897 resultados para multi-feature control


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The population of English Language Learners (ELLs) globally has been increasing substantially every year. In the United States alone, adult ELLs are the fastest growing portion of learners in adult education programs (Yang, 2005). There is a significant need to improve the teaching of English to ELLs in the United States and other English-speaking dominant countries. However, for many ELLs, speaking, especially to Native English Speakers (NESs), causes considerable language anxiety, which in turn plays a vital role in hindering their language development and academic progress (Pichette, 2009; Woodrow, 2006). Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT), such as simulation activities, has long been viewed as an effective approach for second-language development. The current advances in technology and rapid emergence of Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) have provided an opportunity for educators to consider conducting simulations online for ELLs to practice speaking English to NESs. Yet to date, empirical research on the effects of MUVEs on ELLs’ language development and speaking is limited (Garcia-Ruiz, Edwards, & Aquino-Santos, 2007). This study used a true experimental treatment control group repeated measures design to compare the perceived speaking anxiety levels (as measured by an anxiety scale administered per simulation activity) of 11 ELLs (5 in the control group, 6 in the experimental group) when speaking to Native English Speakers (NESs) during 10 simulation activities. Simulations in the control group were done face-to-face, while those in the experimental group were done in the MUVE of Second Life. The results of the repeated measures ANOVA revealed after the Huynh-Feldt epsilon correction, demonstrated for both groups a significant decrease in anxiety levels over time from the first simulation to the tenth and final simulation. When comparing the two groups, the results revealed a statistically significant difference, with the experimental group demonstrating a greater anxiety reduction. These results suggests that language instructors should consider including face-to-face and MUVE simulations with ELLs paired with NESs as part of their language instruction. Future investigations should investigate the use of other multi-user virtual environments and/or measure other dimensions of the ELL/NES interactions.


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This dissertation introduces a new approach for assessing the effects of pediatric epilepsy on the language connectome. Two novel data-driven network construction approaches are presented. These methods rely on connecting different brain regions using either extent or intensity of language related activations as identified by independent component analysis of fMRI data. An auditory description decision task (ADDT) paradigm was used to activate the language network for 29 patients and 30 controls recruited from three major pediatric hospitals. Empirical evaluations illustrated that pediatric epilepsy can cause, or is associated with, a network efficiency reduction. Patients showed a propensity to inefficiently employ the whole brain network to perform the ADDT language task; on the contrary, controls seemed to efficiently use smaller segregated network components to achieve the same task. To explain the causes of the decreased efficiency, graph theoretical analysis was carried out. The analysis revealed no substantial global network feature differences between the patient and control groups. It also showed that for both subject groups the language network exhibited small-world characteristics; however, the patient’s extent of activation network showed a tendency towards more random networks. It was also shown that the intensity of activation network displayed ipsilateral hub reorganization on the local level. The left hemispheric hubs displayed greater centrality values for patients, whereas the right hemispheric hubs displayed greater centrality values for controls. This hub hemispheric disparity was not correlated with a right atypical language laterality found in six patients. Finally it was shown that a multi-level unsupervised clustering scheme based on self-organizing maps, a type of artificial neural network, and k-means was able to fairly and blindly separate the subjects into their respective patient or control groups. The clustering was initiated using the local nodal centrality measurements only. Compared to the extent of activation network, the intensity of activation network clustering demonstrated better precision. This outcome supports the assertion that the local centrality differences presented by the intensity of activation network can be associated with focal epilepsy.


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Wild boar is a recognized reservoir of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in the Mediterranean ecosystems, but information is scarce outside of hotspots in southern Spain. We describe the first high-prevalence focus of TB in a non-managed wild boar population in northern Spain and the result of eight years of TB management. Measures implemented for disease control included the control of the local wild boar population through culling and stamping out of a sympatric infected cattle herd. Post-mortem inspection for detection of tuberculosis-like lesions as well as cultures from selected head and cervical lymph nodes was done in 745 wild boar, 355 Iberian ibexes and five cattle between 2004 and 2012. The seasonal prevalence of TB reached 70% amongst adult wild boar and ten different spoligotypes and 13 MIRU-VNTR profiles were detected, although more than half of the isolates were included in the same clonal complex. Only 11% of infected boars had generalized lesions. None of the ibexes were affected, supporting their irrelevance in the epidemiology of TB. An infected cattle herd grazed the zone where 168 of the 197 infected boars were harvested. Cattle removal and wild boar culling together contributed to a decrease in TB prevalence. The need for holistic, sustained over time, intensive and adapted TB control strategies taking into account the multi-host nature of the disease is highlighted. The potential risk for tuberculosis emergence in wildlife scenarios where the risk is assumed to be low should be addressed.


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A continuous process strategy has been developed for the preparation of α-thio-β chloroacrylamides, a class of highly versatile synthetic intermediates. Flow platforms to generate the α-chloroamide and α-thioamide precursors were successfully adopted, progressing from the previously employed batch chemistry, and in both instances afford a readily scalable methodology. The implementation of the key α-thio-β-chloroacrylamide casade as a continuous flow reaction on a multi-gram scale is described, while the tuneable nature of the cascade, facilitated by continuous processing, is highlighted by selective generation of established intermediates and byproducts.


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The idea of spacecraft formations, flying in tight configurations with maximum baselines of a few hundred meters in low-Earth orbits, has generated widespread interest over the last several years. Nevertheless, controlling the movement of spacecraft in formation poses difficulties, such as in-orbit high-computing demand and collision avoidance capabilities, which escalate as the number of units in the formation is increased and complicated nonlinear effects are imposed to the dynamics, together with uncertainty which may arise from the lack of knowledge of system parameters. These requirements have led to the need of reliable linear and nonlinear controllers in terms of relative and absolute dynamics. The objective of this thesis is, therefore, to introduce new control methods to allow spacecraft in formation, with circular/elliptical reference orbits, to efficiently execute safe autonomous manoeuvres. These controllers distinguish from the bulk of literature in that they merge guidance laws never applied before to spacecraft formation flying and collision avoidance capacities into a single control strategy. For this purpose, three control schemes are presented: linear optimal regulation, linear optimal estimation and adaptive nonlinear control. In general terms, the proposed control approaches command the dynamical performance of one or several followers with respect to a leader to asymptotically track a time-varying nominal trajectory (TVNT), while the threat of collision between the followers is reduced by repelling accelerations obtained from the collision avoidance scheme during the periods of closest proximity. Linear optimal regulation is achieved through a Riccati-based tracking controller. Within this control strategy, the controller provides guidance and tracking toward a desired TVNT, optimizing fuel consumption by Riccati procedure using a non-infinite cost function defined in terms of the desired TVNT, while repelling accelerations generated from the CAS will ensure evasive actions between the elements of the formation. The relative dynamics model, suitable for circular and eccentric low-Earth reference orbits, is based on the Tschauner and Hempel equations, and includes a control input and a nonlinear term corresponding to the CAS repelling accelerations. Linear optimal estimation is built on the forward-in-time separation principle. This controller encompasses two stages: regulation and estimation. The first stage requires the design of a full state feedback controller using the state vector reconstructed by means of the estimator. The second stage requires the design of an additional dynamical system, the estimator, to obtain the states which cannot be measured in order to approximately reconstruct the full state vector. Then, the separation principle states that an observer built for a known input can also be used to estimate the state of the system and to generate the control input. This allows the design of the observer and the feedback independently, by exploiting the advantages of linear quadratic regulator theory, in order to estimate the states of a dynamical system with model and sensor uncertainty. The relative dynamics is described with the linear system used in the previous controller, with a control input and nonlinearities entering via the repelling accelerations from the CAS during collision avoidance events. Moreover, sensor uncertainty is added to the control process by considering carrier-phase differential GPS (CDGPS) velocity measurement error. An adaptive control law capable of delivering superior closed-loop performance when compared to the certainty-equivalence (CE) adaptive controllers is finally presented. A novel noncertainty-equivalence controller based on the Immersion and Invariance paradigm for close-manoeuvring spacecraft formation flying in both circular and elliptical low-Earth reference orbits is introduced. The proposed control scheme achieves stabilization by immersing the plant dynamics into a target dynamical system (or manifold) that captures the desired dynamical behaviour. They key feature of this methodology is the addition of a new term to the classical certainty-equivalence control approach that, in conjunction with the parameter update law, is designed to achieve adaptive stabilization. This parameter has the ultimate task of shaping the manifold into which the adaptive system is immersed. The performance of the controller is proven stable via a Lyapunov-based analysis and Barbalat’s lemma. In order to evaluate the design of the controllers, test cases based on the physical and orbital features of the Prototype Research Instruments and Space Mission Technology Advancement (PRISMA) are implemented, extending the number of elements in the formation into scenarios with reconfigurations and on-orbit position switching in elliptical low-Earth reference orbits. An extensive analysis and comparison of the performance of the controllers in terms of total Δv and fuel consumption, with and without the effects of the CAS, is presented. These results show that the three proposed controllers allow the followers to asymptotically track the desired nominal trajectory and, additionally, those simulations including CAS show an effective decrease of collision risk during the performance of the manoeuvre.


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A new semi-implicit stress integration algorithm for finite strain plasticity (compatible with hyperelas- ticity) is introduced. Its most distinctive feature is the use of different parameterizations of equilibrium and reference configurations. Rotation terms (nonlinear trigonometric functions) are integrated explicitly and correspond to a change in the reference configuration. In contrast, relative Green–Lagrange strains (which are quadratic in terms of displacements) represent the equilibrium configuration implicitly. In addition, the adequacy of several objective stress rates in the semi-implicit context is studied. We para- metrize both reference and equilibrium configurations, in contrast with the so-called objective stress integration algorithms which use coinciding configurations. A single constitutive framework provides quantities needed by common discretization schemes. This is computationally convenient and robust, as all elements only need to provide pre-established quantities irrespectively of the constitutive model. In this work, mixed strain/stress control is used, as well as our smoothing algorithm for the complemen- tarity condition. Exceptional time-step robustness is achieved in elasto-plastic problems: often fewer than one-tenth of the typical number of time increments can be used with a quantifiable effect in accuracy. The proposed algorithm is general: all hyperelastic models and all classical elasto-plastic models can be employed. Plane-stress, Shell and 3D examples are used to illustrate the new algorithm. Both isotropic and anisotropic behavior is presented in elasto-plastic and hyperelastic examples.


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Several decision and control tasks in cyber-physical networks can be formulated as large- scale optimization problems with coupling constraints. In these "constraint-coupled" problems, each agent is associated to a local decision variable, subject to individual constraints. This thesis explores the use of primal decomposition techniques to develop tailored distributed algorithms for this challenging set-up over graphs. We first develop a distributed scheme for convex problems over random time-varying graphs with non-uniform edge probabilities. The approach is then extended to unknown cost functions estimated online. Subsequently, we consider Mixed-Integer Linear Programs (MILPs), which are of great interest in smart grid control and cooperative robotics. We propose a distributed methodological framework to compute a feasible solution to the original MILP, with guaranteed suboptimality bounds, and extend it to general nonconvex problems. Monte Carlo simulations highlight that the approach represents a substantial breakthrough with respect to the state of the art, thus representing a valuable solution for new toolboxes addressing large-scale MILPs. We then propose a distributed Benders decomposition algorithm for asynchronous unreliable networks. The framework has been then used as starting point to develop distributed methodologies for a microgrid optimal control scenario. We develop an ad-hoc distributed strategy for a stochastic set-up with renewable energy sources, and show a case study with samples generated using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We then introduce a software toolbox named ChoiRbot, based on the novel Robot Operating System 2, and show how it facilitates simulations and experiments in distributed multi-robot scenarios. Finally, we consider a Pickup-and-Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem for which we design a distributed method inspired to the approach of general MILPs, and show the efficacy through simulations and experiments in ChoiRbot with ground and aerial robots.


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I moderni processori multi-core ad elevate prestazioni sono alimentati da regolatori di tensione integrati direttamente sul chip. Questi regolatori forniscono a ciascun power domain la tensione ottimale sulla base della sua attività, monitorata da una Power Control Unit. Questo consente da un lato di ottenere una riduzione dei consumi, dall'altro di avere un boost delle prestazioni in particolari contesti. Tali regolatori integrati sul die sono affetti da guasti e fenomeni di aging, che possono compromettere il corretto funzionamento del circuito. Questi problemi non sono tollerabili in contesti caratterizzati da esigenze di elevata reliability, come l'autonomous driving. Dunque, è stato sviluppato un monitor per rivelare on-line eventuali guasti che possono verificarsi durante il normale funzionamento sul campo. In caso di guasto il monitor è in grado di dare un'indicazione d'errore, che può essere utilizzata per attivare delle procedure di recovery. La soluzione proposta, basata su un approccio completamente differente rispetto a quello suggerito dallo standard ISO 26262, beneficia, rispetto a quest'ultima, di costi nettamente inferiori e prestazioni superiori. Il monitor può essere calibrato automaticamente per compensare le variazioni dei parametri di processo ed i fenomeni di aging che possono affliggere il monitor stesso. È stata verificata la self-checking ability del monitor rispetto a guasti di tipo transistor stuck-on, transistor stuck-open e bridging resistivo, risultando Totally Self-Checking rispetto all'insieme di guasti considerato.


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The research project aims to study and develop control techniques for a generalized three-phase and multi-phase electric drive able to efficiently manage most of the drive types available for traction application. The generalized approach is expanded to both linear and non- linear machines in magnetic saturation region starting from experimental flux characterization and applying the general inductance definition. The algorithm is able to manage fragmented drives powered from different batteries or energy sources and will be able to ensure operability even in case of faults in parts of the system. The algorithm was tested using model-in-the-loop in software environment and then applied on experimental test benches with collaboration of an external company.


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High Energy efficiency and high performance are the key regiments for Internet of Things (IoT) end-nodes. Exploiting cluster of multiple programmable processors has recently emerged as a suitable solution to address this challenge. However, one of the main bottlenecks for multi-core architectures is the instruction cache. While private caches fall into data replication and wasting area, fully shared caches lack scalability and form a bottleneck for the operating frequency. Hence we propose a hybrid solution where a larger shared cache (L1.5) is shared by multiple cores connected through a low-latency interconnect to small private caches (L1). However, it is still limited by large capacity miss with a small L1. Thus, we propose a sequential prefetch from L1 to L1.5 to improve the performance with little area overhead. Moreover, to cut the critical path for better timing, we optimized the core instruction fetch stage with non-blocking transfer by adopting a 4 x 32-bit ring buffer FIFO and adding a pipeline for the conditional branch. We present a detailed comparison of different instruction cache architectures' performance and energy efficiency recently proposed for Parallel Ultra-Low-Power clusters. On average, when executing a set of real-life IoT applications, our two-level cache improves the performance by up to 20% and loses 7% energy efficiency with respect to the private cache. Compared to a shared cache system, it improves performance by up to 17% and keeps the same energy efficiency. In the end, up to 20% timing (maximum frequency) improvement and software control enable the two-level instruction cache with prefetch adapt to various battery-powered usage cases to balance high performance and energy efficiency.


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The use of extracorporeal organ support (ECOS) devices is increasingly widespread, to temporarily sustain or replace the functions of impaired organs in critically ill patients. Among ECOS, respiratory functions are supplied by extracorporeal life support (ECLS) therapies like extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R), and renal replacement therapies (RRT) are used to support kidney functions. However, the leading cause of mortality in critically ill patients is multi-organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), which requires a complex therapeutic strategy where extracorporeal treatments are often integrated to pharmacological approach. Recently, the concept of multi-organ support therapy (MOST) has been introduced, and several forms of isolated ECOS devices are sequentially connected to provide simultaneous support to different organ systems. The future of critical illness goes towards the development of extracorporeal devices offering multiple organ support therapies on demand by a single hardware platform, where treatment lines can be used alternately or in conjunction. The aim of this industrial PhD project is to design and validate a device for multi-organ support, developing an auxiliary line for renal replacement therapy (hemofiltration) to be integrated on a platform for ECCO2R. The intended purpose of the ancillary line, which can be connected on demand, is to remove excess fluids by ultrafiltration and achieve volume control by the infusion of a replacement solution, as patients undergoing respiratory support are particularly prone to develop fluid overload. Furthermore, an ultrafiltration regulation system shall be developed using a powered and software-modulated pinch-valve on the effluent line of the hemofilter, proposed as an alternative to the state-of-the-art solution with peristaltic pump.


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La costante ricerca e lo sviluppo nel campo degli azionamenti e dei motori elettrici hanno portato ad una loro sempre maggiore applicazione ed utilizzo. Tuttavia, la crescente esigenza di sistemi ad alta potenza sempre più performanti da una parte ha evidenziato i limiti di certe soluzioni, dall’altra l’affermarsi di altre. In questi sistemi, infatti, la macchina elettrica trifase non rappresenta più l’unica soluzione possibile: negli ultimi anni si è assistito ad una sempre maggiore diffusione di macchine elettriche multifase. Grazie alle maggiori potenzialità che sono in grado di offrire, per quanto alcune di queste siano ancora sconosciute, risultano già essere una valida alternativa rispetto alla tradizionale controparte trifase. Sicuramente però, fra le varie architetture multifase, quelle multi-trifase (ovvero quelle con un numero di fasi multiplo di tre) rappresentano una soluzione particolarmente vantaggiosa in ambito industriale. Infatti, se impiegate all’interno di architetture multifase, la profonda conoscenza dei tradizionali sistemi trifase consente di ridurre i costi ed i tempi legati alla loro progettazione. In questo elaborato la macchina elettrica multi-trifase analizzata è una macchina sincrona esafase con rotore a magneti permanenti superficiali. Questa particolare tipologia di macchina elettrica può essere modellizzata attraverso due approcci completamente differenti: uno esafase ed uno doppio trifase. Queste possibilità hanno portato molti ricercatori alla ricerca della migliore strategia di controllo per questa macchina. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è di effettuare un’analisi comparativa tra tre diverse strategie di controllo applicate alla stessa macchina elettrica multi-trifase, analizzandone la risposta dinamica in diverse condizioni di funzionamento.


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In this thesis, we state the collision avoidance problem as a vertex covering problem, then we consider a distributed framework in which a team of cooperating Unmanned Vehicles (UVs) aim to solve this optimization problem cooperatively to guarantee collision avoidance between group members. For this purpose, we implement a distributed control scheme based on a robust Set-Theoretic Model Predictive Control ( ST-MPC) strategy, where the problem involves vehicles with independent dynamics but with coupled constraints, to capture required cooperative behavior.


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This master's thesis investigates different aspects of Dual-Active-Bridge (DAB) Converter and extends aspects further to Multi-Active-Bridges (MAB). The thesis starts with an overview of the applications of the DAB and MAB and their importance. The analytical part of the thesis includes the derivation of the peak and RMS currents, which is required for finding the losses present in the system. The power converters, considered in this thesis are DAB, Triple-Active Bridge (TAB) and Quad-Active Bridge (QAB). All the theoretical calculations are compared with the simulation results from PLECS software for identifying the correctness of the reviewed and developed theory. The Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation is conducted for checking the control operation in real-time with the help of the RT box from the Plexim. Additionally, as in real systems digital signal processor (DSP), system-on-chip or field programmable gate array is employed for the control of the power electronic systems, and the execution of the control in the real-time simulation (RTS) conducted is performed by DSP.


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To evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of Clearfil SE Protect (CP) and Clearfil SE Bond (CB) after curing and rinsed against five individual oral microorganisms as well as a mixture of bacterial culture prepared from the selected test organisms. Bacterial suspensions were prepared from single species of Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Streptococcus gordonii, Actinomyces viscosus and Lactobacillus lactis, as well as mixed bacterial suspensions from these organisms. Dentin bonding system discs (6 mm×2 mm) were prepared, cured, washed and placed on the bacterial suspension of single species or multispecies bacteria for 15, 30 and 60 min. MTT, Live/Dead bacterial viability (antibacterial effect), and XTT (metabolic activity) assays were used to test the two dentin system's antibacterial effect. All assays were done in triplicates and each experiment repeated at least three times. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Scheffe's f-test (5%). Greater than 40% bacteria killing was seen within 15 min, and the killing progressed with increasing time of incubation with CP discs. However, a longer (60 min) period of incubation was required by CP to achieve similar antimicrobial effect against mixed bacterial suspension. CB had no significant effect on the viability or metabolic activity of the test microorganisms when compared to the control bacterial culture. CP was significantly effective in reducing the viability and metabolic activity of the test organisms. The results demonstrated the antimicrobial efficacy of CP both on single and multispecies bacterial culture. CP may be beneficial in reducing bacterial infections in cavity preparations in clinical dentistry.