945 resultados para nuclear energy-potential surface
En aquesta tesi he estudiat l'efecte de l'error de superposició de base (BSSE) en la planaritat d'algunes molècules. He observat que l'ús d'alguns mètodes de càlcul amb determinades funcions de base descriuen mínims d'energia no planars per les bases nitrogenades de l'ADN. He demostrat que aquests problemes es poden arreglar utilitzant el mètode Counterpoise per corregir el BSSE en els càlculs. En aquesta tesi també he estudiat la fotofísica de la timina i els resultats mostren que existeixen dos camins de relaxació des de l'estat excitat que permeten la regeneració de l'estructura inicial de forma ultraràpida.
A potential energy function has been derived for the ground state surface of C2H2 as a many-body expansion. The 2- and 3-body terms have been obtained by preliminary investigation of the ground state surfaces of CH2( 3B1) and C2H( 2Σ+). A 4-body term has been derived which reproduces the energy, geometry and harmonic force field of C2H2. The potential has a secondary minimum corresponding to the vinylidene structure and the geometry and energy of this are in close agreement with predictions from ab initio calculations. The saddle point for the HCCH-H2CC rearrangement is predicted to lie 2•530 eV above the acetylene minimum.
A model potential energy function for the ground state of H2CO has been derived which covers the whole space of the six internal coordinates. This potential reproduces the experimental energy, geometry and quadratic force field of formaldehyde, and dissociates correctly to all possible atom, diatom and triatom fragments. Thus there are good reasons for believing it to be close to the true potential energy surface except in regions where both hydrogen atoms are close to the oxygen. It leads to the prediction that there should be a metastable singlet hydroxycarbene HCOH which has a planar trans structure and an energy of 2•31 eV above that of equilibrium formaldehyde. The reaction path for dissociation into H2 + CO is predicted to pass through a low symmetry transition state with an activation energy of 4•8 eV. Both of these predictions are in good agreement with recently published ab initio calculations.
The different types of surface intersection which may occur in linear configurations of triatomic molecules are reviewed, particularly with regard to the way in which the degeneracy is split as the molecule bends. The Renner-Teller effect in states of symmetry Π, Δ, Φ, etc., and intersections between Σ and Π, Σ and Δ, and Π and Δ states are discussed. A general method of modelling such intersecting potential surfaces is proposed, as a development of the model previously used by Murrell and Carter and co-workers for single-valued surfaces. Some of the lower energy surfaces of H2O, NH2, O3, C3, and HNO are discussed as examples.
We report quantum diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) and variational calculations in full dimensionality for selected vibrational states of H5O2+ using a new ab initio potential energy surface [X. Huang, B. Braams, and J. M. Bowman, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 044308 (2005)]. The energy and properties of the zero-point state are focused on in the rigorous DMC calculations. OH-stretch fundamentals are also calculated using "fixed-node" DMC calculations and variationally using two versions of the code MULTIMODE. These results are compared with infrared multiphoton dissociation measurements of Yeh [L. I. Yeh, M. Okumura, J. D. Myers, J. M. Price, and Y. T. Lee, J. Chem. Phys. 91, 7319 (1989)]. Some preliminary results for the energies of several modes of the shared hydrogen are also reported.
Quantum calculations of the ground vibrational state tunneling splitting of H-atom and D-atom transfer in malonaldehyde are performed on a full-dimensional ab initio potential energy surface (PES). The PES is a fit to 11 147 near basis-set-limit frozen-core CCSD(T) electronic energies. This surface properly describes the invariance of the potential with respect to all permutations of identical atoms. The saddle-point barrier for the H-atom transfer on the PES is 4.1 kcal/mol, in excellent agreement with the reported ab initio value. Model one-dimensional and "exact" full-dimensional calculations of the splitting for H- and D-atom transfer are done using this PES. The tunneling splittings in full dimensionality are calculated using the unbiased "fixed-node" diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) method in Cartesian and saddle-point normal coordinates. The ground-state tunneling splitting is found to be 21.6 cm(-1) in Cartesian coordinates and 22.6 cm(-1) in normal coordinates, with an uncertainty of 2-3 cm(-1). This splitting is also calculated based on a model which makes use of the exact single-well zero-point energy (ZPE) obtained with the MULTIMODE code and DMC ZPE and this calculation gives a tunneling splitting of 21-22 cm(-1). The corresponding computed splittings for the D-atom transfer are 3.0, 3.1, and 2-3 cm(-1). These calculated tunneling splittings agree with each other to within less than the standard uncertainties obtained with the DMC method used, which are between 2 and 3 cm(-1), and agree well with the experimental values of 21.6 and 2.9 cm(-1) for the H and D transfer, respectively. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Ligands such as CO, O2, or NO are involved in the biological function of myoglobin. Here we investigate the energetics and dynamics of NO interacting with the Fe(II) heme group in native myoglobin using ab initio and molecular dynamics simulations. At the global minimum of the ab initio potential energy surface (PES), the binding energy of 23.4 kcal/mol and the Fe-NO structure compare well with the experimental results. Interestingly, the PES is found to exhibit two minima: There exists a metastable, linear Fe-O-N minimum in addition to the known, bent Fe-N-O global minimum conformation. Moreover, the T-shaped configuration is found to be a saddle point, in contrast to the corresponding minimum for NO interacting with Fe(III). To use the ab initio results for finite temperature molecular dynamics simulations, an analytical function was fitted to represent the Fe-NO interaction. The simulations show that the secondary minimum is dynamically stable up to 250 K and has a lifetime of several hundred picoseconds at 300 K. The difference in the topology of the heme-NO PES from that assumed previously (one deep, single Fe-NO minimum) suggests that it is important to use the full PES for a quantitative understanding of this system. Why the metastable state has not been observed in the many spectroscopic studies of myoglobin interacting with NO is discussed, and possible approaches to finding it are outlined.
The importance of the HSO(2) system in atmospheric and combustion chemistry has motivated several works dedicated to the study of associated structures and chemical reactions. Nevertheless controversy still exists in connection with the reaction SH + O(2) -> H + SO(2) and also related to the role of the HSOO isomers in the potential energy surface (PES). Here we report high-level ab initio calculation for the electronic ground state of the HSO(2) system. Energetic, geometric, and frequency properties for the major stationary states of the PES are reported at the same level of calculations:,CASPT2/aug-cc-pV(T+d)Z. This study introduces three new stationary points (two saddle points and one minimum). These structures allow the connection of the skewed HSOOs and the HSO(2) minima defining new reaction paths for SH + O(2) -> H + SO(2) and SH + O(2) -> OH + SO. In addition, the location of the HSOO isomers in the reaction pathways have been clarified.
Structural, energetic, and vibrational properties of new molecular species, HSeF and HFSe, the associated transition state, and dissociation fragments are investigated using a state-of-the-art theoretical approach, CCSD(T)/CBS. HSeF is a normal covalently bonded molecule 38.98 kcal mol (1) more stable than the complex HF-Se, which shows an unusual structure with a central fluorine atom and a bond angle of 101.8 degrees.A barrier (Delta G(#)) of 49.01 kcal mol (1) separates the two species. Vibrational frequencies are also quite distinct. Heats of formation are evaluated for the diatomic fragments and HSeF. Final Delta(f)H values depend on the experimental accuracy of those of Se(g) and H(2)Se. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study reports a systematic state-of-the-art characterization of new sulfur-chlorine species on the [H, S(2), Cl] potential energy surface. Coupled cluster theory singles and doubles with perturbative contributions of connected triples, using the series of correlation consistent basis sets with extrapolations to the complete basis set limit (CBS), were employed to quantify the energetic quantities involved in the isomerization processes on this surface. The structures and vibrational frequencies are unique for some species and represent the most accurate investigation to date. These molecules are potentially a new route of coupling the sulfur and chlorine chemistries in the atmosphere, and conditions of high concentration of H(2)S (HS) like in volcanic eruptions might contribute to their formation. Also an assessment of the MP2/CBS approach relative to CCSD(T)/CBS provides insights on the expected performance of MP2/CBS on the characterization of polysulfides, and also of more complex systems containing disulfide bridges. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
CCSD(T)/cc-pVnZ (n = D, T, Q) calculations followed by extrapolations to the CBS limit are used to characterize stationary states of species participating in the N((4)S) + CH(3) (2A ``) reaction on the triplet PES. A mechanistic model is investigated and reaction rates are computed for every step and the overall reaction. Our best CBS estimate (1.93 x 10(10) cm(3) molecule(1) s(1)) for the overall rate constant leading to the formation of H(2)CN + H compares well with the experimental values (8.5 x 10 (11) and 1.3 x 10(10) cm(3) molecule(1) s(1)), thus reducing significantly the discrepancy of a previous theoretical result (9.1 x 10(12) cm(3) molecule(1) s(1)). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work reports a state-of-the-art theoretical characterization of four new sulfur-bromine species and five transition states on the [H, S(2), Br] potential energy surface. Our highest level theoretical approach employed the method coupled cluster singles and doubles with perturbative contributions of connected triples, CCSD(T), along with the series of correlation-consistent basis sets and with extrapolation to the complete basis set (CBS) limit in the optimization of the geometrical parameters and to quantify the energetic quantities. The structural and vibrational frequencies here reported are unique and represent the most accurate investigation to date of these species. The global minimum corresponds to a skewed structure HSSBr with a disulfide bond; this is followed by a pyramidal-like structure, SSHBr, 18.85 kcal/mol above the minimum. Much higher in energy, we found another skewed structure, HSBrS (50.29 kcal/mol), with one S-Br dative-type bond, and another pyramidal-like one, HBrSS (109.80 kcal/mol), with two S-Br dative-type bonds. The interconversion of HSSBr into SSHBr can occur via a transfer of either the hydrogen or the bromine atom but involves a very high barrier of about 43 kcal/mol. These molecules are potentially a new route of coupling the sulfur and bromine chemistry in the atmosphere, and conditions of high concentration of H(2)S like in volcanic eruptions might contribute to their formation. We note that HSSBr can act as a reservoir molecule for the reaction between the radicals HSS and Br. Also, an assessment of the methods DFT/B3LYP/CBS and MP2/CBS relative to CCSD(T)/CBS provides insights on the expected performance of these methods on the characterization of polysulfides and also of more complex systems containing disulfide bridges.
The potential energy surface for the first step of the alkaline hydrolysis of methyl acetate was explored by a variety of methods. The conformational search routine within SPARTAN was used to determine the lowest energy am1 and pm3 structures for the anionic tetrahedral intermediate. Ab initio single point and geometry optimization calculations were performed to determine the lowest energy conformer, and the linear synchronous transition (lst) method was used to provide an initial structure for transition state optimization. Transition states were obtained at the am1, pm3, 3-21G, and 3-21 + G levels of theory. These transition states were compared with the anionic tetrahedral intermediates to examine the assumption that the intermediate is a good model for the transition state. In addition, the Cramer/Truhlar sm3 solvation model was used at the semiempirical level to compare gas phase and aqueous alkaline hydrolysis of methyl acetate.
So far, no experimental data of the infrared and Raman spectra of 13C isotopologue of dimethyl ether are available. With the aim of providing some clues of its low-lying vibrational bands and with the hope of contributing in a next spectral analysis, a number of vibrational transition frequencies below 300 cm−1 of the infrared spectrum and around 400 cm−1 of the Raman spectrum have been predicted and their assignments were proposed. Calculations were carried out through an ab initio three dimensional potential energy surface based on a previously reported one for the most abundant dimethyl ether isotopologue (M. Villa et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 115 (2011) 13573). The potential function was vibrationally corrected and computed with a highly correlated CCSD(T) method involving the COC bending angle and the two large amplitude CH3 internal rotation degrees of freedom. Also, the Hamiltonian parameters could represent a support for the spectral characterization of this species. Although the computed vibrational term values are expected to be very accurate, an empirical adjustment of the Hamiltonian has been performed with the purpose of anticipating some workable corrections to any possible divergence of the vibrational frequencies. Also, the symmetry breaking derived from the isotopic substitution of 13C in the dimethyl ether was taken into account when the symmetrization procedure was applied.
Résumé : Les ions hydronium (H3O + ) sont formés, à temps courts, dans les grappes ou le long des trajectoires de la radiolyse de l'eau par des rayonnements ionisants à faible transfert d’énergie linéaire (TEL) ou à TEL élevé. Cette formation in situ de H3O + rend la région des grappes/trajectoires du rayonnement temporairement plus acide que le milieu environnant. Bien que des preuves expérimentales de l’acidité d’une grappe aient déjà été signalées, il n'y a que des informations fragmentaires quant à son ampleur et sa dépendance en temps. Dans ce travail, nous déterminons les concentrations en H3O + et les valeurs de pH correspondantes en fonction du temps à partir des rendements de H3O + calculés à l’aide de simulations Monte Carlo de la chimie intervenant dans les trajectoires. Quatre ions incidents de différents TEL ont été sélectionnés et deux modèles de grappe/trajectoire ont été utilisés : 1) un modèle de grappe isolée "sphérique" (faible TEL) et 2) un modèle de trajectoire "cylindrique" (TEL élevé). Dans tous les cas étudiés, un effet de pH acide brusque transitoire, que nous appelons un effet de "pic acide", est observé immédiatement après l’irradiation. Cet effet ne semble pas avoir été exploré dans l'eau ou un milieu cellulaire soumis à un rayonnement ionisant, en particulier à haut TEL. À cet égard, ce travail soulève des questions sur les implications possibles de cet effet en radiobiologie, dont certaines sont évoquées brièvement. Nos calculs ont ensuite été étendus à l’étude de l'influence de la température, de 25 à 350 °C, sur la formation in situ d’ions H3O + et l’effet de pic acide qui intervient à temps courts lors de la radiolyse de l’eau à faible TEL. Les résultats montrent une augmentation marquée de la réponse de pic acide à hautes températures. Comme de nombreux processus intervenant dans le cœur d’un réacteur nucléaire refroidi à l'eau dépendent de façon critique du pH, la question ici est de savoir si ces fortes variations d’acidité, même si elles sont hautement localisées et transitoires, contribuent à la corrosion et l’endommagement des matériaux.