872 resultados para soybean acid oil
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias, especialidade de Produção Animal
Doutoramento em Engenharia dos Biossistemas - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
A better method for determination of shikimate in plant tissues is needed to monitor exposure of plants to the herbicide glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine] and to screen the plant kingdom for high levels of this valuable phytochemical precursor to the pharmaceutical oseltamivir. A simple, rapid, and efficient method using microwave-assisted extraction (MWAE) with water as the extraction solvent was developed for the determination of shikimic acid in plant tissues. High performance liquid chromatography was used for the separation of shikimic acid, and chromatographic data were acquired using photodiode array detection. This MWAE technique was successful in recovering shikimic acid from a series of fortified plant tissues at more than 90% efficiency with an interference-free chromatogram. This allowed the use of lower amounts of reagents and organic solvents, reducing the use of toxic and/or hazardous chemicals, as compared to currently used methodologies. The method was used to determine the level of endogenous shikimic acid in several species of Brachiaria and sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and on B. decumbens and soybean (Glycine max) after treatment with glyphosate. The method was sensitive, rapid and reliable in all cases.
Purpose: To evaluate the impact of three different extraction methods on yield, physicochemical properties and bioactive ingredients of Raphanus sativus seed oil. Methods: Raphanus Sativus seed oil was prepared by traditional solvent extraction (SE), super-critical carbon dioxide extraction (SCE) and sub-critical propane extraction (SPE). The yield, physicochemical properties, fatty acid composition and oxidative stability of the oil extracts were compared. The contents of tocopherol and sulforaphene in the oils were also determined. Results: The oil yield obtained by SPE, SE and SCE were 33.69, 27.17 and 24.10 %, respectively. There were no significant differences in physicochemical properties and fatty acid compositions of oils extracted by the three methods. However, SCE oil had the best oxidative stability, and highest contents of vitamin E and sulforaphene, followed by oils from SPE and SE. Conclusion: SCE is highly selective for tocopherol and sulforaphene, which could explain its high oil oxidative stability. These results suggest that of the three extraction methods, SCE is best suited for preparing medicinal radish seed oil.
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel, renewable, biodegradable and nontoxic. The transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fat with alcohol is most common form of production of this fuel. The procedure for production of biodiesel occurs most commonly through the transesterification reaction in which catalysts are used to accelerate and increase their income and may be basic, acid or enzyme. The use of homogeneous catalysis requires specific conditions and purification steps of the reaction products (alkyl ester and glycerol) and removal of the catalyst at the end of the reaction. As an alternative to improve the yield of the transesterification reaction, minimize the cost of production is that many studies are being conducted with the application of heterogeneous catalysis. The use of nano-structured materials as catalysts in the production of biodiesel is a biofuel alternative for a similar to mineral diesel. Although slower, can esterify transesterified triglycerides and free fatty acids and suffer little influence of water, which may be present in the raw material. This study aimed at the synthesis, characterization and application of nano-structured materials as catalysts in the transesterification reaction of soybean oil to produce biodiesel by ethylic route. The type material containing SBA-15 mesoporous lanthanum embedded within rightly Si / La = 50 was used catalyst. Solid samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy, nitrogen adsorption and desorption. For the transesterification process, we used a molar ratio of 20:1 alcohol and oil with 0.250 g of catalyst at 60°C and times of 6 hours of reaction. It was determined the content of ethyl esters by H-NMR analysis and gas chromatography. It was found that the variable of conversion obtained was 80%, showing a good catalytic activity LaSBA-15 in the transesterification of vegetable oils via ethylic route
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Curso de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2016.
The United States of America is making great efforts to transform the renewable and abundant biomass resources into cost-competitive, high-performance biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower. This is the key to increase domestic production of transportation fuels and renewable energy, and reduce greenhouse gas and other pollutant emissions. This dissertation focuses specifically on assessing the life cycle environmental impacts of biofuels and bioenergy produced from renewable feedstocks, such as lignocellulosic biomass, renewable oils and fats. The first part of the dissertation presents the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy demands of renewable diesel (RD) and hydroprocessed jet fuels (HRJ). The feedstocks include soybean, camelina, field pennycress, jatropha, algae, tallow and etc. Results show that RD and HRJ produced from these feedstocks reduce GHG emissions by over 50% compared to comparably performing petroleum fuels. Fossil energy requirements are also significantly reduced. The second part of this dissertation discusses the life cycle GHG emissions, energy demands and other environmental aspects of pyrolysis oil as well as pyrolysis oil derived biofuels and bioenergy. The feedstocks include waste materials such as sawmill residues, logging residues, sugarcane bagasse and corn stover, and short rotation forestry feedstocks such as hybrid poplar and willow. These LCA results show that as much as 98% GHG emission savings is possible relative to a petroleum heavy fuel oil. Life cycle GHG savings of 77 to 99% were estimated for power generation from pyrolysis oil combustion relative to fossil fuels combustion for electricity, depending on the biomass feedstock and combustion technologies used. Transportation fuels hydroprocessed from pyrolysis oil show over 60% of GHG reductions compared to petroleum gasoline and diesel. The energy required to produce pyrolysis oil and pyrolysis oil derived biofuels and bioelectricity are mainly from renewable biomass, as opposed to fossil energy. Other environmental benefits include human health, ecosystem quality and fossil resources. The third part of the dissertation addresses the direct land use change (dLUC) impact of forest based biofuels and bioenergy. An intensive harvest of aspen in Michigan is investigated to understand the GHG mitigation with biofuels and bioenergy production. The study shows that the intensive harvest of aspen in MI compared to business as usual (BAU) harvesting can produce 18.5 billion gallons of ethanol to blend with gasoline for the transport sector over the next 250 years, or 32.2 billion gallons of bio-oil by the fast pyrolysis process, which can be combusted to generate electricity or upgraded to gasoline and diesel. Intensive harvesting of these forests can result in carbon loss initially in the aspen forest, but eventually accumulates more carbon in the ecosystem, which translates to a CO2 credit from the dLUC impact. Time required for the forest-based biofuels to reach carbon neutrality is approximately 60 years. The last part of the dissertation describes the use of depolymerization model as a tool to understand the kinetic behavior of hemicellulose hydrolysis under dilute acid conditions. Experiments are carried out to measure the concentrations of xylose and xylooligomers during dilute acid hydrolysis of aspen. The experiment data are used to fine tune the parameters of the depolymerization model. The results show that the depolymerization model successfully predicts the xylose monomer profile in the reaction, however, it overestimates the concentrations of xylooligomers.
Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil with methanol was carried out in the presence of poly(vinyl alcohol) with sulfonic acid groups (PVA-SO3H) and polystyrene with sulfonic acid groups (PS-SO3H), at 60°C. The PVA-SO3H catalyst showed higher catalytic activity than the PS-SO3H one. In order to optimize the reaction conditions, different parameters were studied. An increase of waste cooking oil conversion into fatty acid methyl esters with the amount of PVA-SO3H was observed. When the transesterification and esterification of WCO was carried out with ethanol over PVA-SO3H, at 60°C, a decrease of biodiesel production was also observed. The WCO conversion into fatty acid ethyl ester increased when the temperature was increased from 60 to 80°C. When different amounts of free fatty acids were added to the reaction mixture, a slight increase on the conversion was observed. The PVASO3H catalyst was reused and recycled with negligible loss in the activity.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to characterize physical and chemically and determine the antioxidant capacity of pequi almond oils (PAO) extracted by handmade and by cold-pressing. Both oils showed good quality by acid, peroxide and thiobarbituric acid values. The fatty acid (FA) profile showed a significant presence of monounsaturated FA, mainly oleic acid (53.48 to 55.41%); saturated FA, such as palmitic acid (33.30 to 35.89 %); and polyunsaturated FA (PUFA), such as linoleic acid (5.85 to 7.23%). The total phenolic (TP) and carotenoid content ranged in concentration from 87.56 to 392.00 mg GAE/100 g and 36.03 to 262.40 mg/100 g, respectively. The tocopherol and phytosterol results indicated the predominant presence of α-tocopherol (52 to 67%) and stigmasterol (63 to 68 %). The antioxidant capacity of PAO as measured using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH?) method oscillated from 58.48 mg/mL to 76.46 mg/mL (IC50), from 10.61 to 40.46 µmol TE/g by the 2,2′-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS?+) method, and from 113.93 to 280.85 µmol TE/100 g and 164.49 to 277.86 µmol TE/100 g, by the lipophilic and hydrophilic oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) methods, respectively. The oils presented a good oxidative and thermal stability by Rancimat method (IP of 7.33 a 15.91 h) and curves thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry (To 337-363 °C and 159-184 °C, respectively). The results confirmed the presence of compounds that conferred antioxidant capacity and oxidative and thermal resistance for PAO made by handmade or cold-pressing, indicating that these oils can potentially be used for food and non-food applications.
Sunflower is one of the most important oilseed crops and produces a high-quality edible oil. Balance of fatty acids in standard sunflower oil shows preponderance of linoleic rather than oleic acid, and conditions during seed development, such as temperature, changes the oleic/linoleic ratio of the oil. This work aimed to evaluate the environmental effect on fatty acid profile in a group of standard and high oleic varieties and hybrids. Seeds were produced during regular season crop and during off-season crop featuring different temperatures from anthesis to maturity. Fatty acid composition was determined by gas chromatography. Levels of oleic acid, in standard oil genotypes, raised as the crop developed in warmer environment while levels of linoleic acid decreased, and the opposite was observed when the crop was grown under lower temperature. High oleic genotypes were less sensitive to environment switching and showed lower variation on fatty acid composition.
Viscosupplements, used for treating joint and cartilage diseases, restore the rheological properties of synovial fluid, regulate joint homeostasis and act as scaffolds for cell growth and tissue regeneration. Most viscosupplements are hydrogels composed of hyaluronic acid (HA) microparticles suspended in fluid HA. These microparticles are crosslinked with chemicals to assure their stability against enzyme degradation and to prolong the action of the viscosupplement. However, the crosslinking also modifies the mechanical, swelling and rheological properties of the HA microparticle hydrogels, with consequences on the effectiveness of the application. The aim of this study is to correlate the crosslinking degree (CD) with these properties to achieve modulation of HA/DVS microparticles through CD control. Because divinyl sulfone (DVS) is the usual crosslinker of HA in viscosupplements, we examined the effects of CD by preparing HA microparticles at 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, and 5:1 HA/DVS mass ratios. The CD was calculated from inductively coupled plasma spectrometry data. HA microparticles were previously sized to a mean diameter of 87.5 µm. Higher CD increased the viscoelasticity and the extrusion force and reduced the swelling of the HA microparticle hydrogels, which also showed Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior and were classified as covalent weak. The hydrogels were not cytotoxic to fibroblasts according to an MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2014.
Acid drainage influence on the water and sediment quality was investigated in a coal mining area (southern Brazil). Mine drainage showed pH between 3.2 and 4.6 and elevated concentrations of sulfate, As and metals, of which, Fe, Mn and Zn exceeded the limits for the emission of effluents stated in the Brazilian legislation. Arsenic also exceeded the limit, but only slightly. Groundwater monitoring wells from active mines and tailings piles showed pH interval and chemical concentrations similar to those of mine drainage. However, the river and ground water samples of municipal public water supplies revealed a pH range from 7.2 to 7.5 and low chemical concentrations, although Cd concentration slightly exceeded the limit adopted by Brazilian legislation for groundwater. In general, surface waters showed large pH range (6 to 10.8), and changes caused by acid drainage in the chemical composition of these waters were not very significant. Locally, acid drainage seemed to have dissolved carbonate rocks present in the local stratigraphic sequence, attenuating the dispersion of metals and As. Stream sediments presented anomalies of these elements, which were strongly dependent on the proximity of tailings piles and abandoned mines. We found that precipitation processes in sediments and the dilution of dissolved phases were responsible for the attenuation of the concentrations of the metals and As in the acid drainage and river water mixing zone. In general, a larger influence of mining activities on the chemical composition of the surface waters and sediments was observed when enrichment factors in relation to regional background levels were used.
Valproic acid (VPA) and trichostatin A (TSA) are known histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs) with epigenetic activity that affect chromatin supra-organization, nuclear architecture, and cellular proliferation, particularly in tumor cells. In this study, chromatin remodeling with effects extending to heterochromatic areas was investigated by image analysis in non-transformed NIH 3T3 cells treated for different periods with different doses of VPA and TSA under conditions that indicated no loss of cell viability. Image analysis revealed chromatin decondensation that affected not only euchromatin but also heterochromatin, concomitant with a decreased activity of histone deacetylases and a general increase in histone H3 acetylation. Heterochromatin protein 1-α (HP1-α), identified immunocytochemically, was depleted from the pericentromeric heterochromatin following exposure to both HDACIs. Drastic changes affecting cell proliferation and micronucleation but not alteration in CCND2 expression and in ratios of Bcl-2/Bax expression and cell death occurred following a 48-h exposure of the NIH 3T3 cells particularly in response to higher doses of VPA. Our results demonstrated that even low doses of VPA (0.05 mM) and TSA (10 ng/ml) treatments for 1 h can affect chromatin structure, including that of the heterochromatin areas, in non-transformed cells. HP1-α depletion, probably related to histone demethylation at H3K9me3, in addition to the effect of VPA and TSA on histone H3 acetylation, is induced on NIH 3T3 cells. Despite these facts, alterations in cell proliferation and micronucleation, possibly depending on mitotic spindle defects, require a longer exposure to higher doses of VPA and TSA.
In the current study, a new approach has been developed for correcting the effect that moisture reduction after virgin olive oil (VOO) filtration exerts on the apparent increase of the secoiridoid content by using an internal standard during extraction. Firstly, two main Spanish varieties (Picual and Hojiblanca) were submitted to industrial filtration of VOOs. Afterwards, the moisture content was determined in unfiltered and filtered VOOs, and liquid-liquid extraction of phenolic compounds was performed using different internal standards. The resulting extracts were analyzed by HPLC-ESI-TOF/MS, in order to gain maximum information concerning the phenolic profiles of the samples under study. The reduction effect of filtration on the moisture content, phenolic alcohols, and flavones was confirmed at the industrial scale. Oleuropein was chosen as internal standard and, for the first time, the apparent increase of secoiridoids in filtered VOO was corrected, using a correction coefficient (Cc) calculated from the variation of internal standard area in filtered and unfiltered VOO during extraction. This approach gave the real concentration of secoiridoids in filtered VOO, and clarified the effect of the filtration step on the phenolic fraction. This finding is of great importance for future studies that seek to quantify phenolic compounds in VOOs.
The present paper describes a novel, simple and reliable differential pulse voltammetric method for determining amitriptyline (AMT) in pharmaceutical formulations. It has been described for many authors that this antidepressant is electrochemically inactive at carbon electrodes. However, the procedure proposed herein consisted in electrochemically oxidizing AMT at an unmodified carbon nanotube paste electrode in the presence of 0.1 mol L(-1) sulfuric acid used as electrolyte. At such concentration, the acid facilitated the AMT electroxidation through one-electron transfer at 1.33 V vs. Ag/AgCl, as observed by the augmentation of peak current. Concerning optimized conditions (modulation time 5 ms, scan rate 90 mV s(-1), and pulse amplitude 120 mV) a linear calibration curve was constructed in the range of 0.0-30.0 μmol L(-1), with a correlation coefficient of 0.9991 and a limit of detection of 1.61 μmol L(-1). The procedure was successfully validated for intra- and inter-day precision and accuracy. Moreover, its feasibility was assessed through analysis of commercial pharmaceutical formulations and it has been compared to the UV-vis spectrophotometric method used as standard analytical technique recommended by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia.