951 resultados para spectral characteristic.
The distribution processes of chlorin e6 (CE) and monoaspartyl-chlorin e6 (MACE) between the outer and inner phospholipid monolayers of 1,2-dioleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DOPC) vesicles were monitored by 1H NMR spectroscopy through analysis of chemical shifts and line widths of the DOPC vesicle resonances. Chlorin adsorption to the outer vesicle monolayer induced changes in the DOPC 1H NMR spectrum. Most pronounced was a split of the N-methyl choline resonance, allowing for separate analysis of inner and outer vesicle layers. Transbilayer distribution of the chlorin compounds was indicated by time-dependent characteristic spectral changes of the DOPC resonances. Kinetic parameters for the flip-flop processes, that is, half-lives and rate constants, were obtained from the experimental data points. In comparison to CE, MACE transbilayer movement was significantly reduced, with MACE remaining more or less attached to the outer membrane layer. The distribution coefficients for CE and MACE between the vesicular and aqueous phase were determined. Both CE and MACE exhibited a high affinity for the vesicular phase. For CE, a positive correlation was found between transfer rate and increasing molar ratio CE/DOPC. Enhanced membrane rigidity induced by increasing amounts of cholesterol into the model membrane was accompanied by a decrease of CE flip-flop rates across the membrane. The present study shows that the movement of porphyrins across membranes can efficiently be investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy and that small changes in porphyrin structure can have large effects on membrane kinetics.
Issues of spectral quality in clinical 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy and a gallery of artifacts
In spite of the facts that magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is applied as clinical tool in non-specialized institutions and that semi-automatic acquisition and processing tools can be used to produce quantitative information from MRS exams without expert information, issues of spectral quality and quality assessment are neglected in the literature of MR spectroscopy. Even worse, there is no consensus among experts on concepts or detailed criteria of quality assessment for MR spectra. Furthermore, artifacts are not at all conspicuous in MRS and can easily be taken for true, interpretable features. This article aims to increase interest in issues of spectral quality and quality assessment, to start a larger debate on generally accepted criteria that spectra must fulfil to be clinically and scientifically acceptable, and to provide a sample gallery of artifacts, which can be used to raise awareness for potential pitfalls in MRS.
NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) are of increasing importance, both in connection with insulin resistance and with the development of liver cirrhosis. Histological samples are still the 'gold standard' for diagnosis; however, because of the risks of a liver biopsy, non-invasive methods are needed. MAS (magic angle spinning) is a special type of NMR which allows characterization of intact excised tissue without need for additional extraction steps. Because clinical MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy) are based on the same physical principle as NMR, translational research is feasible from excised tissue to non-invasive examinations in humans. In the present issue of Clinical Science, Cobbold and co-workers report a study in three animal strains suffering from different degrees of NAFLD showing that MAS results are able to distinguish controls, fatty infiltration and steatohepatitis in cohorts. In vivo MRS methods in humans are not obtainable at the same spectral resolution; however, know-how from MAS studies may help to identify characteristic changes in crowded regions of the magnetic resonance spectrum.
Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) in patients can deliver retinal cross-sectional images with high resolution. This may allow the evaluation of the extent of damage to the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the neurosensory retina after laser treatment. This article aims to investigate the value of SD-OCT in comparing laser lesions produced by conventional laser photocoagulation and selective retina treatment (SRT).
Annually laminated (varved) sediments of proglacial Lake Silvaplana (46 ̊27’N, 9 ̊48’E, 1791 m a.s.l., Engadine, eastern Swiss Alps) provide an excellent archive for quantitative high-resolution (seasonal – annual) reconstruction of high- and lowfrequency climate signals back to AD 1580. The chronology of the core is based on varve counting, Cs-137, Pb-210 and event stratigraphy. In this study we present a reconstruction based on in-situ reflectance spectroscopy. In situ reflectance spectroscopy is known as a cost- and time-effective non destructtive method for semi-quantitative analysis of pigments (e.g., chlorines and carotenoids) and of lithoclastic sediment fractions. Reflectance-dependent absorption (RDA) was measured with a Gretac Macbeth spectrolino at 2 mm resolution. The spectral coverage ranges from 380 nm to 730 nm at 10 nm band resolution. In proglacial Lake Silvaplana, 99% of the sediment is lithoclastic prior to AD 1950. Therefore, we concentrate on absorption features that are characteristic for lithoclastic sediment fractions. In Lake Silvaplana, two significant correlations that are stable in time were found between RDA typical for lithoclastics and meteorological data: (1) the time series R 570 /R 630 (ratio between RDA at 570 nm and 630 nm) of varves in Lake Silvaplana and May to October temperatures at nearby station of Sils correlate highly significantly (calibration period AD 1864 – 1951, r = 0.74, p < 0.01 for 5ptsmoothed series; RMSE is 0.28 ̊C, RE = 0.41 and CE = 0.38), and (2) the minimum reflectance within the 690nm band (min690) data correlate with May to October (calibration period AD 1864 – 1951, r = 0.68, p < 0.01 for 5pt-smoothed series; RMSE = 0.22 ̊C, RE = 0.5, CE = 0.31). Both proxy series (min690nm and R 570 /R 630 values) are internally highly consistent (r = 0.8, p < 0.001). In proglacial Lake Silvaplana the largest amount of sediment is transported by glacial meltwater. The melting season spans approximately from May to October, which gives us a good understanding of the geophysical processes explaining the correlations between lithoclastic proxies and the meteorological data. The reconstructions were extended back to AD 1580 and show a broad corresponddence with fully independent reconstructions from tree rings and documentary data.
Whole-body vibration exposure of locomotive engineers and the vibration attenuation of seats in 22 U.S. locomotives (built between 1959 and 2000) was studied during normal revenue service and following international measurement guidelines. Triaxial vibration measurements (duration mean 155 min, range 84-383 min) on the seat and on the floor were compared. In addition to the basic vibration evaluation (aw rms), the vector sum (av), the maximum transient vibration value (MTVV/aw), the vibration dose value (VDV/(aw T1/4)), and the vibration seat effective transmissibility factor (SEAT) were calculated. The power spectral densities are also reported. The mean basic vibration level (aw rms) was for the fore-aft axis x = 0.18 m/sec2, the lateral axis y = 0.28 m/sec2, and the vertical axis z = 0.32 m/sec2. The mean vector sum was 0.59 m/sec2 (range 0.27 to 1.44). The crest factors were generally at or above 9 in the horizontal and vertical axis. The mean MTVV/aw was 5.3 (x), 5.1 (y), and 4.8 (z), and the VDV/(aw T1/4) values ranged from 1.32 to 2.3 (x-axis), 1.33 to 1.7 (y-axis), and 1.38 to 1.86 (z-axis), generally indicating high levels of shocks. The mean seat transmissibility factor (SEAT) was 1.4 (x) and 1.2 (y) and 1 (z), demonstrating a general ineffectiveness of any of the seat suspension systems. In conclusion, these data indicate that locomotive rides are characterized by relatively high shock content (acceleration peaks) of the vibration signal in all directions. Locomotive vertical and lateral vibrations are similar, which appears to be characteristic for rail vehicles compared with many road/off-road vehicles. Tested locomotive cab seats currently in use (new or old) appear inadequate to reduce potentially harmful vibration and shocks transmitted to the seated operator, and older seats particularly lack basic ergonomic features regarding adjustability and postural support.