604 resultados para transmitter
Two direct sampling correlator-type receivers for differential chaos shift keying (DCSK) communication systems under frequency non-selective fading channels are proposed. These receivers operate based on the same hardware platform with different architectures. In the first scheme, namely sum-delay-sum (SDS) receiver, the sum of all samples in a chip period is correlated with its delayed version. The correlation value obtained in each bit period is then compared with a fixed threshold to decide the binary value of recovered bit at the output. On the other hand, the second scheme, namely delay-sum-sum (DSS) receiver, calculates the correlation value of all samples with its delayed version in a chip period. The sum of correlation values in each bit period is then compared with the threshold to recover the data. The conventional DCSK transmitter, frequency non-selective Rayleigh fading channel, and two proposed receivers are mathematically modelled in discrete-time domain. The authors evaluated the bit error rate performance of the receivers by means of both theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. The performance comparison shows that the two proposed receivers can perform well under the studied channel, where the performances get better when the number of paths increases and the DSS receiver outperforms the SDS one.
In this study, the authors propose simple methods to evaluate the achievable rates and outage probability of a cognitive radio (CR) link that takes into account the imperfectness of spectrum sensing. In the considered system, the CR transmitter and receiver correlatively sense and dynamically exploit the spectrum pool via dynamic frequency hopping. Under imperfect spectrum sensing, false-alarm and miss-detection occur which cause impulsive interference emerged from collisions due to the simultaneous spectrum access of primary and cognitive users. That makes it very challenging to evaluate the achievable rates. By first examining the static link where the channel is assumed to be constant over time, they show that the achievable rate using a Gaussian input can be calculated accurately through a simple series representation. In the second part of this study, they extend the calculation of the achievable rate to wireless fading environments. To take into account the effect of fading, they introduce a piece-wise linear curve fitting-based method to approximate the instantaneous achievable rate curve as a combination of linear segments. It is then demonstrated that the ergodic achievable rate in fast fading and the outage probability in slow fading can be calculated to achieve any given accuracy level.
In this paper, we consider the secure beamforming design for an underlay cognitive radio multiple-input singleoutput broadcast channel in the presence of multiple passive eavesdroppers. Our goal is to design a jamming noise (JN) transmit strategy to maximize the secrecy rate of the secondary system. By utilizing the zero-forcing method to eliminate the interference caused by JN to the secondary user, we study the joint optimization of the information and JN beamforming for secrecy rate maximization of the secondary system while satisfying all the interference power constraints at the primary users, as well as the per-antenna power constraint at the secondary transmitter. For an optimal beamforming design, the original problem is a nonconvex program, which can be reformulated as a convex program by applying the rank relaxation method. To this end, we prove that the rank relaxation is tight and propose a barrier interior-point method to solve the resulting saddle point problem based on a duality result. To find the global optimal solution, we transform the considered problem into an unconstrained optimization problem. We then employ Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method to solve the resulting unconstrained problem which helps reduce the complexity significantly, compared to conventional methods. Simulation results show the fast convergence of the proposed algorithm and substantial performance improvements over existing approaches.
This paper studies the energy efficiency (EE) of a point-to-point rank-1 Ricean fading multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) channel. In particular, a tight lower bound and an asymptotic approximation for the EE of the considered MIMO system are presented, under the assumption that the channel is unknown at the transmitter and perfectly known at the receiver. Moreover, the effects of different system parameters, namely, transmit power, spectral efficiency (SE), and number of transmit and receive antennas, on the EE are analytically investigated. An important observation is that, in the high signal-to-noise ratio regime and with the other system parameters fixed, the optimal transmit power that maximizes the EE increases as the Ricean-K factor increases. On the contrary, the optimal SE and the optimal number of transmit antennas decrease as K increases.
The performance of multiuser dual-hop relaying over mixed radio frequency/free-space optical (RF/FSO) links is investigated. RF links are used for the simultaneous data transmission from m single-antenna sources to the relay, which is equipped with n ≥ m receive antennas and a photo-aperture transmitter. The relay operates under the decode-and-forward protocol and utilizes the popular ordered V-BLAST technique to successively decode each user's transmitted stream. A common norm-based ordering approach is adopted, where the streams are decoded in an ascending order. After the V-BLAST decoding, the relay retransmits the initial information to the destination, which is equipped with a photo-detector, via a point-to-point FSO link in m consecutive timeslots. Analytical expressions for the end-to-end outage probability and average symbol error probability of each user are derived. Some engineering insights are manifested, such as the diversity order, the impact of the pointing error displacement on the FSO link and the severity on the turbulence-induced channel fading.
In this paper, we show how the polarisation state of a linearly polarised antenna can be recovered through the use of a three-term error correction model. The approach adopted is shown to be robust in situations where some multipath exists and where the sampling channels are imperfect with regard to both their amplitude and phase tracking. In particular, it has been shown that error of the measured polarisation tilt angle can be improved from 33% to 3% and below by applying the proposed calibration method. It is described how one can use a rotating dipole antenna as both the calibration standard and as the polarisation encoder, thus simplifying the physical arrangement of the transmitter. Experimental results are provided in order to show the utility of the approach, which could have a variety of applications including bandwidth conservative polarisation sub-modulation in advanced wireless communications systems.
In this paper, we investigate the effect of of the primary network on the secondary network when harvesting energy in cognitive radio in the presence of multiple power beacons and multiple secondary transmitters. In particular, the influence of the primary transmitter's transmit power on the energy harvesting secondary network is examined by studying two scenarios of primary transmitter's location, i.e., the primary transmitter's location is near to the secondary network and the primary transmitter's location is far from the secondary network. In the scenario where the primary transmitter locates near to the secondary network, although secondary transmitter can be benefit from the harvested energy from the primary transmitter, the interference caused by the primary transmitter suppresses the secondary network performance. Meanwhile, in both scenarios, despite the fact that the transmit power of the secondary transmitter can be improved by the support of powerful power beacons, the peak interference constraint at the primary receiver limits this advantage. In addition, the deployment of multiple power beacons and multiple secondary transmitters can improve the performance of the secondary network. The analytical expressions of the outage probability of the secondary network in the two scenarios are also provided and verified by numerical simulations.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
In order to cope up with the ever increasing demand for larger transmission bandwidth, Radio over Fiber technology is a very beneficial solution. These systems are expected to play a major role within future fifth generation wireless networks due to their inherent capillary distribution properties. Nonlinear compensation techniques are becoming increasingly important to improve the performance of telecommunication channels by compensating for channel nonlinearities. Indeed, significant bounds on the technology usability and performance degradation occur due to nonlinear characteristics of optical transmitter, nonlinear generation of spurious frequencies, which, in the case of RoF links exploiting Directly Modulated Lasers , has the combined effect of laser chirp and optical fiber dispersion among its prevailing causes. The purpose of the research is to analyze some of the main causes of harmonic and intermodulation distortion present in Radio over Fiber (RoF) links, and to suggest a solution to reduce their effects, through a digital predistortion technique. Predistortion is an effective and interesting solution to linearize and this allows to demonstrate that the laser’s chirp and the optical fiber’s dispersion are the main causes which generate harmonic distortion. The improvements illustrated are only theoretical, based on a feasibility point of view. The simulations performed lead to significant improvements for short and long distances of radio over fiber link lengths. The algorithm utilized for simulation has been implemented on MATLAB. The effects of chirp and fiber nonlinearity in a directly modulated fiber transmission system are investigated by simulation, and a cost effective and rather simple technique for compensating these effects is discussed. A detailed description of its functional model is given, and its attractive features both in terms of quality improvement of the received signal, and cost effectiveness of the system are illustrated.
Les systèmes de communication optique avec des formats de modulation avancés sont actuellement l’un des sujets de recherche les plus importants dans le domaine de communication optique. Cette recherche est stimulée par les exigences pour des débits de transmission de donnée plus élevés. Dans cette thèse, on examinera les techniques efficaces pour la modulation avancée avec une détection cohérente, et multiplexage par répartition en fréquence orthogonale (OFDM) et multiples tonalités discrètes (DMT) pour la détection directe et la détection cohérente afin d’améliorer la performance de réseaux optiques. Dans la première partie, nous examinons la rétropropagation avec filtre numérique (DFBP) comme une simple technique d’atténuation de nonlinéarité d’amplificateur optique semiconducteur (SOA) dans le système de détection cohérente. Pour la première fois, nous démontrons expérimentalement l’efficacité de DFBP pour compenser les nonlinéarités générées par SOA dans un système de détection cohérente porteur unique 16-QAM. Nous comparons la performance de DFBP avec la méthode de Runge-Kutta quatrième ordre. Nous examinons la sensibilité de performance de DFBP par rapport à ses paramètres. Par la suite, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode d’estimation de paramètre pour DFBP. Finalement, nous démontrons la transmission de signaux de 16-QAM aux taux de 22 Gbaud sur 80km de fibre optique avec la technique d’estimation de paramètre proposée pour DFBP. Dans la deuxième partie, nous nous concentrons sur les techniques afin d’améliorer la performance des systèmes OFDM optiques en examinent OFDM optiques cohérente (CO-OFDM) ainsi que OFDM optiques détection directe (DDO-OFDM). Premièrement, nous proposons une combinaison de coupure et prédistorsion pour compenser les distorsions nonlinéaires d’émetteur de CO-OFDM. Nous utilisons une interpolation linéaire par morceaux (PLI) pour charactériser la nonlinéarité d’émetteur. Dans l’émetteur nous utilisons l’inverse de l’estimation de PLI pour compenser les nonlinéarités induites à l’émetteur de CO-OFDM. Deuxièmement, nous concevons des constellations irrégulières optimisées pour les systèmes DDO-OFDM courte distance en considérant deux modèles de bruit de canal. Nous démontrons expérimentalement 100Gb/s+ OFDM/DMT avec la détection directe en utilisant les constellations QAM optimisées. Dans la troisième partie, nous proposons une architecture réseaux optiques passifs (PON) avec DDO-OFDM pour la liaison descendante et CO-OFDM pour la liaison montante. Nous examinons deux scénarios pour l’allocations de fréquence et le format de modulation des signaux. Nous identifions la détérioration limitante principale du PON bidirectionnelle et offrons des solutions pour minimiser ses effets.
Este estudo visa compreender a experiência do NEMA – Núcleo de Educação e Monitoramento Ambiental na constituição de intelectuais orgânicos. A pesquisa busca identificar por meio de relatos das pessoas que formaram e formam o NEMA, bem como da trajetória que o Núcleo vem desenhando no cenário ambiental, como esse espaço constitui intelectuais orgânicos. O conceito de intelectuais orgânicos partiu de Antonio Gramsci (1882 – 1937), que desponta como um dos grandes teóricos da teoria social marxista. Para Gramsci o intelectual é mais do que uma pessoa das letras, ou um produtor e transmissor de ideias. Os intelectuais são também mediadores, legitimadores, e produtores de práticas sociais; eles cumprem uma função de natureza eminentemente política. Este aspecto interessa uma vez que o NEMA surgiu nesse movimento de resistir ao conhecimento e práticas sufocantes que constituem nossas práticas sociais. Intelectuais transformadores que aglutinam outros, a fim de romper com a opressão, fornecendo dessa forma a liderança da ética, da política e da pedagogia para a criticidade da realidade. A pesquisa com base qualitativa permitiu estabelecer os referenciais teóricos, a pesquisa em documentos e outras formas de informação e a apropriação da Análise Textual Discursiva – ATD para organizar o corpus por meio dos relatos de 30 pessoas que tiveram a experiência do NEMA. Os resultados possibilitam afirmar que os intelectuais orgânicos do NEMA se constituem em Ondas, isto é passam de uma reflexão sobre si mesmo – Quem eu sou?, estabelece uma relação de pertencimento com o lugar que atuam – O lugar onde vivemos, lidam com uma diversidade de pessoas, instituições e situações – Biodiversidade, estabelecem diálogos e se fazem representar em espaços de discussão – Biosfera e Ecologia e buscam a continuidade de suas ações por meio de novos projetos – Planejamento Ambiental. O estudo vislumbra que a experiência do NEMA contribua na vanguarda da construção dialógica do saber com os movimentos sociais para que estes saberes possam ser implementados na práxis destes movimentos, no fronte da relação natureza e sociedade.
The thesis presents experimental results, simulations, and theory on turbulence excited in magnetized plasmas near the ionosphere’s upper hybrid layer. The results include: The first experimental observations of super small striations (SSS) excited by the High-Frequency Auroral Research Project (HAARP) The first detection of high-frequency (HF) waves from the HAARP transmitter over a distance of 16x10^3 km The first simulations indicating that upper hybrid (UH) turbulence excites electron Bernstein waves associated with all nearby gyroharmonics Simulation results that indicate that the resulting bulk electron heating near the upper hybrid (UH) resonance is caused primarily by electron Bernstein waves parametrically excited near the first gyroharmonic. On the experimental side we present two sets of experiments performed at the HAARP heating facility in Alaska. In the first set of experiments, we present the first detection of super-small (cm scale) striations (SSS) at the HAARP facility. We detected density structures smaller than 30 cm for the first time through a combination of satellite and ground based measurements. In the second set of experiments, we present the results of a novel diagnostic implemented by the Ukrainian Antarctic Station (UAS) in Verdansky. The technique allowed the detection of the HAARP signal at a distance of nearly 16 Mm, and established that the HAARP signal was injected into the ionospheric waveguide by direct scattering off of dekameter-scale density structures induced by the heater. On the theoretical side, we present results of Vlasov simulations near the upper hybrid layer. These results are consistent with the bulk heating required by previous work on the theory of the formation of descending artificial ionospheric layers (DIALs), and with the new observations of DIALs at HAARP’s upgraded effective radiated power (ERP). The simulations that frequency sweeps, and demonstrate that the heating changes from a bulk heating between gyroharmonics, to a tail acceleration as the pump frequency is swept through the fourth gyroharmonic. These simulations are in good agreement with experiments. We also incorporate test particle simulations that isolate the effects of specific wave modes on heating, and we find important contributions from both electron Bernstein waves and upper hybrid waves, the former of which have not yet been detected by experiments, and have not been previously explored as a driver of heating. In presenting these results, we analyzed data from HAARP diagnostics and assisted in planning the second round of experiments. We integrated the data into a picture of experiments that demonstrated the detection of SSS, hysteresis effects in simulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) features, and the direct scattering of the HF pump into the ionospheric waveguide. We performed simulations and analyzed simulation data to build the understanding of collisionless heating near the upper hybrid layer, and we used these simulations to show that bulk electron heating at the upper hybrid layer is possible, which is required by current theories of DAIL formation. We wrote a test particle simulation to isolate the effects of electron Bernstein waves and upper hybrid layers on collisionless heating, and integrated this code to work with both the output of Vlasov simulations and the input for simulations of DAIL formation.
In the last years there has been a clear evolution in the world of telecommunications, which goes from new services that need higher speeds and higher bandwidth, until a role of interactions between people and machines, named by Internet of Things (IoT). So, the only technology able to follow this growth is the optical communications. Currently the solution that enables to overcome the day-by-day needs, like collaborative job, audio and video communications and share of les is based on Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (G-PON) with the recently successor named Next Generation Passive Optical Network Phase 2 (NG-PON2). This technology is based on the multiplexing domain wavelength and due to its characteristics and performance becomes the more advantageous technology. A major focus of optical communications are Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs). These can include various components into a single device, which simpli es the design of the optical system, reducing space and power consumption, and improves reliability. These characteristics make this type of devices useful for several applications, that justi es the investments in the development of the technology into a very high level of performance and reliability in terms of the building blocks. With the goal to develop the optical networks of future generations, this work presents the design and implementation of a PIC, which is intended to be a universal transceiver for applications for NG-PON2. The same PIC will be able to be used as an Optical Line Terminal (OLT) or an Optical Network Unit (ONU) and in both cases as transmitter and receiver. Initially a study is made of Passive Optical Network (PON) and its standards. Therefore it is done a theoretical overview that explores the materials used in the development and production of this PIC, which foundries are available, and focusing in SMART Photonics, the components used in the development of this chip. For the conceptualization of the project di erent architectures are designed and part of the laser cavity is simulated using Aspic™. Through the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of each one, it is chosen the best to be used in the implementation. Moreover, the architecture of the transceiver is simulated block by block through the VPItransmissionMaker™ and it is demonstrated its operating principle. Finally it is presented the PIC implementation.
This dissertation is concerned with the control, combining, and propagation of laser beams through a turbulent atmosphere. In the first part we consider adaptive optics: the process of controlling the beam based on information of the current state of the turbulence. If the target is cooperative and provides a coherent return beam, the phase measured near the beam transmitter and adaptive optics can, in principle, correct these fluctuations. However, for many applications, the target is uncooperative. In this case, we show that an incoherent return from the target can be used instead. Using the principle of reciprocity, we derive a novel relation between the field at the target and the scattered field at a detector. We then demonstrate through simulation that an adaptive optics system can utilize this relation to focus a beam through atmospheric turbulence onto a rough surface. In the second part we consider beam combining. To achieve the power levels needed for directed energy applications it is necessary to combine a large number of lasers into a single beam. The large linewidths inherent in high-power fiber and slab lasers cause random phase and intensity fluctuations occurring on sub-nanosecond time scales. We demonstrate that this presents a challenging problem when attempting to phase-lock high-power lasers. Furthermore, we show that even if instruments are developed that can precisely control the phase of high-power lasers; coherent combining is problematic for DE applications. The dephasing effects of atmospheric turbulence typically encountered in DE applications will degrade the coherent properties of the beam before it reaches the target. Finally, we investigate the propagation of Bessel and Airy beams through atmospheric turbulence. It has been proposed that these quasi-non-diffracting beams could be resistant to the effects of atmospheric turbulence. However, we find that atmospheric turbulence disrupts the quasi-non-diffracting nature of Bessel and Airy beams when the transverse coherence length nears the initial aperture diameter or diagonal respectively. The turbulence induced transverse phase distortion limits the effectiveness of Bessel and Airy beams for applications requiring propagation over long distances in the turbulent atmosphere.
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the electrical and mechanical responses to inhibitory non-adrenergic noncholinergic (NANC) nerve stimulation in the bovine retractor penis muscle (BRP) and compare them with those to an inhibitory extract made from this muscle. The extract may contain the NANC inhibitory transmitter of the BRP and possibly of other smooth muscles. Because of species differences in the electrical response to NANC nerves in the rat and rabbit anococcygeus the effects of the extract on these tissues was also investigated. Prior to the investigation of the extract, both the excitatory and inhibitory responses to field stimulation in the BRP, and the effects of passive membrane potential displacement were studied using conventional intra- or extracellular (sucrose gap) recording techniques. The majority of cells in the BRP were electrically quiescent independent of the resting tone. The most frequent (in approximately 25% of preparations) form of spontaneous activity, oscillations in membrane potential and tone, may represent a pacemaker activity. The BRP had cable properties; the time constant and space constant indicated a high membrane resistance. In the absence of tone, field stimulation of the BRP evoked excitatory junction potentials (ejps) in every cell impaled and contractions, graded with the strength, frequency and number of pulses; spikes were not observed. Guanethidine (1-3 x 10-5M) abolished the ejps and contractions, confirming their adrenergic origin. Noradrenaline added exogenously depolarised and contracted the muscle. These effects were blocked by the a-adrenoceptor antagonists, phentolamine and prazosin. However, phentolamine (2.5x 10-6M) inhibited the contraction without reducing the ejp significantly. These effects may be independent of adrenoceptor blockade or the ejp may be mediated by a substance other than noradrenaline (e.g. ATP) released from adrenergic nerves. Prazosin (1.4 x lO-6M) failed to block either the ejp or contraction, indicating the possible existence of two types of adrenoceptor in the BRP; one activated by neuronally-released and the other by exogenously-added noradrenaline. ATP, a contaminant in the extract, also depolarised and contracted the BRP. Physostigmine reduced whilst atropine enhanced the ejps and contractions without similarly affecting the response to exogenous noradrenaline. This confirmed the presence of a cholinergic inhibitory innervation acting on the excitatory adrenergic fibres (Klinge and Sjostrand, 1977). TEA (1 x lO-4M) enhanced the ejp and contraction. Higher concentrations (0.5 to 10 x 10-3M) depolarised, increased the tone and evoked electrical and mechanical oscillations but no spikes. The depolarisation and contraction to exogenous noradrenaline were not enhanced, indicating that TEA acts on the adrenergic nerves. Some post-synaptic effect to block K+ channels also seems likely. The relationship between ejp amplitude and membrane potential in the double sucrose gap was linear and indicated a reversal potential more positive than -30mV. Electrotonic pulse amplitude decreased during the ejp, indicating an increased membrane conductance. Ejps and contractions were reduced following the replacement of the NaCl of the Krebs solution with sodium glutamate. This may be due to the effects of glutamate itself (e.g. Ca2+ chelation) rather than reduction in the membrane Cl- gradient. Tone usually developed spontaneously and was accompanied by membrane depolarisation (from -53 to -45mV) which may open voltage-dependent channels, causing Ca2+ entry and/or its release from intracellular binding sites. Field stimulation produced inhibitory potentials (ijps) and relaxations graded with the strength and number of pulses but showing little frequency dependence. Rebound depolarisation and contraction often followed the ijp and relaxation. Tetrodotoxin (3 x IO-6M), but not adrenergic or cholinergic antagonists, abolished the ijp and relaxation, confirming their non-adrenergic non-cholinergic neurogenic nature. The extract, prepared and acid-activated as described by Gillespie, Hunter and Martin (1981), hyperpolarised and relaxed the BRP, as did sodium nitroprusside and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Unlike the activated extract or sodium nitroprusside, desensitisation to ATP occurred rapidly and without any change in the inhibitory electrical or mechanical responses to field stimulation. The ijp and relaxation in the BRP were insensitive to apamin but abolished by oxyhaemoglobin (4-8 x 10-6M), as were the responses to extract and sodium nitroprusside. In TEA (10-2M), field stimulation evoked relaxations with no accompanying electrical change. The ijp may be unconnected with or additional to another mechanism producing relaxation. The relationship between membrane potential and ijp in the BRP was non-linear. Ijp amplitude was initially increased during membrane potential displacement from -45mV to approximately -60mV. Thereafter (-60 to -l03mV) the ijp was reduced. Ijps were abolished at -27 and -103mV; reversal was not observed. The hyperpolarisation to extract was also enhanced during passive displacement of the membrane potential to more negative values (-57mV). Membrane resistance increased during the ijp. The extract produced inconsistent changes in membrane resistance, possibly because of the presence of more than one active component. K+ withdrawal failed to enhance the ijp or hyperpolarisation to extract and 20mM K+ did not abolish the the ijp at membrane potentials exceeding EK (-49mV). Thus, the ijp or hyperpolarisation to extract are unlikely to be mediated by an increased K+ conductance. Reducing the Cl- abolished the hyperpolarisation to field stimulation and extract. This occurred more quickly than the anticipated reduction in the Cl- gradient and may be due to Ca2+ chelation by the anion substitute (glutamate or benzenesulphonate) or blockade of the resting conductance which is normally inactivated by the transmitter. Ouabain (1-5x 10-5M), which reduces both the Na+ and Cl- gradients, abolished the ijp, implicating either of these ions as the ionic species involved. In the rat and rabbit anococcygeus, field stimulation and extract each reduced guanethidine-induced tone. This was unaccompanied in the majority of cells in the rat by any significant electrical response. In the remaining cells, inhibition of the membrane potential oscillations occurred. The rabbit anococcygeus differed in that inhibition of the electrical oscillations was observed in every cell exhibiting this behaviour. However, the majority of cells in the rabbit were electrically quiescent and showed only small hyperpolarisations to field stimulation and no electrical response to extract. Apamin (1 x 10-7M) failed to block the electrical and mechanical response to field stimulation in the rabbit but did inhibit transiently that to extract. The latter effect may be due to the initial excitatory effects of apamin. The similarities between the electrical effects of the extract and those of inhibitory nerve stimulation in the BRP, rat and rabbit anococcygeus muscles are generally consistent with their being mediated by the same active component. Moreover, the ijp in the BRP shows properties which have not been reported in other non-adrenergic noncholinergically innervated smooth muscles.