991 resultados para organic laboratory safety


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Apesar da enorme evolução tecnológica, os prazos na construção são cada vez mais reduzidos e os custos mais controlados, verificando-se uma despreocupação no que diz respeito a aspetos como a qualidade e durabilidade da construção das estruturas. Desperta assim nos técnicos, donos-de-obra, entidades executantes e projetistas a necessidade de avaliar o estado de conservação das estruturas de betão armado. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal abordar as anomalias e os mecanismos de deterioração mais correntes, os métodos de ensaio destrutivos ou parcialmente destrutivos mais utilizados e adequados, e abordar algumas das técnicas de reparação e reforço das estruturas de betão armado. Os principais danos apresentados nas estruturas são devidos a agentes físicos, mecânicos, biológicos e químicos. Podem ser devidos a causas diretas (acidentais ou naturais), que acarretam uma ação concreta sobre os elementos estruturais, e causas indiretas (humanas), diretamente ligadas com erros de projeto. É primordial fazer-se o levantamento de todas as anomalias existentes para se recorrer a um método de inspeção e ensaio. Consoante a necessidade de informação e estado da estrutura são selecionados os ensaios a realizar, podendo ser realizados “in situ” ou em laboratório. As técnicas de reparação e reforço são vistas como métodos para melhorar as condições da estrutura ao nível da segurança, desempenho, habitabilidade e durabilidade, prevenindo a evolução dos mecanismos de deterioração.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo optimização energética na indústria química


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The treatment efficiency of laboratory wastewaters was evaluated and ecotoxicity tests with Chlorella vulgaris were performed on them to assess the safety of their environmental discharge. For chemical oxygen demand wastewaters, chromium (VI), mercury (II) and silver were efficiently removedby chemical treatments.Areduction of ecotoxicitywas achieved; nevertheless, an EC50 (effective concentration that causes a 50% inhibition in the algae growth) of 1.5% (v/v) indicated still high level of ecotoxicity. For chloride determination wastewaters, an efficient reduction of chromium and silver was achieved after treatment. Regarding the reduction of ecotoxicity observed, EC50 increased from 0.059% to 0.5%, only a 0.02% concentration in the aquatic environment would guarantee no effects. Wastewaters containing phenanthroline/iron (II) complex were treated by chemical oxidation. Treatmentwas satisfactory concerning chemical parameters, although an increase in ecotoxicitywas observed (EC50 reduced from 0.31% to 0.21%). The wastes from the kinetic study of persulphate and iodide reaction were treated with sodium bisulphite until colour was removed. Although they did not reveal significant ecotoxicity, only over 1% of the untreated waste produced observable effects over algae. Therefore, ecotoxicity tests could be considered a useful tool not only in laboratory effluents treatment, as shown, but also in hazardous wastewaters management.


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This work reports a relatively rapid procedure for the forecasting of the remediation time (RT) of sandy soils contaminated with cyclohexane using vapour extraction. The RT estimated through the mathematical fitting of experimental results was compared with that of real soils. The main objectives were: (i) to predict the RT of soils with natural organic matter (NOM) and water contents different from those used in experiments; and (ii) to analyse the time and efficiency of remediation, and the distribution of contaminants into the soil matrix after the remediation process, according to the soil contents of: (ii1) NOM; and (ii2) water. For sandy soils with negligible clay contents, artificially contaminated with cyclohexane before vapour extraction, it was concluded that: (i) if the NOM and water contents belonged to the range of the prepared soils, the RT of real soils could be predicted with relative differences not higher than 12%; (ii1) the increase of NOM content from 0% to 7.5% increased the RT (1.8–13 h) and decreased the remediation efficiency (RE) (99–90%) and (ii2) the increase of soil water content from 0% to 6% increased the RT (1.8–4.9 h) and decreased the RE (99–97%). NOM increases the monolayer capacity leading to a higher sorption into the solid phase. Increasing of soil water content reduces the mass transfer coefficient between phases. Concluding, NOM and water contents influence negatively the remediation process, turning it less efficient and more time consuming, and consequently more expensive.


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Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho


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Abstract This work reports the analysis of the efficiency and time of soil remediation using vapour extraction as well as provides comparison of results using both, prepared and real soils. The main objectives were: (i) to analyse the efficiency and time of remediation according to the water and natural organic matter content of the soil; and (ii) to assess if a previous study, performed using prepared soils, could help to preview the process viability in real conditions. For sandy soils with negligible clay content, artificially contaminated with cyclohexane before vapour extraction, it was concluded that (i) the increase of soil water content and mainly of natural organic matter content influenced negatively the remediation process, making it less efficient, more time consuming, and consequently more expensive; and (ii) a previous study using prepared soils of similar characteristics has proven helpful for previewing the process viability in real conditions.


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A rapid, specific, and sensitive method based on theQuick Easy Cheap Effective Rugged and Safe (QuEChERS) method and a cleanup using dispersive solid-phase extraction with MgSO4, PSA, and C18 sorbents has been developed for the routine analysis of 14 pesticides in strawberries. The analyses were performed by three different analytical methodologies: gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detection (ECD), mass spectrometry (MS), and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The recoveries for all the pesticides studied were from 46 to 128%, with relative standard deviation of <15% in the concentration range of 0.005-0.250 mg/kg. The limit of detection (LOD) for all compoundsmetmaximumresidue limits (MRL) accepted in Portugal for organochlorine pesticides (OCP). A survey study of strawberries produced in Portugal in the years 2009-2010 obtained from organic farming (OF) and integrated pest management (IPM) was developed. Lindane and β-endosulfan were detected above the MRL in OF and IPM. Other OCP (aldrin, o,p0-DDT and their metabolites, and methoxychlor) were found below the MRL. The OCP residues detected decreased from 2009 to 2010. The QuEChERS method was successfully applied to the analysis of strawberry samples.


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The globalization is a process of economical, social, cultural and political integration motivated by the needs generated by a consumption-orientated society and a set of factors that have led to its development, such as reducing transport costs, the technological advancement and the development of communication networks. However, the phenomenon of globalization has been accompanied by increasing levels of insecurity as a result of various types of threats and transnational crimes that the International Community seeks to control and minimize. Throughout this work, we examined how the globalization process has been developing and how nations are able to maintain security levels consistent with their economical status and social development, without disturbing the normal course of organizations’ economical activity and the well-being of people. From the investigation developed we concluded that, besides the confirmation that economic integration and the opening of markets have influence on internal consumption, market globalization and migrations have been causing modifications in the consumption habits. We also concluded that the security measures implemented by States or by the International Community affect international trade, but do not imply disproportionate costs or significant delays in transactions. Likewise, we concluded that the control measures implemented in international trade are sufficient to ensure the safety of the people and nations, enabling us to confirm two of the three conjectures raised in this study.


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Abstract: Ototoxic substances have been associated to damage of the auditory system, and its effects are potentiated by noise exposure. The present study aims at analyzing auditory changes from combined exposure to noise and organic solvents, through a pilot study in the furniture industry sector. Audiological tests were performed on 44 workers, their levels of exposure to toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene were determined and the levels of noise exposure were evaluated. The results showed that workers are generally exposed to high noise levels and cabin priming filler and varnish sector workers have high levels of exposure to toluene. However, no hearing loss was registered among the workers. Workers exposed simultaneously to noise and ototoxic substances do not have a higher degree of hearing loss than those workers exposed only to noise. Thus, the results of this study did not show that the combined exposure to noise and the organic solvent is associated with hearing disorders.


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In life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) models, the sorption of the ionic fraction of dissociating organic chemicals is not adequately modeled because conventional non-polar partitioning models are applied. Therefore, high uncertainties are expected when modeling the mobility, as well as the bioavailability for uptake by exposed biota and degradation, of dissociating organic chemicals. Alternative regressions that account for the ionized fraction of a molecule to estimate fate parameters were applied to the USEtox model. The most sensitive model parameters in the estimation of ecotoxicological characterization factors (CFs) of micropollutants were evaluated by Monte Carlo analysis in both the default USEtox model and the alternative approach. Negligible differences of CFs values and 95% confidence limits between the two approaches were estimated for direct emissions to the freshwater compartment; however the default USEtox model overestimates CFs and the 95% confidence limits of basic compounds up to three orders and four orders of magnitude, respectively, relatively to the alternative approach for emissions to the agricultural soil compartment. For three emission scenarios, LCIA results show that the default USEtox model overestimates freshwater ecotoxicity impacts for the emission scenarios to agricultural soil by one order of magnitude, and larger confidence limits were estimated, relatively to the alternative approach.


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Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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Objective - To define a checklist that can be used to assess the performance of a department and evaluate the implementation of quality management (QM) activities across departments or pathways in acute care hospitals. Design - We developed and tested a checklist for the assessment of QM activities at department level in a cross-sectional study using on-site visits by trained external auditors. Setting and Participants - A sample of 292 hospital departments of 74 acute care hospitals across seven European countries. In every hospital, four departments for the conditions: acute myocardial infarction (AMI), stroke, hip fracture and deliveries participated. Main outcome measures - Four measures of QM activities were evaluated at care pathway level focusing on specialized expertise and responsibility (SER), evidence-based organization of pathways (EBOP), patient safety strategies and clinical review (CR). Results - Participating departments attained mean values on the various scales between 1.2 and 3.7. The theoretical range was 0-4. Three of the four QM measures are identical for the four conditions, whereas one scale (EBOP) has condition-specific items. Correlations showed that every factor was related, but also distinct, and added to the overall picture of QM at pathway level. Conclusion - The newly developed checklist can be used across various types of departments and pathways in acute care hospitals like AMI, deliveries, stroke and hip fracture. The anticipated users of the checklist are internal (e.g. peers within the hospital and hospital executive board) and external auditors (e.g. healthcare inspectorate, professional or patient organizations).


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Integrally asymmetric skinned Lenzing P84 and Matrimid 5218 polymide membranes and Ultem 1000 polyetherimide membranes were prepared. Crosslinking of membranes using aliphatic diamines resulted in marked improvement in chemical stability. This however resulted in a decline in flux with only Lenzing P84 demonstrating good flux in DMF. Further variation of membrane dope parameters and operating conditions allowed for good control of the MWCO of membranes made from Lenzing P84. SEM pictures of Lenzing P84 membranes revealed a significant difference in membranes morphology. The presence of macrovoids increased when using more DMF in the dope solution. These studies demonstrate the possibility of developing OSN membranes using different polyimides and opens up future possibilities for controlling the MWCO of these membranes. Preliminary modelling demonstrates that good control of the MWCO could extend the application of OSN membranes to allow the fraction of molecules in the NF range.