798 resultados para practical relevance
Big Decisions and Sparse Data: Adapting Scientific Publishing to the Needs of Practical Conservation
The biggest challenge in conservation biology is breaking down the gap between research and practical management. A major obstacle is the fact that many researchers are unwilling to tackle projects likely to produce sparse or messy data because the results would be difficult to publish in refereed journals. The obvious solution to sparse data is to build up results from multiple studies. Consequently, we suggest that there needs to be greater emphasis in conservation biology on publishing papers that can be built on by subsequent research rather than on papers that produce clear results individually. This building approach requires: (1) a stronger theoretical framework, in which researchers attempt to anticipate models that will be relevant in future studies and incorporate expected differences among studies into those models; (2) use of modern methods for model selection and multi-model inference, and publication of parameter estimates under a range of plausible models; (3) explicit incorporation of prior information into each case study; and (4) planning management treatments in an adaptive framework that considers treatments applied in other studies. We encourage journals to publish papers that promote this building approach rather than expecting papers to conform to traditional standards of rigor as stand-alone papers, and believe that this shift in publishing philosophy would better encourage researchers to tackle the most urgent conservation problems.
Suppression of depolarizing postsynaptic potentials and isolated GABA-A receptor-mediated fast inhibitory postsynaptic potentials by the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist, oxotremorine-M (10 microM), was investigated in adult and immature (P14-P30) rat piriform cortical (PC) slices using intracellular recording. Depolarizing postsynaptic potentials evoked by layers II-III stimulation underwent concentration-dependent inhibition in oxotremorine-M that was most likely presynaptic and M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor-mediated in immature, but M1-mediated in adult (P40-P80) slices; percentage inhibition was smaller in immature than in adult piriform cortex. In contrast, compared with adults, layer Ia-evoked depolarizing postsynaptic potentials in immature piriform cortex slices in oxotremorine-M, showed a prolonged multiphasic depolarization with superimposed fast transients and spikes, and an increased 'all-or-nothing' character. Isolated N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor-mediated layer Ia depolarizing postsynaptic potentials (although significantly larger in immature slices) were however, unaffected by oxotremorine-M, but blocked by dl-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid. Fast inhibitory postsynaptic potentials evoked by layer Ib or layers II-III-fiber stimulation in immature slices were significantly smaller than in adults, despite similar estimated mean reversal potentials ( approximately -69 and -70 mV respectively). In oxotremorine-M, only layer Ib-fast inhibitory postsynaptic potentials were suppressed; suppression was again most likely presynaptic M2-mediated in immature slices, but M1-mediated in adults. The degree of fast inhibitory postsynaptic potential suppression was however, greater in immature than in adult piriform cortex. Our results demonstrate some important physiological and pharmacological differences between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic systems in adult and immature piriform cortex that could contribute toward the increased susceptibility of this region to muscarinic agonist-induced epileptiform activity in immature brain slices.
The AMPA receptor (AMPAR) subunit GluR2, which regulates excitotoxicity and the inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) have both been implicated in motor neurone vulnerability in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/Motor Neurone Disease. TNF alpha has been reported to increase cell surface expression of AMPAR subunits to increase synaptic strength and enhance excitotoxicity, but whether this mechanism occurs in motor neurones is unknown. We used primary cultures of mouse motor neurones and cortical neurones to examine the interaction between TNF alpha receptor activation, GluR2 availability, AMPAR-mediated calcium entry and susceptibility to excitotoxicity. Short exposure to a physiologically relevant concentration of TNFalpha (10 ng/ml, 15 min) caused a marked redistribution of both GluR1 and GluR2 to the cell surface as determined by cell surface biotinylation and immunofluorescence. Using Fura-2 AM microfluorimetry we showed that exposure to TNFalpha caused a rapid reduction in the peak amplitude of AMPA-mediated calcium entry in a PI3-kinase and p38 kinase-dependent manner, consistent with increased insertion of GluR2-containing AMPAR into the plasma membrane. This resulted in a protection of motor neurones against kainate-induced cell death. Our data therefore, suggests that TNF alpha acts primarily as a physiological regulator of synaptic activity in motor neurones rather than a pathological drive in ALS
This article reflects on key methodological issues emerging from children and young people's involvement in data analysis processes. We outline a pragmatic framework illustrating different approaches to engaging children, using two case studies of children's experiences of participating in data analysis. The article highlights methods of engagement and important issues such as the balance of power between adults and children, training, support, ethical considerations, time and resources. We argue that involving children in data analysis processes can have several benefits, including enabling a greater understanding of children's perspectives and helping to prioritise children's agendas in policy and practice. (C) 2007 The Author(s). Journal compilation (C) 2007 National Children's Bureau.