904 resultados para storage susceptibility


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The importance of the presence of symptomatic fruits with citrus black symptoms (CBS) on the disease severity level in subsequent crop production was assessed in an orchard planted with Valência and Natal sweet orange varieties. Additionally, the period of susceptibility of the fruits of these varieties was evaluated. Fruits were covered with paper bags at the stage of 75% fallen petals and were then exposed to natural infection at weekly intervals, from October 2000 to April 2001. This process was carried out in plants where the fruits from the previous harvest had been picked as well as in plants where fruits remained until natural drop. The evaluation of disease severity used a scale that varied from 0 (absence of symptoms) to 6 (severe symptoms). It was observed that, for the Valência and Natal varieties, conidia of Phyllosticta citricarpa that had formed on the lesions of fruits from the previous harvest did not significantly increase the severity of disease on the fruits of the subsequent harvest period. In this study, the protection of the fruits until 10 weeks after petal drop did not affect the number of lesions, indicating that ascospore discharges after that date were, probably, responsible for disease severity. Fruits exposed between the 20th and 24th week after 75% of the petals had fallen were symptomatic, indicating that, at this stage, the fruits were still susceptible to the pathogen.


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The effects of pulp processing on softwood fiber properties strongly influence the properties of wet and dry paper webs. Pulp strength delivery studies have provided observations that much of the strength potential of long fibered pulp is lost during brown stock fiber line operations where the pulp is merely washed and transferred to the subsequent processing stages. The objective of this work was to study the intrinsic mechanisms which maycause fiber damage in the different unit operations of modern softwood brown stock processing. The work was conducted by studying the effects of industrial machinery on pulp properties with some actions of unit operations simulated in laboratory scale devices under controlled conditions. An optical imaging system was created and used to study the orientation of fibers in the internal flows during pulp fluidization in mixers and the passage of fibers through the screen openings during screening. The qualitative changes in fibers were evaluated with existing and standardized techniques. The results showed that each process stage has its characteristic effects on fiber properties: Pulp washing and mat formation in displacement washers introduced fiber deformations especially if the fibers entering the stage were intact, but it did not decrease the pulp strength properties. However, storage chests and pulp transfer after displacement washers contributed to strength deterioration. Pulp screening proved to be quite gentle, having the potential of slightly evening out fiber deformations from very deformed pulps and vice versa inflicting a marginal increase in the deformation indices if the fibers were previously intact. Pulp mixing in fluidizing industrial mixers did not have detrimental effects on pulp strength and had the potential of slightly evening out the deformations, provided that the intensity of fluidization was high enough to allow fiber orientation with the flow and that the time of mixing was short. The chemical and mechanical actions of oxygen delignification had two distinct effects on pulp properties: chemical treatment clearly reduced pulp strength with and without mechanical treatment, and the mechanical actions of process machinery introduced more conformability to pulp fibers, but did not clearly contribute to a further decrease in pulp strength. The chemical composition of fibers entering the oxygen stage was also found to affect the susceptibility of fibers to damage during oxygen delignification. Fibers with the smallest content of xylan were found to be more prone to irreversibledeformations accompanied with a lower tensile strength of the pulp. Fibers poor in glucomannan exhibited a lower fiber strength while wet after oxygen delignification as compared to the reference pulp. Pulps with the smallest lignin content on the other hand exhibited improved strength properties as compared to the references.


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We studied the susceptibility of species used as green manure in common bean fields to root rot (Rhizoctonia solani) and southern blight (Sclerotium rolfsii). Seeds of Crotalaria breviflora, Canavalia ensiformis, Cajanus cajan, Dolichos lablab, Stizolobium cinereum, S. aterrimum, and the bean cvs. "Pérola", "Valente" and "Carnaval" were sown in soil infested by either R. solani AG-4 or S. rolfsii in greenhouse. The emergence of D. lablab seedlings in soil infested by R. solani dropped to 62%. C. breviflora, C. ensiformis and cv. "Valente" presented the lowest root rot severity. The pathogen S. rolfsii drastically reduced seedling emergence in all species; no C. cajan and S. cinereum seedling emerged. All plant species presented high southern blight severity. We conclude that leguminous crops are not suitable as green manure for areas of bean cultivation with high R. solani and S. rolfsii populations.


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In experiments conducted in laboratory, the effect of fungicides, seed dresser adjuvants and storage time in the control of Drechslera teres in seeds of barley cultivar BRS Elis, with 58% incidence, was quantified. Fungicides indicated by barley research (carboxin + thiram, difenoconazole and triadimenol) compared with the mixture carbendazim + iprodione were tested. As seed dresser adjuvants, water (500m mL/100 Kg) and a polymer (150 mL/100 Kg) were used. Treated seeds were stored in paper bags and kept in the refrigerator at 5ºC. At 30-day intervals during six months, seeds were plated on semi-selective Reis's medium (1983). The best control was obtained by the mixtures carboxin + thiram and carbendazim + iprodione and the polymer as seed dresser. The control efficiency was improved by the storage time without negatively affecting seed germination. Due to the transmission efficiency, the fungus eradication in seeds should be pursued.


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The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of storage temperature on the viability and vigour of A. peregrina seeds. Seeds of A. peregrina harvested in Viçosa-MG, in September 2005 were used. The seeds were stored in the Laboratory of Forest Seeds Analysis (LASF) of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), in a cold chamber, under approximately 5ºC over150 days. The seeds were stored under 20ºC for 150 days more. Seed moisture was determined after oven-drying at 105 ± 3ºC for 24 hours. The seeds were analyzed monthly using germination, tetrazolium and electrical conductivity tests and Osmopriming during 300 days, with four repetitions of 25 seeds. A. peregrina seeds kept a constant percentage of germination and viable seeds under the tetrazolium test for five months of storage, under either 5ºC and 20ºC. The electrical conductivity test showed significant differences in relation to the storage period, proving to be more sensitive than the standard germination test. Seed priming in PEG -0,4 MPa solution was not efficient in recovering the viability and vigor of the stored seeds at 5ºC and 20ºC.


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Termites are well known for their ability to damage wood and various types of wood-derived products. This study was performed in the municipality of Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, with the objective of evaluating the susceptibility of the wood of five different forest species to the activity of the Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi. Wood stakes from the following forest species were used as specimens: pine (Pinus sp., Pinaceae), Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa, Lecythidaceae), cabbage angelin (Andira inermis, Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), maçaranduba (Manilkara huberi, Sapotaceae) and pink ipê (Tabebuia avellanedae, Bignoniaceae). The stakes, with dimensions of 2 cm x 2 cm x 16 cm, were subjected to the activity of C. gestroi from September 2, 2006 to June 2, 2007. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with four replications in an 11 x 5 x 3 factorial arrangement. Twelve stakes of each of the five forest species were installed at each of eleven sites, totaling 660 stakes. Three evaluations were performed, at 90, 180 and 270 days after stake installation. The results indicated that the pine, Brazil nut and cabbage angelin stakes were more susceptible to C. gestroi attack, while the pink ipê and maçaranduba stakes suffered no significant damage from this termite. There was a significant negative correlation between the wood consumption rate and the wood density of the species studied. The woods most susceptible to C. gestroi attack presented moderate to low densities and therefore less resistance, as in the case of pine and cabbage angelin.


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Studies of seed physiological processes represent the starting point for the sustainable utilization of native or cultivated plant species from the caatinga biome for which germination studies are still scarce. In order to determine adequate methods for the conservation of Gliricidia sepium seeds, the physiological quality of propagules exposed to different conditions and times of storage were examined. Recently collected seeds of G. sepium were analyzed immediately, while the other sample was stored for three, six, nine, or twelve months in plastic or paper bags under refrigeration or at room temperature for further analysis. The germination rates of seeds from each storage regime were determined and these rates compared to their water content. It was observed that germination capacity was directly related to changes in seed humidity. Storing seeds in plastic bags yielded the best conservation, mainly when they were stored at low temperatures. However, even at temperatures near 25°C it was possible to prolong seed viability when their water content was controlled through the use of impermeable packing.


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In recent years the environmental issues and the energy saving have become increasingly import in modern society where industry is the major emission factor and energy consumer. Generally, most of the total energy consumption is caused by electrical drives used in industrial applications and thus improving the performance of electrical drives give an opportunity to improve the energy efficiency. In this Master Thesis improving the energy efficiency in different electrical drives is clarified with different cases: regenerative braking in the electric grid or recovery of the braking energy into an energy storage. In addition, as an example, the energy consumption of an elevator is analyzed by measurements. From these measurement results it can be estimated how much the share of the standby energy consumption is from the total energy consumption and how much regenerative energy is available. The latter part of the thesis concentrates on determination of the properties of lithium iron phosphate battery with measurements.


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Banana is the most consumed fruit in the world and Brazil is the second largest producer. Despite its global position, Brazil has an average of 40% losses during the post-harvest period. So, this experiment aimed at evaluating the efficiency of post-harvest treatments to improve the storage of banana cultivars cv. 'Prata', 'Maçã' and 'Nanica'. The fruits were acquired at CEASA with green peel, and were submitted to six different treatments: T- immersion in drinking water for 3 minutes (control), H3 - hot water (50 °C for 3 minutes), H8 - hot water (50 °C for 8 minutes), HP - immersion in hypochlorite 0.2% for 3 minutes, OS - immersion in soybean oil 10% for 3 minutes, and OM - immersion in mineral oil 10% for 3 minutes. The fruits were stored at room temperature at about 21 °C for 14 days and evaluated in three periods (1, 7 and 14 days) comparing peel color, flesh/peel ratio, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), SS/TA ratio, and pH. The fruits of cv. 'Prata' and 'Maçã' submitted to the treatments H3, H8 and HP ripened at the same time as the control for peel color, which showed increased soluble solids, flesh/peel ratio, acidity and a decrease in pH. On the other hand, the cv. 'Nanica' did not respond significantly different when compared to the applied treatments and the control. The fruits treated with OM and OS were kept green for a longer time for the cultivars 'Prata' and 'Nanica', but there were some changes on peel color due dark spots in 'Prata' banana and a softening aspect in 'Nanica', indicating some level of toxicity of these treatments. Fruits of the 'Maçã' cultivar continued green with the application of mineral oil, without toxicity symptoms. In conclusion, the treatments applied did not show any advantage for storage of these fruits.


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Many research works have being carried out on analyzing grain storage facility costs; however a few of them had taken into account the analysis of factors associated to all pre-processing and storage steps. The objective of this work was to develop a decision support system for determining the grain storage facility costs and utilization fees in grain storage facilities. The data of a CONAB storage facility located in Ponta Grossa - PR, Brazil, was used as input of the system developed to analyze its specific characteristics, such as amount of product received and stored throughout the year, hourly capacity of drying, cleaning, and receiving, and dispatch. By applying the decision support system, it was observed that the reception and expedition costs were exponentially reduced as the turnover rate of the storage increased. The cleaning and drying costs increased linearly with grain initial moisture. The storage cost increased exponentially as the occupancy rate of the storage facility decreased.


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The erosion is the degradation of soil with effects on crop productivity and pollution of the environment. To understand the spatial variability of this phenomenon, geostatistical techniques and concepts of soil-landscape can be used to identify landscape compartments with different potential of erosion. The aim of this study was to understand the factors of erosion in landscape compartments and the relations with the magnetic susceptibility (MS) of the soils in a slope in Gilbués, state of Piauí (PI), Brazil. Sampling meshes were set in compartments I and II with 121 points and in compartment III with 99 points spaced every 10 meters. There was significant difference to erodibility (K) and risk of erosion (RE); the spatial variability of MS was lower than the factors of soil erosion. The soil losses (A), the natural erosion potential (NEP), the RE and the MS had spatial relation with the topographic factor, indicating dependence of the erosion with the relief. We concluded that losses of soil, natural erosion potential and risk of erosion have spatial relation with the topographic factor, showing the dependence of the erosion factors with the relief. The soil magnetic susceptibility can be used as an auxiliary variable in the indirect quantification of the erodibility factor and the risk of soil erosion.


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The increasing demand for water resources accentuates the need to reduce water waste through a more appropriate irrigation management. In the particular case of irrigated coffee planting, which in recent years presented growth with the predominance of drip irrigation, the improvement of drip irrigation management techniques is a necessity. The proper management of drip irrigation depends on the knowledge of the spatial pattern of soil moisture distribution inside the wetted strip formed under the irrigation lines. In this study, grids of 24 tensiometers were used to determine the water storage within the wetted strip formed under drippers, with a 3.78 L h-1 discharge, evenly spaced by 0.4 m, subjected to two different management criteria (fixed irrigation interval and 60 kPa tension). Estimates of storage based on a one-dimensional analysis, that only considers depth variations, were compared with two-dimensional estimates. The results indicate that for high-frequency irrigation the one-dimensional analysis is not appropriate. However, under less frequent irrigation, the two-dimensional analysis is dispensable, being the one-dimensional sufficient for calculating the water volume stored in the wetted strip.


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The existence of a minimum storage capacity of grains as a condition for the maintenance of regulator physical stocks has been used as a strategic factor in the agribusiness expansion. However, in Brazil the storage infrastructure has not followed the growth of the agricultural sector. This fact is evident in the case of soybeans that currently represent 49% of grain production in the country, whose volume production has been increasing significantly over the years. This study aimed to predict the futureneeds of static storage capacity of soybeans from historical data to estimate the investment needed to install storage units in Brazil for the next five years. A statistic analysis of collected data allowed a forecast and identification of the number of storage units that should be installed to meet the storage needs of soybeans in the next five years. It was concluded that by 2015 the soybean storage capacity should be 87 million tons, and to store 49% of soybeans produced, 1,104 storage units should be installed at a cost of R$ 442 million.


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This study aimed to investigate the potential use of magnetic susceptibility (MS) as pedotransfer function to predict soil attributes under two sugarcane harvesting management systems. For each area of 1 ha (one with green sugarcane mechanized harvesting and other one with burnt sugarcane manual harvesting), 126 soil samples were collected and subjected to laboratory analysis to determine soil physical, chemical and mineralogical attributes and for measuring of MS. Data were submitted to descriptive statistics by calculating the mean and coefficient of variation. In order to compare the means in the different harvesting management systems it was carried out the Tukey test at a significance level of 5%. In order to investigate the correlation of the MS with other soil properties it was made the correlation test and aiming to assess how the MS contributes to the prediction of soil complex attributes it was made the multiple linear regressions. The results demonstrate that MS showed, in both sugarcane harvesting management systems, statistical correlation with chemical, physical and mineralogical soil attributes and it also showed potential to be used as pedotransfer function to predict attributes of the studied oxisol.