983 resultados para therapeutic alliance


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Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is characterized by accumulation of lipoproteinaceous material in the terminal airways. Whole lung lavage (WLL) remains the gold standard treatment but may be particularly challenging in cases of severe hypoxemia. We present a 3-step strategy that was used in a patient with PAP-associated refractory hypoxemia and that combined venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (vvECMO), double-lumen orotracheal intubation, and bilateral multisegmental sequential lavage (MSL). The procedure was well tolerated and permitted weaning from the ventilator.


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BACKGROUND: Cardiac arrest causes ischaemic brain injury. Arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) is a major determinant of cerebral blood flow. Thus, mild hypercapnia in the 24 h following cardiac arrest may increase cerebral blood flow and attenuate such injury. We describe the Carbon Control and Cardiac Arrest (CCC) trial. METHODS/DESIGN: The CCC trial is a pilot multicentre feasibility, safety and biological efficacy randomized controlled trial recruiting adult cardiac arrest patients admitted to the intensive care unit after return of spontaneous circulation. At admission, using concealed allocation, participants are randomized to 24 h of either normocapnia (PaCO2 35 to 45 mmHg) or mild hypercapnia (PaCO2 50 to 55 mmHg). Key feasibility outcomes are recruitment rate and protocol compliance rate. The primary biological efficacy and biological safety measures are the between-groups difference in serum neuron-specific enolase and S100b protein levels at 24 h, 48 h and 72 h. Secondary outcome measure include adverse events, in-hospital mortality, and neurological assessment at 6 months. DISCUSSION: The trial commenced in December 2012 and, when completed, will provide clinical evidence as to whether targeting mild hypercapnia for 24 h following intensive care unit admission for cardiac arrest patients is feasible and safe and whether it results in decreased concentrations of neurological injury biomarkers compared with normocapnia. Trial results will also be used to determine whether a phase IIb study powered for survival at 90 days is feasible and justified. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12612000690853 .


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem autoimmune disease characterized by a loss of tolerance to multiple endogenous antigens. SLE etiology remains largely unknown, despite recent insight into the immunopathogenesis of the disease. T cells are important in the development of the disease by amplifying the immune response and contributing to organ damage. Aberrant signaling, cytokine secretion, and tissue homing displayed by SLE T cells have been extensively studied and the underlying pathogenic molecular mechanisms are starting to be elucidated. T-cell-targeted treatments are being explored in SLE patients. This review is an update on the T-cell abnormalities and related therapeutic options in SLE.


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The antibiotic pipeline continues to diminish and the majority of the public remains unaware of this critical situation. The cause of the decline of antibiotic development is multifactorial and currently most ICUs are confronted with the challenge of multidrug-resistant organisms. Antimicrobial multidrug resistance is expanding all over the world, with extreme and pandrug resistance being increasingly encountered, especially in healthcare-associated infections in large highly specialized hospitals. Antibiotic stewardship for critically ill patients translated into the implementation of specific guidelines, largely promoted by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, targeted at education to optimize choice, dosage, and duration of antibiotics in order to improve outcomes and reduce the development of resistance. Inappropriate antimicrobial therapy, meaning the selection of an antibiotic to which the causative pathogen is resistant, is a consistent predictor of poor outcomes in septic patients. Therefore, pharmacokinetically/pharmacodynamically optimized dosing regimens should be given to all patients empirically and, once the pathogen and susceptibility are known, local stewardship practices may be employed on the basis of clinical response to redefine an appropriate regimen for the patient. This review will focus on the most severely ill patients, for whom substantial progress in organ support along with diagnostic and therapeutic strategies markedly increased the risk of nosocomial infections.


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We report the case of a 37-year-old woman who developed critical upper limb ischemia caused by a cervical rib. Because the malformation was initially undiagnosed, a vascular bypass was performed, and failure occurred. Following a 6-month therapy with sildenafil, revascularization of the arm was successful and amputation was avoided. A 6-year follow-up shows a rich collateral network at the compression site and normal values of digital plethysmography. Because hand surgeons often see patients with digital ulcerations and other manifestations of peripheral vascular pathology, therapy of ischemia with sildenafil could be an effective treatment option in patients not responding to classic drugs.


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TyÃssä oli selkeästi kaksi tavoitetta. Ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli tutkia, millaisesta kumppanuudesta Drives Alliance Partner -konsepti (DAP) muodostuu. TyÃn toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää ja analysoida DAP-konseptin informaation jakamiseen liittyvät tietotyypit, ja tehdä esitys siitä, mitä tietoa ABB:nja kumppaneiden välillä tulisi vaihtaa. Jotta kumppanuuden tila saatiin selville, tehtiin ABB:n sisäisiä haastatteluja sekä käytettiin hyväksi DAP-konseptista tehtyä dokumentaatiota. Informaation jakamiseen liittyvä tietotarpeiden kartoitus toteutettiin web-pohjaisen kyselyn avulla. Kysely toimitettiin osalle ABB:n nykyisistä kumppaneista sekä sellaisille ABB:n tyÃntekijÃille, jotka liittyvät DAP- konseptiin. TyÃssä luotiin malli kuvaamaan informaation vaihtoa partnereiden j a ABB :n välillä. Malliin otettiin mukaan ne tietotarpeet, jotka tehdyn kyselyn mukaan osoittautuivat tarpeellisiksi. Kumppanuuksiin syventymisen myÃtä tiedonvaihdon merkitys tulee entisestään korostumaan, mikä asettaa uusia haasteita ABB:lle.


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OBJECTIVES: Therapeutic coma is advocated in guidelines for management of refractory status epilepticus; this is, however, based on weak evidence. We here address the specific impact of therapeutic coma on status epilepticus outcome. DESIGN: Retrospective assessment of a prospectively collected cohort. SETTING: Academic hospital. PATIENTS: Consecutive adults with incident status epilepticus lasting greater than or equal to 30 minutes, admitted between 2006 and 2013. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: We recorded prospectively demographics, clinical status epilepticus features, treatment, and outcome at discharge and retrospectively medical comorbidities, hospital stay, and infectious complications. Associations between potential predictors and clinical outcome were analyzed using multinomial logistic regressions. Of 467 patients with incident status epilepticus, 238 returned to baseline (51.1%), 162 had new disability (34.6%), and 67 died (14.3%); 50 subjects (10.7%) were managed with therapeutic coma. Therapeutic coma was associated with poorer outcome in the whole cohort (relative risk ratio for new disability, 6.86; 95% CI, 2.84-16.56; for mortality, 9.10; 95% CI, 3.17-26.16); the effect was more important in patients with complex partial compared with generalized convulsive or nonconvulsive status epilepticus in coma. Prevalence of infections was higher (odds ratio, 3.81; 95% CI, 1.66-8.75), and median hospital stay in patients discharged alive was longer (16 d [range, 2-240 d] vs 9 d [range, 1-57 d]; p < 0.001) in subjects managed with therapeutic coma. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides class III evidence that therapeutic coma is associated with poorer outcome after status epilepticus; furthermore, it portends higher infection rates and longer hospitalizations. These data suggest caution in the straightforward use of this approach, especially in patients with complex partial status epilepticus.


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PURPOSE: Adequate empirical antibiotic dose selection for critically ill burn patients is difficult due to extreme variability in drug pharmacokinetics. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) may aid antibiotic prescription and implementation of initial empirical antimicrobial dosage recommendations. This study evaluated how gradual TDM introduction altered empirical dosages of meropenem and imipenem/cilastatin in our burn ICU. METHODS: Imipenem/cilastatin and meropenem use and daily empirical dosage at a five-bed burn ICU were analyzed retrospectively. Data for all burn admissions between 2001 and 2011 were extracted from the hospital's computerized information system. For each patient receiving a carbapenem, episodes of infection were reviewed and scored according to predefined criteria. Carbapenem trough serum levels were characterized. Prior to May 2007, TDM was available only by special request. Real-time carbapenem TDM was introduced in June 2007; it was initially available weekly and has been available 4 days a week since 2010. RESULTS: Of 365 patients, 229 (63%) received antibiotics (109 received carbapenems). Of 23 TDM determinations for imipenem/cilastatin, none exceeded the predefined upper limit and 11 (47.8%) were insufficient; the number of TDM requests was correlated with daily dose (r=0.7). Similar numbers of inappropriate meropenem trough levels (30.4%) were below and above the upper limit. Real-time TDM introduction increased the empirical dose of imipenem/cilastatin, but not meropenem. CONCLUSIONS: Real-time carbapenem TDM availability significantly altered the empirical daily dosage of imipenem/cilastatin at our burn ICU. Further studies are needed to evaluate the individual impact of TDM-based antibiotic adjustment on infection outcomes in these patients.


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The variability observed in drug exposure has a direct impact on the overall response to drug. The largest part of variability between dose and drug response resides in the pharmacokinetic phase, i.e. in the dose-concentration relationship. Among possibilities offered to clinicians, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM; Monitoring of drug concentration measurements) is one of the useful tool to guide pharmacotherapy. TDM aims at optimizing treatments by individualizing dosage regimens based on blood drug concentration measurement. Bayesian calculations, relying on population pharmacokinetic approach, currently represent the gold standard TDM strategy. However, it requires expertise and computational assistance, thus limiting its large implementation in routine patient care. The overall objective of this thesis was to implement robust tools to provide Bayesian TDM to clinician in modern routine patient care. To that endeavour, aims were (i) to elaborate an efficient and ergonomic computer tool for Bayesian TDM: EzeCHieL (ii) to provide algorithms for drug concentration Bayesian forecasting and software validation, relying on population pharmacokinetics (iii) to address some relevant issues encountered in clinical practice with a focus on neonates and drug adherence. First, the current stage of the existing software was reviewed and allows establishing specifications for the development of EzeCHieL. Then, in close collaboration with software engineers a fully integrated software, EzeCHieL, has been elaborated. EzeCHieL provides population-based predictions and Bayesian forecasting and an easy-to-use interface. It enables to assess the expectedness of an observed concentration in a patient compared to the whole population (via percentiles), to assess the suitability of the predicted concentration relative to the targeted concentration and to provide dosing adjustment. It allows thus a priori and a posteriori Bayesian drug dosing individualization. Implementation of Bayesian methods requires drug disposition characterisation and variability quantification trough population approach. Population pharmacokinetic analyses have been performed and Bayesian estimators have been provided for candidate drugs in population of interest: anti-infectious drugs administered to neonates (gentamicin and imipenem). Developed models were implemented in EzeCHieL and also served as validation tool in comparing EzeCHieL concentration predictions against predictions from the reference software (NONMEM®). Models used need to be adequate and reliable. For instance, extrapolation is not possible from adults or children to neonates. Therefore, this work proposes models for neonates based on the developmental pharmacokinetics concept. Patients' adherence is also an important concern for drug models development and for a successful outcome of the pharmacotherapy. A last study attempts to assess impact of routine patient adherence measurement on models definition and TDM interpretation. In conclusion, our results offer solutions to assist clinicians in interpreting blood drug concentrations and to improve the appropriateness of drug dosing in routine clinical practice.


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Le sarcome d'Ewing (SE) est la 2ème tumeur des os la plus fréquente chez les enfants, et le pronostic est sombre au stade métastatique. La pathogenèse du SE repose sur une translocation, provocant la fusion du domaine activateur du facteur de transcription EWS, avec la partie liant l'ADN de la protéine FLI-1. Les cellules souches cancéreuses (CSC) sont supposées être les moteurs de la croissance tumorale, et représente de ce fait des cibles thérapeutiques préférentielles. Dans ce travail nous nous sommes efforcés de comprendre, ainsi que de cibler les mécanismes liés à l'émergence des CSC dans le sarcome d'Ewing. La formation des CSC du ES est liée à un défaut de maturation des miRNAs provoqué par une sous-expression d'un gène, TARBP2, dans les CSC. Ce défaut de maturation peut être corrigé par un traitement des cellules avec de l'enoxacine, une fluoroquinolone utilisée pour traiter les infections urinaires. L'enoxacine seule n'étant pas suffisante pour éradiquer les tumeurs in vivo, nous avons testé la combinaison d'une thérapie ciblée sur les CSC avec une chimiothérapie classique, la doxorubicine, ciblant les cellules différentiées. In vitro l'enoxacine induit l'apoptose dans les CCS sans affecter les cellules différentiées, alors que à l'inverse, la doxorubicine n'affecte que les cellules de la « masse » tumorale. In vivo la combinaison de ces deux drogues inhibe la croissance de tumeurs provenant de cellules primaires xenotranplantées et éradique les CSCs. Nos résultats mettent en lumière une nouvelle approche thérapeutique directement applicable pour le sarcome d'Ewing, et pourraient ainsi rapidement déboucher sur des essais cliniques. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail nous avons essayé de comprendre comment EWS-FLI1, la protéine de fusion issue de la translocation chromosomique du sarcome d'Ewing conduit à la génération des CSC. Pour cela nous avons effectué des ChIPseq (immunoprecipitation de la chromatine suivi de séquençage) pour EWS-FLI1 ainsi que pour certaines modifications histoniques. -- Ewing sarcoma family tumors (ESFT) are the second most frequent bone tumors in children and have a high rate of recurrence when metastatic at presentation. The pathogenesis of Ewing sarcoma is underlayed by a translocation, leading to the fusion of the trans-activating domain of EWS with the FLU DNA binding domain. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are thought to be the driving force of tumor growth. In this work we focused on understanding the mechanisms underlying ESFT CSC emergence as well as defining targeted therapeutic strategies. Emergence of CSCs in ESFT has been shown to arise from a defect in TARBP2-dependent microRNA maturation, which can be corrected by exposure to the fluoroquinolone enoxacin. As enoxacin alone is not sufficient to reverse tumor growth in vivo, we assessed the effect of combining a drug that abrogates CSC properties with doxorubicin, a standard-of-care therapy in ESFT. Primary ESFT CSCs and bulk tumor cells were treated with different concentration of drugs and displayed divergent responses to doxorubicin and enoxacin. Doxorubicin, which targets the tumor bulk, displayed toxicity toward primary adherent ESFT cells in culture but not to CSC-enriched ESFT spheres. Conversely, enoxacin induced apoptosis but only in ESFT spheres and specifically on the CD133+ population. In combination, the two drugs markedly depleted CSC and strongly reduced primary growth in xenograft assays of two primary ESFT. Our results identify a potentially attractive therapeutic strategy for ESFT that combines mechanism-based targeting of CSC using a low toxicity antibiotic with a standard-of-care cytotoxic drug, offering immediate applications for clinical evaluation. In the second part of this work we performed chromatin immunopercipitation on CSCs and bulk cells for EWS-FLI1 binding as well as some chromatin modifications, and concluded that EWS-FLI1 shows cell context dependent binding.