865 resultados para terapia, antalgica, oncologia, stimolazione, elettrica
I policlorobifenili (PCB) sono un gruppo di 209 congeneri di bifenili policlorurati altamente tossici e persistenti che, a causa della loro elevata lipofilia, tendono ad accumularsi in sedimenti anaerobici marini, tramite i quali possono entrare nella catena alimentare. I PCB possono essere degradati mediante processi di declorurazione riduttiva mediati da popolazioni microbiche anaerobiche in grado di utilizzarli fortuitamente come accettori finali della catena respiratoria. Il processo consiste quindi nella bioconversione di congeneri ad alto grado di clorurazione in PCB basso clorurati, meno tossici, meno bioaccumulabili e più facilmente biodegradabili in condizioni aerobiche. Nel presente elaborato è stata investigata la capacità di una popolazione microbica arricchita su congeneri coplanari di PCB da un sedimento contaminato del Canale Brentella (Prima Zona Industriale di Porto Marghera, laguna di Venezia), di declorurare miscele commerciali di PCB (Aroclor 1254) in condizioni geobiochimiche di laboratorio che riproducono quelle presenti in sito. Il processo è quindi stato studiato in microcosmi anaerobici slurry di sedimento sospeso nella stessa acqua del sito e monitorato con un approccio chimico e microbiologico integrato. Ai fini di caratterizzare e stimolare i microganismi responsabili del processo degradativo sono state utilizzate tecniche convenzionali basate sull’inibizione selettiva di diversi gruppi microbici. Dopo una fase di latenza di 7 settimane, la coltura microbica ha declorurato velocemente ed estesamente la miscela commerciale di PCB saggiata, bioconvertendo il 70% dei congeneri ad alto grado di clorurazione (da penta- a octa- clorurati) in PCB di- e tri-clorurati. Il processo ha esibito selettività nei confronti delle posizioni meta dei gruppi 2,3- e 2,3,4-clorofenile e para dei gruppi 3,4- e 3,4,5-clorofenile, secondo il modello di declorurazione H’. Il monitoraggio delle attività microbiche in presenza dei diversi inibitori saggiati ha permesso inoltre di concludere che i batteri metanogeni e i batteri solfato-riduttori non sono direttamente coinvolti nel processo degradativo, suggerendo invece che le specie decloruranti siano appartenenti o strettamente correlate al genere Dehalococcoides. Poiché lo studio è stato eseguito in condizioni geobiochimiche di laboratorio che mimano quelle presenti in sito, i risultati ottenuti indicano che la popolazione microbica dei sedimenti del canale Brentella, se opportunamente stimolata, è potenzialmente in grado di mediare in situ la declorurazione riduttiva dei PCB preesistenti nel sedimento, contribuendo alla natural attenuation dei sedimenti contaminati.
Dendritic Cells (DCs) derived from human blood monocytes that have been nurtured in GM-CSF and IL-4, followed by maturation in a monocyte-conditioned medium, are the most potent APCs known. These DCs have many features of primary DCs, including the expression of molecules that enhance antigen capture and selective receptors that guide DCs to and from several sites in the body, where they elicit the T cell mediated immune response. For these features, immature DCs (iDC) loaded with tumor antigen and matured (mDC) with a standard cytokine cocktail, are used for therapeutic vaccination in clinical trials of different cancers. However, the efficacy of DCs in the development of immunocompetence is critically influenced by the type (whole lysate, proteins, peptides, mRNA), the amount and the time of exposure of the tumor antigens used for loading in the presentation phase. The aim of the present study was to create instruments to acquire more information about DC antigen uptake and presentation mechanisms to improve the clinical efficacy of DCbased vaccine. In particular, two different tumor antigen were studied: the monoclonal immunoglobulin (IgG or IgA) produced in Myeloma Multiple, and the whole lysate obtained from melanoma tissues. These proteins were conjugated with fluorescent probe (FITC) to evaluate the kinetic of tumor antigen capturing process and its localization into DCs, by cytofluorimetric and fluorescence microscopy analysis, respectively. iDC pulsed with 100μg of IgG-FITC/106 cells were monitored from 2 to 22 hours after loading. By the cytofluorimetric analysis it was observed that the monoclonal antibody was completely captured after 2 hours from pulsing, and was decreased into mDC in 5 hours after maturation stimulus. To monitor the lysate uptake, iDC were pulsed with 80μg of tumor lysate/106 cells, then were monitored in the 2h to 22 hours interval time after loading. Then, to reveal difference between increasing lysate concentration, iDC were loaded with 20-40-80-100-200-400μg of tumor lysate/106 cells and monitored at 2-4-8-13h from pulsing. By the cytofluorimetric analysis, it was observed that, the 20-40-80-100μg uptake, after 8 hours loading was completed reaching a plateau phase. For 200 and 400μg the mean fluorescence of cells increased until 13h from pulsing. The lysate localization into iDC was evaluated with conventional and confocal fluorescence microscopy analysis. In the 2h to 8h time interval from loading an intensive and diffuse fluorescence was observed within the cytoplasmic compartment. Moreover, after 8h, the lysate fluorescence appeared to be organized in a restricted cloudy-shaded area with a typical polarized aspect. In addition, small fluorescent spots clearly appeared with an increment in the number and fluorescence intensity. The nature of these spot-like formations and cloudy area is now being investigated detecting the colocalization of the fluorescence lysate and specific markers for lysosomes, autophagosomes, endoplasmic reticulum and MHCII positive vesicles.
INTRODUCTION: A relationship between inflammatory response and coagulation is suggested by many observations. In particular, pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNFalpha, promote the activation of coagulation and reduce the production of anticoagulant molecules. It is known that inflammatory bowel diseases show a prothrombotic state and a condition of hypercoagulability. Aim of our study was to evaluate whether anti-TNFalpha therapy induces changes in the levels of coagulation activation markers in IBD patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed 48 plasma samples obtained before and 1 hour after 24 infliximab infusions (5 mg/kg) in 9 IBD patients (5 men and 4 women; mean age: 47.6+17.6 years; 4 Crohn's disease, 4 Ulcerative Colitis,1 Indeterminate Colitis). F1+2 and D-dymer levels were measured in each sample using ELISA methods.The data were statistically analyzed by means of Wilcoxon matched paired test. RESULTS: Median F1+2 levels were markdely reduced 1 hour after anti-TNFα infusion (median pre-infusion levels were 247.0 pmol/L and median post-infusion levels were 185.3 pmol/L) (p<0.002). Median D-dymer levels were also significantly reduced, from 485.2 ng/mL to 427.6 ng/mL (p< 0.001). These modifications were more evident in patients naive for infliximab therapy (p<0.02 for F1+2 and p<0.02 for D-dymer) and in Crohn's disease compared with Ulcerative Colitis patients (p=0.01 for F1+2 and p<0.007 for D-dymer).CONCLUSIONS: Infusion of infliximab significantly reduces the activation of coagulation cascade in IBD patients. This effect is early enough to suggest a direct effect of infliximab on the coagulation cascade and a possible new anti-inflammatory mechanism of action of this molecule.
Admission blood lactate concentration has been shown to be a useful indicator of disease severity in human medicine and numerous studies have associated hyperlactatemia with patients at high risk of death who should be treated aggressively regardless of the cause of the lactate generation. The degree and duration of hyperlactacidaemia also have been correlated with the subsequent development of organ failure. Similarly, in a small number of studies about equine colic, blood lactate concentration has been investigated as a useful prognostic variable . In neonatal foals blood lactate was studied first by Magdesian (2003) who described venous blood lactate concentration in 14 normal foals during the initial 48 hours post-partum. A preliminary study about lactate concentration in foals presenting to a neonatal intensive care unit reported that surviving foals had earlier lactate clearance. The measurement of blood lactate concentration is traditionally available with a wet chemistry laboratory method or with blood-gas analyzers, for clinicians working at university or large private hospital. But this methods may not be easily accessible to many practitioners in field conditions. Several relatively inexpensive, easy to use and rapid pocket size monitors to measure lactate concentration have been validated in human patients and athletes. None of these portable lactate analyzer have been evaluated in clinically normal neonatal foals or in foals referred to a neonatal intensive care unit. The aims of this study were to validate the Lactate Scout analyzer in neonatal foals, investigating the correlation between lactate concentration in whole blood measured with the portable monitor and measured in plasma with the reference laboratory analyzer. The effect of hematocrit (Hct) on the accuracy of Lactate Scout was also evaluated. Further, we determined the utility of venous lactate measurement in critically-ill foals, describing lactate values in the most frequent neonatal pathologies, evaluating serial blood lactate measurements during hospitalization and investigating its prognostic value. The study also describes normal range for lactate in healthy neonatal foals during the first 72 hours of life.
This research, carried out during the PhD in Materials Engineering, deals with the creation of layers, with different functionality, deposited on a ceramic substrate, to obtain photovoltaic cells for electricity production. The research activities are included in the project PRRIITT, Measure 4 (Development of Networks), Action A (Research and Technology Transfer Laboratories), Thematic reference 3 (Advanced materials applications development), co-financed by the Emilia Romagna Region, for the creation of CECERBENCH laboratory, which aims to develop "Tiles with a functionalised surface”. The innovation lies in the study of materials and in the development of technologies to achieve a "photovoltaic surface", directly in the tiles production process. The goal is to preserve the technical characteristics, and to make available new surfaces, exploiting renewable energy sources. The realization of Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic (BIPV) is nowadays a more and more spread tendency. The aims of the research are essentially linked to the need to diversify the actual ceramic tile production (which is strongly present in the Emilia Romagna Region ), and to provide a higher added value to the tiles. Solar energy production is the primary objective of the functionalization, and has a relevant ecological impact, taking into account the overwhelming global energy demand. The specific activities of the PhD were carried out according to the achievement of scientific and technological objectives of CECERBENCH laboratory, and involved the collaboration in design solutions, to obtain the cells directly on the tiles surface. The author has managed personally a part of the research project. Layers with different features were made: - Electrically conductive layers, directly on the ceramic tiles surface; - Layers to obtain the photovoltaic functionality; - Electrically insulating, protective layers (double function). For each layer, the most suitable materials have been selected. Among the technical application, the screen printing was used. This technique, widely used in ceramics, has many application areas, including the electronics and photovoltaic industries. It is an inexpensive technique, easy to use in industrial production lines. The screen printing technique was therefore studied in depth by theoretical considerations, and through the use of rheological measurements.
Premessa: nell’aprile 2006, l’American Heart Association ha approvato la nuova definizione e classificazione delle cardiomiopatie (B. J. Maron e coll. 2006), riconoscendole come un eterogeneo gruppo di malattie associate a disfunzione meccanica e/o elettrica riconducibili ad un ampia variabilità di cause. La distinzione tra le varie forme si basa non più sui processi etiopatogenetici che ne sono alla base, ma sulla modalità di presentazione clinica della malattia. Si distinguono così le forme primarie, a prevalente od esclusivo interessamento cardiaco, dalle forme secondarie in cui la cardiomiopatia rientra nell’ambito di un disordine sistemico dove sono evidenziabili anche disturbi extracardiaci. La nostra attenzione è, nel presente studio, focalizzata sull’analisi delle cardiomiopatie diagnosticate nei primi anni di vita in cui si registra una più alta incidenza di forme secondarie rispetto all’adulto, riservando un particolare riguardo verso quelle forme associate a disordini metabolici. Nello specifico, il nostro obiettivo è quello di sottolineare l’influenza di una diagnosi precoce sull’evoluzione della malattia. Materiali e metodi: abbiamo eseguito uno studio descrittivo in base ad un’analisi retrospettiva di tutti i pazienti giunti all’osservazione del Centro di Cardiologia e Cardiochirurgia Pediatrica e dell’ Età Evolutiva del Policlinico S. Orsola- Malpighi di Bologna, dal 1990 al 2006, con diagnosi di cardiomiopatia riscontrata nei primi due anni di vita. Complessivamente sono stati studiati 40 pazienti di cui 20 con cardiomiopatia ipertrofica, 18 con cardiomiopatia dilatativa e 2 con cardiomiopatia restrittiva con un’età media alla diagnosi di 4,5 mesi (range:0-24 mesi). Per i pazienti descritti a partire dal 2002, 23 in totale, sono state eseguite le seguenti indagini metaboliche: emogasanalisi, dosaggio della carnitina, metabolismo degli acidi grassi liberi (pre e post pasto), aminoacidemia quantitativa (pre e post pasto), acidi organici, mucopolisaccaridi ed oligosaccaridi urinari, acilcarnitine. Gli stessi pazienti sono stati inoltre sottoposti a prelievo bioptico di muscolo scheletrico per l’analisi ultrastrutturale, e per l’analisi dell’attività enzimatica della catena respiratoria mitocondriale. Nella stessa seduta veniva effettuata la biopsia cutanea per l’eventuale valutazione di deficit enzimatici nei fibroblasti. Risultati: l’età media alla diagnosi era di 132 giorni (range: 0-540 giorni) per le cardiomiopatie ipertrofiche, 90 giorni per le dilatative (range: 0-210 giorni) mentre le 2 bambine con cardiomiopatia restrittiva avevano 18 e 24 mesi al momento della diagnosi. Le indagini metaboliche eseguite sui 23 pazienti ci hanno permesso di individuare 5 bambini con malattia metabolica (di cui 2 deficit severi della catena respiratoria mitocondriale, 1 con insufficienza della β- ossidazione per alterazione delle acilcarnitine , 1 con sindrome di Barth e 1 con malattia di Pompe) e un caso di cardiomiopatia dilatativa associata a rachitismo carenziale. Di questi, 4 sono deceduti e uno è stato perduto al follow-up mentre la forma associata a rachitismo ha mostrato un netto miglioramento della funzionalità cardiaca dopo appropriata terapia con vitamina D e calcio. In tutti la malattia era stata diagnosticata entro l’anno di vita. Ciò concorda con gli studi documentati in letteratura che associano le malattie metaboliche ad un esordio precoce e ad una prognosi infausta. Da un punto di vista morfologico, un’evoluzione severa si associava alla forma dilatativa, ed in particolare a quella con aspetto non compaction del ventricolo sinistro, rispetto alla ipertrofica e, tra le ipertrofiche, alle forme con ostruzione all’efflusso ventricolare. Conclusioni: in accordo con quanto riscontrato in letteratura, abbiamo visto come le cardiomiopatie associate a forme secondarie, ed in particolare a disordini metabolici, sono di più frequente riscontro nella prima infanzia rispetto alle età successive e, per questo, l’esordio molto precoce di una cardiomiopatia deve essere sempre sospettata come l’espressione di una malattia sistemica. Abbiamo osservato, inoltre, una stretta correlazione tra l’età del bambino alla diagnosi e l’evoluzione della cardiomiopatia, registrando un peggioramento della prognosi in funzione della precocità della manifestazione clinica. In particolare la diagnosi eseguita in epoca prenatale si associava, nella maggior parte dei casi, ad un’evoluzione severa, comportandosi come una variabile indipendente da altri fattori prognostici. Riteniamo, quindi, opportuno sottoporre tutti i bambini con diagnosi di cardiomiopatia effettuata nei primi anni di vita ad uno screening metabolico completo volto ad individuare quelle forme per le quali sia possibile intraprendere una terapia specifica o, al contrario, escludere disordini che possano controindicare, o meno, l’esecuzione di un trapianto cardiaco qualora se ne presenti la necessità clinica.
Programa de doctorado: Avances en Traumatología, Medicina del Deporte, Cuidados de Heridas (interdepartamental)
Controlled delivery of anticancer drugs through osteotropic nanoparticles (NP) is a novel approach for the adjuvant therapy of osteolytic bone metastases. Doxorubicin (DXR) is widely used in chemotherapy, although its activity is restricted by dose-dependent cardiotoxicity and marrow toxicity. However, its efficacy can be improved when specific targeting at the tumor site is obtained. The aim of this study was to obtain osteotropic biodegradable NP by nanoprecipitation of a copolymer between poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) and an osteotropic bisphosphonate, sodium alendronate (ALE). NP were subsequently characterised for their chemical-physical properties, biocompatibility, and the ability to inhibit osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, and then loaded with DXR. The effectiveness of NP-loaded DXR was investigated through in vitro and in vivo experiments, and compared to that of free DXR. For the in vitro analysis, six human cell lines were used as a representative panel of bone tumors, including breast and renal adenocarcinoma, osteosarcoma and neuroblastoma. The in vitro uptake and the inhibition of tumor cell proliferation were verified. To analyse the in vivo activity of NP-loaded DXR, osteolytic bone metastases were induced through the intratibial inoculation in BALB/c-nu/nu mice of a human breast cancer cell line, followed by the intraperitoneal administration of the free or NP-loaded DXR. In vitro, aAll of the cell lines were able to uptake both free and NP-loaded drug, and their proliferation was inhibited up to 80% after incubation either with free or NP-loaded DXR. In addition, in vivo experiments showed that NP-loaded DXR were also able to reduce the incidence of bone metastases, not only in comparison with untreated mice, but also with free DXR-treated mice. In conclusion, this research demonstrated an improvement in the therapeutic effect of the antineoplastic drug DXR, when loaded to bone-targeted NP conjugated with ALE. Osteotropic PLGA-ALE NP are suitable to be loaded with DXR and offer as a valuable tool for a tissue specific treatment of skeletal metastases.