856 resultados para product offering
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC
Saneamento básico e saúde são inseparáveis. Sob esta premissa, é conduzida a investigação contida neste estudo, que busca contribuir oferecendo à sociedade um ponto de vista interdisciplinar na formulação e acompanhamento das políticas públicas de saneamento básico urbano. O uso de indicadores urbanos é fator de melhoria no planejamento e gestão das cidades, e matéria atualíssima. Há fartura deles, entretanto este estudo busca a simplicidade cognitiva, embora sem reducionismo, e aí reside a preocupação com a interdisciplinaridade contida na abordagem desta investigação, que culmina com a proposição de modelo econométrico relacionando dados censitários sociais e sanitários. São estudadas as relações entre mortalidade na infância, população urbana, provisão de serviços urbanos de abastecimento de água, esgotamento sanitário e coleta de lixo. São verificadas as relações explicativas entre a variável de dependente constituída pelo produto mortalidade na infância x população urbana e as variáveis independentes populações urbanas atendidas com abastecimento de água, rede de esgoto e coleta de lixo. Consideradas as políticas de investimentos em saneamento expressas no Orçamento Geral do Estado do Pará para o ano de 2006 como usuais, e a partir do modelo desenvolvido, a mortalidade na infância é inferida para o ano de 2015, e comparada com a Meta dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio da ONU, a qual consiste na redução da mortalidade na infância em 2/3 entre os anos de 1990 e 2015. As estimativas de recursos para o atingimento dessa Meta indicam a necessidade de manter os investimentos em abastecimento de água, coleta de lixo e incrementálos em esgotamento sanitário. Como conseqüência lógica do raciocínio e das análises contidas no trabalho, é sugerido como critério de priorização no planejamento e alocação de recursos para ampliação da provisão de serviços urbanos de saneamento básico a mortalidade na infância.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effect of a commercial organic acid (OA) product on BW loss (BWL) during feed withdrawal and transportation, carcass yield, and meat quality was evaluated in broiler chickens. Two experiments were conducted in Brazil. Commercial houses were paired as control groups receiving regular water and treated groups receiving OA in the water. Treated birds had a reduction in BWL of 37 g in experiment 1 and 32.2 g in experiment 2. In experiment 2, no differences were observed in carcass yield between groups. Estimation of the cost benefit suggested a 1: 16 ratio by using the OA. In experiment 3, conducted in Mexico, significant differences on water consumption, BWL, and meat quality characteristics were observed in chickens that were treated with the OA (P < 0.05). These data suggest this OA product may improve animal welfare and economic concerns in the poultry industry by reducing BWL and improving meat quality attributes.
Processo FAPESP: 10/20655-3
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aim: To evaluate the use of organic acids (OAs) and competitive exclusion (CE) product administered continuously in the feed and transiently in drinking water on the control of Salmonella enterica subspecie enterica serotype Enteritidis (SE) prior to slaughter.Methods and Results: The influence of treatments were evaluated on pH, population of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae, concentration of volatile fatty acids and SE colonization in the crop and caecum. The birds were challenged with SE 24 h before being slaughtered, and then, the caeca and crop were removed and subjected to SE counts. Continuous administration of OAs reduced the population of bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family in both crop and caecum, positively influenced the butyric acid concentration and reduced SE colonization in the caecum. The diet supplemented with CE product positively influenced the quantity of LAB in the crop and caecum, elevated the butyric acid concentration and reduced both Enterobacteriaceae quantity and SE colonization in the caecum. There was no effect from administering the treatments via drinking water on the variables measured.Conclusions: Continuous supplementation in feed with OAs and CE product reduced SE colonization of the caeca.Significance and Impact of the Study: Supplementation of OAs and CE product in diet to turkeys can reduce the SE load, potentially leading to a lower contamination risk of meat during slaughter.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective of this work is to analyze the viability of incorporation in a microcomputer box of a nobreak with an ultracapacitor as energy storage device, substituting the conventional chemical battery. An advantage of this inclusion is cost reduction because a specific metallic or plastic frame won’t be necessary to protect the components of the nobreak; the microcomputer metallic frame offers the necessary protection for both equipments. Moreover, a large quantity of internal space of microcomputers box isn’t used, and is possible to use it to wrap up the nobreak. This work uses data about average power consumption of microcomputers; operation of switching mode power supplies for microcomputers; electrical and mechanical characteristics of ultracapacitors and operation of power circuits of nobreaks, with the purpose of present a study of energy storage capacity that an ultracapacitor should have to allow a safe switching off of a microcomputer in case of electrical network fail. It was noticed that the use of ultracapacitors is feasible to feed an 180 W load for 75 s, using a capacitive bank with sixteen ultracapacitors, with a total capacitance of 350 F and voltage of 10,8 V. The use of the proposed nobreak increases the reliability of the microcomputer by reducing the probability of user data losses in case of an electrical network fail, offering a high cost/benefit product. The substitution of the battery by an ultracapacitor allows a quick nobreak recharge, with low maintenance costs, since ultracapacitors have a lifetime bigger than batteries; beyond reducing the environmental impact, because they don’t use potentially toxic chemical compounds