832 resultados para operation system security mechanism
The pumping processes requiring wide range of flow are often equipped with parallelconnected centrifugal pumps. In parallel pumping systems, the use of variable speed control allows that the required output for the process can be delivered with a varying number of operated pump units and selected rotational speed references. However, the optimization of the parallel-connected rotational speed controlled pump units often requires adaptive modelling of both parallel pump characteristics and the surrounding system in varying operation conditions. The available information required for the system modelling in typical parallel pumping applications such as waste water treatment and various cooling and water delivery pumping tasks can be limited, and the lack of real-time operation point monitoring often sets limits for accurate energy efficiency optimization. Hence, alternatives for easily implementable control strategies which can be adopted with minimum system data are necessary. This doctoral thesis concentrates on the methods that allow the energy efficient use of variable speed controlled parallel pumps in system scenarios in which the parallel pump units consist of a centrifugal pump, an electric motor, and a frequency converter. Firstly, the suitable operation conditions for variable speed controlled parallel pumps are studied. Secondly, methods for determining the output of each parallel pump unit using characteristic curve-based operation point estimation with frequency converter are discussed. Thirdly, the implementation of the control strategy based on real-time pump operation point estimation and sub-optimization of each parallel pump unit is studied. The findings of the thesis support the idea that the energy efficiency of the pumping can be increased without the installation of new, more efficient components in the systems by simply adopting suitable control strategies. An easily implementable and adaptive control strategy for variable speed controlled parallel pumping systems can be created by utilizing the pump operation point estimation available in modern frequency converters. Hence, additional real-time flow metering, start-up measurements, and detailed system model are unnecessary, and the pumping task can be fulfilled by determining a speed reference for each parallel-pump unit which suggests the energy efficient operation of the pumping system.
Sosialistisen vallankumouksen jälkeen Neuvosto-Venäjän oli monien muiden kysymysten ohella ratkaistava sosialismin saavutusten puolustaminen. Aluksi ratkaisuksi suunniteltiin vapaaehtoisuuteen perustuvaa punakaartia, mutta riittävän miesvahvuuden turvaamiseksi päädyttiin yleiseen asevelvollisuuteen. Pian Venäjän sisällissodan jälkeen sotataidon suunta painottui enemmän vanhan armeijan asiantuntijoiden näkemysten kuin vallankumoussankarien kokemusten mukaiseksi, vaikka Frunzen puna-armeijalle kirjoittama doktriini perustui luokkataisteluun ja korosti sisällissodassa hyväksi koettua operatiivista liikkuvuutta. Neuvostoliiton ja Venäjän sotataidon perustana on Pietari I:n aloittama länsimainen suuntaus, jota kuitenkin täydentävät vahvat kansalliset piirteet. Venäläisen sotataidon henkisenä isänä voidaan hyvällä syyllä pitää Aleksandr Suvorovia, jonka opetukset näkyvät tekstilainausten lisäksi myös periaatteissa ja sotilaskasvatuksessa. Napoleonin sotien jälkeen perustettu Keisarillinen yleisesikunta-akatemia loi Venäjälle sotatieteellisen tutkimuksen ja opetuksen. Sotatieteen mahdollisuuksia ei 1800-luvun Venäjällä osattu täysin hyödyntää. Aseistuksen kasvavan tehon merkitystä vähättelevä asenne johti sotataidon taantumisen ja katastrofiin Venäjän–Japanin sodassa. Sen kokemuksia analysoidessaan Aleksandr Neznamov kehitti edelleen saksalaista operaation käsitettä ja loi perustan Neuvostoliitossa 1920-luvulla kehitetylle operaatiotaidolle. Neuvostoliittolaisen sotataidon päämääränä oli kehittää taktinen ja operatiivinen ratkaisu aseistuksen tehon kasvun aikaansaamaan puolustuksen ylivoimaisuuteen. Ratkaisussa hyödynnettiin brittien kokemuksia ja tutkimusta. Neuvostoliittolainen taktiikka ja operaatiotaito eivät kuitenkaan olleet brittiläisen mekanisoidun sodankäynnin tai saksalaisen salamasodan itäinen kopioita vaan itsenäisiin ratkaisuihin pohjautuvia. Syvän taistelun ja operaation teoriaa kokeiltiin harjoituksissa, ja sitä kehitettiin Stalinin vuoden 1937 puhdistuksiin saakka. Toisen maailmansodan taisteluissa puna-armeija sovelsi alkuvaiheen katastrofin jälkeen syvän taistelun ja syvän operaation oppeja. Komentajien ja joukkojen taito ei riittänyt teorian vaatimusten mukaiseen toimintaan, siksi syväksi aiotusta taistelusta tuli ajoittain ainoastaan tiheää. Suuren isänmaallisen sodan kokemusten perusteella neuvostoliittolainen sotatiede kehitti yleisjoukkojen taistelun periaatteet, jotka ovat säilyneet muuttumattomina nykypäivään saakka. Kylmän sodan aikakaudella ydin- ja tavanomaisen aseistuksen merkitys sodan ja taistelun kuvassa vaihteli. Lännen sotataidon ja aseteknologian kehitys pakotti Neuvostoliiton siirtymään 1980-luvulla sotilaallisessa ajattelussaan hyökkäyksestä puolustukseen. Neuvostoliiton hajoamisen jälkeen Venäjän sotilaallisen turvallisuuden takaajana on ydinaseistus. Yhdysvaltain tavanomainen ilma-avaruushyökkäyskyky vaatii Venäjää kehittämään torjuntajärjestelmiä. Tavanomaisten joukkojen rakentamisessa Venäjä seuraa tarkasti läntisen sotataidon kehittymistä, mutta pitäytyy omaperäisiin ratkaisuihin, joiden kehittämisessä sen vahvalla sotatieteellisellä järjestelmällä ja dialektisen materialismin metodilla on edelleen olennaisen tärkeä merkitys.
Due to the increase of water deficiency in many farm regions and its meaning on weed interference, competitive interactions between soybean and three weeds were evaluated under water stress (20 to 40 days after transplanting) and no stress conditions. Three independent experiments were carried out in a growth chamber, being each one composed by the weeds Alternanthera tenella, Tridax procumbens or Digitaria ciliaris, along with the crop, in which soil water condition and plant composition effects were evaluated while in competition. A replacement series system was used, including both monoculture of each species and a mixture with a ratio of 50% between weed and soybean. A completely randomized design was used in factorial arrangement, with treatments distributed in three levels for plant composition factor (soybean and weeds monocultures, in addition to the soybean + weed mixture) and two levels for the water factor (with or without stress), amounting six treatments in each experiment. Soybean dry mass was higher than weed dry mass, when growing without water stress. However, under water stress conditions, the dry mass of soy was reduced in all experiments, mainly in the D. ciliaris comparative experiment. Water restriction was also significant in the plants' photosynthesis reduction in most of the experiments, reducing leaf area duration and efficiency of water use. Analysing all variables shows greater weed tolerance than soybean when submitted to water deficit and with distinct changes of their interactions and mechanism of competition, in each experiment.
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Abstract This doctoral thesis concerns the active galactic nucleus (AGN) most often referred to with the catalogue number OJ287. The publications in the thesis present new discoveries of the system in the context of a supermassive binary black hole model. In addition, the introduction discusses general characteristics of the OJ287 system and the physical fundamentals behind these characteristics. The place of OJ287 in the hierarchy of known types of AGN is also discussed. The introduction presents a large selection of fundamental physics required to have a basic understanding of active galactic nuclei, binary black holes, relativistic jets and accretion disks. Particularly the general relativistic nature of the orbits of close binaries of supermassive black holes is explored with some detail. Analytic estimates of some of the general relativistic effects in such a binary are presented, as well as numerical methods to calculate the effects more precisely. It is also shown how these results can be applied to the OJ287 system. The binary orbit model forms the basis for models of the recurring optical outbursts in the OJ287 system. In the introduction, two physical outburst models are presented in some detail and compared. The radiation hydrodynamics of the outbursts are discussed and optical light curve predictions are derived. The precursor outbursts studied in Paper III are also presented, and tied into the model of OJ287. To complete the discussion of the observable features of OJ287, the nature of the relativistic jets in the system, and in active galactic nuclei in general, is discussed. Basic physics of relativistic jets are presented, with additional detail added in the form of helical jet models. The results of Papers II, IV and V concerning the jet of OJ287 are presented, and their relation to other facets of the binary black hole model is discussed. As a whole, the introduction serves as a guide, though terse, for the physics and numerical methods required to successfully understand and simulate a close binary of supermassive black holes. For this purpose, the introduction necessarily combines a large number of both fundamental and specific results from broad disciplines like general relativity and radiation hydrodynamics. With the material included in the introduction, the publications of the thesis, which present new results with a much narrower focus, can be readily understood. Of the publications, Paper I presents newly discovered optical data points for OJ287, detected on archival astronomical plates from the Harvard College Observatory. These data points show the 1900 outburst of OJ287 for the first time. In addition, new data points covering the 1913 outburst allowed the determination of the start of the outburst with more precision than was possible before. These outbursts were then successfully numerically modelled with an N-body simulation of the OJ287 binary and accretion disc. In Paper II, mechanisms for the spin-up of the secondary black hole in OJ287 via interaction with the primary accretion disc and the magnetic fields in the system are discussed. Timescales for spin-up and alignment via both processes are estimated. It is found that the secondary black hole likely has a high spin. Paper III reports a new outburst of OJ287 in March 2013. The outburst was found to be rather similar to the ones reported in 1993 and 2004. All these outbursts happened just before the main outburst season, and are called precursor outbursts. In this paper, a mechanism was proposed for the precursor outbursts, where the secondary black hole collides with a gas cloud in the primary accretion disc corona. From this, estimates of brightness and timescales for the precursor were derived, as well as a prediction of the timing of the next precursor outburst. In Paper IV, observations from the 2004–2006 OJ287 observing program are used to investigate the existence of short periodicities in OJ287. The existence of a _50 day quasiperiodic component is confirmed. In addition, statistically significant 250 day and 3.5 day periods are found. Primary black hole accretion of a spiral density wave in the accretion disc is proposed as the source of the 50 day period, with numerical simulations supporting these results. Lorentz contracted jet re-emission is then proposed as the reason for the 3.5 day timescale. Paper V fits optical observations and mm and cm radio observations of OJ287 with a helical jet model. The jet is found to have a spine–sheath structure, with the sheath having a much lower Lorentz gamma factor than the spine. The sheath opening angle and Lorentz factor, as well as the helical wavelength of the jet are reported for the first time. Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa on keskitytty tutkimaan aktiivista galaksiydintä OJ287. Väitöskirjan osana olevat tieteelliset julkaisut esittelevät OJ287-systeemistä saatuja uusia tuloksia kaksoismusta-aukkomallin kontekstissa. Väitöskirjan johdannossa käsitellään OJ287:n yleisiä ominaisuuksia ja niitä fysikaalisia perusilmiöitä, jotka näiden ominaisuuksien taustalla vaikuttavat. Johdanto selvittää myös OJ287-järjestelmän sijoittumisen aktiivisten galaksiytimien hierarkiassa. Johdannossa käydään läpi joitakin perusfysiikan tuloksia, jotka ovat tarpeen aktiivisten galaksiydinten, mustien aukkojen binäärien, relativististen suihkujen ja kertymäkiekkojen ymmärtämiseksi. Kahden toisiaan kiertävän mustan aukon keskinäisen radan suhteellisuusteoreettiset perusteet käydään läpi yksityiskohtaisemmin. Johdannossa esitetään joitakin analyyttisiä tuloksia tällaisessa binäärissä havaittavista suhteellisuusteoreettisista ilmiöistä. Myös numeerisia menetelmiä näiden ilmiöiden tarkempaan laskemiseen esitellään. Tuloksia sovelletaan OJ287-systeemiin, ja verrataan havaintoihin. OJ287:n mustien aukkojen ratamalli muodostaa pohjan systeemin toistuvien optisten purkausten malleille. Johdannossa esitellään yksityiskohtaisemmin kaksi fysikaalista purkausmallia, ja vertaillaan niitä. Purkausten säteilyhydrodynamiikka käydään läpi, ja myös ennusteet purkausten valokäyrille johdetaan. Johdannossa esitellään myös Julkaisussa III johdettu prekursoripurkausten malli, ja osoitetaan sen sopivan yhteen OJ287:n binäärimallin kanssa. Johdanto esittelee myös relativististen suihkujen fysiikkaa sekä OJ287- systeemiin liittyen että aktiivisten galaksiydinten kontekstissa yleisesti. Relativististen suihkujen perusfysiikka esitellään, kuten myös malleja kierteisistä suihkuista. Julkaisujen II, IV ja V OJ287-systeemin suihkuja koskevat tulokset esitellään binäärimallin kontekstissa. Kokonaisuutena johdanto palvelee suppeana oppaana, joka esittelee tarvittavan fysiikan ja tarpeelliset numeeriset menetelmät mustien aukkojen binäärijärjestelmän ymmärtämiseen ja simulointiin. Tätä tarkoitusta varten johdanto yhdistää sekä perustuloksia että joitakin syvällisempiä tuloksia laajoilta fysiikan osa-alueilta kuten suhteellisuusteoriasta ja säteilyhydrodynamiikasta. Johdannon sisältämän materiaalin avulla väitöskirjan julkaisut, ja niiden esittämät tulokset, ovat hyvin ymmärrettävissä. Väitöskirjan julkaisuista ensimmäinen esittelee uusia OJ287-systeemistä saatuja havaintopisteitä, jotka on paikallistettu Harvardin yliopiston observatorion arkiston valokuvauslevyiltä. OJ287:n vuonna 1900 tapahtunut purkaus nähdään ensimmäistä kertaa näissä havaintopisteissä. Uudet havaintopisteet mahdollistivat myös vuoden 1913 purkauksen alun ajoittamisen tarkemmin kuin aiemmin oli mahdollista. Havaitut purkaukset mallinnettiin onnistuneesti simuloimalla OJ287-järjestelmän mustien aukkojen paria ja kertymäkiekkoa. Julkaisussa II käsitellään mekanismeja OJ287:n sekundäärisen mustan aukon spinin kasvamiseen vuorovaikutuksessa primäärin kertymäkiekon ja systeemin magneettikenttien kanssa. Julkaisussa arvioidaan maksimispinin saavuttamisen ja spinin suunnan vakiintumisen aikaskaalat kummallakin mekanismilla. Tutkimuksessa havaitaan sekundäärin spinin olevan todennäköisesti suuri. Julkaisu III esittelee OJ287-systeemissä maaliskuussa 2013 tapahtuneen purkauksen. Purkauksen havaittiin muistuttavan vuosina 1993 ja 2004 tapahtuneita purkauksia, joita kutsutaan yhteisnimityksellä prekursoripurkaus (precursor outburst). Julkaisussa esitellään purkauksen synnylle mekanismi, jossa OJ287-systeemin sekundäärinen musta aukko osuu primäärisen mustan aukon kertymäkiekon koronassa olevaan kaasupilveen. Mekanismin avulla johdetaan arviot prekursoripurkausten kirkkaudelle ja aikaskaalalle. Julkaisussa johdetaan myös ennuste seuraavan prekursoripurkauksen ajankohdalle. Julkaisussa IV käytetään vuosina 2004–2006 kerättyjä havaintoja OJ287- systeemistä lyhyiden jaksollisuuksien etsintään. Julkaisussa varmennetaan systeemissä esiintyvä n. 50 päivän kvasiperiodisuus. Lisäksi tilastollisesti merkittävät 250 päivän ja 3,5 päivän jaksollisuudet havaitaan. Julkaisussa esitetään malli, jossa primäärisen mustan aukon kertymäkiekossa oleva spiraalitiheysaalto aiheuttaa 50 päivän jaksollisuuden. Mallista tehty numeerinen simulaatio tukee tulosta. Systeemin relativistisen suihkun emittoima aikadilatoitunut säteily esitetään aiheuttajaksi 3,5 päivän jaksollisuusaikaskaalalle. Julkaisussa V sovitetaan kierresuihkumalli OJ287-systeemistä tehtyihin optisiin havaintoihin ja millimetri- sekä senttimetriaallonpituuden radiohavaintoihin. Suihkun rakenteen havaitaan olevan kaksijakoinen ja koostuvan ytimestä ja kuoresta. Suihkun kuorella on merkittävästi pienempi Lorentzin gamma-tekijä kuin suihkun ytimellä. Kuoren avautumiskulma ja Lorentztekijä sekä suihkun kierteen aallonpituus raportoidaan julkaisussa ensimmäistä kertaa.
Since arthritis induced by Mycobacterium products (adjuvant) in rats is considered to be immunologically driven, the objective of the present study was to determine if the immunosuppressor drug cyclosporin could affect hindpaw edema and joint hyperalgesia simultaneously. Female Holtzman rats (140-170 g) presented hyperalgesia and edema on the 8th and 12th day following adjuvant injection. Daily systemic (oral or intramuscular) administration of cyclosporin (0.5-5.0 mg kg-1 day-1) or dexamethasone (0.01-0.1 mg kg-1 day-1) for 15 days starting on day zero dose-dependently inhibited the hindpaw edema and hyperalgesia in arthritic rats. However, hyperalgesia but not edema could be detected two days after cyclosporin withdrawal. We concluded that a) the continuous presence of cyclosporin is essential to reduce the development of joint hyperalgesia and that b) different mechanisms underlie the appearance of hyperalgesia and edema in this model. The intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of 5-50-fold smaller doses of cyclosporin (1.5-150 µg/day) or dexamethasone (15 µg/day) also reduced the arthritic hindpaw edema and hyperalgesia. Peripheral blood from animals injected with effective systemic cyclosporin doses showed detectable levels of the drug, whereas peripheral blood from those injected with icv cyclosporin did not, as measured by specific RIA. Our results indicate that cyclosporin administered by the central route is as effective as by the systemic route to reduce joint hyperalgesia and hindpaw edema in arthritic rats. The antiarthritic effect induced by low doses of cyclosporin in the central nervous system (CNS) could be explored to avoid its often associated systemic side effects during chronic therapy. However, the mechanism(s) involved in the antiarthritic response to cyclosporin in the CNS remain to be elucidated
Extracellular ATP in the lymphohematopoietic system: P2Z purinoceptors and membrane permeabilization
The effects of extracellular nucleosides and nucleotides on many organs and systems have been recognized for almost 50 years. The effects of extracellular ATP (ATPo), UTPo, ADPo, and other agonists are mediated by P2 purinoceptors. One of the most dramatic effects of ATPo is the permeabilization of plasma membranes to low molecular mass solutes of up to 900 Da. This effect is evident in several cells of the lymphohematopoietic system and is supposed to be mediated by P2Z, an ATP4--activated purinoceptor. Here, we review some basic information concerning P2 purinoceptors and focus our attention on P2Z-associated phenomena displayed by macrophages. Using fluorescent dye uptake, measurement of free intracellular Ca2+ concentration and electrophysiological recordings, we elucidate some of the events that follow the application of ATP to the extracellular surface of macrophages. We propose a regulatory mechanism for the P2Z-associated permeabilization pore. The presence of P2 purinoceptors in cells of the lymphohematopoietic system makes them potential candidates to mediate immunoregulatory events
The human immune system is constantly interacting with the surrounding stimuli and microorganisms. However, when directed against self or harmless antigens, these vital defense mechanisms can cause great damage. In addition, the understanding the underlying mechanism of several human diseases caused by aberrant immune cell functions, for instance type 1 diabetes and allergies, remains far from being complete. In this Ph.D. study these questions were addressed using genome-wide transcriptomic analyses. Asthma and allergies are characterized by a hyperactive response of the T helper 2 (Th2) immune cells. In this study, the target genes of the STAT6 transcription factor in naïve human T cells were identified with RNAi for the first time. STAT6 was shown to act as a central activator of the genes expression upon IL-4 signaling, with both direct and indirect effects on Th2 cell transcriptome. The core transcription factor network induced by IL-4 was identified from a kinetic analysis of the transcriptome. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease influenced by both the genetic susceptibility of an individual and the disease-triggering environmental factors. To improve understanding of the autoimmune processes driving pathogenesis in the prediabetic phase in humans, a unique series of prospective whole-blood RNA samples collected from HLA-susceptible children in the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) study was studied. Changes in different timewindows of the pathogenesis process were identified, and especially the type 1 interferon response was activated early and throughout the preclinical T1D. The hygiene hypothesis states that allergic diseases, and lately also autoimmune diseases, could be prevented by infections and other microbial contacts acquired in early childhood, or even prenatally. To study the effects of the standard of hygiene on the development of neonatal immune system, cord blood samples from children born in Finland (high standard of living), Estonia (rapid economic growth) and Russian Karelia (low standard of living) were compared. Children born in Russian Karelia deviated from Finnish and Estonian children in many aspects of the neonatal immune system, which was developmentally more mature in Karelia, resembling that of older infants. The results of this thesis offer significant new information on the regulatory networks associated with immune-mediated diseases in human. The results will facilitate understanding and further research on the role of the identified target genes and mechanisms driving the allergic inflammation and type 1 diabetes, hopefully leading to a new era of drug development.
Apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death (PCD), has been described as essential for normal organogenesis and tissue development, as well as for the proper function of cell-renewal systems in adult organisms. Apoptosis is also pivotal in the pathogenesis of several different diseases. In this paper we discuss, from two different points of view, the role of apoptosis in parasitic diseases. The description of apoptotic death in three different species of heteroxenic trypanosomatids is reviewed, and considerations on the phylogenesis of apoptosis and on the eventual role of PCD on their mechanism of pathogenesis are made. From a different perspective, an increasing body of evidence is making clear that regulation of host cell apoptosis is an important factor on the definition of a host-pathogen interaction. As an example, the molecular mechanisms by which Trypanosoma cruzi is able to induce apoptosis in immunocompetent cells, in a murine model of Chagas' disease, and the consequences of this phenomenon on the outcome of the experimental disease are discussed.
The kallikrein-kinin system is complex, with several bioactive peptides that are formed in many different compartments. Kinin peptides are implicated in many physiological and pathological processes including the regulation of blood pressure and sodium homeostasis, inflammatory processes, and the cardioprotective effects of preconditioning. We established a methodology for the measurement of individual kinin peptides in order to study the function of the kallikrein-kinin system. The levels of kinin peptides in tissues were higher than in blood, confirming the primary tissue localization of the kallikrein-kinin system. Moreover, the separate measurement of bradykinin and kallidin peptides in man demonstrated the differential regulation of the plasma and tissue kallikrein-kinin systems, respectively. Kinin peptide levels were increased in the heart of rats with myocardial infarction, in tissues of diabetic and spontaneously hypertensive rats, and in urine of patients with interstitial cystitis, suggesting a role for kinin peptides in the pathogenesis of these conditions. By contrast, blood levels of kallidin, but not bradykinin, peptides were suppressed in patients with severe cardiac failure, suggesting that the activity of the tissue kallikrein-kinin system may be suppressed in this condition. Both angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and neutral endopeptidase (NEP) inhibitors increased bradykinin peptide levels. ACE and NEP inhibitors had different effects on kinin peptide levels in blood, urine, and tissues, which may be accounted for by the differential contributions of ACE and NEP to kinin peptide metabolism in the multiple compartments in which kinin peptide generation occurs. Measurement of the levels of individual kinin peptides has given important information about the operation of the kallikrein-kinin system and its role in physiology and disease states.
The performance measurement produces information about the operation of the business process. On the basis of this information performance of the company can be followed and improved. Balanced performance measurement system can monitor performance of several perspectives and business processes can be led according to company strategy. Major part of the costs of a company is originated from purchased goods or services are an output of the buying process emphasising the importance of a reliable performance measurement of purchasing process. In the study, theory of balanced performance measurement is orientated and framework of purchasing process performance measurement system is designed. The designed balanced performance measurement system of purchasing process is tested in case company paying attention to the available data and to other environmental enablers. The balanced purchasing performance measurement system is tested and improved during the test period and attention is paid to the definition and scaling of objectives. Found development initiatives are carried out especially in the scaling of indicators. Finally results of the study are evaluated, conclusions and additional research areas proposed.
The goal of the present research was to elucidate the roles and mechanisms by which the sensory nervous system, through the actions of potent vasodilator neuropeptides, regulates cardiovascular function in both the normal state and in the pathophysiology of hypertension. The animal models of acquired hypertension studied were deoxycorticosterone-salt (DOC-salt), subtotal nephrectomy-salt (SN-salt), and Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME)-induced hypertension during pregnancy in rats. The genetic model was the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP) are potent vasodilating neuropeptides. In the acquired models of hypertension, CGRP and SP play compensatory roles to buffer the blood pressure (BP) increase. Their synthesis and release are increased in the DOC-salt model but not in the SN-salt model. This suggests that the mechanism by which both models lower BP in SN-salt rats is by increased vascular sensitivity. CGRP functions in a similar manner in the L-NAME model. In the SHR, synthesis of CGRP and SP is decreased. This could contribute to the BP elevation in this model. The CGRP gene knockout mouse has increased baseline mean arterial pressure. The long-term synthesis and release of CGRP is increased by nerve growth factor, bradykinin, and prostaglandins and is decreased by alpha2-adrenoreceptor agonists and glucocorticoids. In several animal models, sensory nervous system vasoactive peptides play a role in chronic BP elevation. In the acquired models, they play a compensatory role. In the genetic model, their decreased levels may contribute to the elevated BP. The roles of CGRP and SP in human hypertension are yet to be clarified.
Current immunological opinion disdains the necessity to define global interconnections between lymphocytes and regards natural autoantibodies and autoreactive T cells as intrinsically pathogenic. Immunological theories address the recognition of foreignness by independent clones of lymphocytes, not the relations among lymphocytes or between lymphocytes and the organism. However, although extremely variable in cellular/molecular composition, the immune system preserves as invariant a set of essential relations among its components and constantly enacts contacts with the organism of which it is a component. These invariant relations are reflected, for example, in the life-long stability of profiles of reactivity of immunoglobulins formed by normal organisms (natural antibodies). Oral contacts with dietary proteins and the intestinal microbiota also result in steady states that lack the progressive quality of secondary-type reactivity. Autoreactivity (natural autoantibody and autoreactive T cell formation) is also stable and lacks the progressive quality of clonal expansion. Specific immune responses, currently regarded as the fundament of the operation of the immune system, may actually result from transient interruptions in this stable connectivity among lymphocytes. More permanent deficits in interconnectivity result in oligoclonal expansions of T lymphocytes, as seen in Omenn's syndrome and in the experimental transplantation of a suboptimal diversity of syngeneic T cells to immunodeficient hosts, which also have pathogenic consequences. Contrary to theories that forbid autoreactivity as potentially pathogenic, the physiology of the immune system is conservative and autoreactive. Pathology derives from failures of these conservative mechanisms.
To determine if radiocontrast impairs vascular relaxation of the renal artery, segments (4-5 mm in length) of canine renal artery were suspended in vitro in organ chambers to measure isometric force (95% O2/5% CO2, at 37ºC). Arterial segments with and without endothelium were placed at the optimal point of their length-tension relation and incubated with 10 µM indomethacin to prevent synthesis of endogenous prostanoids. The presence of nonionic radiocontrast (iohexol, Omnipaque 350, 1 ml in 25 ml control solution, 4% (v/v)) did not alter endothelium-dependent relaxation to acetylcholine in rings precontracted with both norepinephrine and prostaglandin F2alpha (N = 6). When the rings were precontracted with prostaglandin F2alpha, the presence of ionic contrast did not inhibit the relaxation of the arteries. However, in canine renal arteries contracted with norepinephrine, the presence of ionic radiocontrast (diatrizoate meglumine and diatrizoate sodium, MD-76, 1 ml in 25 ml control solution, 4% (v/v)) inhibited relaxation in response to acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside (N = 6 in each group), and isoproterenol (N = 5; P < 0.05). Rings were relaxed less than 50% of norepinephrine contraction. Following removal of the contrast, vascular relaxation in response to the agonists returned to normal. These results indicate that ionic radiocontrast nonspecifically inhibits vasodilation (both cAMP-mediated and cGMP-mediated) of canine renal arteries contracted with norepinephrine. This reversible impairment of vasodilation could inhibit normal renal perfusion and act as a mechanism of renal failure following radiocontrast infusion. In the adopted experimental protocol the isoproterenol-induced relaxation of renal arteries precontracted with norepinephrine was more affected, suggesting a pivotal role of the cAMP system.
Nitric oxide (NO), a free radical gas produced endogenously from the amino acid L-arginine by NO synthase (NOS), has important functions in modulating vasopressin and oxytocin secretion from the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system. NO production is stimulated during increased functional activity of magnocellular neurons, in parallel with plastic changes of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and paraventricular nucleus. Electrophysiological data recorded from the SON of hypothalamic slices indicate that NO inhibits firing of phasic and non-phasic neurons, while L-NAME, an NOS inhibitor, increases their activity. Results from measurement of neurohypophyseal hormones are more variable. Overall, however, it appears that NO, tonically produced in the forebrain, inhibits vasopressin and oxytocin secretion during normovolemic, isosmotic conditions. During osmotic stimulation, dehydration, hypovolemia and hemorrhage, as well as high plasma levels of angiotensin II, NO inhibition of vasopressin neurons is removed, while that of oxytocin neurons is enhanced. This produces a preferential release of vasopressin over oxytocin important for correction of fluid imbalance. During late pregnancy and throughout lactation, fluid homeostasis is altered and expression of NOS in the SON is down- and up-regulated, respectively, in parallel with plastic changes of the magnocellular system. NO inhibition of magnocellular neurons involves GABA and prostaglandin synthesis and the signal-transduction mechanism is independent of the cGMP-pathway. Plasma hormone levels are unaffected by icv 1H-[1, 2, 4]oxadiazolo-[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (a soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor) or 8-Br-cGMP administered to conscious rats. Moreover, cGMP does not increase in homogenates of the neural lobe and in microdialysates of the SON when NO synthesis is enhanced during osmotic stimulation. Among alternative signal-transduction pathways, nitrosylation of target proteins affecting activity of ion channels is considered.