860 resultados para supply logistics
BACKGROUND: Capillaries function to provide a surface area for nutrient and waste exchange with cells. The capillary supply of skeletal muscle is highly organized, and therefore, represents an excellent choice to study factors regulating diffusion. Muscle is comprised of three specific fibre types, each with specific contractile and metabolic characteristics, which influence the capillary supply of a given muscle; in addition, both environmental and genetic factors influence the capillary supply, including aging, physical training, and various disease processes. OBJECTIVE: The present study was undertaken to develop and assess the functionality of a data base, from which virtual experiments can be conducted on the capillary supply of human muscle, and the adaptations of the capillary bed in muscle to various perturbations. METHODS: To create the database, an extensive search of the literature was conducted using various search engines, and the three key words - "capillary, muscle, and human". This search yielded 169 papers from which the data for the 46 variables on the capillary supply and fibre characteristics of muscle were extracted for inclusion in the database. A series of statistical analyses (ANOVA) were done on the capillary database to examine differences in skeletal muscle capillarization and fibre characteristics between young and old individuals, between healthy and diseased individuals, and between untrained, endurance trained, endurance welltrained, and resistance trained individuals, using SAS. RESULTS: There was a significantly higher capillarization in the young compared to the old individuals, in the healthy compared to the diseased individuals, and in the endurance-trained and endurance well-trained compared to the untrained individuals. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study support the conclusion that the capillary supply of skeletal muscle is closely regulated by factors aimed at optimizing oxygen and nutrient supply and/or waste removal in response to changes in muscle mass and/or metabolic activity.
In this thesis, I focus on supply chain risk related ambiguity, which represents the ambiguities firms exhibit in recognizing, assessing, and responding to supply chain disruptions. I, primarily, argue that ambiguities associated with recognizing and responding to supply chain risk are information gathering and processing problems. Guided by the theoretical perspective of bounded rationality, I propose a typology of supply chain risk related ambiguity with four distinct dimensions. I, also, argue that the major contributor to risk related ambiguity is often the environment, specifically the web of suppliers. Hence, I focus on the characteristics of these supplier networks to examine the sources of ambiguity. I define three distinct elements of network embeddedness – relational, structural, and positional embeddedness – and argue that the ambiguity faced by a firm in appropriately identifying the nature or impacts of major disruptions is a function of these network properties. Based on a survey of large North American manufacturing firms, I found that the extent of the relational ties a firm has and its position in the network are significantly related to supply chain risk related ambiguity. However, this study did not provide any significant support for the hypothesized relationship between structural embeddedness and ambiguity. My research contributes towards the study of supply chain disruptions by using the idea of bounded rationality to understand supply chain risk related ambiguity and by providing evidence that the structure of supply chain networks influences the organizational understanding of and responses to supply chain disruptions.
Report (20 page booklet) on a water supply for the town of St. Catharines by Thomas Monro, civil engineer. This is addressed to Lucious S. Oille, M.D., chairman of the Water Committee of St. Catharines, June 10, 1875.
This paper examines empirically the effects of distortionary taxation on labor supply using a general equilibrium framework. The long-term relations predicted by the model are derived and tested using Canadian data between 1966 and 1993. While the cointegrating predictions of the model without taxation are rejected, the ones of the model with labor taxation are not. Persistent labor tax rate increases appear to play an important role in the observed downward trend in hours worked.
Rapport de recherche
Uncertainties as to future supply costs of nonrenewable natural resources, such as oil and gas, raise the issue of the choice of supply sources. In a perfectly deterministic world, an efficient use of multiple sources of supply requires that any given market exhausts the supply it can draw from a low cost source before moving on to a higher cost one; supply sources should be exploited in strict sequence of increasing marginal cost, with a high cost source being left untouched as long as a less costly source is available. We find that this may not be the efficient thing to do in a stochastic world. We show that there exist conditions under which it can be efficient to use a risky supply source in order to conserve a cheaper non risky source. The benefit of doing this comes from the fact that it leaves open the possibility of using it instead of the risky source in the event the latter’s future cost conditions suddenly deteriorate. There are also conditions under which it will be efficient to use a more costly non risky source while a less costly risky source is still available. The reason is that this conserves the less costly risky source in order to use it in the event of a possible future drop in its cost.
Ce mémoire porte sur le traité de Venise de 1201, passé entre les barons de la Quatrième Croisade et la république de Venise, pour l’affrètement d’une flotte incluant transport et vivres. L’étude du Traité est d’autant plus importante que, les croisés manquant à leurs obligations, cet accord eut un impact déterminant sur la suite de la Croisade, se plaçant ainsi au cœur de sa déviation vers Constantinople. Le mémoire analyse d’abord la nature et l’ampleur des engagements pris par Venise, en essayant de quantifier et de mesurer en termes économiques le nombre de bateaux et de croisés transportés, ainsi que le poids et le coût des provisions pour hommes et chevaux. Cette analyse, basée sur la comparaison avec des contrats analogues, prouve que la somme de 85 000 marcs d’argent convenue avec les barons n’était en rien exagérée. Parallèlement, le mémoire évalue ce que pouvait signifier, dans le contexte économique de l’époque, une telle somme, et tente d’identifier les raisons pour lesquelles les croisés furent dans l’impossibilité d’honorer leur part du contrat. Cette analyse montre que, contrairement à une certaine historiographie traditionnelle, il serait faux d’imputer aux Vénitiens la responsabilité du détournement de la Croisade ou de les taxer d’intransigeance, de cupidité, voire de duplicité. L’effort fourni par la République indique qu’elle mit tout en œuvre pour que l’entreprise fût une réussite. L’interruption du commerce, la construction de nombreux navires, la réquisition de milliers de marins pour manœuvrer la flotte et la logistique pour approvisionner des dizaines de milliers d’hommes témoignent toutes de l’ampleur de l’implication vénitienne. C’est le défaut de paiement des croisés, qui força le doge Henri Dandolo à se commettre plus avant encore, joignant irrémédiablement la fortune de la ville marchande à celle de l’expédition.
The study deals with the short and long term supply response of the natural rubber in India and to analyse the macro economic environment of NR industry and causative factors of the rubber price crash. It determines the minimum cost of production of natural rubber and to forecast the potential production of NR in India. There is positive response of short run and long run supply to prices. Since correlation analysis show close association between international and domestic price level, international price changes will have its domestic echo. Production and consumption will sustain its rising trend. This makes plans for increasing production estimates show that a mid way level i.e. the range between Rs.32-Rs.38 will give a fair enough profit to the grower in the present situation and provide for the viable sustenance of rubber cultivation. Identification of the SWOT of rubber cultivation would help in supporting rubber cultivation if remedial measures are undertaken with the true spirit. This would help Indian rubber to attain global competitiveness. Then the inflow of valuable foreign exchange will overcome the other economic drawbacks of rubber cultivation
Studies in urban water supply system are few in the state of Kerala. It is a little researched area. In the case of water pricing a number of studies are available. In Kerala state, exception to Jacob John’s study on “Economics of Public Water Supply System”, which is a case study of Trivandrum Water Supply System in 1997, no exhaustive research work has so far come out in this field. loreover no indepth research study has come up, so far, relating to household ater demand analysis and the distribution system of urban piped water supply. he proposed study is first of its kind, which focuses on the distributional and Iailability problems of piped water supply in an urban centre in Kerala state. Hence there is a felt need for enquiring into the sufficiency of )table water supplied to people in urban areas and the efficiency maintained in roviding the scarce resource and preventing its misuse by the consumers. It is in llS backdrop that this study was undertaken and its empirical part was conducted |Calicut city in the state of Kerala. Study is confined to the water supply system ithe city of Calicut
A simple and inexpensive power supply suitable for characteristics studies of a klystron is described. The circuit is a modified form of the high voltage adjustable power supply based on LM 317. This provides the necessary cavity and repeller voltages over a wide range, with good regulation. The system is protected aa- ainst short circuits and is ideallv suitable for laboratorv, ex.Deri ments with reflex klystrons.
Coordination among supply chain members is essential for better supply chain performance. An effective method to improve supply chain coordination is to implement proper coordination mechanisms. The primary objective of this research is to study the performance of a multi-level supply chain while using selected coordination mechanisms separately, and in combination, under lost sale and back order cases. The coordination mechanisms used in this study are price discount, delay in payment and different types of information sharing. Mathematical modelling and simulation modelling are used in this study to analyse the performance of the supply chain using these mechanisms. Initially, a three level supply chain consisting of a supplier, a manufacturer and a retailer has been used to study the combined effect of price discount and delay in payment on the performance (profit) of supply chain using mathematical modelling. This study showed that implementation of individual mechanisms improves the performance of the supply chain compared to ‘no coordination’. When more than one mechanism is used in combination, performance in most cases further improved. The three level supply chain considered in mathematical modelling was then extended to a three level network supply chain consisting of a four retailers, two wholesalers, and a manufacturer with an infinite part supplier. The performance of this network supply chain was analysed under both lost sale and backorder cases using simulation modelling with the same mechanisms: ‘price discount and delay in payment’ used in mathematical modelling. This study also showed that the performance of the supply chain is significantly improved while using combination of mechanisms as obtained earlier. In this study, it is found that the effect (increase in profit) of ‘delay in payment’ and combination of ‘price discount’ & ‘delay in payment’ on SC profit is relatively high in the case of lost sale. Sensitivity analysis showed that order cost of the retailer plays a major role in the performance of the supply chain as it decides the order quantity of the other players in the supply chain in this study. Sensitivity analysis also showed that there is a proportional change in supply chain profit with change in rate of return of any player. In the case of price discount, elasticity of demand is an important factor to improve the performance of the supply chain. It is also found that the change in permissible delay in payment given by the seller to the buyer affects the SC profit more than the delay in payment availed by the buyer from the seller. In continuation of the above, a study on the performance of a four level supply chain consisting of a manufacturer, a wholesaler, a distributor and a retailer with ‘information sharing’ as coordination mechanism, under lost sale and backorder cases, using a simulation game with live players has been conducted. In this study, best performance is obtained in the case of sharing ‘demand and supply chain performance’ compared to other seven types of information sharing including traditional method. This study also revealed that effect of information sharing on supply chain performance is relatively high in the case of lost sale than backorder. The in depth analysis in this part of the study showed that lack of information sharing need not always be resulting in bullwhip effect. Instead of bullwhip effect, lack of information sharing produced a huge hike in lost sales cost or backorder cost in this study which is also not favorable for the supply chain. Overall analysis provided the extent of improvement in supply chain performance under different cases. Sensitivity analysis revealed useful insights about the decision variables of supply chain and it will be useful for the supply chain management practitioners to take appropriate decisions.