591 resultados para periodicity


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The intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (iNHG) is one of the critical climate thresholds in the Cenozoic. This study focuses on marine sediments recovered from Marine Isotope Stages 101/100 at the Ocean Drilling Program Site 1083 to assesses the impact of the iNHG on continental southern African vegetation through n-alkane (straight-chain hydrocarbon) abundance and delta13C values. The n-alkane abundance data yield a convoluted signal due to the number of controlling factors such as the source area, transportation routes and vegetation type. The C31 n-alkane delta13C values, however, exhibit a cyclic pattern with a periodicity of c. 20 ka, and are not correlated to the abundance data. It is inferred that the signal does not represent a change in the geographical source of n-alkanes. Instead, we suggest that the variations are caused by water-stress-induced changes in either carbon isotope fractionation during C3 photosynthesis or subtle changes in the proportion of C3 and C4 plants. These changes, unlike variations in oceanographic proxies, closely track precessional forcing factors and are independent of the prevailing obliquity-forced glacial/interglacial cycles. We conclude that the varying monsoon strength, rather than pCO2 or temperature change, forced changes in southern African vegetation during this period.


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The lamination and burrowing patterns in 17 box cores were analyzed with the aid of X-ray photographs and thin sections. A standardized method of log plotting made statistical analysis of the data possible. Several 'structure types' were established, although it was realized that the boundaries are purely arbitrary divisions in what can sometimes be a continuous sequence. In the transition zone between marginal sand facies and fine-grained basin facies, muddy sediment is found which contains particularly well differentiated, alternating laminae. This zone is also characterized by layers rich in plant remains. The alternation of laminae shows a high degree of statistical scattering. Even though a small degree of cyclic periodicity could be defined, it was impossible to correlate individual layers from core to core across the bay. However, through a statistical handling of the plots, zones could be separated on the basis of the number of sand layers they contained. These more or minder sandy zones clarified the bottom reflections seen in the records of the echograph from the area. The manner of facies change across the bay, suggests that no strong bottom currents are effective in the Eckernförde Bay. The marked asymmetry between the north and south flanks of the profile can be attributed to the stronger action of waves on the more exposed areas. Grain size analyses were made from the more homogeneous units found in a core from the transition-facies zone. The results indicate that the most pronounced differences between layers appear in the silt range, and although the differences are slight, they are statistically significant. Layers rich in plant remains were wet-sieved in order to separate the plant detritus. This was than analyzed in a sediment settling balance and found to be hydrodynamically equivalent to a well-sorted, finegrained sand. A special, rhythmic cross-bedding type with dimensions in the millimeter range, has been named 'Crypto-cross-lamination' and is thought to represent rapid sedimentation in an area where only very weak bottom currents are present. It is found only in the deepest part of the basin. Relatively large sand grains, scattered within layers of clayey-silty matrix, seem to be transported by flotation. Thin section examination showed that the inner part of Eckernförder Bay carbonate grains (e. g. Foraminifera shells) were preserved throughout the cores, while in the outer part of the bay they were not present. Well defined tracks and burrows are relatively rare in all of the facies in comparision to the generally strongly developed deformation burrowing. The application of special measures for the deformation burrowing allowed to plot their intensity in profile for each core. A degree of regularity could be found in these burrowing intensity plots, with higher values appearing in the sandy facies, but with no clear differences between sand and silt layers in the transition facies. Small sections in the profiles of the deepest part of the bay show no bioturbation at all.


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The sea surface temperature (SST) of the tropical Indian Ocean is a major component of global climate teleconnections. While the Holocene SST history is documented for regions affected by the Indian and Arabian monsoons, data from the near-equatorial western Indian Ocean are sparse. Reconstructing past zonal and meridional SST gradients requires additional information on past temperatures from the western boundary current region. We present a unique record of Holocene SST and thermocline depth variations in the tropical western Indian Ocean as documented in foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios and d18O from a sediment core off northern Tanzania. For Mg/Ca and thermocline d18O, most variance is concentrated in the centennial to bicentennial periodicity band. On the millennial time scale, an early to mid-Holocene (~7.8-5.6 ka) warm phase is followed by a temperature drop by up to 2°C, leading to a mid-Holocene cool interval (5.6-4.2 ka). The shift is accompanied by an initial reduction in the difference between surface and thermocline foraminiferal d18O, consistent with the thickening of the mixed layer and suggestions of a strengthened Walker circulation. However, we cannot confirm the expected enhanced zonal SST gradient, as the cooling of similar magnitude had previously been found in SSTs from the upwelling region off Sumatra and in Flores air temperatures. The SST pattern probably reflects the tropical Indian Ocean expression of a large-scale climate anomaly rather than a positive Indian Ocean Dipole-like mean state.


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We investigated Oligocene and early Miocene benthic foraminiferal faunas (> 105 µm in size) from Ocean Drilling Program (Leg 199) Site 1218 (4826 m water depth and ~3300 to ~4000 m paleo-water depth) and Site 1219 (5063 m water depth and ~4200 to ~4400 m paleo-water depth) to understand the response of abyssal benthic foraminifera to mid-Oligocene glacial events in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Two principal factor assemblages were recognized. The Factor 1 assemblage (common Nuttallides umbonifer) is related to either an influx of the Southern Component Water (SCW), possibly carbonate undersaturated, or a decrease in seasonality of the food supply from the surface ocean. The Factor 2 assemblage is characterized by typical deep-sea taxa living under variable trophic conditions, possibly with a seasonal component in food supply. The occurrence of abyssal benthic foraminifera faunas during the mid-Oligocene depends on either the effect of SCW or the seasonality of food resources. The Factor 1 assemblage was most common near 76Ol-C11r, 73Ol-C10rn and 67Ol-C9n (ca. 30.2, 29.1 and 26.8 Ma respectively by Pälike et al. (2006, doi:10.1126/science.1133822)). This indicates that the effect of SCW increased or the seasonal input of food from the surface ocean to benthic environments was weakened close to these glacial events. In contrast, the huge export flux of small biogenic carbonate particles close to these glacial events might be responsible for carbonate-rich sediments buffering carbonate undersaturation. Changes in deep-water masses or the periodicity of food supply from the surface ocean and variation in surface carbonate production affected by orbital forcing had an impact on the mid-Oligocene faunas of abyssal benthic foraminifera around the intervals of glacial events in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean. The Factor 1 assemblage decreased sharply at ? 30 Ma (29.8 Ma by Pälike et al. (2006), 30.0 Ma by CK95) and returned to dominance after ? 29 Ma (28.6 Ma by Pälike et al. (2006), 28.8 Ma by CK95). It is likely that the effect of SCW (possibly carbonate undersaturated) has intensified since the late Oligocene. The faunal transition of benthic foraminifera in the eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean at ~29 Ma might be attributable to the influence of Northern Component Water (NCW) input to the Southern Ocean and the subsequent formation of SCW at about that time.


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Light confinement and controlling an optical field has numerous applications in the field of telecommunications for optical signals processing. When the wavelength of the electromagnetic field is on the order of the period of a photonic microstructure, the field undergoes reflection, refraction, and coherent scattering. This produces photonic bandgaps, forbidden frequency regions or spectral stop bands where light cannot exist. Dielectric perturbations that break the perfect periodicity of these structures produce what is analogous to an impurity state in the bandgap of a semiconductor. The defect modes that exist at discrete frequencies within the photonic bandgap are spatially localized about the cavity-defects in the photonic crystal. In this thesis the properties of two tight-binding approximations (TBAs) are investigated in one-dimensional and two-dimensional coupled-cavity photonic crystal structures We require an efficient and simple approach that ensures the continuity of the electromagnetic field across dielectric interfaces in complex structures. In this thesis we develop \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs to calculate the modes in finite 1D and 2D two-defect coupled-cavity photonic crystal structures. In the \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs we expand the coupled-cavity \overrightarrow{E} --modes in terms of the individual \overrightarrow{E} -- and \overrightarrow{D} --modes, respectively. We investigate the dependence of the defect modes, their frequencies and quality factors on the relative placement of the defects in the photonic crystal structures. We then elucidate the differences between the two TBA formulations, and describe the conditions under which these formulations may be more robust when encountering a dielectric perturbation. Our 1D analysis showed that the 1D modes were sensitive to the structure geometry. The antisymmetric \textrm{D} mode amplitudes show that the \textrm{D} --TBA did not capture the correct (tangential \overrightarrow{E} --field) boundary conditions. However, the \textrm{D} --TBA did not yield significantly poorer results compared to the \textrm{E} --TBA. Our 2D analysis reveals that the \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs produced nearly identical mode profiles for every structure. Plots of the relative difference between the \textrm{E} and \textrm{D} mode amplitudes show that the \textrm{D} --TBA did capture the correct (normal \overrightarrow{E} --field) boundary conditions. We found that the 2D TBA CC mode calculations were 125-150 times faster than an FDTD calculation for the same two-defect PCS. Notwithstanding this efficiency, the appropriateness of either TBA was found to depend on the geometry of the structure and the mode(s), i.e. whether or not the mode has a large normal or tangential component.


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In 1949, P. W. Forsbergh Jr. reported spontaneous spatial ordering in the birefringence patterns seen in flux-grown BaTiO3 crystals [1], under the transmission polarized light microscope [2]. Stunningly regular square-net arrays were often only found within a finite temperature window and could be induced on both heating and cooling, suggesting genuine thermodynamic stability. At the time, Forsbergh rationalized the patterns to have resulted from the impingement of ferroelastic domains, creating a complex tessellation of variously shaped domain packets. However, evidence for the intricate microstructural arrangement proposed by Forsbergh has never been found. Moreover, no robust thermodynamic argument has been presented to explain the region of thermal stability, its occurrence just below the Curie Temperature and the apparent increase in entropy associated with the loss of the Forsbergh pattern on cooling. As a result, despite decades of research on ferroelectrics, this ordering phenomenon and its thermodynamic origin have remained a mystery. In this paper, we re-examine the microstructure of flux-grown BaTiO3 crystals, which show Forsbergh birefringence patterns. Given an absence of any obvious arrays of domain polyhedra, or even regular shapes of domain packets, we suggest an alternative origin for the Forsbergh pattern, in which sheets of orthogonally oriented ferroelastic stripe domains simply overlay one another. We show explicitly that the Forsbergh birefringence pattern occurs if the periodicity of the stripe domains is above a critical value. Moreover, by considering well-established semiempirical models, we show that the significant domain coarsening needed to generate the Forsbergh birefringence is fully expected in a finite window below the Curie Temperature. We hence present a much more straightforward rationalization of the Forsbergh pattern than that originally proposed, in which exotic thermodynamic arguments are unnecessary.


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Oscillation amplitudes are generally smaller within magnetically active regions like sunspots and plage when compared to their surroundings. Such magnetic features, when viewed in spatially resolved power maps, appear as regions of suppressed power due to reductions in the oscillation amplitudes. Employing high spatial- and temporal-resolution observations from the Dunn Solar Telescope (DST) in New Mexico, we study the power suppression in a region of evolving magnetic fields adjacent to a pore. By utilizing wavelet analysis, we study for the first time how the oscillatory properties in this region change as the magnetic field evolves with time. Image sequences taken in the blue continuum, G-band, Ca ii K, and Hα filters were used in this study. It is observed that the suppression found in the chromosphere occupies a relatively larger area, confirming previous findings. Also, the suppression is extended to structures directly connected to the magnetic region, and is found to get enhanced as the magnetic field strength increased with time. The dependence of the suppression on the magnetic field strength is greater at longer periods and higher formation heights. Furthermore, the dominant periodicity in the chromosphere was found to be anti-correlated with increases in the magnetic field strength.


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La présente thèse propose une étude expérimentale du décollement dans le diffuseur d’un modèle de turbine hydroélectrique bulbe. Le décollement se produit quand la turbine est opérée à forte charge et il réduit la section effective de récupération du diffuseur. La diminution de la performance du diffuseur à forte charge engendre une baisse brusque de l’efficacité de la turbine et de la puissance extraite. Le modèle réduit de bulbe est fidèle aux machines modernes avec un diffuseur particulièrement divergent. Les performances de la turbine sont mesurées sur une large gamme de points d’opération pour déterminer les conditions les plus intéressantes pour l’étude du décollement et pour étudier la distribution paramétrique de ce phénomène. La pression est mesurée le long de l’aspirateur par des capteurs dynamiques affleurants alors que les champs de vitesse dans la zone de décollement sont mesurés avec une méthode PIV à deux composantes. Les observations à la paroi sont pour leur part faites à l’aide de brins de laine. Pour un débit suffisant, le gradient de pression adverse induit par la géométrie du diffuseur affaiblit suffisamment la couche limite, entraînant ainsi l’éjection de fluide de la paroi le long d’une large enveloppe tridimensionelle. Le décollement instationnaire tridimensionnel se situe dans la même zone du diffuseur indépendamment du point d’opération. L’augmentation du débit provoque à la fois une extension de la zone de décollement et une augmentation de l’occurrence de ses manifestations. La position et la forme du front de décollement fluctue significativement sans périodicité. L’analyse topologique et celle des tourbillons des champs de vitesse instantanés montrent une topologie du front de décollement complexe qui diffère beaucoup d’une réalisation à l’autre. Bien que l’écoulement soit turbulent, les tourbillons associés aux foyers du front sont clairement plus gros et plus intenses que ceux de la turbulence. Cela suggère que le mécanisme d’enroulement menant aux tourbillons du décollement est clairement distinct des mécanismes de la turbulence.


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Our work focuses on experimental and theoretical studies aimed at establishing a fundamental understanding of the principal electrical and optical processes governing the operation of quantum dot solar cells (QDSC) and their feasibility for the realization of intermediate band solar cell (IBSC). Uniform performance QD solar cells with high conversion efficiency have been fabricated using carefully calibrated process recipes as the basis of all reliable experimental characterization. The origin for the enhancement of the short circuit current density (Jsc) in QD solar cells was carefully investigated. External quantum efficiency (EQE) measurements were performed as a measure of the below bandgap distribution of transition states. In this work, we found that the incorporation of self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) interrupts the lattice periodicity and introduce a greatly broadened tailing density of states extending from the bandedge towards mid-gap. A below-bandgap density of states (DOS) model with an extended Urbach tail has been developed. In particular, the below-bandgap photocurrent generation has been attributed to transitions via confined energy states and background continuum tailing states. Photoluminescence measurement is used to measure the energy level of the lowest available state and the coupling effect between QD states and background tailing states because it results from a non-equilibrium process. A basic I-V measurement reveals a degradation of the open circuit voltage (Voc) of QD solar cells, which is related to a one sub-bandgap photon absorption process followed by a direct collection of the generated carriers by the external circuit. We have proposed a modified Shockley-Queisser (SQ) model that predicts the degradation of Voc compared with a reference bulk device. Whenever an energy state within the forbidden gap can facilitate additional absorption, it can facilitate recombination as well. If the recombination is non-radiative, it is detrimental to solar cell performance. We have also investigated the QD trapping effects as deep level energy states. Without an efficient carrier extraction pathway, the QDs can indeed function as mobile carriers traps. Since hole energy levels are mostly connected with hole collection under room temperature, the trapping effect is more severe for electrons. We have tried to electron-dope the QDs to exert a repulsive Coulomb force to help improve the carrier collection efficiency. We have experimentally observed a 30% improvement of Jsc for 4e/dot devices compared with 0e/dot devices. Electron-doping helps with better carrier collection efficiency, however, we have also measured a smaller transition probability from valance band to QD states as a direct manifestation of the Pauli Exclusion Principle. The non-linear performance is of particular interest. With the availability of laser with on-resonance and off-resonance excitation energy, we have explored the photocurrent enhancement by a sequential two-photon absorption (2PA) process via the intermediate states. For the first time, we are able to distinguish the nonlinearity effect by 1PA and 2PA process. The observed 2PA current under off-resonant and on-resonant excitation comes from a two-step transition via the tailing states instead of the QD states. However, given the existence of an extended Urbach tail and the small number of photons available for the intermediate states to conduction band transition, the experimental results suggest that with the current material system, the intensity requirement for an observable enhancement of photocurrent via a 2PA process is much higher than what is available from concentrated sun light. In order to realize the IBSC model, a matching transition strength needs to be achieved between valance band to QD states and QD states to conduction band. However, we have experimentally shown that only a negligible amount of signal can be observed at cryogenic temperature via the transition from QD states to conduction band under a broadband IR source excitation. Based on the understanding we have achieved, we found that the existence of the extended tailing density of states together with the large mismatch of the transition strength from VB to QD and from QD to CB, has systematically put into question the feasibility of the IBSC model with QDs.


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Esta dissertação apresenta a modelagem de uma ferramenta baseada em SMA para a simulação da produção e gestão social de um ecossistema urbano, a organização social do Projeto da Horta San Jeronimo(SJVG), localizado no Parque San Jeronimo Sevilha, Espanha, que e coordenado pela confederação Ecologistas en Accion . Estes processos sociais observados no projeto do SJVG são caracterizados pela ocorrência de uma serie de interações e trocas sociais entre os participantes. Além disso, os comportamentos periódicos, interações e comunicações são regulados pelo Regimento de Normas Internas, estabelecidos pela comunidade em assembleia, sob a supervisão e coordenação da confederação EA. O SMA foi concebido como um sistema JaCaMo multidimensional, composto por cinco dimensões integradas: a população de agentes, os artefatos normativos (a organização), os artefatos físicos (o ambiente dos agentes), artefatos de comunicação (o conjunto de interações) e os artefatos normativos (política normativa interna). A ferramenta utilizada no projeto e o framework JaCaMo, uma vez que apresenta suporte de alto nível e modularidade para o desenvolvimento das três primeiras dimensões acima mencionadas. Mesmo tendo enfrentado alguns problemas importantes que surgiram adotando o framework JaCaMo para desenvolvimento do Projeto SJVG-SMA, como: (i) a impossibilidade de especificação da periodicidade no modelo MOISE, (II) a impossibilidade de definir normas, seus atributos básicos (nome, periodicidade, papel a que se aplica) e as sanções, e (III) a inexistência de uma infraestrutura modular para a definição de interações através da comunicação, foi possível adotar soluções modulares interessantes para manter a ideia de um SMA de 5 dimensões, desenvolvidos na plataforma JaCaMo. As soluções apresentadas neste trabalho são baseadas principalmente no âmbito do Cartago, apontando também para a integração de artefatos organizacionais, normativos, físicos e de comunicação.


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The U.S. railroad companies spend billions of dollars every year on railroad track maintenance in order to ensure safety and operational efficiency of their railroad networks. Besides maintenance costs, other costs such as train accident costs, train and shipment delay costs and rolling stock maintenance costs are also closely related to track maintenance activities. Optimizing the track maintenance process on the extensive railroad networks is a very complex problem with major cost implications. Currently, the decision making process for track maintenance planning is largely manual and primarily relies on the knowledge and judgment of experts. There is considerable potential to improve the process by using operations research techniques to develop solutions to the optimization problems on track maintenance. In this dissertation study, we propose a range of mathematical models and solution algorithms for three network-level scheduling problems on track maintenance: track inspection scheduling problem (TISP), production team scheduling problem (PTSP) and job-to-project clustering problem (JTPCP). TISP involves a set of inspection teams which travel over the railroad network to identify track defects. It is a large-scale routing and scheduling problem where thousands of tasks are to be scheduled subject to many difficult side constraints such as periodicity constraints and discrete working time constraints. A vehicle routing problem formulation was proposed for TISP, and a customized heuristic algorithm was developed to solve the model. The algorithm iteratively applies a constructive heuristic and a local search algorithm in an incremental scheduling horizon framework. The proposed model and algorithm have been adopted by a Class I railroad in its decision making process. Real-world case studies show the proposed approach outperforms the manual approach in short-term scheduling and can be used to conduct long-term what-if analyses to yield managerial insights. PTSP schedules capital track maintenance projects, which are the largest track maintenance activities and account for the majority of railroad capital spending. A time-space network model was proposed to formulate PTSP. More than ten types of side constraints were considered in the model, including very complex constraints such as mutual exclusion constraints and consecution constraints. A multiple neighborhood search algorithm, including a decomposition and restriction search and a block-interchange search, was developed to solve the model. Various performance enhancement techniques, such as data reduction, augmented cost function and subproblem prioritization, were developed to improve the algorithm. The proposed approach has been adopted by a Class I railroad for two years. Our numerical results show the model solutions are able to satisfy all hard constraints and most soft constraints. Compared with the existing manual procedure, the proposed approach is able to bring significant cost savings and operational efficiency improvement. JTPCP is an intermediate problem between TISP and PTSP. It focuses on clustering thousands of capital track maintenance jobs (based on the defects identified in track inspection) into projects so that the projects can be scheduled in PTSP. A vehicle routing problem based model and a multiple-step heuristic algorithm were developed to solve this problem. Various side constraints such as mutual exclusion constraints and rounding constraints were considered. The proposed approach has been applied in practice and has shown good performance in both solution quality and efficiency.


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In this work three different metallic metamaterials (MMs) structures such as asymmetric split ring resonators (A-SRRs), dipole and split H-shaped (ASHs) structures that support plasmonic resonances have been developed. The aim of the work involves the optimization of photonic sensor based on plasmonic resonances and surface enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) from the MM structures. The MMs structures were designed to tune their plasmonic resonance peaks in the mid-infrared region. The plasmonic resonance peaks produced are highly dependent on the structural dimension and polarisation of the electromagnetic (EM) source. The ASH structure particularly has the ability to produce the plasmonic resonance peak with dual polarisation of the EM source. The double resonance peaks produced due to the asymmetric nature of the structures were optimized by varying the fundamental parameters of the design. These peaks occur due to hybridization of the individual elements of the MMs structure. The presence of a dip known as a trapped mode in between the double plasmonic peaks helps to narrow the resonances. A periodicity greater than twice the length and diameter of the metallic structure was applied to produce narrow resonances for the designed MMs. A nanoscale gap in each structure that broadens the trapped mode to narrow the plasmonic resonances was also used. A thickness of 100 nm gold was used to experimentally produce a high quality factor of 18 in the mid-infrared region. The optimised plasmonic resonance peaks was used for detection of an analyte, 17β-estradiol. 17β-estradiol is mostly responsible for the development of human sex organs and can be found naturally in the environment through human excreta. SEIRA was the method applied to the analysis of the analyte. The work is important in the monitoring of human biology and in water treatment. Applying this method to the developed nano-engineered structures, enhancement factors of 10^5 and a sensitivity of 2791 nm/RIU was obtained. With this high sensitivity a figure of merit (FOM) of 9 was also achieved from the sensors. The experiments were verified using numerical simulations where the vibrational resonances of the C-H stretch from 17β-estradiol were modelled. Lastly, A-SRRs and ASH on waveguides were also designed and evaluated. These patterns are to be use as basis for future work.


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Current trends in speech-language pathology focus on early intervention as the preferred tool for promoting the best possible outcomes in children with language disorders. Neuroimaging techniques are being studied as promising tools for flagging at-risk infants. In this study, the auditory brainstem response (ABR) to the syllables /ba/ and /ga/ was examined in 41 infants between 3 and 12 months of age as a possible tool to predict language development in toddlerhood. The MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory (MCDI) was used to assess language development at 18 months of age. The current study compared the periodicity of the responses to the stop consonants and phase differences between /ba/ and /ga/ in both at-risk and low-risk groups. The study also examined whether there are correlations among ABR measures (periodicity and phase differentiation) and language development. The study found that these measures predict language development at 18 months.


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How can we control the experimental conditions towards the isolation of specific structures? Why do particular architectures form? These are some challenging questions that synthetic chemists try to answer, specifically within polyoxometalate (POM) chemistry, where there is still much unknown regarding the synthesis of novel molecular structures in a controlled and predictive manner. This work covers a wide range of POM chemistry, exploring the redox self-assembly of polyoxometalate clusters, using both “one-pot”, flow and hydrothermal conditions. For this purpose, different vanadium, molybdenum and tungsten reagents, heteroatoms, inorganic salts and reducing agents have been used. The template effect of lone-pair containing pyramidal heteroatoms has been investigated. Efforts to synthesize new POM clusters displaying pyramidal heteroanions (XO32-, where X= S, Se, Te, P) are reported. The reaction of molybdenum with vanadium in the presence of XO32- heteroatoms is explored, showing how via the cation and experimental control it is possible to direct the self-assembly process and to isolate isostructural compounds. A series of four isostructural (two new, namely {Mo11V7P} and {Mo11V7Te} and two already known, namely {Mo11V7Se} and {Mo11V7S} disordered egg-shaped Polyoxometalates have been reported. The compounds were characterized by X-ray structural analysis, TGA, UV-Vis, FT-IR, Elemental and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS) analysis and Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Cyclic Voltammetry measurements have been carried out in all four compounds showing the effect of the ionic density of the heteroatom on the potential. High-Resolution ESI-MS studies have revealed that the structures retain their integrity in solution. Efforts to synthesize new mixed-metal compounds led to isolation, structural, and electronic characterization of the theoretically predicted, but experimentally elusive δ-isomer of the Keggin polyoxometalate cluster anion, {H2W4V9O33(C6H13NO3)}, by the reaction of tungstate(VI) and vanadium(V) with triethanolammonium ions (TEAH), acting as a tripodal ligand grafted to the surface of the cluster. Control experiments (in the absence of the organic compound) have proven that the tripodal ligand plays crucial role on the formation of the isomer. The six vanadium metal centres, which consist the upper part of the cluster, are bonded to the “capping” TEA tripodal ligand. This metal-ligand bonding directs and stabilises the formation of the final product. The δ-Keggin species was characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, FT-IR, UV-vis, NMR and ESI-MS spectrometry. Electronic structure and structure-stability correlations were evaluated by means of DFT calculations. The compounds exhibited photochromic properties by undergoing single-crystal-to-single-crystal (SC-SC) transformations and changing colour under light. Non-conventional synthetic approaches are also used for the synthesis of the POM clusters comparing the classical “one-pot” reaction conditions and exploring the synthetic parameters of the synthesis of POM compounds. Reactions under hydrothermal and flow conditions, where single crystals that depend on the solubility of the minerals under hot water and high pressure can be synthesized, resulted in the isolation of two isostructural compounds, namely, {Mo12V3Te5}. The compound isolated from a continuous processing method, crystallizes in a hexagonal crystal system, forming a 2D porous plane net, while the compound isolated using hard experimental conditions (high temperature and pressure) crystallizes in monoclinic system, resulting in a different packing configuration. Utilizing these alternative synthetic approaches, the most kinetically and thermodynamically compounds would possibly be isolated. These compounds were characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, FT-IR and UV-vis spectroscopy. Finally, the redox-controlled driven oscillatory template exchange between phosphate (P) and vanadate (V) anions enclosed in an {M18O54(XO4)2} cluster is further investigated using UV-vis spectroscopy as a function of reaction time, showed that more than six complete oscillations interconverting the capsule species present in solution from {P2M18} to {V2M18} were possible, provided that a sufficient concentration of the TEA reducing agent was present in solution. In an effort to investigate the periodicity of the exchange of the phosphate and vanadate anions, time dependent Uv-vis measurements were performed for a period at a range of 170-550 hours. Different experimental conditions were also applied in order to investigate the role of the reducing agent, as well as the effect of other experimental variables on the oscillatory system.


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Context. The gamma-ray binary LS I +61º303 is a well-established source from centimeter radio up to very high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV). The broadband emission shows a periodicity of ∼26.5 days, coincident with the orbital period. A longer (super-orbital) period of 1667 ± 8 days was proposed from radio variability and confirmed using optical and high-energy (HE; E ¿ 100 MeV) gamma-ray observations. In this paper, we report on a four-year campaign performed by MAGIC together with archival data concentrating on a search for a long-timescale signature in the VHE emission from LS I +61º303. Aims. We focus on the search for super-orbital modulation of the VHE emission, similar to that observed at other energies, and on the search for correlations between TeV emission and an optical determination of the extension of the circumstellar disk. Methods. A four-year campaign has been carried out using the MAGIC telescopes. The source was observed during the orbital phases when the periodic VHE outbursts have occurred (φ = 0.55 – 0.75, one orbit = 26.496 days). Additionally, we included archival MAGIC observations and data published by the VERITAS collaboration in these studies. For the correlation studies, LS I +61◦303 has also been observed during the orbital phases where sporadic VHE emission had been detected in the past (φ = 0.75 – 1.0). These MAGIC observations were simultaneous with optical spectroscopy from the LIVERPOOL telescope. Results. The TeV flux of the periodical outburst in orbital phases φ = 0.5 – 0.75 was found to show yearly variability consistent with the long-term modulation of ∼4.5 years found in the radio band. This modulation of the TeV flux can be well described by a sine function with a best-fit period of 1610±58 days. The complete data, including archival observations, span two super-orbital periods. There is no evidence for a correlation between the TeV emission and the mass-loss rate of the Be star, but this may be affected by the strong, short-timescale (as short as intra-day) variation displayed by the Hα fluxes.