994 resultados para open-top chambers
Elevated blood pressure is a common, heritable cause of cardiovascular disease worldwide. To date, identification of common genetic variants influencing blood pressure has proven challenging. We tested 2.5 million genotyped and imputed SNPs for association with systolic and diastolic blood pressure in 34,433 subjects of European ancestry from the Global BPgen consortium and followed up findings with direct genotyping (N ≤ 71,225 European ancestry, N ≤ 12,889 Indian Asian ancestry) and in silico comparison (CHARGE consortium, N = 29,136). We identified association between systolic or diastolic blood pressure and common variants in eight regions near the CYP17A1 (P = 7 × 10(-24)), CYP1A2 (P = 1 × 10(-23)), FGF5 (P = 1 × 10(-21)), SH2B3 (P = 3 × 10(-18)), MTHFR (P = 2 × 10(-13)), c10orf107 (P = 1 × 10(-9)), ZNF652 (P = 5 × 10(-9)) and PLCD3 (P = 1 × 10(-8)) genes. All variants associated with continuous blood pressure were associated with dichotomous hypertension. These associations between common variants and blood pressure and hypertension offer mechanistic insights into the regulation of blood pressure and may point to novel targets for interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease.
This article summarizes the different stages of research for the development of medical interventions and their specific characteristics in terms of design, population, resources, importance of results and scientific interest. The emphasis is focused on the two final stages of development, the effectiveness and the impact. An example from our own experience is given to illustrate the reduction of the effect of an intervention against malaria in young children at different stages of the development of the intervention, and the parallel decrease of the recognition by the scientific community of the importance of these results.
Advanced neuroinformatics tools are required for methods of connectome mapping, analysis, and visualization. The inherent multi-modality of connectome datasets poses new challenges for data organization, integration, and sharing. We have designed and implemented the Connectome Viewer Toolkit - a set of free and extensible open source neuroimaging tools written in Python. The key components of the toolkit are as follows: (1) The Connectome File Format is an XML-based container format to standardize multi-modal data integration and structured metadata annotation. (2) The Connectome File Format Library enables management and sharing of connectome files. (3) The Connectome Viewer is an integrated research and development environment for visualization and analysis of multi-modal connectome data. The Connectome Viewer's plugin architecture supports extensions with network analysis packages and an interactive scripting shell, to enable easy development and community contributions. Integration with tools from the scientific Python community allows the leveraging of numerous existing libraries for powerful connectome data mining, exploration, and comparison. We demonstrate the applicability of the Connectome Viewer Toolkit using Diffusion MRI datasets processed by the Connectome Mapper. The Connectome Viewer Toolkit is available from http://www.cmtk.org/
The use of deicing salts in this part of the country is a necessity to remove ice from our bridges. The use of these salts has always been a problem since the chloride-ions penetrate the concrete and reach the steel and cause corrosion which eventually cause deterioration of both the steel and concrete. One method used to try to prevent this from happening was to apply a waterproof membrane to the concrete after it was placed. This method did help, but was not cost effective as the longevity of the membrane system was of relatively short duration. For this reason, this research project was initiated. After the original deck was placed a second layer of concrete about 1 1/2" thick was placed on top. Biennial evaluation of the decks included testing for delaminations and steel corrosion. Cores were also obtained for a chloride analysis. Testing and observations showed the two-layer bridge deck to be effective in preventing corrosion. Since the time this project was initiated, epoxy steel has been introduced and is a cost effective way to protect the steel from corrosion.
This project involved the evaluation of several aggregates previously rated poor to excellent with respect to skid resistance and certain mix design parameters. An open graded asphalt friction course was evaluated using 4 comparably graded aggregates: quartzite, fine grained limestone, coarse limestone and lightweight expanded shale. The performance investigations involved the verification of observations of the quartzite test sections, evaluation of the effect of blending the superior quartzite with a typical coarse grained-textured limestone, and the evaluation of the limestone. The effects of traffic on the aggregates used in the test sections were studied, as well as the relationship between asphalt content levels and traffic with respect to performance. The bond of the open graded friction course mixture was also evaluated. The SN performance of all test sections after sixteen months of exposure was found to be satisfactory in that none of the material combinations had polished to the point where unacceptable SN levels developed. When material combinations were compared, significant differences were noted.
A carrier system for gases and nutrients became mandatory when primitive animals grew larger and developed different organs. The first circulatory systems are peristaltic tubes pushing slowly the haemolymph into an open vascular tree without capillaries (worms). Arthropods developed contractile bulges on the abdominal aorta assisted by accessory hearts for wings or legs and by abdominal respiratory motions. Two-chamber heart (atrium and ventricle) appeared among mollusks. Vertebrates have a multi-chamber heart and a closed circulation with capillaries. Their heart has two chambers in fishes, three chambers (two atria and one ventricle) in amphibians and reptiles, and four chambers in birds and mammals. The ventricle of reptiles is partially divided in two cavities by an interventricular septum, leaving only a communication of variable size leading to a variable shunt. Blood pressure increases progressively from 15 mmHg (worms) to 170/70 mmHg (birds) according to the increase in metabolic rate. When systemic pressure exceeds 50 mmHg, a lower pressure system appears for the circulation through gills or lungs in order to improve gas exchange. A four-chamber heart allows a complete separation of systemic and pulmonary circuits. This review describes the circulatory pumping systems used in the different classes of animals, their advantages and failures, and the way they have been modified with evolution.