996 resultados para nitrogen source
The nutritional composition o f orange roughy (collected from the Northeast Atlantic near the Rockall Trough) was studied on a seasonal basis. In addition samples were aged and stability assessed. Protein levels (16.68-16.21% w/w) were found to be slightly higher than those recorded for the N ew Zealand species o f orange roughy and compared favourably with protein values for fish muscle in general. Statistically results show a significant seasonal variation with no variation from fish to fish or in the location within the fish. Lipid content (3.6-4.5% w/w) was found to be much lower than that recorded for New Zealand. As with protein statistically results show a significant seasonal variation and no variation from fish to fish or in the location within the fish. Moisture levels (77.3_79.6%w/w) compared favourably with values obtained from other studies. Again statistically results show a significant seasonal variation with no variation from fish to fish or within the fish. Iodine values (74.63-79.54) indicate the likely presence o f a high level o f mono unsaturated fatty acids. Statistically results show no significant seasonal variation and no sample variation or variation within fish. Thin layer chromatography o f the extracted fat showed the major type to be wax esters with a much lower amount o f triglycerides and smaller amounts of polar lipids, free sterols and free fatty acids. Total fatty acid composition was found to be very similar to that recorded from other studies and showed that most o f the oils extracted from the fish muscle contained a high percentage o f mono unsaturates namely 16:1,18:1, 20:1 and 22:1 (85.63 - 91.14% ) with 16:1 present in the smallest amounts and 18:1 the major one. The only saturated fatty M.Sc. in Biochemistry III Nutritional Composition, Quality and Spoilage Capacity of Specific Deep Sea Fish acids present in significant quantities were 14:0, 16:0 and 18:0, the total varied from a seasonal average high o f 4.05 % to an average low o f 2.27%. The polyunsaturated fatty acids linoleic and arachidonic acid were present in small quantities varying in total from 0.89% to 1.50%. Docosapentaenoic acid (D P A ) was found only in trace quantities in spring, autumn and winter samples and undetected in summer. Levels o f Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA ) and Docosahexaenoic acid (D H A ) were also found in very low percentages and varied on a seasonal basis with average values ranging from 0.41% in summer to 1.03 % in autumn for EPA and from 1.44 % in summer to3.20 % in autumn for D H A . Again statistically results show a significant seasonal variation with no variation from fish to fish or location within the fish. Levels o f freshness were measured using the Thiobarbituric acid (T B A ), Total volatile base nitrogen (T V B -N ) and Trimethylamine (T M A ) techniques. The quality o f the fish upon arrival was excellent and well below legal/acceptable lim its.T V B -N values ranged from 6.88-8.91 mg/lOOg and T M A values from 4.82-6.46 mg/lOOg Values for T B A ranged from 0.18-0.35 mg Malonaldehyde/kg fish. The summer values were higher than the other seasons. Seasonal variation was significant for all methods with no variation from fish to fish or within the fish. Fish aged at +4°C in air did not exceed the T V B N lim it o f 35mg/100g until day 6 whereas the T V B N lim it was extended to 8 days for fish aged at +4°C in vacuum. However the T M A lim it o f 12mg/100g was reached on day 4 for fish stored at +4°C in air and on day 5 for vacuum packed samples stored at +4°C . Fish stored at -5°C in air and vacuum packed did not reach the T V B N lim it until day 61 but the T M A limit was reached on day 24 for fish stored at -5°C in air and was extended to 31 days for vacuum packed fish stored at-5°C. Prolonged storage at -18°C caused some deterioration o f the frozen fish muscle. Upon thawing the shelf life o f fish stored for 12 months was much shorter than that stored for 6 M.Sc. in Biochemistry IV Nutritional Composition, Quality and Spoilage Capacity of Specific Deep Sea Fish months. This in turn deteriorated faster than fresh fish held at refridgeration temperature in air. Orange roughy were found to be a good source of protein with moisture levels similar to that o f other fish. They were o f medium fat content but have a very poor content o f the essential omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Orange roughy can be stored at -18°C but its subsequent refridgerated shelf life will be shorter than that o f unfrozen orange roughy stored at refridgeration temperature. Orange roughy are a very important part o f the ecosystem. Their composition is less nutritionally beneficial than more readily available fish for human consumption and therefore should not be fished at all
Kikuio grass (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst) is beyond any doubt, a pasture very important for farm animals; since its chemical composition is very similar to that of alfalfa, the present field trial was carried out; a randomized block design with 8 treatments was selected as follows: 1 N - P - K - Ca - Mg (complete manuring) 2 N - P - K - Ca----- (without Mg) 3 N - P - K-------Mg (without Ca) 4 ----P - K - Ca - Mg (without N) 5 N------K - Ca Mg (without P) 6 N - P - Ca - Mg (without K) 7 organic matter (without mineral fertilizers) 8 control Nitrogen was applied as NaN03 (topdressed) and as ammonium sulfate; P2O5 was given as superphosphate associated to bonemeal; K2O was applied as muriate, CaO as "sambaquis" (oyster shells); MgO was given as MgSO4 (topdressed). The source of organic matter was farmyard manure. As far yields are concerned the following observations were made: 1. treatment n. 7 was superior to all others; 2. considering the mineral fertilizers, good responses were due to N and P2O5; 3. the control yield was exceedingly poor, being inferior to all the others treatments; The chemical analyses revealed that: 1. the protein content decreased accordingly to this order: 7, 6, 5 and 1; treatment 4 (without N) gave the lowest protein content; 2. treatment n. 4 produced the highest fat content; treatment no. 7 ranked second; no. 8 gave the lowest fat content; 3. crude fiber: highest - treatment 7; lowest - 8; 4. ashes: the ashes content was higher in treatment 5; proprobably because the most abundant element in the ashes is K, the ash content of treatment 6 (no K) was very low; 5. non nitrogenous substances (determined by difference) - high in treatment 8 and low in treatment 7; 6. mineral elements in the ashes - the element omitted from a given treatment was very low in the grasses therein obtained; this shows the relative poverty of the soil in that element. As general remark the Authors suggest the use of farmyard manure in the fertilization of Kikuio grass; farmyard manure could probably substitute wither green manure or compost.
Sand culture experiments, using a sub-irrigation technique, were installed in order to find out the effects of the macronutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S on growth, aspect, mineral composition, length of fibers, thickness of cell wall and cellulose concentration in slash pine. The aim was to obtain, under controlled conditions, basic information which could eventually lead to practical means designed to increase the rate of growth and to make of slash pine a richer source of cellulose. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium Experiment A 3 x 3 x 3 factorial design with two replicates was used. Nitrogen was supplied initially at the levels of 25, 50 and 100 ppm; phosphorus was given at the rates of 5, 10 and 20 ppm; potassium was supplied at the rates of 25, 50 and 100 ppm; six months after the experiment was started the first level for each element was dropped to zero. Others macro and all micronutrients were supplied at uniform rates. Fifteen hours of illumination per day were provided. The experimental technique for growing the slash pine seedlings proved quite satisfactory. Symptoms of deficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were observed, described and recorded in photographs and water colors. These informations will help to identify abnormalities which may appear under field conditions. Chemical analysis of the several plant parts, on the other hand, give a valuable means to assess the nutritional status of slash pine, thus confirming when needed, the visual diagnosis. The correctness of manurial pratices, on the other hand, can be judged with the help of the analytical data tabulated. Under the experimental conditions nitrogen caused the highest increases on growth, as measured by increments in height and dry weights, whereas the effects of phosphorus and potassium were less marked. Cellulose concentration was not significantly affected by the treatments used. Higher levels of N seemed to decrease both length of fiber elements and the thickness of cell wall. The effects of P and K were not well defined. Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur Experiment A 3 x 3 x 3 factorial design with two replicates was used. Calcium was supplied initially at the levels of 12.5, 25 and 50 ppm; magnesium and sulfur were given at the rates of 6, 12.5 and 25 ppm. Other macro and micronutrients were supplied at uniform rates, common to all treatments. Three months after starting the experiment the first level for each element was dropped to zero. Symptoms of deficiency of calcium, magnesium and sulfur were observed, described and recorded as in the case of the previous experiment. Chemical analysis were made, both for mineral content and cellulose concentration. Length of fibers and thickness of cell wall were measured. Both calcium and magnesium increase height, sulfur failing to give significant response. Dry weight was beneficially affected by calcium and sulfur. The levels of calcium, magnesium and sulfur in the needles associated with deficiency and maximum growth are comparable with those found in the literature. Cellulose concentration increased when the level of sulfur in the substrate was raised. The thickness of cell wall was negatively affected by the treatments; no effect was observed with regards to length of fibers.
O atual conhecimento relativo à distribuição em percentagem das várias frações de enxofre nos solos provem principalmente dos estudos dos solos de regiões temperadas. Em vista disso, este estudo foi conduzido para determinar as frações do S e as relações C-N-P-S em alguns solos da região subtropical dos Estados de São Paulo e do Paraná, Brasil, e comparar estes valores nestes solos com aqueles nos solos do Estado de Iowa, dos Estados Unidos da América do Norte. As análises das frações de enxofre nos solos dos dois países, indicaram que os solos do Brasil contem sulfato inorgânico adsorvido. Expressos como percentagem do S total, os solos do Brasil acusaram de 5 a 23% (média 11%) de S-sulfato inorgânico, de 20 a 65% (média 40%) de S-ester sulfato, de 5 a 12% (média 7%) de S-ligado ao Carbono e de 24 a 59% (média 42%) de S orgânico não identificado. As percentagens correspondentes nos solos de Iowa foram de 2 a 8% (média 5%) de S-sulfato inorgânico, de 43 a 60% (média 50%) de S-ester sufato, de 7 a 18% (média 11%) de enxofre ligado ao carbono e de 30 a 39% (média 34%) de S orgânico, não identificado. Outrossim, não foi encontrado o enxofre inorgânico não-sulfato em nenhum dos solos analisados. Houve grandes variações nas relações C, N, Ρ e S entre solos brasileiros quando comparados com aqueles do Iowa.
An experiment was carried out in order to determine the effect of day time of foliar spraying of several levels of nitrogen fertilizers, N-P-K-S station, and its components on common bean leaves. Results, based on the visual observations, indicated the maximum levels of each fertilizer that did not cause injuries and showed that the foliar spraying early in the morning is the best day time.
The aim of the present study was to determine whether wild adult Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart, 1835) females are able to associate a compound (quinine sulphate - QS) not related to their habitual diet with a protein-enriched food. Females were first fed on diets based on brewer yeast and sucrose containing or not QS. The groups were then allowed to choose between their original diets and a diet with or without QS, depending on the previous treatment, and between a diet based on agar and a diet containing agar and QS. When the nutritional value of the diets was adequate, the females did not show any preference for the diet with or without QS. With respect to the agar diet and the agar + QS diet, females previously fed on a nutritive diet containing QS preferred the diet containing QS, indicating an association between the compound and the nutritional value of the diet. The importance of this behavioral strategy is discussed.
El present treball pretén avaluar l’impacte de les activitats agràries sobre les aigües subterrànies, al Baix Empordà. La ramaderia intensiva genera uns residus que l’agricultura no és capaç d’assumir. Els excedents generats s’infiltren al subsòl, generalment en forma de nitrats (NO3-), provocant la contaminació de les aigües subterrànies. Aquesta pot provocar greus problemes ecològics en els sistemes aquàtics, i afectar a la salut humana. S’ha realitzat un balanç de nitrogen per a les zones agrícoles de l’àrea d’estudi, avaluant els diversos processos que incorporen o extreuen nitrogen al sòl. Paral·lelament, s’ha estudiat el consum d’aigua provocat pel diversos sectors presents a la zona d’estudi, per tal d’avaluar quantitativament la pressió que provoquen sobre els aqüífers. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que la majoria de municipis estudiats generen excedents de nitrogen, justificant la presència de nitrats al subsòl.
The aplicability of Fava's Netto medium in the liquid nitrogen cryopreservation technique of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis cells was demonstrated.
Traditionally, subcortical structures such as the cerebellum are supposed to exert a modulatory effect on epileptic seizures, rather than being the primary seizure generator. We report a 14-month old girl presenting, since birth, with seizures symptomatic of a right cerebellar dysplasia, manifested as paroxystic contralateral hemifacial spasm and ipsilateral facial weakness. Multimodal imaging was used to investigate both anatomical landmarks related to the cerebellar lesion and mechanisms underlying seizure generation. Electric source imaging (ESI) supported the hypothesis of a right cerebellar epileptogenic generator in concordance with nuclear imaging findings; subsequently validated by intra-operative intralesional recordings. Diffusion spectrum imaging-related tractography (DSI) showed severe cerebellar structural abnormalities confirmed by histological examination. We suggest that hemispheric cerebellar lesions in cases like this are likely to cause epilepsy via an effect on the facial nuclei through ipsilateral and contralateral aberrant connections.
In cases of highly inflammatory dermatophytosis in humans, it is important to identify the possible source of animal transmission in order to prevent recurrence, family outbreaks or rapidly progressing epidemics. A survey of dermatophytes in pets during a 14-month period in Switzerland revealed, in addition to Microsporum canis, two different species of the Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex, Arthroderma benhamiae and Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii, all causing inflammatory dermatophytoses. Arthroderma benhamiae was only and frequently isolated from guinea pigs. Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii was isolated mainly from European short hair cats, but also from dogs and in one case from a pure-bred cat. Ninety-three percent of the cats carrying A. vanbreuseghemii were hunters and all had skin lesions. In contrast, cats with skin lesions that were strictly indoors were found to be almost exclusively infected by M. canis. Therefore, it can be suspected that infection with A. vanbreuseghemii occurred during hunting and that the natural source of this dermatophyte is either soil or an animal other than the cat, most probably a rodent.