979 resultados para mortalidade larval
The genome sequence of Aedes aegypti was recently reported. A significant amount of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) were sequenced to aid in the gene prediction process. In the present work we describe an integrated analysis of the genomic and EST data, focusing on genes with preferential expression in larvae (LG), adults (AG) and in both stages (SG). A total of 913 genes (5.4% of the transcript complement) are LG, including ion transporters and cuticle proteins that are important for ion homeostasis and defense. From a starting set of 245 genes encoding the trypsin domain, we identified 66 putative LG, AG, and SG trypsins by manual curation. Phylogenetic analyses showed that AG trypsins are divergent from their larval counterparts (LG), grouping with blood-induced trypsins from Anopheles gambiae and Simulium vittatum. These results support the hypothesis that blood-feeding arose only once, in the ancestral Culicomorpha. Peritrophins are proteins that interlock chitin fibrils to form the peritrophic membrane (PM) that compartmentalizes the food in the midgut. These proteins are recognized by having chitin-binding domains with 6 conserved Cys and may also present mucin-like domains (regions expected to be highly O-glycosylated). PM may be formed by a ring of cells (type 2, seen in Ae. aegypti larvae and Drosophila melanogaster) or by most midgut cells (type 1, found in Ae. aegypti adult and Tribolium castaneum). LG and D. melanogaster peritrophins have more complex domain structures than AG and T. castaneum peritrophins. Furthermore, mucin-like domains of peritrophins from T. castaneum (feeding on rough food) are lengthier than those of adult Ae. aegypti (blood-feeding). This suggests, for the first time, that type 1 and type 2 PM may have variable molecular architectures determined by different peritrophins and/or ancillary proteins, which may be partly modulated by diet.
Fipronil is a phenylpyrazolic insecticide that is widely used in agriculture and has been recently used to control the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Because of the serious problems associated with resistance to the available acaricides, this product has been used as an important alternative to control acaricide-resistant ticks. The objective of this work was to analyse the fipronil sensitivity of ticks that were collected from farms with a history of fipronil use by larval bioassays. A total of 11 Brazilian tick populations were studied: one population from Rio Grande do Sul, one population from Mato Grosso do Sul and nine populations from Sao Paulo. To validate the assays, susceptible reference strains, POA (Porto Alegre, Brazil) and Mozo (Dilave, Uruguay), and ticks from six different farms that never used fipronil were tested. The resistance of various tick populations to technical grade fipronil (95.3%) was primarily evaluated using the larvae immersion test (LIT) and the larval packet test (LPT), when a sufficient number of larvae was collected. Using the LIT, the resistance ratios (RR(50)) of the tick populations from Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso do Sul were 14.9 and 2.6, respectively, and the populations derived from Sao Paulo had RR(50)s ranging from 2.5 to 6.9. Four populations were evaluated with the LPT, and two populations displayed lower RR(50), while other populations displayed higher RR(50) than those determined by the LIT. This article reports the first cases of fipronil resistance in Brazil and highlights the LIT as a more sensitive technique for the evaluation of fipronil resistance in R. (B) microplus ticks. We suggest the use of the LIT as an evaluation tool for monitoring fipronil resistance in the control programmes of R. (B) microplus. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is an important cattle pest in Uruguay, and the law regulates its control. It is resistant to organophosphates, synthetic pyrethroids and, as recently discovered, to fipronil. Resistance to macrocyclic lactones (MLs) and amitraz have not been documented; however, veterinarians and farmers have reported treatment failures. The objective of the present work was to study the susceptibility of cattle tick strains from different Uruguayan counties to ivermectin (IVM) and fipronil by using the Larval Immersion Test (LIT). The Mozo strain was used as the susceptible reference strain. From 2007 to 2009, twenty-eight tick populations were collected from different cattle farms with and without history of IVM or fipronil use. A probit analysis estimated dose-mortality regressions, lethal concentrations (LC), and confidence intervals. The resistance ratio (RR) was determined at the LC(50) and LC(90) estimates. To classify a tick population in relation to resistance, three categories based on a statistical analysis of LC and RR between field populations and Mozo strains were defined: susceptible (no differences), incipient resistance (differences and RR(50) < 2) and resistant (differences and RR(50) >= 2). Eighteen field populations were tested with IVM and five of them presented a RR(50) range between 1.35 and 1.98 and the LC(50/90), which is statistically different from the Mozo strain (incipient resistance). However, the RR(90) increases >= 2 in four of the populations, confirming that tick resistance to IVM is emergent. The low RR values obtained could be a result of a low frequency of treatments with IVM. Twenty-seven tick populations were tested with fipronil and six were diagnosed as resistant according to the LIT. Cross-resistance was not observed between fipronil and IVM on these tick populations. The current study presents different R. (B.) microplus populations with an incipient resistance to IVM, and indicates that the fipronil tick resistance is restricted to certain areas in Uruguay. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Este trabalho trata da identificação e da análise dos fatores que, na percepção dos proprietários, contribuíram para a mortalidade das empresas em Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, no período de 1995 a 1997. Sob a ótica do conceito de ciclo de vida organizacional, das características da morte e declínio organizacionais e dos fatores ambientais, foi realizada uma pesquisa com cento e trinta e uma empresas extintas naquele período. Os fatores ambientais foram subdivididos em internos e externos, com vistas a identificar, por meio dos indicadores, o perfil das empresas e dos empresários e as características externas da empresa, como mercado, clientes, carga tributária e outras. A partir de uma amostra inicial de mil e duzentas empresas abertas naquele período, sendo quatrocentas por ano, obteve-se, após uma busca para identificar, dentre elas, as x que encerraram suas atividades, um total de cento e trinta e uma empresas, que efetivamente participaram da pesquisa, preenchendo um questionário, aplicado por estagiários de um centro de pesquisas de uma universidade local. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como seccional com perspectiva longitudinal, sendo a análise de dados predominantemente quantitativa. Os resultados evidenciaram que problemas financeiros, seguidos de falta de clientes e questões de ordem societária, foram as principais causas de morte das empresas pesquisadas e, ainda, que a elevada carga tributária, seguida de falta de capital de giro, e a recessão econômica foram as principais dificuldades encontradas na condução das suas atividades. Finalmente, com base nos resultados da pesquisa, foi indicado um conjunto de recomendações que visam a reduzir o nível de mortalidade das pequenas empresas no Brasil.
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Spodoptera frugiperda é um inseto-praga responsável por altos níveis de desfolhamento em gramíneas cultivadas, sendo que, dentre os métodos de controle, o biológico pode vir a tornar-se uma alternativa. Foi feita uma revisão de literatura sobre parasitóides de S. frugiperda. A ocorrência de parasitóides desse inseto, em áreas de cultivo de milho da EEA/IRGA, foi avaliada em Cachoeirinha, RS. Verificou-se a presença de Chelonus sp., Cotesia sp. e Exaticolus sp. (Hym., Braconidae), Campoletis flavicincta e Ophion sp. (Hym., Ichneumonidae) e de Archytas incertus e Lespesia archippivora (Dip., Tachinidae), com predomínio de C. flavicincta. Em função da dificuldade de obtenção de fêmeas deste inseto em laboratório, foram avaliadas diferentes condições de criação. Desta forma, registrou-se uma razão sexual de 0,41 quando foram expostas lagartas de segundo ínstar de S. frugiperda, as fêmeas do parasitóide apresentavam idade entre 3 e 6 dias e os casais foram formados no momento da exposição. Por fim, aspectos referentes à interação entre C. flavicincta/S. frugiperda/B. thuringiensis aizawai, em laboratório, foram avaliados A partir de análise do consumo alimentar de folhas de milho, observou-se que lagartas parasitadas e infectadas apresentaram um menor consumo, apesar do mesmo não ter diferido daquele de lagartas apenas parasitadas. A mortalidade das lagartas parasitadas e infectadas foi superior tanto das infectadas quanto das parasitadas. Lagartas infectadas mostraram um período de alimentação que não diferiu das sadias, apesar de terem apresentado maior duração da fase larval. Indivíduos descendentes de casais que emergiram de lagartas infectadas não tiveram alteradas suas características biológicas. A análise histológica de lagartas parasitadas e infectadas indicou não ter havido alteração no ovo e larva do parasitóide, resultante da ação do bacilo. Pode-se, portanto, inferir que o uso conjunto do parasitóide e da bactéria não resulta em prejuízo para o parasitóide.
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