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Experience with advanced techniques has increased the indications for laparoscopic liver resection. This video demonstrates technical aspects of a pure laparoscopic mesohepatectomy using intrahepatic Glissonian technique. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of anatomic laparoscopic mesohepatectomy using the Glissonian approach published in the English literature. A 62-year-old man with colorectal liver metastasis occupying central liver segments was referred for surgical treatment. The first step is the control of segment 4 pedicle. Using the round ligament as a guide, one incision is performed on its right margin and another is made at the bottom of segment 4. A vascular clamp is introduced through those incisions to occlude segment 4 Glissonian sheath. The next step is to control the right anterior pedicle. The first incision is made in front of the hilum and another is performed on the right edge of gallbladder bed. Laparoscopic clamp is introduced through these incisions and closed producing ischemic discoloration of segments 5 and 8. Vascular clamp is replaced by an endoscopic vascular stapling device and stapler is fired. Line of liver transection is marked along the liver surface following ischemic area. Liver transection is accomplished with bipolar vessel sealing device and endoscopic stapling device as appropriate. Specimen was extracted through a suprapubic incision. Liver raw surfaces were reviewed for bleeding and bile leaks. Operative time was 200 min with minimum blood loss and no need for blood transfusion. Recovery was uneventful, and the patient was discharged on the fifth postoperative day. Histological examination revealed clear surgical margins. Mesohepatectomy can be safely performed laparoscopically in selected patients and by surgeons with expertise in both liver surgery and laparoscopic techniques. The use of the intrahepatic Glissonian approach may help to identify the exact limits of the mesohepatectomy to avoid ischemic injury of the remnant liver.
Background: Germ-line mutations in CYLD are found in patients with familial skin appendage tumours. The protein product functions as a deubiquitinase enzyme, which negatively regulates NF-kappa B and c-Jun N-terminal kinase signalling. Brooke-Spiegler syndrome (BSS) is characterised by cylindromas, trichoepitheliomas and spiradenomas, whereas in familial cylindromatosis (FC) patients present with cylindromas and in multiple familial trichoepitheliomas (MFT) with trichoepitheliomas as the only skin tumour type. Although described as distinct entities, recent studies suggest that they are within the spectrum of a single entity. Objective: To investigate the mutation spectrum of CYLD and possible genotype-phenotype correlations. Methods: 25 families including 13 BSS, 3 FC, and 9 MFT families were examined and evaluated for mutations in the CYLD gene. Results: In total, 18 mutations in CYLD, including 6 novel mutations, were identified in 25 probands (72%). The mutation frequencies among distinct phenotypes were 85% for BSS, 100% for FC, and 44% for MFT. The majority of the mutations were insertions, deletions or nonsense mutations leading to formation of truncated proteins. All mutations were located between exons 9 to 20, encoding the NEMO binding site and the catalytic domain. Genotype-phenotype analysis failed to reveal a correlation between the types of mutations and their location within the gene and the patients` phenotypes and disease severity. Conclusions: This study provides further evidence on the role of CYLD in the pathogenesis of skin appendage tumours characterised by cylindromas, trichoepitheliomas and/or spiradenomas, but the molecular mechanisms of CYLD in skin tumorigenesis and the reasons for phenotypic variability remain to be explored.
Epidemiological studies have provided evidence that high consumption of tomatoes effectively reduces the risk of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated diseases such as cancer. Tomatoes are rich sources of lycopene, a potent singlet oxygen-quenching carotenoid. In addition to its antioxidant properties, lycopene shows an array of biological effects including antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activities. In the present study, the chemopreventive action of lycopene was examined on DNA damage and clastogenic or aneugenic effects of H2O2 and n-nitrosodiethylamine (DEN) in the metabolically competent human hepatoma cell line (HepG2 cells). Lycopene at concentrations of 10. 25, and 50 mu M, was tested under three protocols: before, simultaneously, and after treatment with the mutagen, using the comet and micronucleus assays. Lycopene significantly reduced the genotoxicity and mutagenicity of H2O2 in all of the conditions tested. For DEN, significant reductions of primary DNA damage (comet assay) were detected when the carotenoid (all of the doses) was added in the cell culture medium before or simultaneously with the mutagen. In the micronucleus test, the protective effect of lycopene was observed only when added prior to DEN treatment. In conclusion, our results suggest that lycopene is a suitable agent for preventing chemically-induced DNA and chromosome damage. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Transanal endoscopic microsurgery may represent appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic procedure in selected patients with distal rectal cancer following neoadjuvant chemoradiation. Even though this procedure has been associated with low rates of postoperative complications, patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiation seem to be at increased risk for suture line dehiscence. In this setting, we compared the clinical outcomes of patients undergoing transanal endoscopic microsurgery with and without neoadjuvant chemoradiation. METHODS: Thirty-six consecutive patients were treated by transanal endoscopic microsurgery at a single institution. Twenty-three patients underwent local excision after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy for rectal adenocarcinoma, and 13 patients underwent local excision without any neoadjuvant treatment for benign and malignant rectal tumors. Chemoradiation therapy included 50.4 to 54Gy and 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy. All patients underwent transanal endoscopic microsurgery with primary closure of the rectal defect. Complications (immediate and late) and readmission rates were compared between groups. RESULTS: Overall, median hospital stay was 2 days. Immediate (30-d) complication rate was 44% for grade II/III complications. Patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy were more likely to develop grade II/III immediate complications (56% vs 23%; P = .05). Overall, the 30-day readmission rate was 30%. Wound dehiscence was significantly more frequent among patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy (70% vs 23%; P = .03). Patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy were at significantly higher risk of requiring readmission (43% vs 7%; P = .02). CONCLUSION: Transanal local excision with the use of endoscopic microsurgical approach may result in significant postoperative morbidity, wound dehiscence, and readmission rates, in particular, because of rectal pain secondary to wound dehiscence. In this setting, the benefits of this minimally invasive approach either for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes become significantly restricted to highly selected patients that can potentially avoid a major operation but will still face a significantly morbid and painful procedure.
Background: The goal of this study was to determine if increasing strength in primary knee extensors and flexors would directly affect net knee joint moments during a common functional task in persons with knee osteoarthritis. Methods: An exploratory single sample clinical trial with pre-post treatment measures was used to study volunteers with clinical diagnosis of mild knee osteoarthritis (OA) in one knee. Subjects participated in an individually supervised training program 3 times a week for eight weeks consisting of progressive resistive exercises for knee extensors and knee flexors. Pre and post training outcome assessments included: 1. Net internal knee joint moments, 2. Electromyography of primary knee extensors and flexors, and 3. Self-report measures of knee pain and function. The distribution of lower extremity joint moments as a percent of the total support moment was also investigated. Findings: Pain, symptoms, activities of daily life, quality of life, stiffness, and function scores showed significant improvement following strength training. Knee internal valgus and hip internal rotation moments showed increasing but non-statistically significant changes post-training. There were no significant differences in muscle co-contraction activation of the Quadriceps and Hamstrings. Interpretation: While exercise continues to be an important element of OA management, the results of this study suggest improvements in function, pain, and other symptoms, as a result of strength training may not be causally related to specific biomechanical changes in net joint moments. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Golgi method has been used for over a century to describe the general morphology of neurons in the nervous system of different species. The ""single-section"" Golgi method of Gabbott and Somogyi (1984) and the modifications made by Izzo et al. (1987) are able to produce consistent results. Here, we describe procedures to show cortical and subcortical neurons of human brains immersed in formalin for months or even years. The tissue was sliced with a vibratome, post-fixed in a combination of paraformaldehyde and picric acid in phosphate buffer, followed by osmium tetroxide and potassium dicromate, ""sandwiched"" between cover slips, and immersed in silver nitrate. The whole procedure takes between 5 and 11 days to achieve good results. The Golgi method has its characteristic pitfalls but, with this procedure, neurons and glia appear well-impregnated, allowing qualitative and quantitative studies under light microscopy. This contribution adds to the basic techniques for the study of human nervous tissue with the same advantages described for the ""single-section"" Golgi method in other species; it is easy and fast, requires minimal equipment, and provides consistent results. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this study, the photodynamic action of liposomes (LP) and nanocapsules (NC) containing Chloroaluminum phthalocyanine (CIAIPc), on the human melanoma cell (WM 1552C), was assessed. The light source was setup at 672 nm, which corresponds to the maximum absorption wavelength of the CIAIPc. Both colloidal carriers presented size in nanometric scale as well as negative zeta potential. The cellular damage was light dose dependent ranging from 30% of cell death at 70 mJ.cm(-2) to 90% of death at 700 mJ.cm(-2). However, the photocytotoxic effect of LP at 70 mJ.cm(-2) was slightly more efficient to induce cellular death than NC formulation. At 140 mJ.cm(-2), and 700 mJ.cm(-2) both nanocarriers were equally efficient to induce cellular damage. Therefore, in the present work, the maximum phototoxic effect was obtained with 700 mJ.cm(-2) of light dose, in combination with 0.29 mu g.mL(-1) of CIAIPc encapsulated into LP and NC. The cells were also positive to annexin V, after the PDT treatment with LP and NC, showing that one of the mechanisms of cellular death involved is apoptosis. In summary, the potential of LP and NC as a drug delivery system, in Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) against melanoma, has been confirmed using a lower concentration of the photosensitizer and lower light doses than that applied in current protocols. This is an innovative proposal to treat melanoma cell lines that until now have not received the benefit of the PDT protocol for treatment.
BACKGROUND: The development of newer diagnostic technologies has reduced the need for invasive electroencephalographic (EEG) studies in identifying the epileptogenic zone, especially in adult patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate ictal single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in the evaluation and treatment of patients with MTLE-HS. METHODS: MTLE patients were randomly assigned to those with (SPECT, n = 124) and without ictal SPECT (non-SPECT, n = 116) in an intent-to-treat protocol. Primary end points were the proportion of patients with invasive EEG studies, and those offered surgery. Secondary end points were the length of hospital stay and the proportion of patients with secondarily generalized seizures (SGS) during video-EEG, postsurgical seizure outcome, and hospital cost. RESULTS: The proportion of patients offered surgery was similar in the SPECT (85%) and non-SPECT groups (81%), as well as the proportion that had invasive EEG studies (27% vs 23%). The mean duration of hospital stay was 1 day longer for the SPECT group (P < 0.001). SGS occurred in 51% of the SPECT and 26% of the non-SPECT group (P < 0.001). The cost of the presurgical evaluation was 35% higher for the SPECT compared with the non-SPECT group (P < 0.001). The proportion of patients seizure-free after surgery was similar in the SPECT (59%) compared with non-SPECT group (54%). CONCLUSION: Ictal-SPECT did not add localizing value beyond what was provided by EEG-video telemetry and structural MRI that altered the surgical decision and outcome for MTLE-HS patients. Ictal-SPECT increased hospital stay was associated with increased costs and a higher chance of SGS during video-EEG monitoring. These findings support the notion that a protocol including ictal SPECT is equivalent to one without SPECT in the presurgical evaluation of adult patients with MTLE-HS.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a highly invasive and radioresistant brain tumor. Aiming to study how glioma cells respond to gamma-rays in terms of biological processes involved in cellular responses, we performed experiments at cellular context and gene expression analysis in U343-MG-a GBM cells irradiated with 1 Gy and collected at 6 h post-irradiation. The survival rate was approximately 61% for 1 Gy and was completely reduced at 16 Gy. By performing the microarray technique, 859 cDNA clones were analyzed. The Significance Analysis of Microarray algorithm indicated 196 significant expressed genes (false discovery rate (FDR) = 0.42%): 67 down-regulated and 97 up-regulated genes, which belong to several classes: metabolism, adhesion/cytoskeleton, signal transduction, cell cycle/apoptosis, membrane transport, DNA repair/DNA damage signaling, transcription factor, intracellular signaling, and RNA processing. Differential expression patterns of five selected genes (HSPA9B, INPP5A, PIP5K1A, FANCG, and TPP2) observed by the microarray analysis were further confirmed by the quantitative real time RT-PCR method, which demonstrated an up-regulation status of those genes. These results indicate a broad spectrum of biological processes (which may reflect the radio-resistance of U343 cells) that were altered in irradiated glioma cells, so as to guarantee cell survival.
A single-center experience with pediatric patients who underwent surgery for intractable rolandic epilepsy was reviewed with the aim of identifying putative factors that could influence postoperative seizure outcome in this population. Clinical data of 48 patients under 18 years of age with diagnosis of intractable rolandic epilepsy who underwent surgery from January 1996 to September 2009 were reviewed. Patients` mean age at surgery was 9.9 +/- 5.3 years; mean age at epilepsy onset was 3.9 years; mean seizure duration prior to surgery was 6 years; and mean follow-up was 5.1 years. The most frequent etiologies were cortical dysplasia, astrogliosis, tumors, tuberous sclerosis complex, and Sturge-Weber syndrome, which were observed in 20/48 (41.6%), 10/48 (20.8%), 10/48 (20.8%), 5/48 (10.4%), and 3/48 (6.2%) of the patients, respectively. After surgery, 20 patients (41.6%) showed neurological deficits, which in turn recovered within no longer than 6 months after surgery. Seizure outcome was classified as Engel class I in 29 (60.4%), Engel class II in 10 (20.8%), and Engel class III in 9 (18.8%) of the patients. The factors significantly related with seizure outcome were histological features (tumor versus non-tumor cases, p = 0.04) and lesion site (focal lesions versus non-focal lesions, p = 0.04). Tailored resection of rolandic cortex for intractable epilepsy can be safely performed in children. Accurate mapping of both functional cortex and epileptogenic areas may lead to improved seizure outcome. Tumor as well as focal lesions in hand and face motor areas are associated with good seizure outcome.
Background and Aims: Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is useful for the treatment of sterile pancreatic fluid collections (PFC), either by means of transmural drainage or by complete aspiration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of single-step EUS-guided endoscopic approaches for treatment of sterile PFC. Patients and Methods: During a 3-year period, 77 consecutive patients with symptomatic, persistent sterile PFC were evaluated and treated with the linear EUS. We excluded patients with grossly purulent collections, chronic pseudocyst and those whose cytology diagnostic was neoplastic cyst of pancreas. 44 patients received a single 10-Fr plastic straight stent under EUS or fluoroscopic control (group I) and 33 of these underwent a single-step complete aspiration with a 19-gauge needle (group II). Results: The mean size of the sterile PFC was 48 mm in group I and 28 mm in group II (p < 0.001). Overall, endoscopic treatment was successful in 70 (90.9%) patients. The mean volume aspirated was 25 (18-65) ml. The total number of procedures was 50 in group I and 41 punctures in group II. After a mean follow-up of 64 +/- 15.6 weeks there were 6 complications 13.6%): 2 recurrences (referred to surgery), 2 developing abscesses (submitted a new EUS-guided endoscopic drainage with success), 1 perforation that died (2.2%), and 1 case of bleeding (sent to surgery) in group I. In group II there were only 6 (18.1%) recurrences (submitted a new EUS-guided aspiration). None of the patients undergoing single-step aspiration developed infections, perforation or hemorrhage. Conclusion: The recurrence of pancreatic pseudocysts after endoscopic treatment was similar, either by means of plastic stents or by complete single-step aspiration. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
Hemophilia B is a genetic disease of the coagulation system that affects one in 30,000 males worldwide. Recombinant human Factor IX (rhFIX) has been used for hemophilia B treatment, but the amount of active protein generated by these systems is inefficient, resulting in a high-cost production of rhFIX. In this study, we developed an alternative for rhFIX production. We used a retrovirus system to obtain two recombinant cell lines. We first tested rhFIX production in the human embryonic kidney 293 cells (293). Next, we tested a hepatic cell line (HepG2) because FIX is primarily expressed in the liver. Our results reveal that intracellular rhFIX expression was more efficient in HepG2/rhFIX (46%) than in 293/rhFIX (21%). The activated partial thromboplastin time test showed that HepG2/rhFIX expressed biologically active rhFIX 1.5 times higher than 293/rhFIX (P = 0.016). Recovery of rhFIX from the HepG2 by reversed-phase chromatography was straightforward. We found that rhFIX has a pharmacokinetic profile similar to that of FIX purified from human plasma when tested in hemophilic B model. HepG2/rhFIX cell line produced the highest levels of rhFIX, representing an efficient in vitro expression system. This work opens up the possibility of significantly reducing the costs of rhFIX production, with implications for expanding hemophilia B treatment in developing countries.
Purpose To describe the ictal technetium-99 m-ECD SPECT findings in polymicrogyria syndromes (PMG) during epileptic seizures. Methods We investigated 17 patients with PMG syndromes during presurgical workup, which included long-term video-electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring, neurological and psychiatry assessments, invasive EEG, and the subtraction of ictal-interictal SPECT coregistered to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (SISCOM). Results The analysis of the PMG cortex, using SISCOM, revealed intense hyperperfusion in the polymicrogyric lesion during epileptic seizures in all patients. Interestingly, other localizing investigations showed heterogeneous findings. Twelve patients underwent epilepsy surgery, three achieved seizure-freedom, five have worthwhile improvement, and four patients remained unchanged. Conclusions Our study strongly suggests the involvement of PMG in seizure generation or early propagation. Both conventional ictal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and SISCOM appeared as the single contributive exam to suggest the localization of the epileptogenic zone. Despite the limited number of resective epilepsy surgery in our study (n=9), we found a strong prognostic role of SISCOM in predicting surgical outcome. This result may be of great value on surgical decision-making of whether or not the whole or part of the PMG lesion should be surgically resected.
Background: Hereditary angioedema is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by episodes of subcutaneous and submucosal edema. It is caused by deficiency of the C1 inhibitor protein, leading to elevated levels of bradykinin. More than 200 mutations in C1 inhibitor gene have been reported. The aim of this study was to analyze clinical features of a large family with an index case of hereditary angioedema and to determine the disease-causing mutation in this family. Methods: Family pedigree was constructed with 275 individuals distributed in five generations. One hundred and sixty-five subjects were interviewed and investigated for mutation at the C1 inhibitor gene. Subjects reporting a history of recurrent episodes of angioedema and/or abdominal pain attacks underwent evaluation for hereditary angioedema. Results: We have identified a novel mutation at the C1 inhibitor gene, c.351delC, which is a single-nucleotide deletion of a cytosine on exon 3, resulting in frameshift with premature stop codon. Sequencing analysis of the hypothetical truncated C1 inhibitor protein allowed us to conclude that, if transcription occurs, this protein has no biological activity. Twenty-eight members of the family fulfilled diagnostic criteria for hereditary angioedema and all of them presented the c.351delC mutation. Variation in clinical presentation and severity of disease was observed among these patients. One hundred and thirty-seven subjects without hereditary angioedema did not have the c.351delC mutation. Conclusion: The present study provides definitive evidence to link a novel genetic mutation to the development of hereditary angioedema in patients from a Brazilian family.