envisioned as novel analgesics, possibly for specific targeting of trigeminal pain disorders, such as migraine, headaches, temporomandibular joint, facial, and dental pain, and irritation of trigeminally innervated surface epithelia.


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Aberrant regulation of the Wnt signalling pathway is a recurrent theme in cancer biology. Hyper activation due to oncogenic mutations and paracrine activity has been found in both colon cancer and breast cancer, and continues to evolve as a central mechanism in oncogenesis. PDLIM2, a cytoskeletal PDZ protein, is an IGF-1 regulated gene that is highly expressed in cancer cell lines derived from metastatic tumours. Suppression of PDLIM2 inhibits polarized cell migration, reverses the Epithelial to Mesenchymal transition (EMT) phenotype, suppresses the transcription of β-catenin target genes, and regulates gene expression of key transcription factors in EMT. This thesis investigates the mechanism by which PDLIM2 contributes to the maintenance of Wnt signalling in cancer cells. Here we show that PDLIM2 is a critical regulator of the Wnt pathway by regulating β-catenin at the adherens juctions, as also its transcriptional activity by the interaction of PDLIM2 with TCF4 at the nucleus. Evaluation of PDLIM2 in macrophages and co-culture studies with cancer cells and fibroblasts showed the influence exerted on PDLIM2 by paracrine cues. Thus, PDLIM2 integrates cytoskeleton signalling with gene expression by modulating the Wnt signalling pathway and reconciling microenvironmental cues with signals in epithelial cells. Negative correlation of mRNA and protein levels in the triple negative breast cancer cell BT549 suggests that PDLIM2 is part of a more complex mechanism that involves transcription and posttranslational modifications. GST pulldown studies and subsequent mass spectrometry analysis showed that PDLIM2 interacts with 300 proteins, with a high biological function in protein biosynthesis and Ubiquitin/proteasome pathways, including 13 E3 ligases. Overall, these data suggest that PDLIM2 has two distinct functions depending of its location. Located at the cytoplasm mediates cytoskeletal re-arrangements, whereas at the nucleus PDLIM2 acts as a signal transduction adaptor protein mediating transcription and ubiquitination of key transcription factors in cancer development.


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Itch est un membre de la famille des ligases de l’ubiquitine de type CWH (C2-WW- HECT) impliqué dans le contrôle de la signalisation inflammatoire, des facteurs de transcription et le tri des récepteurs membranaires. La fonction d’Itch implique généralement sa capacité à induire la dégradation de ses substrats. Pour accomplir cette fonction, Itch doit d’abord interagir avec ses cibles. Itch possède quatre domaines WW lui permettant d’accomplir la majorité de ses fonctions. En plus de ces domaines, Itch possède une PRR (région riche en prolines) unique parmi les ligases CWH. Cette région est bien conservée chez les vertébrés, ce qui suggère son importance. Cette région permet à Itch d’interagir avec des protéines contenant un domaine SH3 (Src homology 3). Plusieurs partenaires SH3 furent identifiés, cependant l’on connait peu de choses concernant la fonction et l’établissement de ces complexes. Dans ce projet, nous avons analysé les propriétés de liaison d’un sous-groupe de protéines à domaine SH3 impliquées dans l’endocytose et la signalisation cellulaire. Nos travaux ont permis d’identifier de nouveaux partenaires et aussi de déterminer que différents domaines SH3 ciblent la même région riche en prolines, mais impliquent des résidus distincts. Ces résultats démontrent la variété des propriétés de liaison démontrées par la PRR d’Itch et sa préférence marquée pour l’Endophiline. Parmi les partenaires identifiés, Grb2 (Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2) est particulièrement intéressant en raison de son rôle crucial dans la signalisation cellulaire. Nous avons démontré ici qu’Itch ubiquityle Grb2, mais ne cause pas sa dégradation, contrairement à l’Endophiline. Nos travaux démontrent que la PRR d’Itch est versatile quant à ses interactions et leurs conséquences.


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The herpes simplex virus (HSV) UL31 gene encodes a conserved member of the herpesvirus nuclear egress complex that not only functions in the egress of DNA-containing capsids from the nucleus, but is also required for optimal viral genome expression, replication and packaging into capsids. Here, we report that the UL31 protein from HSV-2 and the orthologous protein, ORF69, from Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) are recruited to sites of DNA damage. Recruitment of UL31 to sites of DNA damage occurred in HSV-2 infected cells, but did not require other viral proteins. The N-terminus of UL31 contains sequences resembling a poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) binding motif. As protein poly-ADP ribosylation (PARylation) is a hallmark of the DNA damage response we examined the relationship between PARylation and UL31 recruitment to DNA damage. While the PAR polymerase (PARP)1/2 inhibitor, olaparib, prevented UL31 recruitment to damaged DNA, KU55933 inhibition of signaling through the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) DNA damage response pathway had no effect. These findings were further supported by experiments demonstrating direct and specific interaction between HSV-2 UL31 and PAR using purified components. Co-transfection with the viral kinase Us3, known to phosphorylate UL31, inhibited UL31 recruitment to DNA damage but also prevented the recruitment of other proteins recruited to DNA damage sites. The viral E3 ubiquitin ligase ICP0 was observed to co-localize with UL31 in transfected cells in a manner that is independent of the PAR-binding ability of UL31. However, inhibition of PARP1/2/3 did not reduce the ability of HSV-2 to replicate and we observed reduced PAR levels in the nuclei of infected cells. This study reveals a previously unrecognized function for UL31 orthologs and may suggest that the recognition of PAR by UL31 is coupled to the nuclear egress of herpesvirus capsids, influences viral DNA replication and packaging, or possibly modulates the DNA damage response mounted by virally infected cells.


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Exposure to the antiepileptic drug valproic acid (VPA) is associated with an increased risk of congenital malformations including heart, skeletal and most frequently neural tube defects. Although the mechanisms contributing to its teratogenesis are not well understood, VPA was previously shown to increase homologous recombination (HR)-mediated DNA repair and decrease protein expression of the transcription factor NF-κB/p65. The studies in this thesis utilized in vivo and in vitro models to evaluate the expression of HR mediators, investigate the implications of decreased p65 including DNA binding and transcriptional activation, and the expression and histone acetyltransferase activity of Cbp/p300 with an aim to provide mechanistic insight into VPA-mediated alterations. The first study demonstrated that following maternal administration of VPA, mouse embryonic mRNA expression of HR mediators Rad51, Brca1 and Brca2 exhibited temporal and tissue-specific alterations. Protein expression of Rad51 was similarly altered and preceded increased cleavage of caspase-3 and PARP; indicative of apoptosis. The second study confirms previous findings of decreased total cellular p65 protein using P19 cells, but is the first to demonstrate that nuclear p65 protein is unchanged. NF-κB DNA binding was decreased following VPA exposure and maybe mediated by decreased p50 protein, which dimerizes with p65 prior to DNA binding. Transcriptional activity of NF-κB was also increased with VPA exposure which was not due to increased p65 phosphorylation at Ser276. Furthermore, the transcriptional activation capacity was unaffected by VPA exposure as combined exposure to VPA and TNFα additively increased NF-κB activity. The third study demonstrated that VPA exposure in P19 cells decreased Cbp/p300 total cellular and nuclear protein attributed primarily to ubiquitin proteasome-mediated degradation. Histone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity of p300 was decreased proportionately to nuclear protein following VPA exposure. Inhibition of Cbp/p300 HAT activity decreased p65 total cellular protein, increased caspase-3 cleavage and ROS similar to VPA exposures. Furthermore, pre-treatment with the antioxidant enzyme catalase attenuated the increase in caspase-3 cleavage, but not p65 protein. Overall, this thesis demonstrates that VPA exposure impacts the expression and activity of the transcription factor NF-κB and transcriptional co-activators/HATs Cbp/p300, which has implications for downstream VPA targets including Rad51, Brca1 and Brca2.


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HIV-1 integrase, the viral enzyme responsible for provirus integration into the host genome, can be actively degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Here, we identify von Hippel-Lindau binding protein 1(VBP1), a subunit of the prefoldin chaperone, as an integrase cellular binding protein that bridges interaction between integrase and the cullin2 (Cul2)-based von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) ubiquitin ligase. We demonstrate that VBP1 and Cul2/VHL are required for proper HIV-1 expression at a step between integrase-dependent proviral integration into the host genome and transcription of viral genes. Using both an siRNA approach and Cul2/VHL mutant cells, we show that VBP1 and the Cul2/VHL ligase cooperate in the efficient polyubiquitylation of integrase and its subsequent proteasome-mediated degradation. Results presented here support a role for integrase degradation by the prefoldin-VHL-proteasome pathway in the integration-transcription transition of the viral replication cycle.


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L’ubiquitination, une modification post-traductionnelle importante pour le contrôle de nombreux processus cellulaires, est une réaction réversible. La réaction inverse, nommée déubiquitination est catalysée par les déubiquitinases (DUB). Nous nous sommes intéressés dans nos travaux à étudier l’ubiquitination de l’histone H2A (H2Aub), au niveau des résidus lysines 118 et 119 (K118/K119), une marque épigénétique impliquée dans la régulation de la prolifération cellulaire et la réparation de l’ADN. Le régulateur transcriptionnel BAP1, une déubiquitinase nucléaire, a été initialement identifié pour sa capacité à promouvoir la fonction suppressive de tumeurs de BRCA1. BAP1 forme un complexe multi-protéique avec plusieurs facteurs transcriptionnels et sa fonction principale est la déubiquitination de H2Aub. Plusieurs études ont démontré que BAP1 est un gène suppresseur de tumeurs majeur et qu’il est largement muté et inactivé dans une multitude de cancers. En effet, BAP1 émerge comme étant la DUB la plus mutée au niveau des cancers. Cependant, le ou les mécanismes d’action et de régulation du complexe BAP1 restent très peu connus. Dans cette étude nous nous sommes intéressés à la caractérisation moléculaire et fonctionnelle des partenaires protéiques de BAP1. De manière significative nous avons caractérisé un mécanisme unique de régulation entre deux composants majeurs du complexe BAP1 à savoir, HCF-1 et OGT. En effet, nous avons démontré que HCF-1 est requis pour maintenir le niveau protéique de OGT et que cette dernière est indispensable pour la maturation protéolytique de HCF-1 en promouvant son clivage par O-GlcNAcylation, une signalisation cellulaire nécessaire au bon fonctionnement de HCF-1. Également, nous avons découvert un nouveau mécanisme de régulation de BAP1 par l’ubiquitine ligase atypique UBE2O. En effet, UBE2O agit comme un régulateur négatif de BAP1 puisque l’ubiquitination de ce dernier induit sa séquestration dans le cytoplasme et l’inhibition de sa fonction suppressive de tumeurs. D’autre part nous nous sommes penchés sur la caractérisation de l’association de BAP1 avec deux facteurs de la famille des protéines Polycombes nommés ASXL1 et ASXL2 (ASXL1/2). Nous avons investigué le rôle de BAP1/ASXL1/2, particulièrement dans les mécanismes de déubiquitination et suppression de tumeurs. Nous avons démontré que BAP1 interagit directement iii via son domaine C-terminale avec le même domaine ASXM de ASXL1/2 formant ainsi deux complexes mutuellement exclusifs indispensables pour induire l’activité déubiquitinase de BAP1. De manière significative, ASXM s’associe avec BAP1 pour créer un nouveau domaine composite de liaison à l’ubiquitine. Ces interactions BAP1/ASXL1/2 régulent la progression harmonieuse du cycle cellulaire. De plus, la surexpression de BAP1 et de ASXL2 au niveau des fibroblastes induit la sénescence de manière dépendante de leurs interactions. D’autre part, nous avons identifié des mutations de cancers au niveau de BAP1 le rendant incapable de lier ASXL1/2, d’exercer sa fonction d’autodéubiquitination et de ce fait d’agir comme suppresseur de tumeurs. Ainsi nous avons révélé un lien étroit entre le gène suppresseur de tumeurs BAP1, son activité déubiquitinase et le contrôle de la prolifération cellulaire.


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BACKGROUND: Brooke-Spiegler syndrome (BSS) is probably an underdiagnosed genodermatosis that predisposes for the development of cylindromas, spiradenomas and trichoepitheliomas mainly of the head and neck. Wide phenotypic variability regarding the number and type of lesions can be observed within a family. Mutations of the CYLD gene are identified in the vast majority of cases and play a key role in BSS pathogenesis. MAIN OBSERVATIONS: Two first degree relatives with numerous erythematous telangiectatic nodules of the scalp present for decades, with recurring tendency regardless the multiple previous excisions. Histopathological review of the lesions revealed predominantly "spiradenocylindromas" in the proband and cylindromas in her sister. The suspicion of BSS was confirmed after detection of a new nonsense germline mutation of CYLD (c.1783C>T pGln 595*) in the proband. CONCLUSIONS: BSS diagnosis can be challenging and is based on clinical-pathological correlation, positive familial association and identification of CYLD mutations. CYLD exerts antineoplastic effects by downregulating intracellular NF-κB signalling pathways. The reported mutation affecting the ubiquitin-specific protease domain leads to a truncated and catalytically inactive enzyme. Despite the expanding list of CYLD mutations no firm genotype-phenotype correlation is known so far. Early recognition and treatment of BSS avoid disfiguring changes like "turban tumor".


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The protein folding problem has been one of the most challenging subjects in biological physics due to its complexity. Energy landscape theory based on statistical mechanics provides a thermodynamic interpretation of the protein folding process. We have been working to answer fundamental questions about protein-protein and protein-water interactions, which are very important for describing the energy landscape surface of proteins correctly. At first, we present a new method for computing protein-protein interaction potentials of solvated proteins directly from SAXS data. An ensemble of proteins was modeled by Metropolis Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulations, and the global X-ray scattering of the whole model ensemble was computed at each snapshot of the simulation. The interaction potential model was optimized and iterated by a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Secondly, we report that terahertz spectroscopy directly probes hydration dynamics around proteins and determines the size of the dynamical hydration shell. We also present the sequence and pH-dependence of the hydration shell and the effect of the hydrophobicity. On the other hand, kinetic terahertz absorption (KITA) spectroscopy is introduced to study the refolding kinetics of ubiquitin and its mutants. KITA results are compared to small angle X-ray scattering, tryptophan fluorescence, and circular dichroism results. We propose that KITA monitors the rearrangement of hydrogen bonding during secondary structure formation. Finally, we present development of the automated single molecule operating system (ASMOS) for a high throughput single molecule detector, which levitates a single protein molecule in a 10 µm diameter droplet by the laser guidance. I also have performed supporting calculations and simulations with my own program codes.


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Ubiquitylation or covalent attachment of ubiquitin (Ub) to a variety of substrate proteins in cells is a versatile post-translational modification involved in the regulation of numerous cellular processes. The distinct messages that polyubiquitylation encodes are attributed to the multitude of conformations possible through attachment of ubiquitin monomers within a polyubiquitin chain via a specific lysine residue. Thus the hypothesis is that linkage defines polyubiquitin conformation which in turn determines specific recognition by cellular receptors. Ubiquitylation of membrane surface receptor proteins plays a very important role in regulating receptor-mediated endocytosis as well as endosomal sorting for lysosomal degradation. Epsin1 is an endocytic adaptor protein with three tandem UIMs (Ubiquitin Interacting Motifs) which are responsible for the highly specific interaction between epsin and ubiquitylated receptors. Epsin1 is also an oncogenic protein and its expression is upregulated in some types of cancer. Recently it has been shown that novel K11 and K63 mixed-linkage polyubiquitin chains serve as internalization signal for MHC I (Major Histocompatibility Complex I) molecule through their association with the tUIMs of epsin1. However the molecular mode of action and structural details of the interaction between polyubiquitin chains on receptors and tUIMs of epsin1 is yet to be determined. This information is crucial for the development of anticancer therapeutics targeting epsin1. The molecular basis for the linkage-specific recognition of K11 and K63 mixed-linkage polyubiquitin chains by the tandem UIMs of the endocytic adaptor protein epsin1 is investigated using a combination of NMR methods.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States. Chemopreventive therapies could be effective way to treat CRC. Tolfenamic acid, one of the NSAIDs, shows anti-cancer activities in several types of cancer. Aberrant Wnt/β-catenin regulation pathway is a major mechanism of colon tumorigenesis. Here, we sought to better define the mechanism by which tolfenamic acid suppresses colorectal tumorigenesis focusing on regulation of β-catenin pathway. Treatment of tolfenamic acid led to a down-regulation of β-catenin expression in dose dependent manner in human colon cancer cell lines without changing mRNA. MG132 inhibited tolfenamic acid-induced downregulation of β-catenin and exogenously overexpression β-catenin was stabilized in the presence of tolfenamic acid. Tolfenamic acid induced an ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation of β-catenin. In addition, tolfenamic acid treatment decreased transcriptional activity of β-catenin and expression of Smad2 and Smad3 while overexpression of Smad 2 inhibited tolfenamic acid-stimulated transcriptional activity of β-catenin. Moreover, tolfenamic acid decreased β-catenin target gene such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and cyclin D1. In summary, tolfenamic acid is a promising therapeutic drug targeting Smad 2-mediated downregulation of β-catenin in CRC.


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BACKGROUND: Brooke-Spiegler syndrome (BSS) is probably an underdiagnosed genodermatosis that predisposes for the development of cylindromas, spiradenomas and trichoepitheliomas mainly of the head and neck. Wide phenotypic variability regarding the number and type of lesions can be observed within a family. Mutations of the CYLD gene are identified in the vast majority of cases and play a key role in BSS pathogenesis. MAIN OBSERVATIONS: Two first degree relatives with numerous erythematous telangiectatic nodules of the scalp present for decades, with recurring tendency regardless the multiple previous excisions. Histopathological review of the lesions revealed predominantly "spiradenocylindromas" in the proband and cylindromas in her sister. The suspicion of BSS was confirmed after detection of a new nonsense germline mutation of CYLD (c.1783C>T pGln 595*) in the proband. CONCLUSIONS: BSS diagnosis can be challenging and is based on clinical-pathological correlation, positive familial association and identification of CYLD mutations. CYLD exerts antineoplastic effects by downregulating intracellular NF-κB signalling pathways. The reported mutation affecting the ubiquitin-specific protease domain leads to a truncated and catalytically inactive enzyme. Despite the expanding list of CYLD mutations no firm genotype-phenotype correlation is known so far. Early recognition and treatment of BSS avoid disfiguring changes like "turban tumor".